Pet Partner's Pet of the Year is a Horse, Of Course!

Arden Moore on Pet Life Radio

Oh Behave show host Arden Moore achieves a first --by ‘interviewing’ Darby, a miniature horse. This compassionate horse is a certified therapy pet who just won honors as the Pet of the Year by Pet Partners organization.  Darby hangs out as his owner/handler Lynn Scully shares ways this horse brings joy to patients and hospital staff on the Big Island of Hawaii.       

Listen to Episode #523 Now:

Lynn Scully & Darby on Pet Life Radio


Aloha everyone...Darby here! I'm a miniature horse on the Big Island of Hawai'i who visits patients at Queen's North Hawai'i Community Hospital.  You'll never believe it but I was selected as the 2024 PET OF THE YEAR!  

I am honored with this special recognition and want to thank all of you who believe in the power of the human-animal bond and supported me as well as the other amazing Pet of the Year candidates. The six-week Pet of the Year campaign was busy but now the real work starts..... I want to keep spreading the word about pet therapy and hopefully recruit more furry four-legged friends like me to join the team and help cheer people up!  


00:00:02.220 --> 00:00:03.980
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.980 --> 00:00:05.620
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:00:09.760 --> 00:00:12.040
Announcer: It's Oh Behave with Arden Moore.

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Announcer: This show that teaches you how to have harmony in the household with your pets.

00:00:15.500 --> 00:00:21.280
Announcer: Join Arden as she travels coast to coast to help millions better understand why cats and dogs do what they do.

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Announcer: Get the latest scoop on famous faces.

00:00:23.360 --> 00:00:27.620
Announcer: They're perfectly pampered pets in Who's Walking Who in Rin Tin Tinseltown.

00:00:27.980 --> 00:00:38.640
Announcer: From famous pet experts and best selling authors to television and movie stars, you'll get the latest buzz from Wagging Tongues and Tails, garner great pet tips and have a dog on fur flying fun time.

00:00:38.640 --> 00:00:46.920
Announcer: So get ready for the pause and applause as we unleash your Oh Behave host, America's pet edutainer, Arden Moore.

00:00:48.640 --> 00:00:52.200
Arden Moore: Welcome to the Oh Behave show on Pet Life Radio.

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Arden Moore: I'm your host, Arden Moore.

00:00:54.220 --> 00:01:04.300
Arden Moore: Now, it's going to be very hard for me to rein in my enthusiasm for a very special duo on today's show.

00:01:04.300 --> 00:01:08.080
Arden Moore: That's because this is the first time I interviewed a horse.

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Arden Moore: And now, not just any horse, this one knows how to bring out smiles in people, often when they need it the most.

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Arden Moore: So at this time, I want to let you know, Darby is a miniature horse and Darby teams up with his favorite hooman, Lynn Scully, as a pet therapy team.

00:01:30.860 --> 00:01:36.840
Arden Moore: They were just named, drum roll, Pet of the Year by Pet Partners.

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Arden Moore: So please give pause and applause to Lynn Scully and Darby the miniature horse.

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Arden Moore: I've never said that phrase on this show and it's been on the air since 07.

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Lynn Scully: Thank you very much, we're really happy to be here.

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Arden Moore: All right.

00:01:52.480 --> 00:01:54.540
Arden Moore: Hey, it's a big deal, everyone.

00:01:54.540 --> 00:02:00.380
Arden Moore: I have two certified therapy pets, my dog Kona and my cat Casey.

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Arden Moore: And Pet Partners is a huge program, a global.

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Arden Moore: And for the last three years, they started running this thing called Pet of the Year.

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Arden Moore: And it's my understanding.

00:02:11.240 --> 00:02:16.980
Arden Moore: Well, I know for fact, the first two winners, they barked.

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Arden Moore: But the winner this year, Lynn, is a naysayer in a good way.

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Lynn Scully: That's right.

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Lynn Scully: He doesn't nag so much, but he does whinny.

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Arden Moore: Okay.

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Arden Moore: So tell us a little bit about Darby.

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Lynn Scully: Well, Darby is a miniature horse, which is a specific breed.

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Lynn Scully: He's 16 years old and he visits at Queens North Hawaii Community Hospital here in Hawaii.

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Lynn Scully: He's the only miniature horse with Pet Partners visiting in the state of Hawaii.

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Lynn Scully: And his nomination was the first nomination ever of any pet from the state of Hawaii.

