Blending the Cat/Dog Family, with Special Guest Arden Moore

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

How we LOVE our good friend, Arden Moore! If you haven’t caught her Podcast, Oh Behave! on Pet Life Radio, you’re really missing out!  In addition to podcasts, and the a-meow-zing pet first aid and safety catches she teaches, Arden is really an expert on all things cat AND dog!

So when Linda's husband decided he wanted to add a dog to their 11-cat household, Rita suggested we reach out to Arden right away! Arden lives with both cats and dogs and has the magic down to creating a multi species household. She has a multiple dog AND multiple cat household, and everyone gets along PURRfectly!  If you’re considering adding a dog to your cat household, or vice versa, this is the episode for you!

Listen to Episode #125 Now:


Well, let’s go back to my childhood. I grew up in a Brady Bunch-like family in a town called Crown Point, located in Northwest Indiana. Until winning a couple high school state titles in girls’ basketball in the 1980s, this sleepy Hoosier town had earned notoriety as the place where bank robber John Dillinger escaped from the county jail in the 1930s by fooling the local sheriff with a “gun” carved from a bar of soap and blackened with shoe polish. I was fortunate to grow up on the outskirts of town with a backyard that rolled into the shoreline of a fresh water lake. Summers found me training my cat, Corky, to swim and learning how to turn double plays on the softball diamond. Winters were spent building snow-fortified forts and going full throttle on the family snow mobile across the frozen lake surface.

By my first year in high school, I quickly learned that my future would not be in the world of music. After all, there is not a big demand for people who play the glockenspiel, so I cajoled the editor of the local weekly newspaper into hiring me to be a sports writer. I discovered I liked putting nouns and verbs together far more than trying to strike the right note on a too-heavy metal instrument with a mallet. As a corn-fed Hoosier, I valued my Midwest roots, but knew I needed to experience other places. My insatiable curiosity led me to spending the next 20 years chasing stories as a reporter and editor for daily newspapers in Indiana and Florida. From there, I entered the publishing world at the family-owned Rodale Press located in another sleepy town — this one called Emmaus, Pennsylvania. At Rodale, my “day job” was health writer for the book division, but I moonlighted as a writer for their new magazine called Pets: Part of the Family. There, I realized that I could tap my love of writing and interviewing to help people become healthier and to tout the power of pets. Pets and people — that’s what I am all about. In fact, I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t at least one tail-wagger in my life. Today, I happily share my home in Dallas, Texas with my Furry Brady Bunch. Never did I imagine growing up as a glockenspiel-playing teen-ager in Crown Point would I some day see my name on dozens of books and hundreds of magazine articles. I feel fortunate to have hit the right note - finally!


00:00:01.820 --> 00:00:03.400
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.820 --> 00:00:04.940
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:00:22.780 --> 00:00:24.920
Linda Hall: Hello, my cat-loving friends.

00:00:24.940 --> 00:00:27.140
Linda Hall: So I have found myself in a pickle.

00:00:27.440 --> 00:00:30.160
Linda Hall: We have 11 cats and my husband wants a dog.

00:00:30.180 --> 00:00:34.780
Linda Hall: Now, the last time we got a dog, we only had a few cats.

00:00:34.800 --> 00:00:37.460
Linda Hall: It wasn't so bad, but oh my goodness, with 11 cats.

00:00:37.480 --> 00:00:39.060
Linda Hall: I'm having a panic attack.

00:00:39.400 --> 00:00:40.880
Linda Hall: So Rita's called in the big guns.

00:00:41.340 --> 00:00:43.720
Linda Hall: If you don't know Arden Moore, well, I'm sorry.

00:00:43.740 --> 00:00:47.260
Linda Hall: And you should get to know her because she is all things cats and dogs.

00:00:47.280 --> 00:00:51.040
Linda Hall: She lives in harmony with all the species show in love.

00:00:51.560 --> 00:00:55.180
Linda Hall: And we're gonna really hit up her knowledge and help me out.

00:00:55.240 --> 00:00:57.620
Linda Hall: And you get to ride along with me.

00:00:58.120 --> 00:01:00.580
Linda Hall: All right, we'll be back after this word from our sponsor.

00:01:03.280 --> 00:01:05.220
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.

00:01:05.800 --> 00:01:10.240
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio podcasts and radio shows.

00:01:10.560 --> 00:01:17.480
Announcer: There is no other pet related media that is as large and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.

00:01:17.760 --> 00:01:33.960
Announcer: With over 7 million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms and our live radio stream goes out to over 250 million subscribers on iHeartRadio, Audacy, TuneIn and other streaming apps.

00:01:34.100 --> 00:01:43.180
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit today.

00:01:45.320 --> 00:01:48.420
Announcer: Let's talk pets on

00:01:57.945 --> 00:01:59.845
Linda Hall: Welcome back to 19 Cats and Counting.

00:01:59.905 --> 00:02:05.645
Linda Hall: I am your cohost, Linda Hall, here with my gorgeous BFF, who is on now up to 19 Cats.

00:02:07.965 --> 00:02:11.505
Rita Reimers: Those of you who are watching the video just saw me kissing a kitty here.

00:02:11.525 --> 00:02:12.405
Rita Reimers: And this is Teddy.

00:02:12.765 --> 00:02:14.705
Rita Reimers: I'm back to 19 Cats and Counting.

00:02:15.105 --> 00:02:16.545
Rita Reimers: Please don't send me anymore.

00:02:16.565 --> 00:02:17.965
Rita Reimers: I love them all, but no.

00:02:19.645 --> 00:02:22.145
Rita Reimers: On that happy note, you're about to add a dog.

00:02:22.165 --> 00:02:28.505
Rita Reimers: Let's go right to Arden, and she's the expert on Chinese dog cat, and you have a peaceful household.

00:02:28.525 --> 00:02:30.625
Rita Reimers: How many cats and how many dogs do you have Arden?

00:02:30.885 --> 00:02:35.745
Arden Moore: Well, first of all, paws up to everyone and especially you, Rita and Linda.

00:02:35.865 --> 00:02:41.485
Arden Moore: And I'm living proof that you can have harmony in a mixed specie household.

00:02:42.025 --> 00:02:47.405
Arden Moore: Our furry Brady bunch, because I got married and we combined and, you know, things transition.

00:02:47.845 --> 00:02:52.265
Arden Moore: We now are four cats from age 20 to age five.

00:02:53.125 --> 00:02:56.505
Arden Moore: And two dogs who are age nine and five.

00:02:57.065 --> 00:02:58.845
Arden Moore: And they know that cats are gods.

00:02:58.965 --> 00:02:59.925
Arden Moore: That's the secret.

00:02:59.945 --> 00:03:00.865
Arden Moore: I just let it out.

00:03:01.185 --> 00:03:07.245
Arden Moore: And I'm in my backyard office, Arden, with head safety cat Casey at the mic.

00:03:07.265 --> 00:03:08.305
Rita Reimers: Look at that cutie pie.

00:03:08.325 --> 00:03:11.025
Arden Moore: Right here and hiding behind me is little bit in my mouth.

00:03:11.285 --> 00:03:14.285
Arden Moore: So do you guys hear any spitting?

00:03:15.685 --> 00:03:18.045
Rita Reimers: Well, everyone looks really cold.

00:03:18.045 --> 00:03:18.685
Linda Hall: We got it.

00:03:18.945 --> 00:03:19.605
Linda Hall: We got it.

00:03:19.865 --> 00:03:20.565
Arden Moore: It can happen.

