Abandoned - Katherine Carver
Joining me for this episode is author and photographer Katherine Carver. Katherine and I have a warm and heartfelt chat about her debut book, Abandoned: Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs. The book recounts the stories of dogs that were left behind, some finding forever homes and some who never found their way home. The black and white photos in the book capture the tenderness and soul of each dog and their story. Have a listen and learn more about these amazing dogs and how you can help others find their way home.
Listen to Episode #225 Now:

Katherine Carver was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1978. She was introduced to photography during high school. In 2011, she found herself behind a camera lens creating photographs of her first dog, a rescue Shetland Sheepdog named Biscuit, who inspired Carver’s great passion, interest, curiosity, and the study of dogs in her work.
Abandoned: Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs is Carver’s debut book, released on October 1, 2024. ABANDONED has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, L'Oeil de la Photographie (The Eye of Photography Magazine), Psychology Today, Modern Dog Magazine, and AARP The Magazine. ABANDONED has also the subject of several podcasts and radio interviews, including NPR.
Carver's photographs have been published in international publications such as, L’Oeil de la Photographie, Four&Sons, and My Modern Met. Carver holds a Juris Doctor, with Honor, from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. She currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with her husband, daughter, and rescue Shetland Sheepdog, Victory. To learn more, visit: www.katherinecarver.com and www.biscuitsspace.com.
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Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.
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Announcer: Let's talk pets.
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Tim Link: Welcome to Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
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Tim Link: This is your host, Tim Link, and I'm so glad you're joining me today.
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Tim Link: I'm super excited about our next author.
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Tim Link: She's an author and a photographer.
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Tim Link: And she's got this wonderful debut book called Abandoned, Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs.
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Tim Link: It's a very moving, it's a beautiful book.
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Tim Link: It's heartfelt, but there's also some sad tears in there when I read through it.
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Tim Link: So I'm going to hit her up a little bit about the whole thing.
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Tim Link: Of course, we're talking to Katherine Carver.
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Tim Link: And we'll come back at the commercial break and talk to her a little bit about her book, Abandoned, Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs.
00:00:44.640 --> 00:00:47.780
Tim Link: You're listening to Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
00:00:49.560 --> 00:00:55.540
Tim Link: Hi, this is Tim Link, animal communicator and pet expert and host of Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
00:00:55.920 --> 00:00:58.680
Tim Link: Have you ever wanted to know what your pet is really thinking?
00:00:58.680 --> 00:01:01.880
Tim Link: Do you want to find out if they truly understand what you're trying to tell them?
00:01:01.880 --> 00:01:05.500
Tim Link: Or wish you could build a better understanding and closer relationship with your pet?
00:01:05.500 --> 00:01:06.700
Tim Link: Well, now you can.
00:01:06.700 --> 00:01:10.400
Tim Link: Learning to communicate with animals is a four-part on-demand workshop.
00:01:10.400 --> 00:01:28.360
Tim Link: In the workshop, you'll learn the essential techniques that are necessary to communicate with animals, including what is animal communication, breathing correctly to achieve the perfect state to communicate with your animals at a deeper level, using guided meditation exercises and method to communicate with animals, and how to send and receive information from your animals.
00:01:28.360 --> 00:01:38.700
Tim Link: So if you're wanting to learn how to communicate and connect with your animals at a deeper level, visit petliferadio.com/workshop and purchase and download Learning to Communicate with Animals.
00:01:38.700 --> 00:01:40.300
Tim Link: You'll be glad you did.
00:01:43.280 --> 00:01:51.520
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on petliferadio.com Welcome back to Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
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Tim Link: Joining us now is author and photographer Katherine Carver.
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Tim Link: We're here to talk to her about her book Abandoned Chronically in the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs.
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Tim Link: Katherine, welcome to the show.
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Katherine Carver: Thanks so much for having me.
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Tim Link: Yeah, we're super excited.
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Tim Link: You know, I read the concept of the book, and then once I got the book, I read through it.
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Tim Link: And I want to say, you know, obviously we're all about helping animals, rescuing animals and doing everything we can.
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Tim Link: I'm a former president of a Humane Society, so that it's definitely got a place in my heart.
