Steve Dale and a Cure for FIP

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

FIP. It’s a diagnosis every cat rescuer and cat parent dreads. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus. Once this disease was considered a death sentence because there was no cure. Then a cure was found, and people had to get it from places other than the vet, because the drug that cured FIP was really for something else. Using it for FIP was considered “off label” and was not approved to treat FIP in the United States, so people had to find creative ways to get it. (Listen to Episode107 – Peter Cohen and the FIP Warriors to hear more about that.

But what if FIP could be prevented altogether?

If you think FIP doesn’t affect you and your cats, maybe nit right now but it can in the future. FIP can happen at any time in cats of any age. The key to eradicating this horrible disease is prevention.  Lucky for us, Steve Dale is here to talk about the EveryCat Health Foundation and new breakthroughs in not only curing existing FIP cats but also preventing it from occurring in health kittens right from the start.  Don’t miss this vital information that every cat paw-rent needs.

Listen to Episode #130 Now:


Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant (CABC), has reached more pet owners over the past few decades than any other pet journalist in America.

He is the host of two nationally syndicated radio shows, Steve Dale’s Pet World and The Pet Minute (together heard on more than 100 radio stations, syndicated Black Dog Radio Productions, since 2005). He’s also a special contributor at WGN Radio, Chicago, and program host of Steve Dale’s Pet World(since 1997). He formerly hosted the nationally broadcastAnimal Planet Radio.

For 21 years, his twice weekly newspaper column was syndicated by the Chicago Tribune. Steve was a contributing editor for USA Weekend (2002 to 2014), and regular columnist at Cat Fancy magazine (2006 to 2014). He has written for a long list of magazines, from People to Dog World (where he was a columnist).

He’s currently a writer and contributing editor for CATster, andauthors a column called Steve Dale’s Vet World for Veterinary Practice News. He’s also a columnist for the Journal of National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America and PetVet magazine.

He also contributes blogs for various websites, including for Victoria Stilwell.

On TV, he’s appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, National Geographic Explorer, Pets: Part of the Family(PBS), Fox News, various Animal Planet shows, and many others. For several years, Steve was a regular contributor to Superstation WGN-TV morning news, then appeared regularly on WMAQ-TV, Chicago. Currently, he’s a contributor to nationally syndicated HouseSmarts TV. Steve’s also a frequent host of satellite media tours.

In print, he’s been quoted in the Wall Street JournalUSA TodayLos Angeles TimesRedbook, various veterinary publications, and dozens more. He has also appeared as an expert guest on countless radio programs.

Steve co-edited Decoding Your Dog, written by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014). Steve’s the author of ebooks, Good Dog! and Good Cat! (Chicago Tribune, 2013). He’s the author of several other books, including My New PuppyDogGone Chicago and American Zoos.

Steve is a contributor to textbooks The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management (edited Dr. Susan Little, 2011); Treatment and Care of the Geriatric Veterinary Patient (edited Dr. Mary Gardner and Dr. Dani McVety, 2017) and El Gato Atropellado (translated The Cat: Hit by a Car, edited Dr. Luis Tello, 2019)  Foreword for Infectious Disease Handbook (Merck Animal Health, 2017). He was an external reviewer for the 2005 Feline Behavior Guidelines (American Association of Feline Practitioners). 

He’s written introductions or contributed chapters and forewords to many books, including Heartfelt Connections: How Animals and People Help One Another; The Pet Parent's Guide: Infectious Disease of DogsCats Revealed: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Living Happily with a Cat; Bonding With Your DogDog Spelled Backwards; The Compassion of Dogs; Raising My Furry Children; Christmas Cats; Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, and Angel Animals and the Kids Who Love Them.

He’s the primary author of the CATegorical Care: An Owner’s Guide to America’s Number #1 Companion (reviewers include AVMA, SAWA), published American Humane Association/CATalyst Council, 2010). He co-authored (with Dr. Sagi Denenberg) the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Position Statement on Breed-Specific Legislation (2014). Edited: 50 Years of Advancing Feline Medicine: Winn Feline Foundation Helping Every Cat, Every Day (2018) and Preparing for the Future Celebrating the Winn Feline Foundation at 40 (2008).

Steve is a founder of the CATalyst Council and served on the Board of Directors from 2008 to 2012. After six years, in 2012, he cycled off the Board of Directors of the American Humane Association and served as a National Ambassador. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Tree House Humane Society, Chicago (2005 to 2016). He’s also on the Board of Directors of the Winn Feline Foundation (2007 to present), American Association of Human-Animal Bond Veterinarians (2016 to present). He’s an Advisory Board Member of Chicago Friends of Animal Care & Control (2013to present), SPCA Puerto Vallarta (2016 to present) and Grey Muzzle Organization (2017 to present).

Steve is also a part of an AVMA/AAHA initiative to encourage preventive veterinary care, called Partners for Health Pets.  In 2014, Steve co-founded Veterinary Professionals Against Puppy Mills, and serves on the Board of Directors. Steve is on the Pet Partners Human-Animal Bond National Advisory Board (2015 to present) and National Advisory Council Member American Association of Feline Practitioners (20016 to present). He was National Advisory Board Member Angel on a Leash (2005 to 2016) and Task Force on Feline Sterilization (2015 to 2017).

Steve’s a speaker for American Association of Feline Practitioners Cat Friendly Practices and the Fear Free Initiative. He’s on the Fear Free Advisory Council (2013 to present) and is the Chief Correspondent Fear Free Happy Homes, and is certified in Fear Free.

In Chicago, Steve created the Chicago Task Force on Companion Animals and Public Safety (2000-2010), where three-times proposed breed bans were over-turned and twice over-turned proposed mandated pediatric spay/neuter, as well as proposed pet limit laws. The Task Force also created guidelines for ‘doggy day care.’ As a pet advocate, Steve has testified many times against breed specific bans, pet limit laws, etc. in the Chicago area and elsewhere. Steve regularly advised Illinois Governor Pat Quinn regarding pet-related issues, including leading on bills to prohibit breed-specific bans and prosecute dog fighters with enhanced felony charges when convicted of fighting near schools or daycare centers. In 2019, it was Steve's idea to create the first fire fire protection law for pets in kennels, which was signed by Governor J. B. Pritzker.

Among Steve’s many awards, the AVMA Humane Award (the only AVMA honor bestowed to a non-veterinarian), Editor and Publisher syndicated newspaper Feature Writer of the Year Award, AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Public Service Award (twice), HSUS Pets for Life Award, American Humane Association Media Award, American Pet Products Association Pet Industry Outstanding Media Representative of the Year, and has been honored with over 15 Maxwell’s Awards from the Dog Writer’s Association of America and over 15 Muse Awards from the Cat Writers’ Association of America. He’s also been honored by the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control, and was the first recipient of the Winn Feline Foundation Media Appreciation Award, and many others.

In 2012, Steve became the youngest person ever inducted into the Dog Writer’s Association of America Hall of Fame.

After his beloved cat Ricky passed away in 2002 of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), Steve created the Ricky Fund with the Winn Feline Foundation to raise money to research this often-fatal disease. He’s helped to raise over $200,000 – and as a direct result a genetic test was created to determine if a gene defect for HCM exists for two breeds, and further studies are underway.

Steve’s a regular speaker at veterinary and shelter conferences around the world, and for shelter fundraisers, and other special events, including SXSW. Steve’s presented numerous times at each of the major U.S. veterinary conferences, and at state and regional meetings as well as at veterinary schools, and several times for the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. He’s also spoken at the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Conference (Sydney, Australia); CICA Animal Behavior Conference (Mexico City, Mexico); Latin  American Veterinary Conference (Lima, Peru); Congreso Veterinario de Leon (Leon, Mexico); Congreso Veternario de Columbia (Pereira, Columbia); Caribbean Veterinary Conference (St. Kitts); Companion Animal Nutrition Summit (San Jose, Costa Rica); and (via Skype) Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Veterinary Behaviour Chapter Science Week (Brisbane, Australia).

Steve’s persistence convinced the Chicago White Sox to allow dogs at a major league baseball game – today, ball parks around America have periodic “dog days” promotions. In 2004, he suggested Mercury Skyline Cruiseline create “The Canine Cruise,” a dog-friendly architecture cruise for dogs on Lake Michigan/Chicago River, also replicated in other cities.

Steve is also the host (since 2015) of a popular WGN Podcast,Steve Dale’s Other World(about topics generally unrelated to pets).

Two of Steve’s favorite honors: Commencement Speaker at Madison Square Garden for Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (2008), and appearing (in 2012) as 59 across in a TV Guide Crossword Puzzle (pet journalist Steve _ _ _ _).


00:00:02.080 --> 00:00:03.880
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.880 --> 00:00:04.980
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:00:22.991 --> 00:00:25.551
Linda Hall: Hello, my cat-loving friends.

00:00:25.551 --> 00:00:31.471
Linda Hall: You know, when you really like a guest, you invite them back a few times, and we've got Steve Dale here.

00:00:31.471 --> 00:00:40.351
Linda Hall: Steve is also a certified animal behavior specialist, but he's into so many things, I couldn't even list everything the man does.

00:00:40.351 --> 00:00:50.671
Linda Hall: He is busy, but he's here today to talk to us about the Every Cat Health Foundation, and he has really big FIP news, and we are very excited to talk to him.

00:00:50.791 --> 00:00:53.871
Linda Hall: So, we will be right back after this word from our sponsor.

00:00:56.331 --> 00:01:01.171
Announcer: Pet Greens is proud to support 19 Cats and Counting on Pet Life Radio.

00:01:01.171 --> 00:01:10.471
Announcer: Our small family farm produces live organic cat grass, catnip and soft chew treats packed with green nutrition to help your pets truly thrive inside.

00:01:10.471 --> 00:01:22.071
Announcer: We're partnering with pioneer cat behavior expert and bestselling author, Pam Johnson Bennett, to help indoor cats live their best lives with indoor enrichment tips for their parents.

00:01:22.071 --> 00:01:27.631
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Anyone who knows me knows I am a very strong proponent for cats being indoors.

00:01:27.631 --> 00:01:36.491
Pam Johnson-Bennett: But when we bring cats indoors, where I feel it's safest, we have an obligation to make sure they have a fulfilling life, that they get enrichment.

00:01:36.491 --> 00:01:40.091
Pam Johnson-Bennett: And part of that enrichment is encouraging health.

00:01:40.091 --> 00:01:42.771
Pam Johnson-Bennett: And a big part of that health is cat grass.

