HELP! My Cat Is Stuck Up a Tree!
Who Do I Call?

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

On TV, they call the fire department to save kitty, but many don't do that anymore or their ladders just don’t reach high enough. We know it can be difficult for cats to get back down due to the shape of their claws. Their forward hook of cat claws is great for grabbing hold and quickly climbing up the tree to escape danger. But coming down, those claws are actually a hindrance to heading down. What do we do?

Well, if you are in central Ohio, you could visit to get some help.  Duane Hook loves to climb trees ... BIG trees! He has turned that skill into a way to help kitties and cat parents by rescuing those fabulous felines who are stuck up a tree. Duane’s website also links to a list of other climbers around the country who are ready and willing to get Fluffy down from the treetops.


Multi-Skilled Engineer and Packaging Manager - Rope access climber specializing in trees and rescuing cats from the treetops.