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Lynn Scully: So that I think really helped him in his fundraising campaign.

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Arden Moore: And I understand you raised a little bit of moolah.

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Arden Moore: How much did you raise?

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Lynn Scully: We raised just about $17,000 in six weeks.

00:02:59.400 --> 00:03:08.240
Arden Moore: Well, I'm sorry to let you know, but my therapy cat Casey, known as Pet Safety Cat Casey, he goes, Arden, there's a horse in the house.

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Arden Moore: Darby, Casey, Casey, Darby.

00:03:11.040 --> 00:03:12.600
Arden Moore: He goes, that's one big dog.

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Lynn Scully: It's actually not quite as big as some of the dogs that he's met.

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Arden Moore: So they measure horses hands high.

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Arden Moore: Is that right?

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Arden Moore: Do they do that for miniature horses?

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Lynn Scully: Yeah, for miniature horses, they measure in inches.

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Lynn Scully: And for him, we go really just more by pounds.

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Lynn Scully: He's a little bit bigger than our golden retriever, but he's not as big as a Great Dane.

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Lynn Scully: And he weighs about the same as the dog who came in number two in the campaign, which was on an English moustiff named Tarawaggy Bottom.

00:03:40.040 --> 00:03:43.260
Lynn Scully: So they both conferred, they both weighed about 150 pounds.

00:03:43.260 --> 00:03:45.760
Arden Moore: 150 pounds, I dream of that weight.

00:03:45.760 --> 00:03:47.780
Arden Moore: Okay, that would be an ideal weight.

00:03:47.780 --> 00:03:50.460
Arden Moore: And people need to know a little bit about you.

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Arden Moore: What's your role at the hospital?

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Lynn Scully: I am the communications manager at the hospital.

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Lynn Scully: So I work with our staff doing internal communications as well as all the communications to the community.

00:04:01.180 --> 00:04:06.560
Arden Moore: Have you ever had a cat butt in on an interview because Casey is mesmerized by Darby?

00:04:06.560 --> 00:04:10.780
Arden Moore: Casey likes dogs, so I think he thinks Darby is a dog.

00:04:10.780 --> 00:04:17.740
Arden Moore: All right, so you have been involved with pet partners and they're among my most favorite organizations.

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Arden Moore: And I want you to everybody to know, you also have a special role there, right?

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Lynn Scully: Right, I started about 15 years ago with another miniature horse doing pet therapy.

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Lynn Scully: And then we moved to Hawaii.

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Lynn Scully: And become an evaluator, trying to really get pet partners a little bit more presence here in the state and some more therapy animal teams registered, which is really important.

00:04:44.020 --> 00:04:46.760
Lynn Scully: They're not as prevalent here as on the mainland.

00:04:46.760 --> 00:04:54.840
Lynn Scully: And so that's one of our missions this year during his reign is to try and get more teams recruited and registered with pet partners.

00:04:54.840 --> 00:04:57.240
Arden Moore: What does it mean to be an evaluator?

00:04:57.240 --> 00:04:58.340
Lynn Scully: It means a couple things.

00:04:58.640 --> 00:05:08.980
Lynn Scully: I'm out there in the community trying to encourage people to do the training, do the online work as well as the training of the animal, sign up for the evaluation.

00:05:08.980 --> 00:05:11.820
Lynn Scully: I provide the evaluations at the hospital.

00:05:11.820 --> 00:05:15.080
Lynn Scully: We really go out of our way, you know, whatever would work for somebody.

00:05:15.080 --> 00:05:23.140
Lynn Scully: I flew over to Oahu to do evaluations for some teams, and you're working with somebody to get, you know, an evaluator on that island.

00:05:23.140 --> 00:05:24.580
Lynn Scully: Pet Partners has been amazing.

00:05:24.580 --> 00:05:28.320
Lynn Scully: I mean, they came to Hawaii to train a small group of people to get going.

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Lynn Scully: Which is incredible support from an amazing organization.

00:05:32.860 --> 00:05:38.700
Lynn Scully: And then I'm also, I don't just, after we do the test, and if a team passes, I don't just say goodbye.

00:05:38.700 --> 00:05:43.820
Lynn Scully: I kind of feel like I'm representing Pet Partners and continuing to support those teams.

00:05:43.820 --> 00:05:45.960
Lynn Scully: So I'll check in with them, see how they're doing.