00:01:42.771 --> 00:01:45.791
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Cat grass helps with the prevention of hairballs.

00:01:45.791 --> 00:01:48.631
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It can help keep your cat away from houseplants.

00:01:48.871 --> 00:01:51.051
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's also fun for your cat.

00:01:51.051 --> 00:01:54.391
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's a natural behavior that your cat wants to chew.

00:01:54.391 --> 00:01:57.411
Pam Johnson-Bennett: And you know that you're providing it in a safe way.

00:01:57.411 --> 00:02:03.831
Announcer: For more information on the benefits of cat grass and catnip for your cat's indoor enrichment, visit

00:02:07.091 --> 00:02:10.251
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on

00:02:19.752 --> 00:02:21.632
Linda Hall: Welcome back to 19 Cats and Counting.

00:02:21.652 --> 00:02:29.112
Linda Hall: I am your co-host, Linda Hall, here with the ever-gorgeous, my BFF, my ride or die, Rita Reimers.

00:02:30.892 --> 00:02:33.792
Rita Reimers: I don't wanna talk to you, I talk to you all the time, all day long.

00:02:33.792 --> 00:02:35.612
Rita Reimers: I love you too, love you too.

00:02:35.612 --> 00:02:40.392
Linda Hall: Yeah, I wanna get this FIB news, because we've been following this for a while.

00:02:40.392 --> 00:02:44.632
Linda Hall: Steve, thank you for coming back and sharing this news with us.

00:02:44.632 --> 00:02:53.052
Steve Dale: It is amazing news, but first of all, ladies, I know that you both knew Richard Simmons, so I want to express my condolences.

00:02:53.052 --> 00:02:57.992
Steve Dale: I mean, I knew someone who knew him, but didn't know they knew one another.

00:02:57.992 --> 00:02:58.812
Steve Dale: Does that make sense?

00:02:58.812 --> 00:02:59.392
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:02:59.392 --> 00:03:00.892
Steve Dale: Until very recently.

00:03:00.892 --> 00:03:04.352
Steve Dale: And she's long passed away, so I never had the opportunity to ask her about him.

00:03:04.352 --> 00:03:09.752
Steve Dale: And while I've interviewed many celebrity types over the years, I never did have the opportunity to speak to him.

00:03:09.752 --> 00:03:13.052
Steve Dale: But he seemed like a person out there to do good.

00:03:13.852 --> 00:03:15.112
Rita Reimers: A hundred percent.

00:03:15.412 --> 00:03:18.812
Rita Reimers: That was his whole focus in life, was giving of himself.

00:03:18.812 --> 00:03:25.352
Rita Reimers: He actually, you know, he's so flamboyant, but in real life, well, he was a lot like that, but he was pretty shy normally.

00:03:25.352 --> 00:03:26.632
Linda Hall: Yeah, I've heard.

00:03:26.892 --> 00:03:32.932
Rita Reimers: Unless he had his reason to be his persona, then he was on stage, right?

00:03:32.932 --> 00:03:34.212
Rita Reimers: But at home, he was pretty quiet.

00:03:34.212 --> 00:03:37.752
Rita Reimers: His house was pretty, it's a nice house, but very modest, not what you'd think.

00:03:37.752 --> 00:03:39.852
Rita Reimers: You'd think it would be real flamboyant, but it's no.

00:03:39.912 --> 00:03:42.172
Linda Hall: It feels like a comfy home, right?

00:03:43.352 --> 00:03:49.152
Rita Reimers: I used to pet his dogs and he would set me up and he had like a little kitchenette off the kitchen.

00:03:49.152 --> 00:03:55.252
Rita Reimers: He'd set me up there and he'd let me watch videos that he got beforehand because he was part of the sag.

00:03:55.252 --> 00:03:59.972
Rita Reimers: So he got to vote on them and it was just very, very nice relationship that we had.

00:03:59.972 --> 00:04:04.332
Rita Reimers: I also worked for him on his radio show and in his studio for about 10 years.

00:04:04.332 --> 00:04:05.832
Rita Reimers: Linda worked for him.

00:04:05.832 --> 00:04:08.752
Rita Reimers: Linda was his original success story information girl.

00:04:09.212 --> 00:04:10.252
Rita Reimers: Where's your magazine?

00:04:10.252 --> 00:04:11.112
Rita Reimers: Where's your magazine?

00:04:11.112 --> 00:04:15.192
Linda Hall: I have no idea where it is right now, but yes, I've had a lot of fun.

00:04:15.192 --> 00:04:19.052
Linda Hall: We got to take trips and do fun things and help people and reach people.

00:04:20.092 --> 00:04:24.592
Linda Hall: Paramount Studios even used a clip of one of my infomercials in the movie What We've Been Want.

00:04:24.592 --> 00:04:29.952
Linda Hall: If you haven't seen it or haven't seen it lately, you'll have to rewatch it because I made Mel Gibson cry.

00:04:29.952 --> 00:04:31.192
Linda Hall: That's my claim to fame.

00:04:31.192 --> 00:04:35.452
Linda Hall: But yeah, we had so much fun just from being in his orbit.

00:04:36.412 --> 00:04:37.432
Linda Hall: He was really everything.

00:04:37.432 --> 00:04:40.012
Steve Dale: I may make both of you cry right now.

00:04:40.012 --> 00:04:41.032
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Oh, no.

00:04:41.032 --> 00:04:41.832
Steve Dale: In a good way.

00:04:41.832 --> 00:04:44.312
Steve Dale: Feline infectious Peritonitis or FIP.

00:04:44.312 --> 00:04:49.052
Steve Dale: If I could back up just a step to briefly explain what it is.

00:04:49.052 --> 00:04:54.412
Steve Dale: It actually took researchers forever, I mean, decades to figure it out because it's so complicated.

00:04:54.412 --> 00:04:58.392
Steve Dale: I happen to be on the board of an organization, non-profit.

00:04:58.392 --> 00:05:13.352
Steve Dale: It was once called The Winn Feline Foundation, but has now for several years been called The Every Cat Health Foundation, which is a better name because we do what we do for any cat, every cat, everywhere, all the time, every day.

00:05:13.352 --> 00:05:17.312
Steve Dale: So for years, what we do is we fund cat health studies.

00:05:17.312 --> 00:05:18.132
Steve Dale: That's all we do.

00:05:18.132 --> 00:05:33.212
Steve Dale: And then educate on those studies we fund and educate folks about cats, from veterinary professionals to cat breeders, to folks like you who are plain cat lovers and can learn more as a result of what we do.

00:05:33.472 --> 00:05:38.652
Steve Dale: So only organization like it on the planet that happens to do what we do.

00:05:38.652 --> 00:05:45.352
Steve Dale: For years, funded before I was on the board decades ago, many researchers, but one in particular, Dr.

00:05:45.352 --> 00:05:46.772
Steve Dale: Niels Petersen.

00:05:47.012 --> 00:06:02.712
Steve Dale: And what he and others ultimately figured out, and fast forwarding the clock here a bit, is that feline infectious peritonitis or FIP is caused by the feline coronavirus, kind of, for reasons we still don't understand.

00:06:02.792 --> 00:06:13.352
Steve Dale: In some cats, mostly kittens, it does this quirky mutation, and it transforms itself from this benign coronavirus.

00:06:13.352 --> 00:06:19.392
Steve Dale: And incidentally, in cats, the feline coronavirus is benign, for the most part.

00:06:19.392 --> 00:06:22.392
Steve Dale: They may have an upset tummy or whatever, but it goes away.

00:06:22.392 --> 00:06:58.512
Steve Dale: However, in one out of every, we don't know how many cats, and we don't exactly know why for all cats, though we have some feeling for some cats, why it transforms into feline infectious peritonitis, a completely different issue, because now we have a terminal immune mediated disease, acting very differently, and unlike the feline coronavirus, which is by the time you call the veterinarian, even if you know the cat has an upset tummy or kitten, usually, and the vet calls you back, the kitten's fine, you know, very different.

00:06:58.512 --> 00:06:59.532
Steve Dale: So what's going on?

00:07:00.392 --> 00:07:01.632
Steve Dale: What do we do about it?

00:07:01.632 --> 00:07:02.932
Steve Dale: Can we vaccinate for it?

00:07:02.932 --> 00:07:04.392
Steve Dale: How do we prevent it?

00:07:04.392 --> 00:07:09.572
Steve Dale: And for decades, researchers around the world, we have funded to figure this out.

00:07:09.572 --> 00:07:13.612
Steve Dale: And it was in 2017, that's I think right, Dr.

00:07:13.612 --> 00:07:22.932
Steve Dale: Niels Petersen, might have been earlier than that, came to the board of directors, which I'm on, our scientific advisory and review committee, and said, I think I've got it.

00:07:22.932 --> 00:07:32.152
Steve Dale: I'm going to go to this human pharmaceutical company called Gilead, and they have a drug called Remdisivir that I think will help kittens with FIP.

00:07:32.152 --> 00:07:35.412
Steve Dale: He had no idea that it would not only help, but cure.

00:07:35.412 --> 00:07:36.272
Rita Reimers: Wow.

00:07:36.272 --> 00:07:37.192
Steve Dale: Cure.

00:07:37.192 --> 00:07:37.652
Rita Reimers: Wow.

00:07:37.652 --> 00:07:39.412
Linda Hall: That's the one that's been so hard.

00:07:39.412 --> 00:07:42.132
Linda Hall: And if I could interrupt you, let me know if I am correct here.

00:07:42.132 --> 00:07:50.052
Linda Hall: My understanding so far, and we've had a few people into FIP on the podcast, is that it is deadly.

00:07:50.072 --> 00:07:50.972
Linda Hall: Hang it up.

00:07:50.972 --> 00:07:59.272
Linda Hall: And up until now, because there was no regulated, agreed upon, this isn't a cat thing, here's the medicine.

00:07:59.272 --> 00:08:04.512
Linda Hall: A lot of that's were just like, sorry about your luck and your cat's going to pass.

00:08:04.512 --> 00:08:07.732
Linda Hall: Then they started this black market, which I assume was a drug.

00:08:07.732 --> 00:08:09.052
Steve Dale: You're ahead of me here.

00:08:09.052 --> 00:08:11.132
Linda Hall: OK, OK, I'll stop there.

00:08:11.132 --> 00:08:24.732
Steve Dale: So what happened was this new drug to the world of cats called Remdesivir, which was only available because it was tried for humans and antiviral, tried for humans for Ebola virus, and it didn't work very well.