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Tim Link: But the book did have some surprises for me, as far as Chronicling various dogs and the emotional aspects and the photography, the great photography you put into it as well.
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Tim Link: So I'll leave it up to you.
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Tim Link: Tell us a little bit about the book first, and then we'll delve into some details behind it.
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Katherine Carver: Yeah, sure.
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Katherine Carver: So this book started and was inspired by my first rescue dog and my first dog ever that my husband and I adopted in 2011, and his name was Biscuit.
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Katherine Carver: And he came to us, he was found abandoned on the streets of North Carolina, and he just changed my life in extraordinary ways.
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Katherine Carver: And he physically and emotionally transformed, and he opened my heart, and he really made me quite curious as to what was happening to other dogs like him who are left abandoned or find themselves in shelters or rescue organizations.
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Katherine Carver: And that set me pretty much on this quest of whereby I photographed roughly 60 dogs of various breeds, ages, all different backgrounds.
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Katherine Carver: And I photographed them while first, while they were at the shelter or rescue organization.
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Katherine Carver: Then I found these dogs and approximately a year later, I photographed the same dogs again.
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Katherine Carver: And written narratives accompanying each photos which were derived from interviews with shelter and rescue personnel, and also the adopters.
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Katherine Carver: And so what I hope people can take away and see in this book is the emotional and physical changes that the dogs experienced after they found their permanent forever home.
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Katherine Carver: And what was really interesting in this project is that smearing my experience with biscuit is that these adopters' lives were also equally enriched as to how the dogs' lives were profoundly changed.
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Katherine Carver: And so it's kind of a two-fold.
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Katherine Carver: I didn't know at the outset how this would all unfold if I would be able to get the dogs the second time.
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Katherine Carver: This concept just came to me literally on a summer day in 2012.
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Katherine Carver: And the images are black and white.
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Katherine Carver: They're all square.
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Katherine Carver: They all have black backgrounds, and that was done deliberately to keep a common thread through the images and also to keep the focus on the dog itself.
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Katherine Carver: So I'm hoping that the viewer can engage with that dog and really get, I'm hoping in the images that people really see the soul of the dog.
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Katherine Carver: So that's kind of a brief summary of what led me to do this and the concept of the project.
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Tim Link: Yeah, it's a wonderful thing that you did, first of all, and it's beautifully crafted, beautifully put together.
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Tim Link: And you talk about the black and white photos.
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Tim Link: That was really touching to me because you know, when I had mentioned that you'll get contact that said, you know, would you be interested?
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Tim Link: I'm like, yeah, that's a topic I like.
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Tim Link: We're always here to support the animals.
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Tim Link: And I love the stories about how an animal is at a shelter or rescue, and they are find their right and perfect forever home.
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Tim Link: Then later on, you know, have these wonderful stories and wonderful pictures.
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Tim Link: And so I was expecting something of that sort in my mind's eye.
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Tim Link: You know, we do have these colorful pictures and things where the dog's playing.
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Tim Link: But what you did here is crafted a book where you really got into the soul of each and every one of them, each and every animal, because it is a brief snippet, a brief story about, you know, how the animals do in the name, the background.
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Tim Link: But then the beautiful picture of the animal in black and white.
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Tim Link: And you would think, at least being a novice photographer, will say that black and white, it's very intriguing.
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Tim Link: But, you know, will that really capture the soul of the animal?
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Tim Link: And I think it does a better job than if you would have done color photos.
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Katherine Carver: Yes, I agree.
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Katherine Carver: I think, in some ways, black and white is harder.
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Katherine Carver: But I never envision this in color.
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Katherine Carver: It really came to me the way the book is laid out.
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Tim Link: I love how it does.
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Tim Link: And it's not just a simple book.
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Tim Link: You know, I wouldn't call it necessarily a coffee table book, but it is a coffee table book.
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Tim Link: It's a topic book.
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Tim Link: It's something where I, you know, if when I have it sitting out and someone asks about it, we can pick up and peruse and learn about each of the animals.
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Tim Link: And it really is a, I call it a topic book more so than, you know, it's not a picture book like you would see in a coffee table book.