00:03:21.005 --> 00:03:25.945
Linda Hall: Well, I think we had three or four cats, which at the time I thought was a lot when we brought Sadie in.

00:03:25.965 --> 00:03:28.565
Linda Hall: Sadie was a Chihuahua, very easy to control her.

00:03:28.585 --> 00:03:30.565
Linda Hall: She was more scared of them than they were of her.

00:03:30.805 --> 00:03:32.145
Linda Hall: They all found their peace.

00:03:32.205 --> 00:03:33.525
Linda Hall: It wasn't that exciting.

00:03:34.385 --> 00:03:40.565
Linda Hall: Now we have 11 cats, though, Arden, 11, with every personality you can find.

00:03:41.005 --> 00:03:42.545
Arden Moore: That's a key point.

00:03:42.905 --> 00:03:44.325
Arden Moore: They're like sentient beings.

00:03:44.345 --> 00:03:45.785
Arden Moore: We all have different personalities.

00:03:46.985 --> 00:03:50.645
Linda Hall: So it's like I can look at this one and that one and go, you'll be fine.

00:03:50.925 --> 00:03:53.825
Linda Hall: And then I look at another one and go, this is not going to go well.

00:03:54.385 --> 00:04:00.645
Linda Hall: So starting with, I think it's been picking out the dog.

00:04:01.705 --> 00:04:06.585
Linda Hall: So like he sent me a shepherd, an Australian shepherd, I think it was.

00:04:06.605 --> 00:04:09.165
Linda Hall: And I was like, no, herding dog, herding dog.

00:04:09.185 --> 00:04:10.285
Linda Hall: I'm not bringing herding.

00:04:10.325 --> 00:04:11.565
Rita Reimers: You've experienced that.

00:04:11.585 --> 00:04:16.285
Rita Reimers: You had a friend with a herding dog and all that dog tried to do all day long was herd the cats, right?

00:04:16.745 --> 00:04:17.025
Arden Moore: Right.

00:04:17.045 --> 00:04:19.105
Linda Hall: And the people down and so did the cats.

00:04:19.285 --> 00:04:20.925
Arden Moore: I had a corgi like that.

00:04:20.945 --> 00:04:21.225
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:04:21.445 --> 00:04:24.245
Linda Hall: So, you know, I don't want something super high energy.

00:04:24.265 --> 00:04:26.925
Linda Hall: I don't want, I mean, there's so much to consider.

00:04:27.265 --> 00:04:29.525
Linda Hall: What should I be looking at looking for?

00:04:29.745 --> 00:04:35.505
Arden Moore: Well, the good news is you're not making a rash decision without doing your homework.

00:04:35.925 --> 00:04:46.005
Arden Moore: And as the great Marty Brecker veterinarian taught me a long time ago, Arden, when you bring in a cat or a dog or a puppy or kitten into your house, think this.

00:04:46.345 --> 00:04:51.425
Arden Moore: This sentient being is probably gonna last longer than your car, probably where you live.

00:04:51.485 --> 00:04:55.705
Arden Moore: You might move, you might change jobs and close your ears, Linda.

00:04:55.705 --> 00:04:58.945
Arden Moore: You may even transition to a new partner, two-legged.

00:04:59.025 --> 00:05:05.105
Arden Moore: The one constant is that cat or dog living anywhere from 12 to 20 plus years.

00:05:05.325 --> 00:05:06.825
Arden Moore: So take your time.

00:05:07.045 --> 00:05:12.765
Arden Moore: There's no rule saying to all of you out there, I need to get a dog right now.

00:05:13.185 --> 00:05:17.985
Arden Moore: No, you need to find the right cat, adoring, respecting dog.

00:05:18.225 --> 00:05:20.185
Arden Moore: And that's your mission.

00:05:20.205 --> 00:05:25.885
Rita Reimers: I always tell people that one of the biggest secrets of the introduction phase is to have good control of a dog.

00:05:25.905 --> 00:05:27.045
Rita Reimers: Would you say that's true?

00:05:27.305 --> 00:05:28.165
Arden Moore: Absolutely.

00:05:28.285 --> 00:05:40.245
Arden Moore: No matter whether you're getting a puppy, a primetime dog or a senior dog, you need to control the introductions and control their movement, especially when they first start.

00:05:40.285 --> 00:05:52.425
Arden Moore: So there's nothing wrong with having a long lead to a harness that you can just conveniently step on or tether to the living room furniture so that you can control the movement of the dog.

00:05:52.925 --> 00:06:06.585
Arden Moore: But when it comes to dogs and breeds, the nice thing is that there are some genetic tendencies in certain breeds, but there's always, always a lazy terrier and always a quiet chihuahua.

00:06:06.945 --> 00:06:09.145
Arden Moore: There's always exceptions to the rule.

00:06:09.785 --> 00:06:17.865
Arden Moore: So if you're going to a shelter, a rescue group, have them do the cat temperament test with that dog.

00:06:18.145 --> 00:06:19.705
Arden Moore: That's how I got Kona.

00:06:20.105 --> 00:06:22.565
Arden Moore: Pet safety dog Kona is now nine.

00:06:22.565 --> 00:06:23.905
Arden Moore: She's a terrier mix.

00:06:24.285 --> 00:06:29.325
Arden Moore: I got her from the Rancho Costa Humane Society on April 18th, 2016.

00:06:29.345 --> 00:06:30.665
Arden Moore: Not that I remember the date.

00:06:30.685 --> 00:06:31.345
Arden Moore: Not at all.

00:06:31.605 --> 00:06:36.265
Arden Moore: And the reason I picked her was she passed all my temperament tests.

00:06:36.305 --> 00:06:42.425
Arden Moore: And the final test was there's a very dog savvy cat at the rescue group.

00:06:42.725 --> 00:06:46.605
Arden Moore: And Kona went and did the lip licking, sit down, look away.

00:06:46.845 --> 00:06:49.285
Arden Moore: You are God, lay down.

00:06:49.625 --> 00:06:52.685
Arden Moore: And this dog said, I think cats are gods.

00:06:53.125 --> 00:06:56.605
Arden Moore: And that's what sealed the deal for me.

00:06:56.985 --> 00:07:04.205
Arden Moore: Another option, and maybe I don't want to tug at your heartstrings, Linda, and to others, why don't you consider fostering?

00:07:04.445 --> 00:07:08.105
Arden Moore: Because people say you're a foster failure.

00:07:08.165 --> 00:07:14.565
Arden Moore: No, if you find that that's a right match, that cat, that dog, that's a foster success.

00:07:15.465 --> 00:07:15.825
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:07:15.945 --> 00:07:17.305
Arden Moore: And take your time.

00:07:17.625 --> 00:07:22.005
Arden Moore: There are some big dogs out there that are very calm.

00:07:22.425 --> 00:07:28.505
Arden Moore: Our last big dog, 93 pounds, Buja was a Bernese Mountain Dog mix with a dash of Cata Hula.

00:07:28.945 --> 00:07:31.045
Arden Moore: And she was like, cats are so funny.

00:07:31.065 --> 00:07:37.525
Arden Moore: I walked around the kitchen island with my plume tail and they sit on each corner of the kitchen island.

00:07:37.825 --> 00:07:42.585
Arden Moore: And as I walked by them, they go, and then they go to the other one.

00:07:43.025 --> 00:07:46.645
Arden Moore: So the size of the dog does not matter.

00:07:46.745 --> 00:07:50.945
Arden Moore: It's the temperament and the prey drive that do matter.

00:07:50.965 --> 00:07:52.505
Rita Reimers: That's the big one, the prey drive.