00:08:25.412 --> 00:08:30.932
Steve Dale: So, as a result, the pharmaceutical company Gilead had a ton of it on their shelves.

00:08:30.932 --> 00:08:32.732
Steve Dale: And they said, go ahead, try it for cats.

00:08:32.732 --> 00:08:33.332
Steve Dale: And Dr.

00:08:33.332 --> 00:08:34.432
Steve Dale: Peterson did.

00:08:34.432 --> 00:08:40.272
Steve Dale: He had huge success, wanted more, and wanted the pharma company to do more, and they declined.

00:08:40.272 --> 00:08:47.172
Steve Dale: So he went to some other researchers, who he also funded, and said, let's, because now you've got the recipe.

00:08:47.172 --> 00:08:49.432
Steve Dale: So let's create a compound just like that.

00:08:49.432 --> 00:08:49.992
Steve Dale: They did.

00:08:49.992 --> 00:08:52.392
Steve Dale: It's a bunch of letters and numbers after it.

00:08:52.392 --> 00:08:53.872
Steve Dale: I'm not going to go through all that.

00:08:54.732 --> 00:09:02.992
Steve Dale: So in 2019, the Every Cat Health Foundation hosted a symposium at the University of California Davis.

00:09:02.992 --> 00:09:03.572
Steve Dale: It was Dr.

00:09:03.572 --> 00:09:07.092
Steve Dale: Peterson's sort of last stand before his retirement.

00:09:07.092 --> 00:09:17.092
Steve Dale: And at this event, which everyone who had ever studied FIP that we have funded still alive, they weren't alive, we didn't invite them.

00:09:17.092 --> 00:09:20.072
Steve Dale: But the others from around the world invited.

00:09:20.212 --> 00:09:22.292
Rita Reimers: Have a stay out and invite them, right?

00:09:22.292 --> 00:09:23.272
Linda Hall: Yeah, there you go.

00:09:23.272 --> 00:09:24.432
Steve Dale: We could.

00:09:25.032 --> 00:09:26.772
Steve Dale: They came up with a consensus.

00:09:26.772 --> 00:09:30.932
Steve Dale: And here's the part, one of the parts where crying is allowed.

00:09:30.932 --> 00:09:44.412
Steve Dale: I had the honor of announcing that these experts have come together and agreed that FIP is now considered treatable and no longer considered fatal.

00:09:44.412 --> 00:09:45.272
Rita Reimers: That's amazing.

00:09:45.272 --> 00:09:56.912
Steve Dale: And when I made that announcement, I looked up and a room filled with hardened, I'm serious, hardened veterinarians who have seen it all, FIP cats and more, were just tearful.

00:09:56.912 --> 00:09:59.892
Steve Dale: A good friend of mine sitting right there, Dr.

00:09:59.892 --> 00:10:02.452
Steve Dale: Elizabeth Colloran, who's since passed away.

00:10:02.452 --> 00:10:07.692
Steve Dale: And I remember because she had committed so much of herself to all of this.

00:10:07.692 --> 00:10:13.692
Steve Dale: And she was a presenter at this meeting, which, by the way, was broadcast around the world, I said, 2019.

00:10:13.692 --> 00:10:16.072
Steve Dale: So this was pre-pandemic and pre-Zoom.

00:10:16.752 --> 00:10:24.432
Steve Dale: So these kinds of communications were not common, but we had thousands of people watching from all over the world.

00:10:24.432 --> 00:10:31.632
Steve Dale: Well, we made this announcement, but to your point, the drug was not available in the United States.

00:10:31.632 --> 00:10:36.412
Steve Dale: So China came in and said, woo, we know the recipe too.

00:10:36.412 --> 00:10:43.932
Steve Dale: And created lookalike drugs that in fact, we were skeptical.

00:10:43.932 --> 00:10:54.832
Steve Dale: I say we, it's really the experts, which I'm not, but I'm not a chemist or, but the experts were skeptical about it being workable, no control over Chinese products.

00:10:55.332 --> 00:11:02.012
Steve Dale: How do veterinarians even talk about it because there's issues with their license because it's from the black market.

00:11:02.012 --> 00:11:03.852
Steve Dale: Well, we answered all those questions.

00:11:03.852 --> 00:11:07.492
Steve Dale: It turned out that the drugs worked for the most part.

00:11:08.132 --> 00:11:09.792
Steve Dale: And there were issues.

00:11:09.792 --> 00:11:16.032
Steve Dale: Sometimes they were held up at customs, and sometimes they weren't mailed, and sometimes, sometimes, sometimes.

00:11:16.032 --> 00:11:19.452
Steve Dale: But overall, so many lives were saved.

00:11:19.452 --> 00:11:20.592
Steve Dale: Ideal, no.

00:11:20.592 --> 00:11:23.532
Linda Hall: Well, no, because they were trying to get it behind their backs, right?

00:11:23.532 --> 00:11:29.392
Linda Hall: They had, I mean, I know they had like, my cat's got FIP, so I reach out to the organization.

00:11:29.392 --> 00:11:31.452
Linda Hall: I'm not going to be able to order it from China in time.

00:11:31.872 --> 00:11:36.552
Linda Hall: So somebody else gives me their drugs and that I, my drugs come to somebody else.

00:11:36.552 --> 00:11:40.412
Linda Hall: Yeah, it was a whole thing and it was beautiful to see.

00:11:40.412 --> 00:11:45.572
Linda Hall: But in what world do we have to go through all this to get drugs that can save lives?

00:11:45.572 --> 00:11:46.352
Steve Dale: Totally right.

00:11:46.352 --> 00:11:49.312
Steve Dale: I mean, it didn't typically work that way, but it often did.

00:11:49.312 --> 00:11:56.332
Steve Dale: And Peter did a lot more than that and continues to raise money for FIP studies, which we continue to need.

00:11:56.332 --> 00:11:59.172
Steve Dale: But yeah, people, you're right, would meet each other.

00:11:59.632 --> 00:12:01.392
Steve Dale: I didn't get my delivery for whatever reason.

00:12:01.392 --> 00:12:02.312
Steve Dale: It's not going to come to me.

00:12:02.312 --> 00:12:03.572
Steve Dale: My cat needs it.

00:12:03.572 --> 00:12:04.652
Steve Dale: You would do the same thing.

00:12:04.652 --> 00:12:05.792
Steve Dale: I'm sure I would.

00:12:06.032 --> 00:12:06.912
Linda Hall: In a heartbeat.

00:12:06.912 --> 00:12:12.932
Linda Hall: If you're telling me your cat's not going to live until this delivery from China, I could throw everything I got at you.

00:12:12.932 --> 00:12:13.252
Linda Hall: I mean.

00:12:13.832 --> 00:12:22.072
Steve Dale: And you know, so I'd have to go to a Walmart parking lot and meet someone at midnight and exchange drugs and hope the police don't see, you know?

00:12:22.072 --> 00:12:23.092
Linda Hall: That's crazy.

00:12:23.092 --> 00:12:26.672
Rita Reimers: That's totally silly that it had to be that way, right?

00:12:26.672 --> 00:12:28.572
Steve Dale: Yeah, it still can be, you know?

00:12:28.712 --> 00:12:47.752
Steve Dale: So, so the good news that recently happened is that a company that has been providing compounded product in various countries around the world, including australia, Belgium, the UK, and others, said, OK, we will now do this in the United States.

00:12:47.752 --> 00:12:54.732
Steve Dale: So the company is Stokes Pharmacy taking this recipe from Bova Drugs, it's called.

00:12:54.732 --> 00:12:57.492
Steve Dale: The bottom line now, it's a US manufacturer.

00:12:58.072 --> 00:12:59.732
Steve Dale: Now, it's a compounded product.

00:12:59.732 --> 00:13:09.312
Steve Dale: It's not a pharmaceutical that is officially OK'd by the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine, which is what we need.

00:13:09.312 --> 00:13:11.972
Steve Dale: And we have one waiting in the wings still.

00:13:11.972 --> 00:13:13.992
Rita Reimers: So the vets can't prescribe it yet.

00:13:13.992 --> 00:13:15.412
Steve Dale: They can actually.

00:13:15.432 --> 00:13:15.992
Rita Reimers: Oh, good.

00:13:15.992 --> 00:13:16.852
Steve Dale: They can.

00:13:16.852 --> 00:13:18.812
Steve Dale: So they can prescribe it.

00:13:18.812 --> 00:13:20.872
Steve Dale: They can if there's a question or concern.

00:13:21.352 --> 00:13:27.192
Steve Dale: They so the veterinarians, the way it should be, of course, the veterinarian in this one, not the Chinese thing.

00:13:27.192 --> 00:13:27.492
Rita Reimers: Yeah.

00:13:27.492 --> 00:13:30.652
Steve Dale: But in this one, they can directly be involved.

00:13:30.892 --> 00:13:45.152
Steve Dale: Now, there are some wonderful people on Facebook groups, et cetera, and veterinarians included, including superstars in veterinary medicine now that are on these Facebook pages that help with the Chinese product questions.

00:13:45.152 --> 00:13:56.612
Steve Dale: Having said that, having your veterinarian, your own provider, directly say, potentially have it in clinic right there and here, you don't have to wait at all.

00:13:57.132 --> 00:13:59.252
Steve Dale: That's important because the wait time is an issue.

00:13:59.252 --> 00:14:04.752
Steve Dale: Having said that, this is a chewable product, it's compounded.

00:14:04.752 --> 00:14:13.432
Steve Dale: Being compounded and tasting like tuna can be great, but these cats often are so sick, that they don't want to eat, right?

00:14:13.432 --> 00:14:15.892
Steve Dale: So how do you get this into the cat?

00:14:15.892 --> 00:14:21.152
Steve Dale: Also, there's some conjecture without demonstrative evidence at all.

00:14:21.152 --> 00:14:27.212
Steve Dale: For the sickest kitties, that the injectable works better, more quickly.

00:14:27.212 --> 00:14:32.392
Steve Dale: Again, so far, we need evidence on this, but without evidence.

00:14:32.392 --> 00:14:42.812
Steve Dale: In any which case, this is yet another positive step, that I hope you also cry, because I said, I'd make you cry, because this is amazing.

00:14:42.812 --> 00:14:46.192
Steve Dale: At least we're moving in the right direction.

00:14:46.192 --> 00:14:49.632
Rita Reimers: Is this a single injectable or is it a series of shots?