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Tim Link: It's something you can really get a nice feel for what each animal is about and the stories behind each one.
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Tim Link: And then one rescue and helping the animal find the right perfect home is all about.
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Tim Link: So when you put together the book and you went back later, two things that come to mind is what did the human companions of the animals, how receptive were they for you to come back in or the shelter folks and find out the update of the animal and then with each dog, was there a surprise?
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Tim Link: Was there something that set you back either as a collective or a particular animal?
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Katherine Carver: So in this project, it took me over a decade to do this, and I had to get permission at the outset with the shelters and animal dog rescues, whereby they gave me permission to photograph these dogs and also would agree to give me information on these dogs, and they would also agree to connect me to the adopters to follow the dogs.
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Katherine Carver: And in exchange, at the time to help get the dog adopted, I provided color photographs to help increase the chances that each dog would get adopted because the photographs of these dogs are really important.
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Katherine Carver: And as you probably know, there is a dog over population crisis in our country right now for a myriad of reasons that we don't necessarily need to get into.
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Katherine Carver: But the book is timely in this fact that there are so many dogs and animals who are in need of forever homes.
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Katherine Carver: And I hope that this book speaks to the fact that there are all sorts of dogs of ages, sizes, breeds that need homes.
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Katherine Carver: And so when I met the adopters post-adoption, most all of them agreed for me to meet them or go to them to photograph the dogs.
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Katherine Carver: And what my goal was, hopefully, like I said, this kind of all unfolded over a period of time, is that I would be able to capture visually some sort of change with the dog that the viewer could see.
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Katherine Carver: Some are more overt and some are more subtle.
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Katherine Carver: But my hope was that visually one could see what saving a dog's life looks like.
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Katherine Carver: And I thought that would be, no one had done a project like this before.
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Katherine Carver: And I thought that would be very profound for people to actually see.
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Katherine Carver: And they all were just, you could tell with all of them that they had found their home and they had become a family member, just like Biscuit became our family member.
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Katherine Carver: It's just part of your family, part of your life, part of your unit.
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Katherine Carver: And there's one dog in particular that had a very unique story, and that's Dagwood.
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Katherine Carver: And he was adopted by actually nursing home assisted living facility.
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Katherine Carver: And there was one, I worked with five organizations, and one of these organizations was amenable for this dog to be adopted by an organization, because that's pretty atypical.
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Katherine Carver: And it turned out really great.
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Katherine Carver: Dagwood initially had a lot of separation anxiety.
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Katherine Carver: He was found abandoned in a home without food and water in Indiana.
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Katherine Carver: He ended up, all these dogs that I photographed were in the Mid-Atlantic region where I live.
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Katherine Carver: And it turned out to be wonderful.
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Katherine Carver: He became like the resident dog to all these, if you will, grandparents in quotes, who was so beneficial to them because, you know, not everyone has a friend or family member that can always visit.
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Katherine Carver: And he became the light in so many people's lives.
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Katherine Carver: I mean, transformative.
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Katherine Carver: So, I've never heard of a story like this before or after Dagwood's story, but he was just adored and loved.
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Katherine Carver: And it was just such a unique story where he benefited, and so did all these people who lived there, who just loved him.
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Tim Link: Absolutely.
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Tim Link: All he needed was a good, perfect home and to come out of his shell and provide that love and the companionship and the attention.
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Tim Link: And I love how if once the right and perfect home is found, the dog can really become themselves.
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Tim Link: They can show what they can do and who they are.
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Tim Link: And oftentimes, I know many of my in personal situations in the work that I do, as well as just interviewing people on the show.
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Tim Link: A lot of them thrive in ways that are least expected, whether it's to be training dogs or whether it's to be service dogs or companion dogs.
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Tim Link: These are dogs that were basically forgotten, left aside and left alone.
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Tim Link: And no one really cared.
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Tim Link: If you give them the right and perfect opportunity, they can thrive.
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Katherine Carver: Right.
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Katherine Carver: And also the human's lives are so transformed.
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Katherine Carver: And I think that's a critical piece as well.
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Katherine Carver: It's a gift to the dog and it's also a gift to yourself.