00:05:45.960 --> 00:05:48.860
Lynn Scully: I just had a team contact me last week.

00:05:48.860 --> 00:05:57.880
Lynn Scully: She had a little question about a facility she was at, a little awkward situation, and just needed somebody to kind of check in on if she did the right thing.

00:05:57.880 --> 00:06:00.560
Lynn Scully: So I'm there for them even now before they pass their test.

00:06:00.560 --> 00:06:09.420
Arden Moore: I have to tell you, this is the first time I've had somebody on my show with the most tame, well-mannered horse in a house.

00:06:09.420 --> 00:06:23.080
Lynn Scully: Well, that's part of being a pet therapy animal is that they have to be very calm and very reliable, especially a little horse, because there's probably more trouble they can get into than a dog.

00:06:23.080 --> 00:06:33.100
Lynn Scully: And so that was really the biggest factor for him in the selection of him for pet therapy is that he's just very, very calm and nothing fazes him.

00:06:33.100 --> 00:06:36.580
Arden Moore: So we need to know the 411 on Darby.

00:06:36.580 --> 00:06:39.900
Arden Moore: I mean, did you get him as a tiny little horse?

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Arden Moore: Or when did you get him and why?

00:06:41.900 --> 00:06:54.520
Lynn Scully: Yeah, no, actually, I did it my first mini, who I did pet therapy with, I did get as just, you know, four months old and actually he was pretty easy to train because of like I got him at such a young age.

00:06:54.520 --> 00:06:57.560
Lynn Scully: This guy, he was actually like a rescue.

00:06:57.560 --> 00:07:02.840
Lynn Scully: His family decided to move from Hawaii to the mainland and didn't take him.

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Arden Moore: How old was he at the time?

00:07:04.740 --> 00:07:15.720
Lynn Scully: He was about four or five years old, and they knew he had had minis before, so they asked if we would take him and he didn't actually have a really great reputation in the neighborhood.

00:07:15.720 --> 00:07:19.080
Arden Moore: Oh, come on, Darby, close your horse ears.

00:07:19.080 --> 00:07:20.040
Arden Moore: Mama's going to talk.

00:07:20.040 --> 00:07:20.800
Arden Moore: What happened?

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Arden Moore: What's going on?

00:07:21.700 --> 00:07:28.020
Lynn Scully: We don't really know because he was fine with us, but he had a reputation of being like a little bit of a naughty pony.

00:07:28.020 --> 00:07:31.180
Arden Moore: What is the definition of a naughty pony?

00:07:31.180 --> 00:07:37.900
Lynn Scully: Oh, they can be a little bitey, they could want to kick, they could be really stubborn, they could be a little naughty.

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Lynn Scully: He had another mini with him, so we got them and really, I mean, just with some good guidance and lots of love and proper handling, he was fine.

00:07:48.820 --> 00:07:53.580
Arden Moore: So are you saying that Darby is no longer acting like a jackass?

00:07:53.580 --> 00:07:54.840
Arden Moore: You knew that was coming.

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Arden Moore: Apologies to all donkeys.

00:07:56.600 --> 00:07:57.080
Lynn Scully: Correct.

00:07:57.080 --> 00:08:00.520
Lynn Scully: Yeah, he really is just very well suited for pet therapy.

00:08:00.640 --> 00:08:03.640
Lynn Scully: Here's a great example of why he's so good.

00:08:03.640 --> 00:08:05.500
Lynn Scully: Last week, we were at the hospital.

00:08:05.500 --> 00:08:10.500
Lynn Scully: We went down one of the hallways in a back area to visit the housekeeping staff.

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Lynn Scully: Housekeeping staff has a lot of carts, if you can imagine in a hospital, laundry, linens, equipment.

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Lynn Scully: So there was a big tall cart coming in, a tight hallway, 12-foot stack, a whole bunch of very excited staff members, and another cart.

00:08:29.860 --> 00:08:37.800
Lynn Scully: And they got excited, and off that cart came a whole bunch of packages of toilet tissue.

00:08:37.800 --> 00:08:41.700
Lynn Scully: Wrapped up, but they landed on Darby, and he didn't care at all.

00:08:41.920 --> 00:08:50.120
Lynn Scully: And that is a perfect example of a situation that not all animals would have been able to have handled with no problem at all.

00:08:50.120 --> 00:09:00.580
Lynn Scully: He didn't even, he was in a confined space, a lot of people, strange things in this hallway, and then stuff that falls on him, and no problem.