00:14:49.772 --> 00:14:50.692
Steve Dale: Oh, it's a series.

00:14:51.112 --> 00:14:52.532
Rita Reimers: Can you do it at home?

00:14:52.532 --> 00:14:53.792
Rita Reimers: I know how to give shots.

00:14:54.512 --> 00:15:00.252
Steve Dale: So when they get these things from China, and that's the thing, the injectable itself is like this big.

00:15:00.252 --> 00:15:01.152
Steve Dale: It's a horse thing.

00:15:01.292 --> 00:15:01.952
Steve Dale: Wow.

00:15:02.232 --> 00:15:03.952
Steve Dale: And the cats don't like it.

00:15:04.372 --> 00:15:05.452
Steve Dale: They're not feeling well.

00:15:06.412 --> 00:15:10.592
Steve Dale: What cat likes getting an injection under the best of circumstances anyway?

00:15:10.592 --> 00:15:13.132
Steve Dale: So it's a difficult thing for a lot of pet parents to do.

00:15:13.132 --> 00:15:18.912
Steve Dale: Having said that, the peeling part of it isn't necessarily easier, depending on the individual cat.

00:15:18.912 --> 00:15:29.452
Steve Dale: However, now we have an option that is viable, an option that at least for many cats will and has worked.

00:15:29.452 --> 00:15:31.432
Steve Dale: And that is the good news.

00:15:31.432 --> 00:15:38.272
Steve Dale: The other thing is that pet insurance won't cover anything from China, but will cover depending on the company.

00:15:38.272 --> 00:15:41.592
Linda Hall: How come we are not hearing more of this?

00:15:41.592 --> 00:15:44.072
Steve Dale: Well, that's what I'm here for.

00:15:44.072 --> 00:15:45.532
Rita Reimers: Exactly.

00:15:45.532 --> 00:15:47.012
Linda Hall: I know we got to take a break.

00:15:47.012 --> 00:15:49.952
Rita Reimers: Yeah, we got about two minutes to break, but we can work a little early.

00:15:49.952 --> 00:15:52.032
Linda Hall: All right, let's break because my...

00:15:52.032 --> 00:15:52.452
Rita Reimers: I know.

00:15:52.452 --> 00:15:53.992
Steve Dale: Okay, I'll tell you one thing.

00:15:53.992 --> 00:15:54.772
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:15:54.772 --> 00:15:56.292
Steve Dale: It won't even take the two minutes.

00:15:56.292 --> 00:15:57.732
Steve Dale: It'll be your tease.

00:15:57.732 --> 00:16:08.012
Steve Dale: When we come back from break, I want to talk about how this story that I've told, there's a secret word and it has saved countless human lives.

00:16:08.012 --> 00:16:12.512
Steve Dale: So cats have saved countless human lives around the world.

00:16:13.032 --> 00:16:15.832
Steve Dale: I'll tell you that story when we come back.

00:16:15.832 --> 00:16:17.252
Linda Hall: Awesome.

00:16:17.252 --> 00:16:20.472
Rita Reimers: Let's take a little break and we'll be back in just a few minutes.

00:16:23.552 --> 00:16:26.752
Linda Hall: Hey, it's Linda Hall from 19 Cats and Counting.

00:16:26.952 --> 00:16:29.752
Rita Reimers: I'm Rita Reimers from 19 Cats and Counting.

00:16:30.032 --> 00:16:32.972
Rita Reimers: You know the expression that cats have nine lives?

00:16:32.972 --> 00:16:35.132
Rita Reimers: Well, what if you can give them one more?

00:16:35.132 --> 00:16:39.952
Rita Reimers: The Give Them 10 Movement is on a mission to help give cats an extra life.

00:16:39.952 --> 00:16:40.772
Linda Hall: How?

00:16:40.772 --> 00:16:42.552
Linda Hall: With spay and neuter.

00:16:42.552 --> 00:16:46.092
Linda Hall: Spaying or neutering your cat helps them live a longer, healthier life.

00:16:46.092 --> 00:16:49.472
Linda Hall: And it helps control the free roaming cat populations too.

00:16:49.472 --> 00:16:56.452
Linda Hall: You can learn more about the benefits of spay and neuter and meet Scooter, the neutered cat, at

00:16:56.812 --> 00:16:58.072
Rita Reimers: That's

00:17:01.132 --> 00:17:04.112
Announcer: Ready for the biggest cat celebration in the world?

00:17:04.112 --> 00:17:10.852
Announcer: Come to the CFA International Cat Show and Expo in Cleveland, Ohio on October 12th and 13th.

00:17:10.852 --> 00:17:19.432
Announcer: The Expo is the world's grandest cat celebration, seamlessly blending pedigree cat exhibitions with feline welfare and rescue initiatives.

00:17:19.432 --> 00:17:30.072
Announcer: It captivates over 10,000 feline enthusiasts each year, celebrating all cats, whether rescue or pedigree, in a shared spirit of love and unity.

00:17:30.072 --> 00:17:34.792
Announcer: Dive into cat-themed activations and enlightening educational sessions.

00:17:34.792 --> 00:17:43.392
Announcer: Marvel at 1,000 non-pedigree and pedigree cats, adoptable felines and explore over 100 cat-themed vendors.

00:17:43.392 --> 00:17:48.332
Announcer: It's an event dedicated to honoring our beloved felines and their admirers.

00:17:48.332 --> 00:17:51.412
Announcer: And guess what feline influencers are coming to meet and greet?

00:17:51.732 --> 00:18:00.712
Announcer: YouTube Cat Video Sensation, Erin's Animals, as well as Nathan the Cat Lady, Lambo, Leesha, Chupy, and many, many more.

00:18:00.712 --> 00:18:05.512
Announcer: Gather your cat crew and do whatever it takes to head to the CFA Cat Expo.

00:18:05.512 --> 00:18:10.172
Announcer: It's a whisker-wiggling, tail-twirling extravaganza you won't want to miss.

00:18:10.172 --> 00:18:14.932
Announcer: Get your tickets at, and that's

00:18:18.492 --> 00:18:24.392
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on Pet Life Radio, Pet Life Radio, Pet Life

00:18:34.517 --> 00:18:36.537
Rita Reimers: Okay, so we are back with Steve Dale.

00:18:36.537 --> 00:18:42.437
Rita Reimers: We're talking about amazing advancements in the world of FIP, and there's actually, sure, no, and I want to hear more about it.

00:18:42.437 --> 00:18:44.137
Rita Reimers: And I know Linda's been sitting on her hands.

00:18:44.137 --> 00:18:45.917
Rita Reimers: It's hard for Linda to be quiet, but she has the world.

00:18:45.917 --> 00:18:48.957
Linda Hall: It's terrible, it's terrible.

00:18:48.957 --> 00:18:50.817
Rita Reimers: So you left us with a teaser, Steve.

00:18:50.817 --> 00:18:59.057
Linda Hall: Yes, well, I wanted to say real quick, many, many years ago, I took a cat, a big old tuxy boy we had found outside.

00:18:59.057 --> 00:19:01.677
Linda Hall: My daughter named him Boo Boo because somebody shot him in the butt with a BB.

00:19:02.617 --> 00:19:06.237
Linda Hall: And he went in to get his neuter.

00:19:06.237 --> 00:19:13.577
Linda Hall: And they told me, it's a long, long time ago, probably 30 years ago, they told me he was FIV positive and that I needed to euthanize.

00:19:13.577 --> 00:19:18.277
Linda Hall: And I got there and they gave me my cat in a trash bag.

00:19:18.277 --> 00:19:24.317
Linda Hall: And I still remember standing at my van, ripping the bag, going, my cat's not trash.

00:19:24.317 --> 00:19:30.097
Linda Hall: Every time somebody tells me they took their cat in and they said, it's FIP, there's nothing we can do, we're killing your cat.

00:19:30.097 --> 00:19:31.137
Rita Reimers: She remembers Boo Boo.

00:19:31.597 --> 00:19:33.197
Linda Hall: And I see that trash bag.

00:19:33.197 --> 00:19:37.037
Linda Hall: And what you're saying is going to stop so many people from having to experience that.

00:19:37.037 --> 00:19:39.537
Linda Hall: I mean, look how far I've got an FIP boy behind me.

00:19:39.537 --> 00:19:43.157
Linda Hall: You know, that is not the big scary monster it used to be.

00:19:43.157 --> 00:19:54.137
Linda Hall: And now what you and this organization are doing is changing that so many more people are not going to have to go through what we went through at that time.

00:19:54.137 --> 00:19:55.317
Linda Hall: That's just everything.

00:19:55.317 --> 00:19:59.097
Rita Reimers: Does this work for both kinds of wet and dry FIP?

00:19:59.097 --> 00:19:59.797
Rita Reimers: It does.

00:20:00.617 --> 00:20:01.237
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:20:01.237 --> 00:20:05.657
Steve Dale: And also the neurologic form, which is the most challenging.

00:20:05.657 --> 00:20:16.377
Steve Dale: And it is thought by some, again, without demonstrable evidence, we don't know, that for those kitties, the injections at first, at least, are probably a good idea.

00:20:16.377 --> 00:20:18.457
Steve Dale: But I say that and it's all anecdotal.

00:20:18.457 --> 00:20:19.557
Steve Dale: We just don't know.

00:20:19.557 --> 00:20:20.377
Linda Hall: It makes sense.

00:20:20.377 --> 00:20:27.117
Linda Hall: I mean, if you've got a bad infection, you know, they can give you pills, but if it's really bad, they're going to give you a shot to get it started, right?

00:20:27.477 --> 00:20:30.637
Steve Dale: Yeah, it has to do with things that are more technical than that.

00:20:30.637 --> 00:20:33.137
Steve Dale: But yeah, yeah, I guess, I guess you're right.

00:20:33.137 --> 00:20:36.897
Steve Dale: I mean, when I think about it, the essence of what you say, it gets there.

00:20:36.897 --> 00:20:38.017
Steve Dale: It's actually true.

00:20:38.037 --> 00:20:50.017
Steve Dale: And, you know, I was on the board of a shelter in Chicago, and this goes back years where the good news is we would take the FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency virus.

00:20:50.017 --> 00:20:52.497
Steve Dale: I'm not talking FIP at the moment, right?

00:20:52.497 --> 00:20:54.437
Steve Dale: We would take those cats.

00:20:55.097 --> 00:20:58.797
Steve Dale: We were one of the first shelters to do it and criticized for doing it.