00:07:52.565 --> 00:07:56.625
Rita Reimers: You talked about a test you did at the shelter rescue.

00:07:56.725 --> 00:07:59.985
Rita Reimers: Talk more about that so people know what you did.

00:08:00.105 --> 00:08:09.305
Arden Moore: Good quality shelters, good quality rescue groups, they know the importance of having a good introduction.

00:08:09.565 --> 00:08:16.825
Arden Moore: And as much as they want that dog or that cat to get adopted by you, they don't want that dog or cat returned to you.

00:08:17.065 --> 00:08:20.125
Arden Moore: So the good ones know that this is a big test.

00:08:20.605 --> 00:08:31.505
Arden Moore: So typically what will happen is you're in a controlled environment, you're in an area in the shelter enclosed, and the dog has gotten a chance to get to know you.

00:08:32.165 --> 00:08:35.925
Arden Moore: And they have a cat that's confident like a Casey.

00:08:35.945 --> 00:08:40.665
Arden Moore: Casey, my safety cat is an orange tabby that he's never met a stranger or a strange person.

00:08:40.685 --> 00:08:42.745
Arden Moore: He's very dog confident.

00:08:43.525 --> 00:08:49.265
Arden Moore: And they have the dog tethered and the cat gets to walk into that room on their own.

00:08:49.285 --> 00:08:57.405
Arden Moore: There's hiding spaces, there's a sturdy cat tree, there's shelter personnel there, and there's definitely treats.

00:08:57.925 --> 00:09:03.705
Arden Moore: And you need to watch your breathing and you need to watch how you are.

00:09:03.985 --> 00:09:06.325
Arden Moore: This is not the time to baby talk.

00:09:06.725 --> 00:09:11.605
Arden Moore: And I'm like a cat or a dog going, next human, please, please.

00:09:12.025 --> 00:09:13.685
Arden Moore: My wax is out of my ears.

00:09:14.105 --> 00:09:15.985
Arden Moore: It's, hey, here's our dog.

00:09:16.125 --> 00:09:17.685
Arden Moore: You know, let's say, let's give it a dog.

00:09:17.705 --> 00:09:19.325
Arden Moore: I'll name the dog after my sister.

00:09:20.105 --> 00:09:20.865
Linda Hall: There you go.

00:09:20.925 --> 00:09:22.945
Arden Moore: Dab, here's Dab the dog.

00:09:23.025 --> 00:09:25.765
Arden Moore: And I'll name the other one after my other sister, Karen.

00:09:26.065 --> 00:09:27.485
Arden Moore: Hey, Karen, Dab.

00:09:27.745 --> 00:09:34.965
Arden Moore: Have treats, but if you do have treats, they've gotta be one bite and swallow, and you definitely need to give that treat to the cat first.

00:09:35.425 --> 00:09:38.765
Arden Moore: Because cats don't care about rank, dogs do.

00:09:39.265 --> 00:09:46.545
Arden Moore: In my household, all the dogs feel like privates or maybe corporals, but all the cats feel like generals or maybe captains.

00:09:47.125 --> 00:09:53.045
Arden Moore: And because you have that, then there isn't this competition for leadership.

00:09:54.005 --> 00:09:57.445
Arden Moore: So in the shelter, it may take a couple of visits.

00:09:57.465 --> 00:09:59.905
Arden Moore: You don't have to make a decision that day.

00:10:00.385 --> 00:10:11.005
Arden Moore: You just may say, you know, he seems or she seems to be pretty okay, not really staring down at the cat or licking their lips or putting on a napkin around their neck with a fork and knife.

00:10:11.025 --> 00:10:12.565
Arden Moore: You know, they're not doing any of that.

00:10:12.685 --> 00:10:25.445
Arden Moore: If they're paying more attention to you, if they're more interested in the treat, or if they let the cat sniff them without reactivity, all these are really nice signs you don't have to say, this is the dog.

00:10:25.765 --> 00:10:35.445
Arden Moore: And no matter what, I have to have this dog now because you can really stress out the whole household, the cats, you, your husband and the other dogs.

00:10:35.465 --> 00:10:40.125
Arden Moore: So it's a foster movement or it's a borrowed or it's we're gonna take it for a test run.

00:10:40.145 --> 00:10:41.005
Arden Moore: I don't know.

00:10:41.025 --> 00:10:42.245
Arden Moore: How do you feel about that, Linda?

00:10:42.345 --> 00:10:43.325
Linda Hall: They do that.

00:10:43.345 --> 00:10:45.345
Linda Hall: And I'll tell you exactly my concern.

00:10:45.365 --> 00:10:46.825
Linda Hall: You can tell me if I'm being silly.

00:10:46.845 --> 00:10:49.585
Rita Reimers: I can probably say it in word for word what you're gonna say.

00:10:49.605 --> 00:10:55.285
Linda Hall: You bring the cat home or the dog home for a week, and then you can return it if it doesn't work out.

00:10:55.845 --> 00:11:00.065
Linda Hall: I just can't bring sweet Deb into my home.

00:11:00.105 --> 00:11:03.305
Linda Hall: And then a week later say, sorry, pal, it didn't work out.

00:11:03.325 --> 00:11:05.805
Linda Hall: You have to go back.

00:11:05.825 --> 00:11:07.385
Arden Moore: You gotta work on your control.

00:11:07.605 --> 00:11:13.285
Arden Moore: You and Rita both have giant hearts, and you have done a lot for cats and dogs in the world.

00:11:13.305 --> 00:11:14.925
Arden Moore: And I applaud you both for that.

00:11:15.145 --> 00:11:17.265
Arden Moore: But you have to pick with a purpose.

00:11:17.685 --> 00:11:24.245
Arden Moore: I mean, we're kind of toying with the idea of getting another dog, because I teach pet first aid and Kona's nine.

00:11:24.265 --> 00:11:32.445
Arden Moore: She's perfectly healthy and Casey's nine, but I would like to have a dog that's kind of bulletproof in a classroom.

00:11:32.805 --> 00:11:39.805
Arden Moore: So if you bring this dog home, you and Brian have to say to one another, this is a trial run.

00:11:40.145 --> 00:11:42.605
Arden Moore: And you may know the decision in three days.

00:11:42.625 --> 00:11:48.525
Arden Moore: You may know the decision in four, but I'm just saying, you're having this dog for a long time.

00:11:48.925 --> 00:11:53.225
Arden Moore: He or she's gonna make an impact on you, on Brian and all the 11 cats.

00:11:53.845 --> 00:11:56.405
Arden Moore: So ask yourself, what is the biggest thing?

00:11:56.545 --> 00:11:58.705
Arden Moore: Is this gonna work or is it not?

00:11:58.885 --> 00:12:02.005
Arden Moore: And if it isn't gonna work, why am I gonna torture all of us?

00:12:02.345 --> 00:12:02.965
Linda Hall: Thank you.

00:12:03.745 --> 00:12:05.325
Linda Hall: Well, I said that about the herding dog.

00:12:05.345 --> 00:12:08.545
Linda Hall: I said, I'm putting this dog through a three-part test.

00:12:08.785 --> 00:12:15.285
Linda Hall: Canine, if the dog is a big herder and I've got 11 cats and people everywhere, that poor dog is like, no, this is not good for me.

00:12:15.645 --> 00:12:17.965
Linda Hall: Cats would not appreciate this energy.

00:12:17.985 --> 00:12:18.945
Linda Hall: No, it's not good for them.

