Finding Your Lost Cat: The Practical Cat-Specific Guide for your Happy Reunion

Deborah Wolfe on Pet Life Radio

Dusty Rainbolt joins Deborah to discuss what a lost cat is thinking and how you can get your lost cat to come home!  He’s probably less than a block away hiding and he wants to come, research shows. Dusty explains why microchipping your cat is so vital and she recommends advantage or revolution to keep your cats free from parasites Deborah asks Dusty questions sent by listeners about an itchy scratchy bald cat and whether it is O.C.D.  or something else and another from a listener asking if his cat learned to pee in the toilet by watching. The two cat ladies discuss arthritis and issues effecting older cats plus the incredible birth rate of cats. What is the difference between pet adoption and pet rescue and why you may not want to rescue an animal from another country; donate supplies instead and adopt a pet near home so you don’t import exotic health problems.  


Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning cat behavior author. She released her latest book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, to help people resolve their cat's litter box avoidance. She's also author of Kittens for DummiesCat Wrangling Made Easy: Maintaining Peace & Sanity in Your Multicat Home and Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits. She also penned the paranormal mystery, Death Under the Crescent Moon. Her scifi fans know Dusty for her comedy novel All the Marbles and as coauthor of the outrageous Four Redheads of the Apocalypse fantasy series.

Dusty is past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Since joining CWA in 1995, her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including being named Friskies Writer of the Year three times. Her articles and columns regularly appear on and in other print and online publications.

Magazine and Puppy and Dog Basics, among others.