00:20:58.797 --> 00:21:05.137
Steve Dale: And today, both those cats and FVLV, Feline Leukemia Cats, we know.

00:21:05.137 --> 00:21:11.817
Steve Dale: You know, I would argue that your cat behind you, that orange guy, Yeah.

00:21:11.817 --> 00:21:27.197
Steve Dale: will actually live or have as much of a chance of living a longer life than, well, my cat's not in the room now, but than our cat, who doesn't have FVLV or FIV in particular.

00:21:27.197 --> 00:21:28.437
Rita Reimers: Why do you say that?

00:21:28.437 --> 00:21:28.957
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:21:28.957 --> 00:21:34.977
Steve Dale: So the reason for that is because every time your cat goes, you're running to the vet.

00:21:34.977 --> 00:21:36.037
Rita Reimers: That's true story.

00:21:36.037 --> 00:21:37.657
Rita Reimers: That's a true story.

00:21:37.657 --> 00:21:40.297
Steve Dale: And that's the right thing to do with cats that have FIV.

00:21:40.297 --> 00:21:45.897
Steve Dale: But because you're on top of it and paying attention to every little thing, I mean, you guys are experts.

00:21:45.897 --> 00:21:47.677
Steve Dale: So you in particular would know.

00:21:48.377 --> 00:21:57.077
Steve Dale: But in general, people who have FIV cats are going to pay such careful attention, visit the veterinary, and I hope twice, not once a year.

00:21:57.077 --> 00:21:57.537
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:21:57.557 --> 00:22:02.537
Steve Dale: Actually, the help of those cats proactively will be better taken care of.

00:22:02.537 --> 00:22:04.517
Steve Dale: That's anecdotal as well.

00:22:04.517 --> 00:22:06.497
Steve Dale: But that is my feeling about that.

00:22:06.997 --> 00:22:08.097
Steve Dale: I'm sticking to it.

00:22:08.097 --> 00:22:08.697
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:22:08.697 --> 00:22:10.197
Linda Hall: That is kind of a joke around here.

00:22:10.197 --> 00:22:12.317
Linda Hall: If one of the other, there's 12 total.

00:22:12.737 --> 00:22:14.417
Linda Hall: If any 11 cat sneezes.

00:22:14.417 --> 00:22:15.277
Rita Reimers: I have 19.

00:22:15.277 --> 00:22:16.237
Linda Hall: If you think 12 is bad.

00:22:16.237 --> 00:22:18.137
Linda Hall: Yes, she beats me.

00:22:18.137 --> 00:22:19.897
Rita Reimers: Don't try this at home, folks.

00:22:19.897 --> 00:22:24.897
Linda Hall: Any of those 11 sneeze, I'm yelling out to my family members, you guys keep an eye on so-and-so.

00:22:24.897 --> 00:22:25.537
Linda Hall: He sneezed.

00:22:25.537 --> 00:22:27.517
Linda Hall: I just want to make sure this doesn't become something.

00:22:27.517 --> 00:22:28.877
Linda Hall: Kismet sneezes.

00:22:28.877 --> 00:22:29.457
Rita Reimers: She's to the vet.

00:22:29.457 --> 00:22:31.137
Announcer: Pulling the vet right now.

00:22:31.137 --> 00:22:32.597
Linda Hall: I am on the phone.

00:22:32.597 --> 00:22:35.017
Linda Hall: He does not pass go.

00:22:35.017 --> 00:22:38.077
Rita Reimers: I have an FIV cat too, but he's so feral.

00:22:38.077 --> 00:22:43.397
Rita Reimers: I don't see a lot of him, so I can't take as great of care of him as I want to.

00:22:43.397 --> 00:22:46.097
Rita Reimers: He should have been released outside because of the FIV.

00:22:46.257 --> 00:22:48.357
Linda Hall: Yeah, he was meant to fit the TNR.

00:22:48.517 --> 00:22:52.957
Linda Hall: And I want to hear, okay, the secret word, what was this teaser you left us with?

00:22:52.957 --> 00:22:57.857
Steve Dale: So, FIP, FIP or feline infectious peritonitis.

00:22:57.857 --> 00:23:03.097
Steve Dale: I told you that part of the story, but there's another part of the story as well.

00:23:03.097 --> 00:23:10.417
Steve Dale: So, in 2023, if I think I've got the year right, COVID hit.

00:23:10.417 --> 00:23:12.417
Steve Dale: And we didn't have-

00:23:12.417 --> 00:23:12.917
Linda Hall: 2020.

00:23:13.017 --> 00:23:15.557
Rita Reimers: 2020, Linda lost her son-in-law.

00:23:15.657 --> 00:23:16.857
Steve Dale: I'm sorry.

00:23:16.857 --> 00:23:19.077
Linda Hall: Yeah, COVID ravaged my home, but anyway-

00:23:19.077 --> 00:23:20.797
Steve Dale: I had the year very wrong.

00:23:20.797 --> 00:23:22.837
Linda Hall: Yeah, 2020.

00:23:22.837 --> 00:23:27.857
Linda Hall: I only know because, yeah, the master passed on august 20th, 2020, and it's, you know.

00:23:27.857 --> 00:23:31.297
Steve Dale: Yeah, and it actually hit China toward the end of 2019.

00:23:31.297 --> 00:23:41.697
Steve Dale: So, at that point in time, researchers began to look for options all across the world, not only in America, but in America as well.

00:23:41.697 --> 00:23:47.217
Steve Dale: Antiviral options, so the antibiotic options, apparently like that, antiviral options like that.

00:23:47.217 --> 00:23:54.757
Steve Dale: And somebody somewhere, and I know the story isn't a story, it's true, but it still can be a story if it's true.

00:23:54.757 --> 00:23:55.597
Linda Hall: That's true.

00:23:55.597 --> 00:23:56.237
Rita Reimers: Yeah.

00:23:56.237 --> 00:23:57.357
Rita Reimers: Yeah, it's a true story.

00:23:58.177 --> 00:24:00.357
Rita Reimers: It's a true, the true Hollywood story.

00:24:00.377 --> 00:24:02.017
Linda Hall: Yes, that's it.

00:24:02.017 --> 00:24:09.817
Steve Dale: So you're about to hear an e-true Hollywood story, which is this.

00:24:09.817 --> 00:24:17.957
Steve Dale: Researchers, well, they knew human beings are not cats, sometimes we hope, but we're not.

00:24:17.957 --> 00:24:28.897
Steve Dale: They looked at the drug that was being written about in scientific journals, peer review, that was curing cats of FIP.

00:24:28.897 --> 00:24:31.997
Steve Dale: And originally that drug, Remdisivir.

00:24:31.997 --> 00:24:41.657
Steve Dale: Remdisivir then was tried out in clinical trials very quickly to see if it would help people, to see if it would cause major side effects, et cetera, et cetera.

00:24:41.657 --> 00:24:43.417
Steve Dale: Turns out that it did help people.

00:24:43.417 --> 00:24:55.977
Steve Dale: I'm talking about people with COVID-19, with a human SARS-induced coronavirus, SARS Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome, coronavirus that affected your family.

00:24:55.977 --> 00:24:59.157
Steve Dale: And it was affecting millions of families around the globe.

00:24:59.157 --> 00:25:00.277
Rita Reimers: Oh, yes.

00:25:00.277 --> 00:25:14.437
Steve Dale: Well, it turns out this drug, well, not the perfect solution for COVID-19, was a part of the answer and contributed to saving thousands of lives, countless thousands around the world.

00:25:15.317 --> 00:25:18.237
Steve Dale: That would not have happened if it wasn't for Dr.

00:25:18.237 --> 00:25:22.297
Steve Dale: Pedersen looking at that drug, if it wasn't for us saying, Dr.

00:25:22.297 --> 00:25:24.257
Steve Dale: Pedersen, you can have the money to do it.

00:25:24.257 --> 00:25:26.997
Steve Dale: And it wasn't for kittens getting FIP in the first place.

00:25:26.997 --> 00:25:29.697
Steve Dale: You know, we hear about One Health stories and they're out there.

00:25:29.697 --> 00:25:31.357
Steve Dale: There are many of them.

00:25:31.357 --> 00:25:38.557
Steve Dale: Most include dogs, but here's a cat story about cats saving so many lives.

00:25:39.197 --> 00:25:43.497
Steve Dale: By the way, Remdesivir is available to treat FIP in America.

00:25:44.237 --> 00:25:46.437
Steve Dale: It can be used by veterinarians.

00:25:46.437 --> 00:25:55.317
Steve Dale: The problems are availability of it, administration of it, and also the cost is pretty prohibited for many.

00:25:55.317 --> 00:26:01.977
Steve Dale: So it's a far easier way to go as to what I described.

00:26:01.977 --> 00:26:06.297
Steve Dale: The goal might be to create a vaccine.

00:26:06.297 --> 00:26:11.957
Steve Dale: And if we can prevent the coronavirus from happening in kittens, maybe we can in people too.

00:26:12.417 --> 00:26:14.357
Rita Reimers: That would be wonderful.

00:26:14.877 --> 00:26:22.077
Rita Reimers: But that's why, though, that the red hemisphere became so hard to get is because it was effective in helping people with the virus.

00:26:22.077 --> 00:26:22.637
Rita Reimers: Yes.

00:26:22.637 --> 00:26:26.257
Steve Dale: Well, as it turned out, Gilead, they didn't know, maybe they did somehow.

00:26:26.257 --> 00:26:27.577
Steve Dale: I don't think they did.

00:26:27.577 --> 00:26:29.397
Steve Dale: Knew that it was going to be a pandemic.

00:26:29.397 --> 00:26:35.837
Steve Dale: However, they did know, apparently, or felt, we've got something here we want to hold on to.

00:26:35.837 --> 00:26:37.077
Steve Dale: They're thinking behind that.

00:26:37.077 --> 00:26:39.317
Steve Dale: I can't even guess.

00:26:39.317 --> 00:26:41.637
Steve Dale: Turned out to be a good thing for the world in some ways.

00:26:42.037 --> 00:26:44.117
Steve Dale: But they did hold on to that drug.

00:26:44.117 --> 00:26:47.817
Steve Dale: But I argue, I wish they had made it available to cats.

00:26:47.817 --> 00:26:48.717
Steve Dale: Well, no matter.

00:26:48.717 --> 00:26:50.677
Steve Dale: Now it is.

00:26:50.677 --> 00:26:55.817
Steve Dale: The thing is, I mean, there are lots of products used, quote, off-label in veterinary medicine.