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Katherine Carver: Because there's so many healing aspects.
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Katherine Carver: I learned to be more present.
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Katherine Carver: I'm a better human for having a rescue dog in my life.
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Katherine Carver: I can't imagine not having one.
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Tim Link: Absolutely.
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Tim Link: I love that.
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Tim Link: I love that.
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Tim Link: Well, not to be a Debbie Downer on this, one of the other things that shocked me about the book was you have dogs in here that didn't find those right and perfect forever homes or found it for just a short period of time.
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Tim Link: The one in particular that really hit home with me was the story of Charlie, who's a pit bull mix and sadly was euthanized.
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Tim Link: Not only the story of Charlie not finding his right and perfect forever home, but the photo caption that you put in there, it's basically just a black screen.
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Tim Link: It's a black mark, a square on the page.
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Tim Link: We can imagine Charlie in our mind based on the story, but this one hit hard for me because not only do I not, like most people, don't want to hear about that side of it, though we know that it has to happen or it does happen, but the fact that you put a black square in there.
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Tim Link: Tell us a little bit about that.
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Tim Link: How did you come about that story as well as deciding, okay, I can't not put that in there?
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Katherine Carver: Yeah, I thought this is an honest book.
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Katherine Carver: It's the vast majority of stories, the overwhelming majority of stories are very hopeful with very satisfying endings.
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Katherine Carver: However, there are dogs are facing euthanasia every day, and I thought it was important.
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Katherine Carver: There's roughly a handful of dogs in the book who did not, for whatever reason, find a forever home.
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Katherine Carver: I purposely chose the black squared because I think it really shows the void of the dog not there and hopefully it does impact the viewer, because there is not a second image similar to all the dogs who have before and after images, if you will.
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Katherine Carver: So it felt really important to keep the reality of the situation facing these dogs threaded throughout the book because there are so many dogs facing this on a daily basis and I wanted to have a voice for those dogs as well to hopefully encourage people to really see that this can be a life or death situation for many of these dogs, depending on the situation.
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Tim Link: Absolutely, absolutely.
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Tim Link: You know, one of the other stories in the book was of Ursula, who is a terrier pit bull mix and, you know, we all know that pit bulls have gotten a bad rap.
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Tim Link: They're one of the most loving and family-oriented animals out there, dogs that are out there, but they got this bad rap basically due to what humans have put them through, put them in bad situations and not provide a loving home for them.
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Tim Link: But tell me a little bit about Ursula, because that one was interesting, the fact that Ursula was kind and loving, that everyone at the shelter loved Ursula.
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Tim Link: Ursula after two months was adopted, but then shortly, like a week later, was euthanized.
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Tim Link: Tell us a little bit about that, that particular story.
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Katherine Carver: Yeah, that is perplexing and unnerving.
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Katherine Carver: So yes, she was apparently, she was adopted.
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Katherine Carver: And from what my understanding from the shelter is, they were told to, the adopters had had a resident dog already, and they were told to gradually introduce these dogs.
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Katherine Carver: And it's my understanding that that's not necessarily what happened.
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Katherine Carver: And so there was an incident that brought Ursula back to the shelter, and she was ultimately euthanized.
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Katherine Carver: So it's heartbreaking because humans play such a role in this, right?
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Katherine Carver: And how dogs are integrated at home.
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Katherine Carver: And I think one of the things is that the shelter and rescue personnel are vital.
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Katherine Carver: These are people on the front lines, and we need them so desperately, right?
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Katherine Carver: But at the same time, sometimes at shelters, there isn't that necessarily that bridge with fostering that some of the dog rescues specifically have, where you get to learn about the dog more, figure out what is going to be the best environment for the dog, which therefore leads to, and studies have shown this, leads to ending well with a permanent adoption, a good match.
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Katherine Carver: Whereas in the shelter situation, sometimes, like in this situation with Ursula, there isn't that extra support to help you.
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Katherine Carver: I remember bringing Biscuit home.
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Katherine Carver: We adopted him from a rescue in Maryland, and we had a point person, the director.
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Katherine Carver: It was fantastic.