00:12:18.965 --> 00:12:22.405
Linda Hall: Humans, we're gonna have a nervous breakdown because they're all having a nervous breakdown.

00:12:22.425 --> 00:12:29.405
Linda Hall: So I said every sentient being in the house has the right to have a good experience here and have some peace.

00:12:29.585 --> 00:12:36.565
Rita Reimers: Well, hopefully if you've done the up-front work right, then when you get the dog home, there shouldn't be a lot of surprises.

00:12:36.585 --> 00:12:37.805
Rita Reimers: Would you say that's true, Arden?

00:12:38.665 --> 00:12:40.925
Arden Moore: Yeah, we do have to do our homework.

00:12:40.945 --> 00:12:41.745
Arden Moore: You're right, Rita.

00:12:42.385 --> 00:12:52.725
Arden Moore: That means you better have designated escape routes that only cats can get to, up and under that a dog cannot get to.

00:12:53.485 --> 00:12:57.345
Arden Moore: You need to have maybe some pheromones plugged in.

00:12:57.365 --> 00:12:57.845
Arden Moore: I don't know.

00:12:58.265 --> 00:13:00.005
Arden Moore: There's those artificial ones out there.

00:13:00.585 --> 00:13:01.985
Arden Moore: Half and half work don't.

00:13:02.605 --> 00:13:14.605
Arden Moore: You better make sure that the litter box area is off limits to the dog because you don't want sudden litter box issue where the cat's reading the newspaper in the litter box and doing their daily dump.

00:13:15.045 --> 00:13:18.285
Arden Moore: And the dog goes, and then the cat goes, literally.

00:13:18.305 --> 00:13:20.145
Rita Reimers: That's gonna be hard in your household, Linda.

00:13:20.165 --> 00:13:21.345
Rita Reimers: How many litter cans do you have?

00:13:21.525 --> 00:13:30.145
Linda Hall: We've discussed this because so many of our clients say, I really have to watch the litter box because my dog thinks it's a place for buffet and snack.

00:13:30.165 --> 00:13:32.405
Arden Moore: Well, it also is, think about that.

00:13:32.425 --> 00:13:34.465
Arden Moore: A cat is the most vulnerable in a litter box.

00:13:34.645 --> 00:13:35.425
Linda Hall: 100%.

00:13:35.445 --> 00:13:38.605
Arden Moore: Secondly, I'm gonna put on my Pet First Aid instructor hat.

00:13:38.885 --> 00:13:44.105
Arden Moore: The dog can eat the little nugget and then get an abdominal obstruction with the litter.

00:13:44.325 --> 00:13:44.625
Linda Hall: Yeah.

00:13:44.645 --> 00:13:46.465
Arden Moore: And you're gonna have to have surgery.

00:13:46.665 --> 00:13:50.685
Arden Moore: So these little Tootsie Rolls are not a good idea.

00:13:50.705 --> 00:14:00.185
Arden Moore: So make sure you have ways to keep the dog from getting to those areas and the cats feel that they're safe to be able to make a dump.

00:14:00.385 --> 00:14:00.905
Arden Moore: There you go.

00:14:00.965 --> 00:14:09.345
Linda Hall: We're going to put up a gate, and we did this when my friend brings her dog, that blocks the upstairs, except it's open like this much.

00:14:09.365 --> 00:14:11.085
Linda Hall: So, you know, the cats can get through it.

00:14:11.425 --> 00:14:20.545
Linda Hall: That way the cats could go upstairs and have a place to decompress and a food station and what have you that doesn't involve the dog.

00:14:20.725 --> 00:14:21.785
Linda Hall: We got that far.

00:14:21.885 --> 00:14:22.645
Rita Reimers: Great idea.

00:14:22.665 --> 00:14:24.165
Rita Reimers: That's a great idea.

00:14:24.245 --> 00:14:28.165
Rita Reimers: Let's take a little break right here so that we can hear from our awesome sponsors.

00:14:28.185 --> 00:14:34.005
Rita Reimers: And we'll be right back with more tips on preparing to bring a dog into an 11 pound hole, yeah.

00:14:36.465 --> 00:14:38.185
Announcer: Molly, here's your dinner. Zeus, that's not your food!

00:14:42.705 --> 00:14:44.785
Announcer: Don't let that happen to your precious cat.

00:14:45.005 --> 00:14:48.245
Announcer: Elevate your cat's eating experience with the cat tree tray.

00:14:48.465 --> 00:14:53.865
Announcer: The cat tree tray keeps your cat's food off the floor and conveniently located on the cat tree.

00:14:54.285 --> 00:14:56.285
Announcer: It's the perfect way to eat.

00:14:56.825 --> 00:15:04.245
Announcer: It's a beautiful wrought iron tray that easily attaches to your cat tree and keeps dogs and other critters out of your cat's dish.

00:15:04.585 --> 00:15:06.465
Announcer: A must for multi-pet households.

00:15:06.725 --> 00:15:10.725
Announcer: There's a six inch tray for large bowls and a four inch tray for smaller bowls.

00:15:11.145 --> 00:15:13.865
Announcer: Purchase your cat tree tray today.

00:15:14.165 --> 00:15:16.605
Announcer: Go right now to

00:15:16.905 --> 00:15:18.725
Announcer: That's

00:15:19.245 --> 00:15:23.625

00:15:29.005 --> 00:15:30.005
Announcer: On Pet Life Radio.

00:15:43.031 --> 00:15:49.911
Rita Reimers: And we're back with 19 Cats and Counting, my BFF, Linda Hall, who's about to change her whole household situation.

00:15:50.431 --> 00:15:59.851
Rita Reimers: And of course, our friend and pet expert, Arden Moore, who's helping guide Linda how to choose the right dog, set yourself up for success.

00:16:00.391 --> 00:16:00.731
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:16:00.871 --> 00:16:02.551
Linda Hall: And Casey, you forgot Casey.

00:16:04.431 --> 00:16:05.931
Linda Hall: Pet safety cat Casey.

00:16:05.951 --> 00:16:07.351
Arden Moore: He's turned into the mic.

00:16:07.411 --> 00:16:10.991
Rita Reimers: Safety cat Casey and dog Pona are both there.

00:16:11.631 --> 00:16:12.271
Linda Hall: Mic check.

00:16:12.451 --> 00:16:15.991
Rita Reimers: We need to talk a little bit about your safety class too.

00:16:16.071 --> 00:16:18.691
Rita Reimers: We took the cat behavior one, right?

00:16:18.711 --> 00:16:23.171
Rita Reimers: Well, it, or not behavior, the cat safety course, but Linda, now you need the dog safety.

00:16:23.351 --> 00:16:30.131
Linda Hall: I was thinking that last night cause we just said we need to re-out research for the cat one, so we need to add the dogs too now.

00:16:30.571 --> 00:16:36.911
Linda Hall: And I'll tell you, I'm one of those people, I've taken, I don't know how many human CPR courses over the years and I have never needed it.

00:16:37.151 --> 00:16:39.191
Linda Hall: And I always think I will never need it.

00:16:39.611 --> 00:16:43.291
Linda Hall: And we took this class because we wanted this certification and the knowledge.

00:16:43.311 --> 00:16:47.191
Linda Hall: And there was a lot of really good, like what you should be doing for monthly upkeep and stuff.

00:16:47.311 --> 00:16:54.391
Linda Hall: But I swear to you, I would have put money against the fact that I was never gonna do CPR or Heimlich maneuver or whatever.

00:16:54.411 --> 00:17:07.171
Linda Hall: And then I was getting ready to go into a session, which I ended up five minutes late for, and I looked over and I thought, oh, he's hocking up a fur ball and his stomach's lurching, but I didn't hear any noise.