00:26:55.817 --> 00:26:58.357
Steve Dale: Every single day, it's perfectly legal.

00:26:58.357 --> 00:27:01.477
Steve Dale: However, let me see if I can give you an example.

00:27:03.457 --> 00:27:08.857
Steve Dale: Metronidazole for dogs with runny stools, or a cat.

00:27:09.317 --> 00:27:11.957
Steve Dale: A flagell, same drug, flagell, yeah.

00:27:11.957 --> 00:27:13.337
Steve Dale: Yeah, I believe that's off-label.

00:27:13.337 --> 00:27:23.117
Steve Dale: I mean, there's so many of them that are really huge products that are, we know are safe for pets and studied, and veterinarians do it that way.

00:27:23.117 --> 00:27:25.817
Steve Dale: And that's been the way for decades and decades.

00:27:25.817 --> 00:27:27.857
Steve Dale: There's no issue with that.

00:27:27.857 --> 00:27:32.017
Steve Dale: But the issue with remdesivir, as I say, is first cost, secondly, availability.

00:27:32.017 --> 00:27:38.017
Steve Dale: And the third is I believe the way it has to be administered is in hospital, and that makes it even more costly.

00:27:38.497 --> 00:27:42.457
Steve Dale: And difficult for many cats to do that are fragile anyway.

00:27:42.457 --> 00:27:46.657
Steve Dale: In other countries, it is being used a little more readily than in America.

00:27:46.657 --> 00:27:52.777
Steve Dale: No matter, now we have two good options, and if we keep looking for more, we will find more.

00:27:52.777 --> 00:27:57.797
Steve Dale: And some of those may be antivirals that end up helping people too.

00:27:57.797 --> 00:27:59.557
Rita Reimers: So do all the veterinarians know this?

00:27:59.557 --> 00:28:07.077
Rita Reimers: I mean, if you take a cat and your cat is diagnosed with FIP, will your vet automatically know these drugs are available?

00:28:07.177 --> 00:28:12.137
Rita Reimers: Or is it our responsibility to say, look, I know these drugs are available and I want them?

00:28:12.137 --> 00:28:15.437
Steve Dale: I think that most, I don't know the answer really.

00:28:15.437 --> 00:28:18.897
Steve Dale: I would hope that most feline practitioners know.

00:28:18.897 --> 00:28:22.357
Steve Dale: I don't know that all general practitioners do.

00:28:22.357 --> 00:28:29.637
Steve Dale: This will be a hot topic at veterinary conferences for the remainder of the year and mostly into next year.

00:28:29.637 --> 00:28:31.337
Rita Reimers: I was hoping that you would say that.

00:28:31.337 --> 00:28:39.097
Linda Hall: I remember when I first found out that veterinarians legally, technically couldn't say, yes, there's a treatment for this, blah, blah, blah.

00:28:39.097 --> 00:28:47.117
Linda Hall: And I just remember thinking, if I was a vet, how horrible to know I can save this cat's life, but yet my hands are tied by legality.

00:28:47.117 --> 00:28:50.177
Rita Reimers: I think they did say you can get this drug on the black market.

00:28:50.697 --> 00:28:52.697
Linda Hall: Yeah, I think some people were like, check out this place.

00:28:52.897 --> 00:28:53.197
Linda Hall: Yeah.

00:28:53.197 --> 00:28:55.397
Steve Dale: So at first, they were really terrible.

00:28:55.397 --> 00:28:57.177
Steve Dale: First, nobody knew it.

00:28:57.177 --> 00:29:00.617
Steve Dale: That was the issue, getting word out there that this was even possible.

00:29:00.637 --> 00:29:03.937
Steve Dale: Once that happened, there were concerns about the black market, which I understand.

00:29:04.477 --> 00:29:06.697
Steve Dale: And people like Elizabeth Cullin, Dr.

00:29:06.697 --> 00:29:13.217
Steve Dale: Cullin pounded the pavement at veterinary conferences and said to her colleagues, you can do this.

00:29:13.597 --> 00:29:16.197
Steve Dale: And here's how legally you can do this.

00:29:16.197 --> 00:29:19.277
Steve Dale: And you can say, go to FIP Warriors.

00:29:20.137 --> 00:29:25.897
Steve Dale: They're just telling you to go to a website and learn more about what is happening now.

00:29:25.897 --> 00:29:28.557
Steve Dale: You don't even have to mention the drug if you don't want.

00:29:28.557 --> 00:29:32.077
Steve Dale: And I will supply additional support.

00:29:32.197 --> 00:29:47.457
Steve Dale: So if the cat needs fluids, if the cat needs monitoring blood work along the way, which they do, all of those things they were able to do sort of quietly, but legally, I mean, providing that supportive care is not illegal.

00:29:47.457 --> 00:29:48.577
Steve Dale: That's the right thing to do.

00:29:48.577 --> 00:29:50.077
Steve Dale: There's no ethical issue with that.

00:29:50.077 --> 00:29:53.677
Rita Reimers: Now, hopefully this will make the need for FIP Warriors moved, right?

00:29:53.677 --> 00:29:57.357
Rita Reimers: because you can now get this drug that's covered by your insurance.

00:29:57.357 --> 00:29:58.677
Rita Reimers: I'd much rather do that.

00:29:59.497 --> 00:30:06.677
Steve Dale: Yeah, again, if indeed the injectable for some cats is needed first, there is no injectable today in America.

00:30:06.677 --> 00:30:09.757
Steve Dale: There is a pharma company working with the FDA.

00:30:09.757 --> 00:30:15.657
Steve Dale: I had hoped, personally, that the drug would have been out by last year approved.

00:30:15.657 --> 00:30:16.917
Steve Dale: We know it works.

00:30:16.917 --> 00:30:19.157
Steve Dale: So far, not this year, and probably not.

00:30:19.157 --> 00:30:21.537
Steve Dale: I would suggest it will happen next year, though.

00:30:21.537 --> 00:30:26.977
Steve Dale: And once that happens, we might not even need the compounded option anymore.

00:30:27.257 --> 00:30:29.157
Steve Dale: And that will be FDA fully approved.

00:30:29.157 --> 00:30:30.797
Steve Dale: There will be no questions about it.

00:30:30.797 --> 00:30:34.717
Steve Dale: So then we'll have yet an additional and maybe the best option of all.

00:30:34.717 --> 00:30:36.037
Linda Hall: So many lives are changing.

00:30:36.037 --> 00:30:42.157
Linda Hall: And if I got you correctly, you know, my son got, I sort of say, FIP, he did not.

00:30:42.157 --> 00:30:44.897
Linda Hall: He got COVID.

00:30:44.897 --> 00:30:47.257
Rita Reimers: Before we did, before we even knew what it was.

00:30:47.257 --> 00:30:49.057
Linda Hall: I'm thinking about his second round.

00:30:49.057 --> 00:30:49.577
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:30:49.577 --> 00:30:51.057
Linda Hall: So my son-in-law is gone.

00:30:51.297 --> 00:30:54.017
Linda Hall: I was hospitalized in ICU with COVID.

00:30:54.017 --> 00:30:55.237
Rita Reimers: She was modest about that.

00:30:55.237 --> 00:30:56.277
Linda Hall: We were requested to do something about that.

00:30:56.277 --> 00:30:58.237
Linda Hall: It was a scary moment.

00:30:58.257 --> 00:31:00.377
Linda Hall: I'm immune compromised because I have a mess.

00:31:00.377 --> 00:31:03.097
Linda Hall: So anyway, we're all through it.

00:31:03.097 --> 00:31:04.277
Linda Hall: It's before Christmas.

00:31:04.277 --> 00:31:05.697
Linda Hall: My son's not feeling well.

00:31:05.697 --> 00:31:09.717
Linda Hall: I'm super like, before we go over to grandma and grandpa's are going to get you tested.

00:31:09.717 --> 00:31:11.137
Linda Hall: Yeah, he had COVID.

00:31:11.137 --> 00:31:14.077
Linda Hall: They gave him remdesivir.

00:31:14.077 --> 00:31:16.017
Linda Hall: And it did help.

00:31:16.737 --> 00:31:29.297
Linda Hall: And I'm, if I'm understanding you correctly, the absolute nightmare we went through with Sebastian versus what my son went through because he got the remdesivir has been brought to you by cats and cat lovers.

00:31:29.297 --> 00:31:30.837
Linda Hall: Is that what I'm hearing?

00:31:30.837 --> 00:31:31.557
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:31:31.557 --> 00:31:36.677
Steve Dale: So what you need to do is write us at Every Cat Health Foundation, please.

00:31:36.677 --> 00:31:38.437
Steve Dale: A million dollar check.

00:31:38.437 --> 00:31:38.837
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:31:38.837 --> 00:31:39.017
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:31:39.017 --> 00:31:39.737
Linda Hall: I'll get right on that.

00:31:39.737 --> 00:31:40.717
Steve Dale: We're happy to do this.

00:31:40.717 --> 00:31:41.857
Steve Dale: You know, do that.

00:31:41.857 --> 00:31:42.537
Rita Reimers: I want to do that.

00:31:43.857 --> 00:31:55.657
Steve Dale: I'm really, what would really be nice, I should be telling you offline, but I'll tell you online since I started it anyway, would be a little video from you to tell that story that we could post on our website.

00:31:55.657 --> 00:31:57.177
Linda Hall: Gladly.

00:31:57.177 --> 00:32:00.817
Steve Dale: because we're really part of that story at Every Cat Health Foundation.

00:32:00.817 --> 00:32:01.417
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:32:01.417 --> 00:32:08.157
Steve Dale: Now, we didn't create the drug, but no one would have thought about that drug for cats if it wasn't for Dr.

00:32:08.157 --> 00:32:08.677
Steve Dale: Petersen.

00:32:10.237 --> 00:32:10.797
Steve Dale: Dr.

00:32:10.797 --> 00:32:11.377
Steve Dale: Petersen.

00:32:11.377 --> 00:32:15.017
Steve Dale: But we're the one who said, okay, you could have the money to do the clinical trials.

00:32:15.017 --> 00:32:22.217
Steve Dale: He himself was surprised when not only did it work to help, it worked to cure.

00:32:22.217 --> 00:32:25.537
Steve Dale: He thought they'd get a little better and they could live longer or whatever.

00:32:25.537 --> 00:32:31.577
Steve Dale: And the side effects are there potentially, but they're minimal.

00:32:31.577 --> 00:32:32.657
Steve Dale: Minimal.

