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The Pet Doctor, Your Pet Health Matters on PetLifeRadio.comBernadine D. Cruz, DVM, host of The Pet Doctor

Bernadine D. Cruz, DVM
Veterinary Media Consultant

Chilling Facts About Pet Health in Winter

Dr. Jerry Vanek on Pet Life Radio
...Dr. Jerry Vanek...................................


Winter, what a fabulous time of year.  Perfect for grabbing a cup of hot chocolate, donning your ‘Snuggie’, delving into a good book with your pet curled up at your feet.  And then when you most need it, along comes Spring and you are drawn outside into the warmth of the sun.  But huh, your pet’s collar doesn’t fit anymore.  I must have shrunk.  And last year’s outdoor wear is a bit too tight on you.  It must be a conspiracy.  No, you know what happened.  You and your pet are certifiably pudgy.  No exercise and snacks in front of the TV have taken their toll. 

Winter holds many threats to our pet’s health, not just the packing on of pounds.  My guest today is veterinarian, Dr. Jerry Vanek.  He is an expert in keeping some of winter’s premier athletes, competitive sled dogs, in top form.  We will chat about these canine champions and weekend warriors.  Dr. Vanek will also talk about winter safety issues around the house.


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