00:17:08.651 --> 00:17:11.091
Linda Hall: And some cats sound different.

00:17:11.111 --> 00:17:14.851
Linda Hall: I can tell you from a room away who's hocking up a fur ball sometimes.

00:17:15.351 --> 00:17:17.351
Linda Hall: And so I didn't hear anything.

00:17:17.371 --> 00:17:24.731
Linda Hall: And I went over and I got close and I put my hand, and as he's lurching, no air is coming out of his nostrils or his mouth.

00:17:25.651 --> 00:17:35.191
Linda Hall: I Heimliched him and with a bunch of gunk, there was a piece of like Saran wrap that somebody must have dropped off something that must have been just covering his windpipe.

00:17:36.051 --> 00:17:39.431
Rita Reimers: It's a good thing you found it because it's also see-through, so you couldn't really see it.

00:17:39.871 --> 00:17:40.191
Linda Hall: Yeah.

00:17:40.591 --> 00:17:43.091
Arden Moore: But you did the right thing and I'm really proud of you.

00:17:43.251 --> 00:17:49.291
Arden Moore: I'm sure that Goway is very happy because you saved his life and you did the right thing.

00:17:49.311 --> 00:17:53.171
Arden Moore: And like we say in our classes, you get permission to freak out later.

00:17:53.191 --> 00:17:53.731
Linda Hall: I freaked out.

00:17:53.751 --> 00:17:54.531
Linda Hall: Yeah, exactly.

00:17:54.531 --> 00:17:56.891
Arden Moore: So we'll talk about how we, we'll get you back in.

00:17:56.911 --> 00:17:57.891
Arden Moore: Don't worry, we'll figure it out.

00:17:57.911 --> 00:17:58.551
Arden Moore: We'll get it.

00:17:58.571 --> 00:18:00.051
Rita Reimers: She got into the session.

00:18:00.071 --> 00:18:00.611
Rita Reimers: We're about to start.

00:18:00.631 --> 00:18:01.691
Rita Reimers: She's like, oh my God.

00:18:02.071 --> 00:18:02.531
Rita Reimers: Oh my God.

00:18:02.551 --> 00:18:05.851
Rita Reimers: I'm like, what?

00:18:05.871 --> 00:18:10.831
Linda Hall: Yes, I was, and I had to jump into that pre-con and I'm like, sorry, had a little emergency.

00:18:10.851 --> 00:18:11.371
Linda Hall: We're fine.

00:18:11.511 --> 00:18:16.611
Arden Moore: Well, we actually showed that clip on my Pet First Aid for You, my most recent class.

00:18:16.631 --> 00:18:19.791
Arden Moore: I taught a bunch of professional pet sitters in staff training.

00:18:20.111 --> 00:18:24.591
Arden Moore: And we played your clip at the beginning when I said, why should we learn first aid?

00:18:24.611 --> 00:18:26.311
Arden Moore: Well, let's hear from our friend Linda.

00:18:26.511 --> 00:18:30.771
Arden Moore: So it's the thing I'm the most passionate about is keeping pets safe.

00:18:31.751 --> 00:18:33.731
Arden Moore: And I do teach a cat only class.

00:18:33.731 --> 00:18:35.771
Arden Moore: I teach a dog and cat class.

00:18:36.191 --> 00:18:40.271
Arden Moore: I also teach a two day class for people to become instructors.

00:18:40.731 --> 00:18:42.591
Arden Moore: And I just want a little shout out.

00:18:42.631 --> 00:18:47.371
Arden Moore: I just got back from a sponsored trip where I taught people in England and Greece.

00:18:47.611 --> 00:18:55.891
Arden Moore: I taught about 300 people Pet First Aid, and I ended up having to help a cat scalded with hot water who had third degree burns.

00:18:55.891 --> 00:18:56.451
Rita Reimers: Oh my God.

00:18:56.471 --> 00:18:58.571
Arden Moore: And of course the cat's name is Earl Grey.

00:18:58.791 --> 00:19:01.511
Arden Moore: So I don't think they were stinking in the paws.

00:19:01.811 --> 00:19:03.031
Linda Hall: That's terrible.

00:19:03.771 --> 00:19:04.551
Arden Moore: Oh, wow.

00:19:05.611 --> 00:19:06.151
Rita Reimers: Is the cat okay?

00:19:06.171 --> 00:19:11.531
Arden Moore: Yeah, he spent a few days in the ER and he's okay now, but I did the right thing.

00:19:11.551 --> 00:19:16.831
Arden Moore: You don't want to put any ice on a hot burn because you will cause shock.

00:19:17.091 --> 00:19:18.731
Arden Moore: And I had a cool wet towel.

00:19:18.751 --> 00:19:20.011
Arden Moore: He was in the carrier.

00:19:20.031 --> 00:19:24.871
Arden Moore: I was monitoring his vitals as they drove to the ER vet in Athens, Greece.

00:19:25.231 --> 00:19:32.231
Arden Moore: And it was hilarious because the driver, the gal, Nikki said, Oh, Earl Grey must be okay because he's not talking.

00:19:32.251 --> 00:19:36.311
Arden Moore: And I didn't want to say anything at the time because she's driving.

00:19:36.371 --> 00:19:36.991
Rita Reimers: Sure.

00:19:37.011 --> 00:19:37.791
Arden Moore: I want to get there.

00:19:37.891 --> 00:19:38.211
Arden Moore: Sure.

00:19:38.271 --> 00:19:46.051
Arden Moore: If your pet is in so much burn that they're not showing any animation, that's third degree, not second.

00:19:46.311 --> 00:19:50.031
Arden Moore: And that means that pet is getting very close to passing out.

00:19:51.331 --> 00:19:53.491
Rita Reimers: I would not have known that, holy cow.

00:19:53.531 --> 00:19:58.811
Arden Moore: It's a false sense of good or it is actually danger, danger.

00:19:59.171 --> 00:20:01.111
Arden Moore: So we did the right thing.

00:20:01.171 --> 00:20:02.851
Arden Moore: We didn't worsen the issue.

00:20:03.311 --> 00:20:08.491
Arden Moore: And I'm happy to say Earl Grey is now back at the sanctuary and amending.

00:20:08.911 --> 00:20:12.851
Arden Moore: But I had never seen such bright red nose and paws.

00:20:13.231 --> 00:20:14.451
Rita Reimers: Oh, oh, oh well.

00:20:14.991 --> 00:20:15.671
Arden Moore: Were you there?

00:20:16.531 --> 00:20:17.971
Rita Reimers: Were you visiting Be Smart?

00:20:18.031 --> 00:20:18.751
Rita Reimers: Is that where you were?

00:20:18.771 --> 00:20:21.491
Arden Moore: Yes, I was with Let's Be Smart, Julie Kelly.

00:20:21.931 --> 00:20:24.991
Arden Moore: I was there for two weeks for both England and Greece.

00:20:25.911 --> 00:20:27.291
Arden Moore: And they sponsored my time.

00:20:27.311 --> 00:20:32.711
Arden Moore: I even got to go to a kid refugee camp and talked to them about cat and dog behavior.

00:20:33.031 --> 00:20:36.871
Arden Moore: And I had interpreters that spoke Farsi and Arabic.

00:20:37.251 --> 00:20:38.351
Linda Hall: Oh, how amazing.

00:20:38.531 --> 00:20:47.491
Arden Moore: So we got all the kids to try to purr like a cat, which no human can, because they purr inhaling and exhaling, but the kids had a blast.