00:32:32.657 --> 00:32:35.157
Steve Dale: What are the side effects are better than death?

00:32:35.397 --> 00:32:36.857
Rita Reimers: Yes, I agree.

00:32:36.857 --> 00:32:37.797
Rita Reimers: What are the side effects?

00:32:37.797 --> 00:32:38.877
Rita Reimers: Do you know?

00:32:38.877 --> 00:32:43.957
Steve Dale: just kind of not feeling well on and off and that kind of, they're really minimal.

00:32:43.957 --> 00:32:50.397
Linda Hall: The COVID vaccine made me feel like I was out of my bed, but it was worth it.

00:32:50.397 --> 00:32:51.057
Rita Reimers: Awful.

00:32:51.057 --> 00:32:54.937
Rita Reimers: I would rather have the little side effects than have COVID again.

00:32:54.937 --> 00:32:56.657
Rita Reimers: I had it too in November.

00:32:56.657 --> 00:32:57.657
Rita Reimers: It was pretty bad.

00:32:57.657 --> 00:32:58.697
Linda Hall: Oh, yes, she had a pretty bad.

00:32:58.697 --> 00:32:59.117
Steve Dale: Yeah.

00:32:59.117 --> 00:33:01.977
Steve Dale: The good news is for a lot of people, but not everyone.

00:33:01.977 --> 00:33:02.517
Steve Dale: That's the thing.

00:33:02.897 --> 00:33:07.197
Steve Dale: The symptoms of COVID are minimized today.

00:33:07.197 --> 00:33:11.357
Steve Dale: It's like a bad, really bad cold, but that's not for everybody.

00:33:11.357 --> 00:33:14.017
Steve Dale: The other thing is after you get a cold, it's over.

00:33:14.017 --> 00:33:16.357
Steve Dale: For some people, they still get long COVID.

00:33:17.197 --> 00:33:18.697
Steve Dale: It's still nothing to play around with.

00:33:18.697 --> 00:33:21.837
Rita Reimers: I still have issues with tasting certain things.

00:33:21.837 --> 00:33:23.617
Rita Reimers: citrus tastes like pickles.

00:33:23.617 --> 00:33:25.837
Rita Reimers: There's certain things that just don't taste right.

00:33:25.837 --> 00:33:28.937
Steve Dale: I was actually in the vaccine trial for COVID.

00:33:28.937 --> 00:33:29.717
Rita Reimers: Oh, wow.

00:33:30.137 --> 00:33:36.077
Steve Dale: And I had a side effect, which shocked the doctors that I can tell you about.

00:33:36.077 --> 00:33:40.257
Steve Dale: So I was actually thrilled to be in the trial.

00:33:40.257 --> 00:33:52.037
Steve Dale: And when I entered the trial, they ask you after every time you get a jab in the arm, all sorts of questions and you come in for a cursory physical exam as well.

00:33:52.037 --> 00:33:56.837
Steve Dale: They take your blood pressure and your heart rate and your pulse and whatever.

00:33:56.837 --> 00:34:01.117
Steve Dale: And they want to know if you've gotten COVID, obviously, does the vaccine work?

00:34:01.117 --> 00:34:03.717
Steve Dale: And whatever else they asked you or tested you for.

00:34:03.717 --> 00:34:05.697
Steve Dale: But one question was about side effects.

00:34:05.697 --> 00:34:09.517
Steve Dale: And I told them, I'm hungrier for ice cream.

00:34:09.517 --> 00:34:10.957
Rita Reimers: Wow, that's bizarre.

00:34:10.957 --> 00:34:12.297
Rita Reimers: I wonder why.

00:34:12.297 --> 00:34:15.197
Steve Dale: So it's a particular kind of ice cream.

00:34:15.197 --> 00:34:17.317
Steve Dale: So I would tell them that every time I came in.

00:34:17.317 --> 00:34:19.097
Steve Dale: Finally, I got a call from Dr.

00:34:19.097 --> 00:34:22.717
Steve Dale: Richard Novak, who ran the study, the guy who runs the study.

00:34:22.717 --> 00:34:27.497
Steve Dale: And he said, and because I'm on the radio in Chicago and he's based in Chicago, he knew of me, I believe.

00:34:28.117 --> 00:34:30.937
Steve Dale: But he said, can you explain this to me?

00:34:30.937 --> 00:34:35.637
Steve Dale: I said, well, I, and this was during COVID, you couldn't go anywhere, right?

00:34:35.917 --> 00:34:40.717
Steve Dale: But this one little store was open that sold ice cream.

00:34:40.717 --> 00:34:46.537
Steve Dale: And I would go there and I would get banana graham cracker ice cream.

00:34:46.537 --> 00:34:48.197
Rita Reimers: Ooh, that sounds good.

00:34:48.197 --> 00:34:49.297
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:34:49.297 --> 00:34:51.377
Steve Dale: And I became addicted.

00:34:51.377 --> 00:34:54.837
Steve Dale: Eventually had to go to the Betty Ford Center, which is a whole different story.

00:34:54.917 --> 00:34:57.697
Linda Hall: They ride you out, the withdrawals were horrible.

00:34:57.697 --> 00:35:02.457
Steve Dale: But I would go there because I didn't know when I enlisted for the study, they'd pay me.

00:35:02.457 --> 00:35:05.777
Steve Dale: Now, you're not going to make a living off what they pay you.

00:35:05.877 --> 00:35:08.537
Steve Dale: So I decided to spend the payment on ice cream.

00:35:08.537 --> 00:35:09.857
Steve Dale: It about evened out.

00:35:09.857 --> 00:35:10.117
Linda Hall: I love it.

00:35:10.117 --> 00:35:12.837
Steve Dale: So I would go after every time I get the ice cream.

00:35:12.837 --> 00:35:14.777
Steve Dale: So I told them how good it was.

00:35:14.777 --> 00:35:17.857
Steve Dale: And apparently what I didn't know, and the reason for Dr.

00:35:17.857 --> 00:35:22.797
Steve Dale: Novak calling me, is they have to put down into writing no matter what you say.

00:35:23.417 --> 00:35:37.817
Steve Dale: So in the medical records at the American Medical Association, if you look under the vaccine trial, and all of the side effects, you will see craving Bananar Graham Cracker ice cream.

00:35:37.817 --> 00:35:39.257
Rita Reimers: Oh my gosh.

00:35:39.257 --> 00:35:41.177
Rita Reimers: Now I want that ice cream.

00:35:41.177 --> 00:35:42.057
Steve Dale: I do too.

00:35:42.057 --> 00:35:42.857
Steve Dale: I know.

00:35:42.897 --> 00:35:43.857
Steve Dale: So Dr.

00:35:43.857 --> 00:35:44.097
Steve Dale: Novak...

00:35:44.097 --> 00:35:45.257
Rita Reimers: Do you still eat that?

00:35:45.557 --> 00:35:45.737
Steve Dale: Go ahead.

00:35:46.277 --> 00:35:46.917
Rita Reimers: What about Dr.

00:35:46.917 --> 00:35:47.057
Rita Reimers: Novak?

00:35:47.057 --> 00:35:47.797
Steve Dale: So Dr.

00:35:47.797 --> 00:35:55.777
Steve Dale: Novak actually went in and tried the ice cream for himself a couple of weeks later, and identified himself when he came in.

00:35:55.777 --> 00:36:01.197
Steve Dale: So they told me that some doctor came in and said, you said the ice cream was really good.

00:36:01.737 --> 00:36:03.357
Linda Hall: It's like, get me some of this.

00:36:03.357 --> 00:36:04.317
Linda Hall: I love it.

00:36:04.317 --> 00:36:06.317
Rita Reimers: Now we have to make a trip to Chicago.

00:36:06.317 --> 00:36:06.797
Linda Hall: Right.

00:36:06.817 --> 00:36:07.897
Linda Hall: I love Chicago.

00:36:07.897 --> 00:36:08.617
Steve Dale: I haven't been there yet.

00:36:08.617 --> 00:36:10.397
Steve Dale: Wendy's City Sweets.

00:36:10.397 --> 00:36:13.357
Steve Dale: They have good ice cream and candy everywhere.

00:36:13.357 --> 00:36:14.197
Linda Hall: Yum.

00:36:14.557 --> 00:36:17.097
Steve Dale: They even have a bar for licorice.

00:36:17.097 --> 00:36:20.077
Rita Reimers: Oh, I love licorice.

00:36:20.077 --> 00:36:20.377
Linda Hall: Okay.

00:36:20.377 --> 00:36:21.057
Rita Reimers: We're going.

00:36:21.057 --> 00:36:21.457
Linda Hall: Right.

00:36:21.457 --> 00:36:21.937
Linda Hall: Exactly.

00:36:21.937 --> 00:36:22.437
Linda Hall: We're on our way.

00:36:22.437 --> 00:36:23.557
Rita Reimers: Put that on the list.

00:36:23.557 --> 00:36:25.237
Rita Reimers: There's so many places we want to go.

00:36:25.237 --> 00:36:26.097
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:36:26.097 --> 00:36:28.277
Linda Hall: We are so grateful for you right now.

00:36:28.277 --> 00:36:30.397
Linda Hall: See, this is just the best news I can.

00:36:30.397 --> 00:36:32.337
Linda Hall: I'm going to be doing this grinning thing all day.

00:36:32.337 --> 00:36:34.097
Linda Hall: My teeth are going to start to hurt.

00:36:34.097 --> 00:36:42.077
Linda Hall: because I just, all of the cat lives that are being saved, all of the humans that love their cats, and they're going to live with us forever.

00:36:42.537 --> 00:36:46.917
Linda Hall: All of the vets whose hands are tied, all of the people that have worked so tirelessly.

00:36:46.917 --> 00:36:49.137
Linda Hall: I just thank you just not cover it.

00:36:49.137 --> 00:36:50.957
Rita Reimers: FIP warriors must be so happy.

00:36:50.957 --> 00:36:53.757
Steve Dale: FIP warriors, they're heroes in all the story.

00:36:53.897 --> 00:36:57.877
Steve Dale: I just want to say that it isn't only FIP.

00:36:57.877 --> 00:37:01.757
Steve Dale: Between your 78 cats, the both of you have, or whatever.

00:37:02.737 --> 00:37:04.377
Linda Hall: I'm trying to make them another one.

00:37:04.617 --> 00:37:05.757
Steve Dale: Whatever that number is.

