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Kim & Troy Meeder

Kim and Troy Meeder


Kim and Troy Meeder

Since its inception in 1995, Troy and Kim have been the backbone of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. Together they have over 40 years combined experience reaching both children and horses that have known abuse and neglect. Troy and Kim continually pour out their lives to the many that are a part of Crystal Peaks.

The foundation program of CPYR is unique in that it pairs one child, one horse and one leader for each session. No child is ever left behind or lost in a crowd. Our "one on one" learning environment is dedicated to restoring the heart, soul, mind, and strength of our kids. Each child is unique and separate, coming to the ranch for his or her own special needs. Those individual needs are identified by the staff and a tailored course of action toward healing is created. This is faithfully accomplished for every of charge.

Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch





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