00:20:48.011 --> 00:20:52.291
Arden Moore: They were trying to purr like a cat and the interpreters are going to me, what?

00:20:53.591 --> 00:20:55.011
Linda Hall: What's happening here?

00:20:55.071 --> 00:20:56.671
Linda Hall: What's wrong with these kids?

00:20:57.571 --> 00:21:01.311
Rita Reimers: She got to make it fun for kids to learn, and that's what I love about her books.

00:21:01.471 --> 00:21:03.551
Linda Hall: I have cats right here.

00:21:03.571 --> 00:21:04.171
Arden Moore: Oh, thank you.

00:21:04.191 --> 00:21:06.991
Arden Moore: Yeah, the kid's guide to cats and a kid's guide to dogs.

00:21:07.171 --> 00:21:10.191
Arden Moore: I have to say, those are the two favorite books I've ever written.

00:21:10.291 --> 00:21:12.751
Arden Moore: They're in five languages, five reprints.

00:21:12.771 --> 00:21:15.691
Rita Reimers: I enjoyed reading them, even though they're kids.

00:21:16.191 --> 00:21:18.811
Arden Moore: Well, you gotta never lose the kid in you, Rita.

00:21:19.071 --> 00:21:19.411
Arden Moore: Right.

00:21:19.431 --> 00:21:20.311
Linda Hall: Exactly.

00:21:20.431 --> 00:21:22.871
Linda Hall: We were gonna do a giveaway, speaking of Arden's books.

00:21:22.891 --> 00:21:23.671
Linda Hall: Oh, true.

00:21:23.791 --> 00:21:24.811
Rita Reimers: Which one did you wanna give away?

00:21:24.831 --> 00:21:25.651
Linda Hall: What are we giving away, Arden?

00:21:25.851 --> 00:21:30.871
Arden Moore: Maybe you can give the kid's guide and maybe the cat behavior answer book.

00:21:31.091 --> 00:21:33.851
Arden Moore: There's a section in there about how to bring in a dog.

00:21:33.871 --> 00:21:34.651
Rita Reimers: I have that book.

00:21:34.671 --> 00:21:35.391
Rita Reimers: That's a great book.

00:21:35.931 --> 00:21:36.971
Linda Hall: Yes, me too.

00:21:37.151 --> 00:21:38.051
Arden Moore: Okay, we'll do it.

00:21:38.071 --> 00:21:43.251
Arden Moore: You guys figure it out and send me the winner and the address and I'll, KC and I will sign it.

00:21:44.491 --> 00:21:44.891
Rita Reimers: We will do that.

00:21:45.531 --> 00:21:51.251
Rita Reimers: So it's like the first person to email us at support at, whatever you want to do.

00:21:51.271 --> 00:21:56.271
Linda Hall: Email us at support and tell us why you need the book and we will have an independent judge choose.

00:21:56.291 --> 00:21:58.291
Linda Hall: That way it's not like first come first serve.

00:21:58.291 --> 00:21:58.651
Rita Reimers: Right.

00:21:59.091 --> 00:21:59.871
Linda Hall: We'll give it a couple weeks.

00:21:59.891 --> 00:22:04.751
Arden Moore: So there'll be one winner for the Kids Guide the Cats and one winner for the Cat Behavior Answer Book.

00:22:04.771 --> 00:22:05.151
Arden Moore: How's that?

00:22:05.171 --> 00:22:05.411
Arden Moore: Two.

00:22:05.491 --> 00:22:08.511
Rita Reimers: Make sure you tell us which one you want when you email in.

00:22:08.931 --> 00:22:09.651
Linda Hall: Exactly.

00:22:09.731 --> 00:22:12.451
Rita Reimers: We'll announce the winner on the next show.

00:22:12.691 --> 00:22:15.371
Linda Hall: On the next show, on the next show, yes.

00:22:15.531 --> 00:22:20.011
Rita Reimers: So back to the cats and dogs living together in peace and harmony.

00:22:20.171 --> 00:22:27.131
Rita Reimers: Linda, tell Arden how Sadie, your late dog, decided which cats were okay to interact with.

00:22:27.411 --> 00:22:30.551
Linda Hall: She walked up to one cat and said, will you play with me?

00:22:30.791 --> 00:22:32.731
Linda Hall: And the cat said smack upside the head.

00:22:32.751 --> 00:22:34.451
Linda Hall: And she said, okay, thanks for your time.

00:22:35.031 --> 00:22:40.331
Linda Hall: And she found one out of 11, and it's Galway over there, that would play with her.

00:22:40.671 --> 00:22:42.271
Linda Hall: And they would growl at her.

00:22:42.531 --> 00:22:43.211
Linda Hall: Exactly.

00:22:43.251 --> 00:22:46.651
Linda Hall: And she would growl like she was this fear.

00:22:47.031 --> 00:22:50.331
Linda Hall: And I'd be like, oh honey, that cat can wipe you out, but it's okay, you have fun.

00:22:50.671 --> 00:22:51.871
Linda Hall: So yes, only one.

00:22:52.051 --> 00:22:54.871
Linda Hall: But yes, she went one by one and said, will you play with me?

00:22:54.891 --> 00:22:56.051
Linda Hall: No, okay, next.

00:22:56.391 --> 00:22:57.731
Rita Reimers: Look at you.

00:22:57.751 --> 00:22:58.651
Arden Moore: Who stopped you?

00:22:58.671 --> 00:23:05.011
Arden Moore: Let me tell you that your dog and this dog right here, Emma, must have been born from the same mama.

00:23:05.071 --> 00:23:06.931
Arden Moore: This dog is only eight pounds.

00:23:06.951 --> 00:23:08.031
Arden Moore: This is Emma, my Gemma.

00:23:08.231 --> 00:23:10.591
Arden Moore: We found her during COVID full of heartworms.

00:23:10.631 --> 00:23:13.251
Rita Reimers: Oh yeah, I remember you finding her, yeah.

00:23:13.291 --> 00:23:15.111
Arden Moore: She thinks cats are gods.

00:23:15.411 --> 00:23:19.791
Arden Moore: She tries to play with Casey and Casey goes, no, but he's not mean.

00:23:19.811 --> 00:23:21.851
Arden Moore: He just walks away or jumps up on a tree.

00:23:22.191 --> 00:23:26.091
Arden Moore: Oh, our other orange tabby, Rusty the performer.

00:23:26.731 --> 00:23:28.891
Arden Moore: These two are the same age.

00:23:28.911 --> 00:23:30.091
Arden Moore: They are best friends.

00:23:30.111 --> 00:23:36.071
Arden Moore: And I have videos on my TikTok where she's going, woo, like your dog did.

00:23:36.371 --> 00:23:41.731
Arden Moore: And Rusty just goes, and sits, and then they go under the covers, come back up.

00:23:41.971 --> 00:23:44.431
Arden Moore: And I just shut up and let them play.

00:23:44.891 --> 00:23:46.531
Arden Moore: And that's what we need to do.

00:23:46.551 --> 00:23:51.831
Arden Moore: Sometimes we just need to let them play, you know, but always keep the cats safe.

00:23:52.171 --> 00:23:57.611
Arden Moore: But you also might need to keep the dogs safe because some cats can be bully cats.

00:23:57.931 --> 00:24:04.551
Rita Reimers: We have one, when my parents bought our house in Tonawanda where I grew up, the people that lived there before left a cat.

00:24:04.751 --> 00:24:08.291
Rita Reimers: And we wanted a dog, so we went out and got a lab puppy.