00:09:00.580 --> 00:09:01.580
Arden Moore: That's good.

00:09:01.580 --> 00:09:04.180
Lynn Scully: I'm going to let him go off for just a minute or two.

00:09:04.180 --> 00:09:09.040
Arden Moore: Yeah, please, I heard he was kind of chomping at the bit, so we kind of have to let him go.

00:09:09.040 --> 00:09:11.780
Arden Moore: Hey, everyone, we're speaking with Lynn Scully.

00:09:11.780 --> 00:09:23.300
Arden Moore: She's putting up with my horse puns, but the big deal is Lynn Scully and Darby are Pet of the Year for 2024, her pet partners, a great organization.

00:09:23.300 --> 00:09:32.820
Arden Moore: We're going to dive in a little bit more after we take this break, so hang out there till the sun comes up, have a little hay, I don't know, we'll be right back.

00:09:35.780 --> 00:09:38.960
Announcer: Time for a walk on the red carpet, of course.

00:09:38.960 --> 00:09:43.320
Announcer: Oh Behave will be back in a flash right after these messages.

00:09:45.520 --> 00:09:49.440
Arden Moore: Paws up, Pet Pals, Arden Moore here, your host of the Oh Behave show.

00:09:49.440 --> 00:09:50.080
Arden Moore: Me-

00:09:50.080 --> 00:09:50.680
Arden Moore: Wow!

00:09:50.680 --> 00:09:57.120
Arden Moore: Did you know there's up to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?

00:09:57.120 --> 00:10:01.880
Arden Moore: And without spay or neuter, that number is only going to keep growing.

00:10:01.880 --> 00:10:09.020
Arden Moore: Not only does spay neuter humanely reduce the community cat population, it keeps cats healthy.

00:10:09.020 --> 00:10:15.780
Arden Moore: Scooter, the neuter cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be snipped.

00:10:16.100 --> 00:10:17.120
Arden Moore: Hey, check them out.

00:10:17.120 --> 00:10:18.680
Arden Moore: Go to

00:10:20.560 --> 00:10:21.900
Arden Moore: That's

00:10:24.080 --> 00:10:28.260
Arden Moore: And help us make this a better world for cats.

00:10:31.360 --> 00:10:32.520
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:10:33.420 --> 00:10:34.480
Announcer: On Pet Life Radio.

00:10:34.480 --> 00:10:35.780
<v SPEAKER_4>Pet Life Radio.

00:10:35.780 --> 00:10:37.980

00:10:38.400 --> 00:10:44.960
Audrey Landers: Hi, I'm Audrey Landers of Dallas saying you have got to listen to Arden Moore on Oh Behave on

00:10:47.500 --> 00:10:50.720
Audrey Landers: Bringing together pets, people and more.

00:10:53.100 --> 00:10:54.480
Announcer: We're back from the lot.

00:10:54.480 --> 00:10:57.520
Announcer: Just check the paper and we had a record showing at the box.

00:10:57.520 --> 00:10:59.120
Announcer: The letter box, that is.

00:10:59.120 --> 00:11:00.540
Announcer: Now back to OB.

00:11:00.540 --> 00:11:01.080
Announcer: Hayes.

00:11:01.080 --> 00:11:02.860
Announcer: Here's Arden.

00:11:02.860 --> 00:11:03.980
Arden Moore: Welcome back to the OB.

00:11:03.980 --> 00:11:05.720
Arden Moore: Hayes Show on Pet Life Radio.

00:11:05.720 --> 00:11:07.020
Arden Moore: I'm your host, Arden Moore.

00:11:07.420 --> 00:11:13.800
Arden Moore: As I've mentioned, I finally have accomplished interviewing a horse and the horse's name is Darby.

00:11:13.800 --> 00:11:19.060
Arden Moore: And with him is an equally talented two-legged by the name of Lynn Scully.

00:11:19.060 --> 00:11:25.600
Arden Moore: They comprise the team that won Pet of the Year 2024 for the Pet Partners Organization.

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Arden Moore: And you're in the Big Island.

00:11:27.420 --> 00:11:29.520
Arden Moore: So for people, what island is that?

00:11:30.080 --> 00:11:33.900
Lynn Scully: Right, in Hawaii, the Big Island is also known as Hawaii Island.

00:11:33.900 --> 00:11:36.120
Lynn Scully: It is the largest, which is why it's called the Big Island.