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Katherine Carver: It was like bringing a baby home in some respects.
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Katherine Carver: It was all new because we had never had a dog before.
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Katherine Carver: So it was really nice to have that interaction and that access to the person to kind of coach you, if you will, and answer your questions, to make sure you're on the right track and things go smoothly.
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Katherine Carver: Sometimes at the shelter, I think that piece can be missing, that coaching aspect, if you will, that extra support, that because shelters are underfunded, understaffed.
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Katherine Carver: So, but we need them, right?
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Katherine Carver: Because these dogs need these shelters to hopefully get a forever home.
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Katherine Carver: So it's a complicated situation and problem with a lot of layers, I'd say.
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Katherine Carver: It's not-
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Tim Link: Yeah, I mean, it really is a fine balance.
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Tim Link: You're absolutely right, because without the shelters, Ursula wouldn't have had a shot to begin with.
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Tim Link: But one of the things, if you're going to adopt a dog, I tell my clients, tell people this all the time, you can't expect them to come into your house and know exactly everything to do.
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Tim Link: So you have to work with them.
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Tim Link: You have to stage it.
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Tim Link: You have to set them up for success, and make sure that you're doing everything you can to have them be set up for a right and perfect forever home to be with you and your family.
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Tim Link: So it is a fine line of balancing act.
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Tim Link: And your book Abandoned, it hits it right on the head.
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Tim Link: It gives you a good feel for all aspects of it.
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Tim Link: It's not all feel good, but there's plenty of great feel good stories in there.
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Tim Link: But it also hits home in the fact that we need to do better.
00:18:26.460 --> 00:18:31.600
Tim Link: We always need to do better and help our dogs and our animals out for sure.
00:18:31.600 --> 00:18:34.780
Tim Link: Well, we're going to go to a commercial break real quick.
00:18:34.780 --> 00:18:39.520
Tim Link: We'll come back and talk to author Katherine Carver about her book Abandoned.
00:18:39.520 --> 00:18:43.620
Tim Link: I want to talk to Katherine a little bit about writing in general and how she crafted the book.
00:18:44.060 --> 00:18:45.220
Tim Link: So, everybody hang tight.
00:18:45.220 --> 00:18:47.840
Tim Link: You're listening to Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
00:19:07.860 --> 00:19:11.380
Announcer: Elevate your cat's eating experience with the Cat Tree Tray.
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00:19:17.200 --> 00:19:18.620
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00:19:20.380 --> 00:19:24.540
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00:19:24.540 --> 00:19:27.940
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00:19:36.420 --> 00:19:41.120
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00:19:41.120 --> 00:19:43.680
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00:19:44.040 --> 00:19:48.920
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Announcer: Go to overthemoonjewelry.com.
00:20:11.480 --> 00:20:18.820
Tim Link:Welcome back to Animal Writes on PetLife Radio.
00:20:19.440 --> 00:20:27.280
Tim Link: Continue our conversation with author Katherine Carver in her book Abandoned, Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs.
00:20:27.280 --> 00:20:40.300
Tim Link: In this emotional book, as you can probably tell when we went into break, I got a little bit emotional about the whole subject of finding right and perfect forever homes for animals and what they had to go through to hopefully have that chance.
00:20:40.300 --> 00:20:44.340
Tim Link: And once they have that chance to succeed after that.
00:20:44.340 --> 00:20:54.280
Tim Link: When you put together the book, Katherine, and it was all done and dusted, what was your sort of takeaway from the whole thing as you saw it before it actually hit the shelves?
00:20:54.280 --> 00:21:02.040
Tim Link: Was it everything you had originally thought or had it changed into something much bigger or much different than what you had originally set out to put together?
00:21:02.040 --> 00:21:12.900
Katherine Carver: Well, at the outset when this idea came to me and I decided to pursue it, I had no idea what I was embarking upon.
00:21:12.900 --> 00:21:18.060
Katherine Carver: The complexity of the project, what it was really going to take, what was all involved.
00:21:18.060 --> 00:21:22.960
Katherine Carver: So that was, it's definitely been a journey for me on a lot of levels.