00:24:08.651 --> 00:24:17.271
Rita Reimers: And that cat would just pretend she was gonna be friends with the puppy and she'd let Blazer get close and then Samantha would go with her claws.

00:24:17.851 --> 00:24:19.251
Rita Reimers: Just so mean.

00:24:20.371 --> 00:24:25.951
Arden Moore: Dogs don't always, especially puppies, don't always read the warning signs that cats give.

00:24:26.111 --> 00:24:26.591
Linda Hall: Right.

00:24:26.651 --> 00:24:30.451
Arden Moore: Because cats don't bark, cats don't wag tails.

00:24:30.931 --> 00:24:36.991
Arden Moore: And so a dog is learning how to read another animal based on dog talk.

00:24:37.231 --> 00:24:41.911
Arden Moore: But if they see the cat's tail going side to side, they think it's a wag.

00:24:42.351 --> 00:24:44.931
Arden Moore: But no, you all know this, this is a lash.

00:24:46.691 --> 00:24:48.651
Arden Moore: And the dog's like, okay, y'all wanna read it.

00:24:48.671 --> 00:24:50.131
Rita Reimers: Donny Potter, I guess.

00:24:50.671 --> 00:24:56.631
Arden Moore: And so you've gotta realize it's the catitude that matters, not the cat, not the size of the cat.

00:24:56.691 --> 00:25:09.651
Arden Moore: But when a pet, any pet in a household, has got plenty of resources, food, love, intention, enrichment, they're less likely to be a bully cat or a bully dog.

00:25:09.831 --> 00:25:22.271
Arden Moore: So the homework for you and Brian, and for others thinking about getting a dog in a cat-only household, is you better make sure you've set up so that there are enough play times, safe places to hang out, take a nap.

00:25:22.751 --> 00:25:25.271
Arden Moore: Mealtime cannot be mealtime mayhem.

00:25:25.491 --> 00:25:27.371
Arden Moore: You really gotta feed cats first.

00:25:27.391 --> 00:25:31.411
Arden Moore: The doggy might be in a carrier or crate or in another room.

00:25:31.731 --> 00:25:38.231
Arden Moore: All the food is done, pick up those bowls, clean them, get them out of the way, because an empty bowl can signal a food fight.

00:25:38.631 --> 00:25:40.731
Arden Moore: So there's things that you can do.

00:25:40.951 --> 00:25:52.371
Arden Moore: And when the cat is tired, or that you just took the dog for a walk, and they're a little tired, that's a good time to have a little supervised play session.

00:25:52.391 --> 00:25:57.071
Arden Moore: The one thing I would tell you, I've had, I've written what, 27 pet books.

00:25:57.691 --> 00:26:04.971
Arden Moore: Every single dog I've ever adopted, I always go through all the doggy manners and basic classes.

00:26:05.411 --> 00:26:06.651
Arden Moore: I don't care who you are.

00:26:07.271 --> 00:26:08.731
Arden Moore: It is a bonding time.

00:26:08.771 --> 00:26:12.091
Arden Moore: It is them getting socialized, experiencing different things.

00:26:12.531 --> 00:26:19.371
Arden Moore: So you and Brian need to make sure that you have that once a week date day with your new dog.

00:26:19.831 --> 00:26:21.011
Arden Moore: And we did that with Emma.

00:26:21.271 --> 00:26:27.151
Arden Moore: And Emma, the first day she went into what a great dog, she was like, oh, and wouldn't go in.

00:26:27.151 --> 00:26:29.291
Arden Moore: By the third time, she was like, I like this place.

00:26:29.311 --> 00:26:30.391
Arden Moore: This place is good.

00:26:30.871 --> 00:26:33.791
Arden Moore: And she teamed up with a Great Dane as her buddy.

00:26:33.811 --> 00:26:38.611
Arden Moore: And we found out that the Great Dane's pet parents have a little dog at home.

00:26:39.011 --> 00:26:42.091
Arden Moore: And we at the time had Boucho, our big dog.

00:26:42.391 --> 00:26:51.211
Arden Moore: So Emma gravitated to the big Great Dane, and they got to do the training exercises when you needed to partner up together.

00:26:51.231 --> 00:26:52.091
Arden Moore: It was Mutt and Jeff.

00:26:52.111 --> 00:26:52.771
Arden Moore: It was hilarious.

00:26:53.651 --> 00:27:07.771
Arden Moore: But I'm saying for you, for Brian and this new lucky dog, you really do need to go to a class that teaches positive training and make it fun because you were bonding with that pet.

00:27:08.071 --> 00:27:11.271
Arden Moore: Then they know the sit, the stay and the leave it.

00:27:12.011 --> 00:27:17.451
Arden Moore: Three cardinal cues any dog needs to learn in a cat household.

00:27:18.311 --> 00:27:21.491
Arden Moore: You are not gonna get your cat to sit, stay and leave it.

00:27:22.031 --> 00:27:23.451
Arden Moore: I can get Casey to sit.

00:27:24.071 --> 00:27:27.031
Arden Moore: I can get Casey to stay on his own duration.

00:27:27.031 --> 00:27:30.371
Rita Reimers: I can get my cats to lay down when it's sleepy time.

00:27:30.391 --> 00:27:32.311
Arden Moore: You're not gonna get a cat to leave it.

00:27:32.391 --> 00:27:32.991
Rita Reimers: No.

00:27:33.191 --> 00:27:33.711
Linda Hall: For sure.

00:27:33.891 --> 00:27:34.571
Linda Hall: Absolutely true.

00:27:34.591 --> 00:27:36.051
Arden Moore: The dog needs those cues.

00:27:36.071 --> 00:27:39.851
Arden Moore: So that's why taking a class, sit, stay, leave it.

00:27:40.231 --> 00:27:42.031
Arden Moore: Those are really good cues.

00:27:42.511 --> 00:27:45.871
Arden Moore: Rewarding, always give the cat the treat first, then the dog.

00:27:46.051 --> 00:27:46.831
Rita Reimers: That makes sense.

00:27:46.851 --> 00:27:47.491
Linda Hall: I love it.

00:27:47.591 --> 00:27:48.011
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:27:48.371 --> 00:27:51.351
Rita Reimers: I think Petco, PetSmart has a dog training.

00:27:52.891 --> 00:27:57.011
Rita Reimers: Would you recommend an older dog versus a puppy for most people?

00:27:58.531 --> 00:28:06.771
Arden Moore: With 11 cats, I would like to have a dog, could be two years old, three years old or older, that you already know their personality.

00:28:07.151 --> 00:28:09.851
Arden Moore: And you were talking about not wanting to give the dog back.

00:28:10.331 --> 00:28:27.531
Arden Moore: Well, by that time, you know, if they're a grumpy or happy or whatever, but the two, the little puppies, they're adorable, but you are up every whatever going out for potty breaks and their brain is forming and they go through two different fear periods.

00:28:27.871 --> 00:28:37.371
Arden Moore: It's a lot of work, they're cute as a button, but there's a lot of adult and senior dogs out there that are just pining for a home.

00:28:37.391 --> 00:28:43.091
Arden Moore: One of my friends had a cat and she got a dog, Benny, and Benny is a pug beagle.

00:28:43.951 --> 00:28:44.571
Arden Moore: So he snorts.

00:28:44.591 --> 00:28:45.471
Rita Reimers: That's an unusual combo.

00:28:45.491 --> 00:28:46.151
Arden Moore: They snort.