00:11:36.520 --> 00:11:39.440
Lynn Scully: But it's a very rural, remote island.

00:11:39.440 --> 00:11:42.760
Lynn Scully: You know, a few things that's known for, we have an active volcano.

00:11:42.760 --> 00:11:46.940
Lynn Scully: We also have the world's tallest mountain, which is Mauna Kea.

00:11:46.940 --> 00:11:50.540
Lynn Scully: If you're counting from the bottom of the ocean floor to the top.

00:11:50.540 --> 00:11:52.660
Arden Moore: Okay, so there's an asterisk.

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Arden Moore: So climbers have to get in scuba gear first and then come up.

00:11:58.380 --> 00:12:00.220
Arden Moore: Okay, that's, where were you living?

00:12:00.220 --> 00:12:01.920
Arden Moore: What made you go to Hawaii?

00:12:01.920 --> 00:12:02.580
Arden Moore: You're not a native.

00:12:02.580 --> 00:12:04.140
Lynn Scully: We previously were in San Diego.

00:12:05.380 --> 00:12:07.400
Lynn Scully: Small horse ranch, right?

00:12:07.400 --> 00:12:09.000
Lynn Scully: Wonderful San Diego.

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Lynn Scully: And we moved here because where we are specifically, which is the town of Waimea, it's very horse oriented.

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Lynn Scully: It's one of the largest cattle ranches in the US.

00:12:19.880 --> 00:12:21.280
Lynn Scully: And it's a wonderful rural area.

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Lynn Scully: We're at about 4,000 feet altitude.

00:12:23.760 --> 00:12:27.500
Lynn Scully: So it never is very hot, never super, super cold.

00:12:27.500 --> 00:12:29.100
Lynn Scully: The horses graze year round.

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Lynn Scully: They've got green grass all year.

00:12:30.560 --> 00:12:36.480
Arden Moore: There's a lot of terms in Hawaii and they're like Vanna White-like because they have tons of owls.

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Arden Moore: But please make sure I don't blow this.

00:12:38.880 --> 00:12:42.500
Arden Moore: Paniolo, what's the term for Hawaiian cowboy?

00:12:42.500 --> 00:12:43.260
Lynn Scully: That is the term.

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Lynn Scully: Paniolo is the term.

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Lynn Scully: And that came from Espanola.

00:12:47.220 --> 00:12:52.080
Lynn Scully: The Spaniards are the ones who came here to Hawaii to teach, you know, horsemanship.

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Lynn Scully: And so that was their kind of their pronunciation of Espanola and it became Paniolo.

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Lynn Scully: And so that, yeah, that is the term we use for the Hawaiian cowboys.

00:13:01.200 --> 00:13:04.320
Arden Moore: So Darby just hangs out with you in the house.

00:13:04.320 --> 00:13:07.720
Arden Moore: I mean, does Darby have a favorite Netflix show?

00:13:07.720 --> 00:13:09.900
Arden Moore: I mean, what's life like with them?

00:13:09.900 --> 00:13:11.320
Arden Moore: And do you have other animals?

00:13:11.320 --> 00:13:16.280
Arden Moore: What's life like with a miniature horse that is hoofing it with compassion?

00:13:16.280 --> 00:13:19.780
Lynn Scully: Well, he spends most of his time out with our other horses.

00:13:19.780 --> 00:13:22.000
Lynn Scully: We've got full size horses.

00:13:22.000 --> 00:13:24.360
Lynn Scully: His best friend is a Mustang.

00:13:24.360 --> 00:13:25.660
Arden Moore: What's the Mustang's name?

00:13:25.660 --> 00:13:27.100
Arden Moore: Please tell me it isn't Sally.

00:13:27.540 --> 00:13:28.300
Arden Moore: Jaden.

00:13:28.300 --> 00:13:29.420
Arden Moore: Oh, Jaden.

00:13:29.420 --> 00:13:30.220
Arden Moore: Okay.

00:13:30.220 --> 00:13:31.660
Lynn Scully: No, let's sing Sally.

00:13:31.660 --> 00:13:32.080
Arden Moore: Okay.

00:13:32.080 --> 00:13:32.440
Arden Moore: All right.

00:13:32.440 --> 00:13:34.860
Arden Moore: I was going to make you sing the song, but okay.

00:13:34.860 --> 00:13:35.220
Arden Moore: All right.