00:37:05.757 --> 00:37:08.057
Steve Dale: Pretty much everything medically we know.

00:37:08.057 --> 00:37:14.617
Steve Dale: So an example would be FIV, or FELV, Feline Immunodeficiency virus.

00:37:14.617 --> 00:37:16.217
Steve Dale: No one knew this before.

00:37:16.217 --> 00:37:18.517
Steve Dale: I was out on the board decades and decades ago.

00:37:18.517 --> 00:37:22.737
Steve Dale: No one knew exactly what it was or how it worked, how it was transmitted.

00:37:22.737 --> 00:37:29.557
Steve Dale: And it's our funding through the organization for which is Every Cat Health Foundation that we figured that out.

00:37:29.597 --> 00:37:31.857
Steve Dale: FELV, similar story.

00:37:31.857 --> 00:37:33.257
Steve Dale: No one knew it was a retrovirus.

00:37:33.377 --> 00:37:34.677
Steve Dale: It took several years.

00:37:34.677 --> 00:37:37.057
Steve Dale: It was figured out through our funding.

00:37:37.057 --> 00:37:43.097
Steve Dale: And because of that, Morris Animal Foundation later came up with a vaccine for it.

00:37:43.097 --> 00:37:45.237
Steve Dale: You know, so they're part of the story too.

00:37:45.237 --> 00:37:49.357
Steve Dale: But the collaboration was incredible, you know?

00:37:49.357 --> 00:37:56.397
Steve Dale: So there isn't anything that any cat, including all of your 143 cats, there isn't anything-

00:37:56.397 --> 00:37:57.637
Rita Reimers: The number keeps getting bigger.

00:37:57.637 --> 00:37:59.877
Linda Hall: I'm scared of jinxing up.

00:37:59.877 --> 00:38:03.937
Rita Reimers: We need to build the sanctuary before we can have 143 cats, okay?

00:38:03.937 --> 00:38:07.077
Rita Reimers: Any benefactors out there looking for land in a building?

00:38:07.077 --> 00:38:09.817
Linda Hall: Before we get to our 143, we need help.

00:38:09.817 --> 00:38:21.877
Steve Dale: So for all of your 197 cats, no matter what it is, medically or behaviorally, we likely at this organization have funded that.

00:38:21.877 --> 00:38:23.997
Steve Dale: And to learn more,

00:38:25.137 --> 00:38:28.737
Steve Dale: And you could sign up for a newsletter, which is absolutely free.

00:38:28.737 --> 00:38:33.877
Steve Dale: And by the way, I think I can learn about cat health or dog health.

00:38:33.877 --> 00:38:36.537
Steve Dale: My website is

00:38:36.537 --> 00:38:40.017
Steve Dale: And I also have a newsletter that folks can sign up for.

00:38:40.017 --> 00:38:41.217
Linda Hall: Yeah, awesome.

00:38:41.217 --> 00:38:42.057
Rita Reimers: We don't hate dogs.

00:38:42.057 --> 00:38:42.697
Rita Reimers: We love dogs.

00:38:42.697 --> 00:38:43.797
Rita Reimers: I grew up with a dog.

00:38:43.797 --> 00:38:47.517
Rita Reimers: Linda's about to add a dog to the 12 cat household.

00:38:47.517 --> 00:38:50.657
Linda Hall: My husband needs a dog.

00:38:50.657 --> 00:38:51.677
Rita Reimers: Does that count as a dog?

00:38:51.677 --> 00:38:51.997
Rita Reimers: I don't know.

00:38:53.677 --> 00:38:55.197
Linda Hall: According to my husband, it does not.

00:38:55.197 --> 00:38:57.857
Linda Hall: And yes, he's decided he needs a dog.

00:38:57.857 --> 00:39:00.657
Linda Hall: And I'm a little scared, but it's got to be a very special dog.

00:39:00.657 --> 00:39:01.937
Linda Hall: This might take a minute, okay?

00:39:02.317 --> 00:39:04.717
Linda Hall: We're not rushing this, but yes.

00:39:04.717 --> 00:39:18.877
Linda Hall: And we do, we love all animals, but I will tell you, and I wanted to point this out because I saw this on Every Cat Health Foundation's website, the only nonprofit foundation focused solely on feline health.

00:39:18.877 --> 00:39:24.877
Linda Hall: focusing solely on something does not mean ignoring the rest or not wanting, not caring about the rest, right?

00:39:24.897 --> 00:39:29.557
Linda Hall: I have a GP who I love, but if I have cancer, I want an oncologist.

00:39:29.557 --> 00:39:34.337
Linda Hall: And for too long, cats have been the redheaded step-child of the species.

00:39:34.437 --> 00:39:35.897
Rita Reimers: Hey, you took my scene.

00:39:35.897 --> 00:39:36.517
Linda Hall: I did.

00:39:36.517 --> 00:39:38.177
Linda Hall: So much on dog.

00:39:38.177 --> 00:39:52.037
Linda Hall: Maybe we'll add cat and go dog and cat, but I have to say personal, personally, I really appreciate Every Cat Health Foundation for putting this in for our cats and focusing on helping our cats.

00:39:52.037 --> 00:39:57.057
Rita Reimers: But you know what we should do for every time you guys hear us say purr, take a shot.

00:39:57.057 --> 00:39:58.057
Linda Hall: There you go.

00:39:58.057 --> 00:40:00.737
Linda Hall: Donate a dollar to FIP.

00:40:00.737 --> 00:40:03.977
Linda Hall: Every time we say purr, you donate a dollar to FIP.

00:40:03.977 --> 00:40:05.597
Rita Reimers: I like that better.

00:40:05.617 --> 00:40:06.417
Linda Hall: FIP.

00:40:06.697 --> 00:40:08.317
Linda Hall: Now I got FIV in the head.

00:40:08.317 --> 00:40:17.377
Rita Reimers: We would love to have you back because I would love to dive more into the feline leukemia because that's still one of those diseases that people think you have to put your cat down.

00:40:17.377 --> 00:40:18.837
Rita Reimers: And maybe that's not true anymore.

00:40:18.837 --> 00:40:19.737
Rita Reimers: I don't know.

00:40:19.737 --> 00:40:26.157
Steve Dale: Do you know, it's another one of my teases, do you know there's a cat food that's for people?

00:40:26.157 --> 00:40:27.577
Rita Reimers: A cat food that's for people?

00:40:27.577 --> 00:40:28.497
Rita Reimers: Tell me about that.

00:40:28.497 --> 00:40:28.917
Rita Reimers: To help people.

00:40:28.917 --> 00:40:31.817
Rita Reimers: This is gonna be a little extra on the video, I think.

00:40:31.817 --> 00:40:33.337
Linda Hall: Right, yeah, this is the after party.

00:40:33.337 --> 00:40:35.257
Steve Dale: Well, we could save it for next time.

00:40:35.257 --> 00:40:36.157
Linda Hall: Okay.

00:40:36.157 --> 00:40:38.457
Rita Reimers: Okay, you must schedule another.

00:40:38.457 --> 00:40:39.477
Linda Hall: Yes.

00:40:39.497 --> 00:40:40.397
Steve Dale: Send me a link.

00:40:40.397 --> 00:40:41.117
Steve Dale: I'm more than happy.

00:40:41.497 --> 00:40:42.537
Rita Reimers: Thank you.

00:40:42.537 --> 00:40:42.777
Steve Dale: Yes, sir.

00:40:42.777 --> 00:40:44.857
Rita Reimers: Write that down so we remember what we wanna talk about.

00:40:44.857 --> 00:40:45.637
Rita Reimers: I just did it.

00:40:45.637 --> 00:40:46.997
Linda Hall: And cat food for people.

00:40:46.997 --> 00:40:47.877
Linda Hall: I'm not letting this go.

00:40:48.897 --> 00:40:49.397
Linda Hall: No, I am.

00:40:49.397 --> 00:40:56.137
Rita Reimers: I'm so grateful for everything you do for all kinds of pets, but especially for our feline friends.

00:40:56.137 --> 00:41:00.017
Rita Reimers: Is there any last words of wisdom you would like to leave our audience with?

00:41:00.017 --> 00:41:02.317
Steve Dale: Oh no, it's just the pleasure to be with you guys again.

00:41:02.317 --> 00:41:03.317
Steve Dale: It's been a long time.

00:41:03.317 --> 00:41:10.537
Steve Dale: And also check out my website, sign up for my newsletter, check out and sign up for that newsletter.

00:41:10.537 --> 00:41:14.817
Steve Dale: Both newsletters are, and this is my favorite word, my final word for today, free.

00:41:15.377 --> 00:41:17.217
Linda Hall: We love free.

00:41:17.217 --> 00:41:19.057
Rita Reimers: We recommend free things to our clients all the time.

00:41:19.057 --> 00:41:20.357
Rita Reimers: We're like, it's free.

00:41:20.357 --> 00:41:21.057
Linda Hall: It's free.

00:41:21.057 --> 00:41:22.137
Linda Hall: It happens.

00:41:22.137 --> 00:41:24.837
Rita Reimers: Linda, my ride or die, my BFF.

00:41:24.837 --> 00:41:27.497
Rita Reimers: I wouldn't know if it wasn't for Richard Simmons.

00:41:27.497 --> 00:41:32.677
Rita Reimers: Those of you know, we're mourning the loss of our special friend and my personal mentor, Richard Simmons.

00:41:32.677 --> 00:41:33.757
Rita Reimers: I'm going to cry it out.

00:41:33.757 --> 00:41:36.497
Rita Reimers: Oh, we just want to thank him for everything he gave us.

00:41:36.497 --> 00:41:39.397
Rita Reimers: We wouldn't be here, here on the air.

00:41:39.917 --> 00:41:44.277
Rita Reimers: We wouldn't have Cat Behavior Alliance, and we wouldn't be friends if it wasn't for Richard.

00:41:44.277 --> 00:41:45.477
Rita Reimers: So we thank Richard.

00:41:45.477 --> 00:41:49.957
Rita Reimers: And of course, Mark, thank you so much for giving us this spot on Pet Life Radio.

00:41:49.957 --> 00:41:52.097
Rita Reimers: For that, we are forever grateful.

00:41:52.097 --> 00:41:55.937
Rita Reimers: And don't forget, every single day is what, Linda?

00:41:57.477 --> 00:41:58.397
Rita Reimers: We'll see you next time.

00:41:59.617 --> 00:42:02.897
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week, on demand.

00:42:02.897 --> 00:42:04.817
Announcer: Only on