00:21:22.960 --> 00:21:24.500
Katherine Carver: I've learned a lot.
00:21:24.500 --> 00:21:25.880
Katherine Carver: I've grown as a person.
00:21:26.880 --> 00:21:38.040
Katherine Carver: I think in the end with the book, it pretty much came together after going through that entire process to get to that point, to put it together, so to speak.
00:21:38.760 --> 00:21:41.940
Katherine Carver: It is in line with what I had hoped for.
00:21:41.940 --> 00:21:49.840
Katherine Carver: It just was many years in the making, but I'm proud that it's done and I hope that people will enjoy it.
00:21:49.840 --> 00:22:01.960
Katherine Carver: And I also wanted to mention that a portion of my royalties are being donated to the SPCA International to help specifically helping dogs in need around the globe.
00:22:01.960 --> 00:22:02.940
Tim Link: That's wonderful.
00:22:02.940 --> 00:22:05.660
Tim Link: So, yeah, everybody pick up a copy of the book.
00:22:05.660 --> 00:22:21.980
Tim Link: When everybody does pick up a copy of the book and they read through it and they shed a few tears and they have a few smiles that you accomplish when putting together the book, or was there something more that you were hoping for, or is there something that people are telling you that, wow, I really got this out of the book?
00:22:22.420 --> 00:22:26.980
Katherine Carver: I think mostly the expectation with the book resided with me.
00:22:28.740 --> 00:22:55.600
Katherine Carver: In my overall hope in the theme that runs throughout this book is just, I hope people see how wonderful these sentient beings are, and the potential that they have, and also it's a journey that you embark on with this individual animal, dog, and it's just a remarkable journey.
00:22:55.600 --> 00:23:05.120
Katherine Carver: And I stuck with this for so long because I just believe that it could lead to something to help these dogs.
00:23:05.120 --> 00:23:07.480
Katherine Carver: So that's really the reason why I stuck with it.
00:23:07.480 --> 00:23:12.180
Katherine Carver: And when Biscuit passed away, we had him for two and a half years exactly.
00:23:13.300 --> 00:23:22.540
Katherine Carver: And a few months after he passed away, we adopted another rescue, Shetland Sheepdog, and her name is Victory.
00:23:22.540 --> 00:23:28.040
Katherine Carver: She came with the name and the rescue in Maryland, coordinated with the rescue in Michigan.
00:23:28.040 --> 00:23:30.260
Katherine Carver: And she came to us that way.
00:23:30.260 --> 00:23:32.820
Katherine Carver: I guess she was the one that was meant to be with us.
00:23:32.820 --> 00:23:35.340
Katherine Carver: And I believe Biscuit had a hand in that.
00:23:35.340 --> 00:23:40.400
Katherine Carver: And she's been with us as of this fall, 11 years.
00:23:40.920 --> 00:23:47.980
Katherine Carver: And she was about two when we adopted her, we think.
00:23:47.980 --> 00:23:49.820
Katherine Carver: So it's just amazing.
00:23:49.820 --> 00:23:55.900
Katherine Carver: So in those moments of fear, or am I ever going to finish?
00:23:55.900 --> 00:24:05.240
Katherine Carver: I would look at her and just think, OK, we're going to just stick with this and do my best to trust the process and see it through.
00:24:05.240 --> 00:24:07.280
Katherine Carver: So my first goal was to see it through.
00:24:07.880 --> 00:24:12.060
Katherine Carver: And then the second goal was to find a publisher.
00:24:12.060 --> 00:24:17.680
Katherine Carver: And then the next goal was to put together the best book possible.
00:24:17.680 --> 00:24:21.840
Katherine Carver: So it's been a long journey, but it's been very rewarding.
00:24:21.840 --> 00:24:23.440
Tim Link: Absolutely.
00:24:23.440 --> 00:24:24.880
Tim Link: Well, I'm glad you stuck with it.
00:24:24.880 --> 00:24:34.080
Tim Link: I'm glad Biscuit sent you another pal to help you, to be amused, to push you forward to finishing the book, because it is quite an amazing book.
00:24:34.080 --> 00:24:36.100
Tim Link: And I want everybody to pick up a copy of the book.