00:13:35.220 --> 00:13:37.840
Arden Moore: So, all right, you got three horses plus him.

00:13:37.840 --> 00:13:38.600
Arden Moore: What else?

00:13:38.600 --> 00:13:41.160
Lynn Scully: And another mini and then the dog.

00:13:41.160 --> 00:13:44.560
Lynn Scully: And so every night we walk the dog and the two minis together.

00:13:44.560 --> 00:13:46.060
Lynn Scully: So they're just like a little pack.

00:13:46.060 --> 00:13:48.720
Arden Moore: Give the names because they probably are listening to the show.

00:13:48.720 --> 00:13:51.100
Arden Moore: What's the minis name and what's your doggies name?

00:13:51.100 --> 00:13:53.260
Lynn Scully: The other mini is Bailey.

00:13:53.260 --> 00:13:56.840
Lynn Scully: And then the dog is Killian and he's a big golden retriever.

00:13:57.020 --> 00:13:59.860
Lynn Scully: This is basically the same color as Darby.

00:13:59.860 --> 00:14:03.380
Lynn Scully: So the three of them are just Fast and Furious friends.

00:14:03.380 --> 00:14:06.200
Arden Moore: Give the folks tuning in an idea.

00:14:06.200 --> 00:14:11.200
Arden Moore: You're just walking down the street and you see two horses and a dog walking for a walk.

00:14:11.200 --> 00:14:13.980
Arden Moore: It sounds like it's a setup for a dad joke or something.

00:14:15.400 --> 00:14:21.720
Lynn Scully: Well, we do get lots of people, a lot of the neighbors and friends will stop and say hi when they see that combination.

00:14:21.720 --> 00:14:22.460
Lynn Scully: Here he comes again.

00:14:22.860 --> 00:14:23.640
Arden Moore: Hi, Darby.

00:14:23.640 --> 00:14:24.620
Arden Moore: Darby's back.

00:14:24.620 --> 00:14:33.480
Lynn Scully: That's part of that really the magic of the miniature horse, especially for pet therapy is that people are seeing him in an unexpected place.

00:14:33.480 --> 00:14:34.060
Arden Moore: Yes.

00:14:34.060 --> 00:14:42.000
Lynn Scully: People may be not as surprised to see a dog between service animals and pet therapy animals, people and dogs at home.

00:14:42.000 --> 00:14:50.100
Lynn Scully: They're not quite as surprised in a hospital to see a dog, but they're definitely surprised and don't expect to see a horse in the hospital.

00:14:50.740 --> 00:15:01.940
Lynn Scully: The first giveaway is actually the sound of his hooves, the clickety click click click sound, and that is often enough to get people coming out of the rooms to look if they can.

00:15:01.940 --> 00:15:05.000
Lynn Scully: Certainly the staff come out to see when they hear the clicking.

00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:08.260
Lynn Scully: The other thing is once in a while, he will whinny.

00:15:08.260 --> 00:15:11.340
Lynn Scully: I'll tell you the funny story about the first whinny I ever heard.

00:15:11.340 --> 00:15:14.660
Lynn Scully: This is a horse who I never heard whinny before.

00:15:14.660 --> 00:15:22.460
Lynn Scully: When we went to the hospital one of the first few times, we visited the outside of the infusion center.

00:15:22.460 --> 00:15:27.480
Lynn Scully: The infusion center is one of the areas for chemotherapy that we don't go in.

00:15:27.480 --> 00:15:29.500
Lynn Scully: Pet pets are not allowed in.

00:15:29.500 --> 00:15:34.760
Lynn Scully: But at our hospital, the infusion center is all glass.

00:15:34.760 --> 00:15:37.860
Lynn Scully: We could certainly visit from the outside, right?

00:15:37.860 --> 00:15:38.500
Lynn Scully: Sounds great.

00:15:38.500 --> 00:15:39.000
Lynn Scully: Perfect.

00:15:39.260 --> 00:15:42.800
Lynn Scully: The lounge chairs where the patients are, are right up against the glass.

00:15:42.800 --> 00:15:47.620
Lynn Scully: Well, our glass is privacy glass, which means it has a mirrored finish.

00:15:47.620 --> 00:16:01.360
Lynn Scully: So when we walked up to the glass doors for the first time, I heard the biggest winnie ever is as big as any big horse, because Darby thought he saw another little miniature horse.

