Our Special Guest is Isabel Alvarez Arata – Host of Covered in Pet Hair on Pet Life Radio

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

In this time of isolation and social distancing, Isabel offers us a safe way to be socially connected to one another. On her new Pet Life Radio Show, Covered in Pet Hair, Isabel’s show is a refreshing to connect with each other, have a drink, and let our hair down as we discuss the things we miss, as well as those things we can all still enjoy. Tune in to hear about Isabel’s show, which debuted on December 7, 2020. Then be sure to subscribe!


Born in Ecuador, raised in Miami, FL, and having lived across the US and in Europe, Isabel is fascinated by culture, language, and the arts. Fueled by her first encounter with rescue work and volunteerism at 17-years-old, Isabel believes her life's purpose is to help companion animals live better lives.

Since 2008, Isabel has inspired and encouraged pet parents and pet industry professionals to do right by their pets and the pets in their care through exercise, conscientious attention, proper nutrition, and more.

Founder of The Wag Pack, a pet care company formerly based in Northern Virginia and now fully online, Isabel knows the pet care industry, top pet care experts, and must-have pet products.

A self-described gourmand and former hospitality industry professional, Isabel blends her love of life, travel, and wine with her passion for pets in Covered in Pet Hair, a boozy web show for pet lovers.