00:24:36.200 --> 00:24:40.460
Tim Link: It's Abandoned Chronically in a Journey of Once-Forsaken Dogs.
00:24:40.460 --> 00:24:45.760
Tim Link: It is definitely, as I said, I'm blessed to have this show and have a lot of authors I speak to.
00:24:45.760 --> 00:24:50.040
Tim Link: I keep a lot of the books that I get because I read through every single one of them.
00:24:50.040 --> 00:24:55.620
Tim Link: But there are certain ones that are displayed centerfold into my bookshelves.
00:24:55.620 --> 00:24:57.220
Tim Link: And this is definitely one that's going to be there.
00:24:57.220 --> 00:25:01.580
Tim Link: So kudos to you, Katherine, for putting together such a great piece of work.
00:25:01.580 --> 00:25:02.720
Katherine Carver: Well, thank you so much.
00:25:03.260 --> 00:25:09.720
Tim Link: Well, Katherine, where can people find out more about you, what you got going on, pick up a copy of the book, these types of things.
00:25:09.720 --> 00:25:19.240
Katherine Carver: Yeah, you can pick up this book wherever books are sold, and you can learn more about the book and myself at katherinecarver.com, and that is katherinecarvercarvsnvictorer.com.
00:25:25.020 --> 00:25:31.200
Katherine Carver: And there's lots of information along with dog rescue resources if you're considering getting a dog.
00:25:31.920 --> 00:25:35.000
Katherine Carver: So I hope that you'll check it out.
00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:35.680
Tim Link: Absolutely.
00:25:35.680 --> 00:25:37.020
Tim Link: Well, we'll definitely get that posted.
00:25:37.020 --> 00:25:42.640
Tim Link: Everybody check out the site and keep up on what Katherine's got going on.
00:25:42.640 --> 00:25:51.140
Tim Link: Learn a little bit about adoption and rescues and ways you can bring home your next right and perfect forever dog or animal of your choice.
00:25:51.140 --> 00:25:52.560
Tim Link: And of course, pick up a copy of the book.
00:25:52.560 --> 00:25:57.980
Tim Link: It's called Abandoned Chronicling the Journeys of Once-Forsaken Dogs by Katherine Carver.
00:25:57.980 --> 00:25:59.680
Tim Link: Katherine, great, great job.
00:25:59.680 --> 00:26:00.580
Tim Link: Very heartfelt.
00:26:00.700 --> 00:26:01.420
Tim Link: I love it.
00:26:01.420 --> 00:26:03.220
Tim Link: And just keep up the great work.
00:26:03.220 --> 00:26:06.220
Tim Link: And don't make us wait another decade for the next one comes out.
00:26:06.220 --> 00:26:08.920
Tim Link: OK?
00:26:08.920 --> 00:26:09.660
Tim Link: Thanks.
00:26:09.660 --> 00:26:10.160
Tim Link: All right.
00:26:10.160 --> 00:26:11.580
Tim Link: Well, we're coming to the end of the show today.
00:26:11.680 --> 00:26:15.500
Tim Link: I want to thank everyone for listening to Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
00:26:15.500 --> 00:26:19.320
Tim Link: I want to thank the producers and sponsors for making this show possible.
00:26:19.520 --> 00:26:32.240
Tim Link: If you have any questions, comments or ideas for the show or any of the shows, you can go to petliferadio.com and we'll definitely answer your questions, entertain your comments, and bring on the people you want to hear from most.
00:26:32.240 --> 00:26:34.960
Tim Link: While you're there, check out all the other wonderful shows.
00:26:34.960 --> 00:26:39.640
Tim Link: It's a cornucopia of barking, purring, and feathered fun.
00:26:39.640 --> 00:26:41.400
Tim Link: It's at petliferadio.com.
00:26:41.400 --> 00:26:48.720
Tim Link: So until next time, we'll write a great story about the animals in your life, and who knows, you may be the next guest on Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.
00:26:48.720 --> 00:26:50.060
Tim Link: Have a great day.
00:26:50.060 --> 00:26:56.080
Announcer: Let's talk pets, every week on demand, only on petliferadio.com.