00:28:46.171 --> 00:28:46.431
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:28:47.611 --> 00:28:55.731
Arden Moore: Anyway, he's a pretty cool guy and he was probably about seven and she brought him in to Miha, who was a senior cat.

00:28:56.331 --> 00:29:01.911
Arden Moore: And there was separate areas for Miha to eat and pee and poop that were off limits to Benny.

00:29:02.371 --> 00:29:04.191
Arden Moore: And they ended up being really good friends.

00:29:04.231 --> 00:29:06.511
Arden Moore: And she knew Benny's personality.

00:29:06.931 --> 00:29:12.751
Arden Moore: So maybe for your first dog out of 11 cats, you need to pick an adult dog.

00:29:13.171 --> 00:29:13.731
Arden Moore: I don't know.

00:29:13.751 --> 00:29:14.411
Arden Moore: It's up to you.

00:29:14.431 --> 00:29:17.511
Arden Moore: There's always exceptions, but then you know what you're getting.

00:29:18.791 --> 00:29:22.491
Rita Reimers: So we also have to make sure she doesn't get a dog that's gonna knock her over.

00:29:22.691 --> 00:29:24.011
Linda Hall: Yes, exactly.

00:29:24.231 --> 00:29:28.351
Linda Hall: Not gonna knock me over, jump on me, you know, that kind of thing.

00:29:28.371 --> 00:29:30.851
Linda Hall: With her MS My balance ain't so hot.

00:29:30.851 --> 00:29:37.251
Linda Hall: But yeah, we many, many years ago, got this adorable Lab German Shepherd mixed puppy.

00:29:37.271 --> 00:29:38.531
Linda Hall: And I loved her.

00:29:38.551 --> 00:29:39.851
Linda Hall: Zippy was an amazing dog.

00:29:39.871 --> 00:29:41.331
Linda Hall: We had her through old age.

00:29:41.731 --> 00:29:44.571
Linda Hall: But her puppy years, girlfriend, she ate up.

00:29:44.591 --> 00:29:46.771
Linda Hall: We started having to put her on the back porch at night.

00:29:46.791 --> 00:29:49.651
Linda Hall: She ate up the linoleum tiles when she was teething.

00:29:49.891 --> 00:29:52.611
Linda Hall: I am not doing that again.

00:29:52.631 --> 00:29:54.311
Arden Moore: Then say that, write it down.

00:29:54.631 --> 00:29:56.031
Arden Moore: You and Brian need to do that.

00:29:56.251 --> 00:29:58.751
Arden Moore: I'm telling you, dogs and cats get along.

00:29:58.771 --> 00:29:59.691
Arden Moore: I'm living proof.

00:30:00.011 --> 00:30:06.491
Arden Moore: My sister can, let me, has her three dogs in my backyard office, 200 square feet on occasion.

00:30:07.331 --> 00:30:11.411
Arden Moore: With Kona and Emma and Casey and sometimes old man, Mikey the cat.

00:30:11.691 --> 00:30:16.491
Arden Moore: And I can do a show with seven four-leggers and have silence.

00:30:17.171 --> 00:30:18.391
Rita Reimers: That's amazing.

00:30:18.591 --> 00:30:18.991
Linda Hall: Yeah.

00:30:19.011 --> 00:30:19.771
Arden Moore: It can happen.

00:30:19.791 --> 00:30:20.611
Rita Reimers: It really is.

00:30:20.951 --> 00:30:24.171
Linda Hall: Well, Linda, I hope you got some good tips, did you?

00:30:24.191 --> 00:30:26.091
Arden Moore: You got to tell us when you get the right one.

00:30:26.511 --> 00:30:27.851
Linda Hall: I'll believe me, I will.

00:30:27.871 --> 00:30:29.651
Linda Hall: But yeah, I've been taking notes, honey.

00:30:29.671 --> 00:30:33.531
Linda Hall: I got my notes ready and you've given me hope because I really was scared.

00:30:33.551 --> 00:30:39.071
Linda Hall: When Brian first said that, I was like, but I could see on his face that this wasn't something that was really negotiable.

00:30:39.091 --> 00:30:39.671
Rita Reimers: Non-negotiable.

00:30:40.511 --> 00:30:41.451
Rita Reimers: Let's have dog.

00:30:41.471 --> 00:30:42.491
Arden Moore: Nick with a purpose.

00:30:42.611 --> 00:30:44.171
Arden Moore: Nick with a purpose.

00:30:44.191 --> 00:30:45.151
Linda Hall: Yes, exactly.

00:30:45.171 --> 00:30:54.211
Rita Reimers: Well, I think it'll help us too because we're getting more and more clients that have dog and cat households or want to add a dog with their cats and they ask us for advice and I'm like, um.

00:30:54.571 --> 00:31:01.211
Arden Moore: Well, that's why I kind of like being a hybrid because I know there's a lot of great dog trainers out there and cat experts.

00:31:03.251 --> 00:31:06.571
Arden Moore: I've always liked both cats and dogs since I was a child.

00:31:06.831 --> 00:31:08.151
Arden Moore: I cannot pick which one.

00:31:08.191 --> 00:31:12.851
Arden Moore: I will always have at least one cat, one dog in my life and as long as I can.

00:31:13.331 --> 00:31:16.471
Arden Moore: And they bring so much to make me a better human.

00:31:16.851 --> 00:31:20.251
Arden Moore: So I just felt honored that you asked me to be on your show.

00:31:22.131 --> 00:31:23.411
Linda Hall: Who else was there?

00:31:23.431 --> 00:31:28.851
Rita Reimers: And you have advice that is spot on every time.

00:31:29.171 --> 00:31:30.031
Linda Hall: Yes, yes, yes.

00:31:30.051 --> 00:31:31.771
Rita Reimers: So thank you so much a lot.

00:31:32.091 --> 00:31:33.571
Rita Reimers: And I hope you'll come back again.

00:31:34.731 --> 00:31:36.991
Rita Reimers: We'll let you know who wins the contest.

00:31:37.091 --> 00:31:38.111
Linda Hall: Yes, yes, yes.

00:31:38.111 --> 00:31:40.131
Arden Moore: It's a book, everybody, not a free car.

00:31:40.251 --> 00:31:41.431
Arden Moore: I'm poor and famous.

00:31:42.411 --> 00:31:44.511
Linda Hall: You get a car, you know it doesn't happen.

00:31:44.531 --> 00:31:45.711
Linda Hall: Yeah, we know that.

00:31:45.731 --> 00:31:47.991
Rita Reimers: Well, someday I'd love to be like that, but no.

00:31:48.131 --> 00:31:49.071
Linda Hall: I know, right?

00:31:49.891 --> 00:31:51.991
Rita Reimers: Anyway, thank you so much for being here.

00:31:52.371 --> 00:31:57.711
Rita Reimers: And of course, Linda, my writer guy, thank you for being my co-hostess with the mostest.

00:31:59.051 --> 00:32:07.171
Rita Reimers: And of course, I must thank Mark Winter for giving us this spot on Pet Life Radio and making us sound so good with his awesome editing.

00:32:07.231 --> 00:32:08.231
Rita Reimers: Thank you so much.

00:32:08.691 --> 00:32:11.451
Rita Reimers: And just remember, I guess I should change this today.

00:32:11.871 --> 00:32:14.011
Rita Reimers: Every day is cat and dog day.

00:32:14.431 --> 00:32:15.151
Linda Hall: Her day, yes.

00:32:15.171 --> 00:32:16.691
Rita Reimers: I'll see you next time.

00:32:17.451 --> 00:32:23.451
Announcer: Let's talk pets every week on demand, only on