How Many Times Have You Wished Your Cat Could Just Talk To You? “Tell Me What's Wrong!" "Tell Me How You Feel!"

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

When Rita and Linda stumbled upon animal communicator Lesley Nase, they had to find out more! Having no experience with animal communicators, they were a bit skeptical, but Lesley made believers out of them in no time!

Lesley has a natural ability to tune in to both animals and people and is doing a-meow-zing work to help people connect with their animals and form a stronger bond! She teaches humans how to connect with them on your own as well! Lesley uses her incredible gifts in the areas of animal communication, animal healing, shamanic healing, quantum energy, psychic medium, online education, speaking and wrote a book entitled "Who Paints the World".

Join Rita and Linda as they talk to Lesley and learn more about communicating with your fabulous feline! 


Lesley Nase is a respected Shamanic Healer, Animal Communicator and Psychic Medium. She consults worldwide with clients in all three spiritual healing modalities. Lesley teaches a variety of workshops, from Animal Communication to A Taste of Shamanism.

Lesley records guided meditations using MP3 format upon request for those interested in visualizing their own personal healing and that of their companion animal using meditation. Personalized ceremonies written by Lesley are also available on request.Performing a ceremonies can be for lives celebrations or to honor the end of life for yourself, a animals and the land you live on. Please feel free to ask for more information

She has served on the boards of two non-profits: Second Chance Animal Center and Spirit Hollow "Transforming Consciousness One Extraordinary Being at Time" Lesley taught Animal Communication, Healing the Timelines and Journey to Your Inner Guides with Meditation within both organizations. Her love of Shamanism and the continual study of began at Spirit Hollow.

Lesley's mission statement:

"To spiraling through the moonlight, helping others spin their own tales by facilitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and growth for people and animals."

"We all come into this life with special talents and abilities. Life teaches us we need to reconnect to who we are. I believe energy has the power to facilitate healing, by clearing away what no longer serves you. Coming from a position of strength and balance deepens the connection to your own vital life force."

  • Lesley love of writing can be seen at her blog Moonspinners Enterprise
  • Lesley's work was featured in Jon Katz book "A Good Dog: The Story of Orson, Who Changed My Life".
  • Lesley's childrens picture book "Who Paints the World" is available in book form and ebook at her author website, your local indie bookstore or online.

We are all Earth Keepers, connecting to Mother Earth wherever or feet take us.

Vermont is Lesley's home with her husband, 3 cats and 2 dogs. When she is not working, she can be found outside hiking the hillsides and mountains, biking, weeding the garden, sitting by a fire reading or writing her next book.