00:16:01.420 --> 00:16:03.240
Arden Moore: Oh, no.

00:16:03.240 --> 00:16:03.480
<v SPEAKER_4>Snap.

00:16:03.480 --> 00:16:10.340
Lynn Scully: Now, every time we come to the hospital, first thing he does is he calls out for this friend, this elusive friend.

00:16:12.060 --> 00:16:13.600
Arden Moore: Darby 2.0.

00:16:13.600 --> 00:16:14.600
<v SPEAKER_4>Yeah.

00:16:14.600 --> 00:16:14.980
Lynn Scully: Yeah.

00:16:14.980 --> 00:16:19.160
Lynn Scully: So that's the story with Darby.

00:16:19.160 --> 00:16:24.420
Arden Moore: There's certain things you need to do, whether it's a cat, a dog, a rabbit or whatever.

00:16:24.420 --> 00:16:29.920
Arden Moore: For a horse, what do you need to do to make sure they're acceptable in a hospital or other environment?

00:16:29.920 --> 00:16:36.620
Arden Moore: And I played in a band in high school and I always seemed to be in the band right behind the horses.

00:16:36.860 --> 00:16:39.920
Arden Moore: And you know where I'm coming to, horse apples, road apples.

00:16:39.920 --> 00:16:40.400
Lynn Scully: Yes.

00:16:40.400 --> 00:16:41.400
Arden Moore: What's up with Darby?

00:16:41.400 --> 00:16:43.380
Arden Moore: Let's talk about the south end of Darby.

00:16:43.380 --> 00:16:48.040
Lynn Scully: Well, all of the animals with pet partners have to be housebroken.

00:16:48.040 --> 00:16:52.380
Lynn Scully: The exception of, I believe, birds are allowed to wear something called a flight suit.

00:16:52.380 --> 00:16:55.040
Lynn Scully: But everybody else has to be housebroken.

00:16:55.040 --> 00:17:03.660
Lynn Scully: So Darby is trained and on a schedule, and that's part of the relationship I have with to not go to the bathroom in the hospital during visits.

00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:12.080
Lynn Scully: So it's really incumbent upon me, much more so than even with a dog, know when he has to go.

00:17:12.080 --> 00:17:13.380
Arden Moore: How does he let you know?

00:17:13.380 --> 00:17:16.000
Arden Moore: Does it two hoofs mean number two?

00:17:17.280 --> 00:17:18.980
Lynn Scully: Most of it is just his timing.

00:17:18.980 --> 00:17:21.120
Lynn Scully: Like I know when he's gonna have to go.

00:17:21.120 --> 00:17:23.600
Lynn Scully: Now he does go number one.

00:17:23.600 --> 00:17:25.220
Lynn Scully: He does pee on command.

00:17:25.220 --> 00:17:25.420
Arden Moore: Oh.

00:17:25.420 --> 00:17:28.020
Lynn Scully: And that's something I trained him to do right off the bat.

00:17:28.760 --> 00:17:29.160
Arden Moore: Okay.

00:17:29.160 --> 00:17:31.160
Lynn Scully: Yeah, that was very easy to train.

00:17:31.160 --> 00:17:32.020
Arden Moore: Very good, good.

00:17:32.440 --> 00:17:36.320
Lynn Scully: The pooping is more, I know his schedule.

00:17:36.320 --> 00:17:42.960
Lynn Scully: And often, I mean, there's a little, if I were fast enough, he does give me a sign.

00:17:42.960 --> 00:17:49.860
Lynn Scully: But often in the hospital, we're so far into the hospital that you wouldn't have enough time to get him out again.

00:17:49.860 --> 00:17:50.140
Arden Moore: Okay.

00:17:50.140 --> 00:17:50.820
Lynn Scully: Just a big one joke.

00:17:50.820 --> 00:17:53.320
Lynn Scully: With the pet therapy animals, you have a hallway to walk down.

00:17:53.320 --> 00:17:54.660
Lynn Scully: It's gonna take you 20 minutes.

00:17:54.660 --> 00:17:57.460
Arden Moore: Oh yeah, cause you're like a superstar, yeah.

00:17:57.460 --> 00:17:58.700
Lynn Scully: You're stopped constantly.

00:17:58.840 --> 00:18:04.120
Lynn Scully: So I have to be very, very aware of his schedule and when he has to go out and take a break.

00:18:04.120 --> 00:18:07.220
Arden Moore: He has like fair faucet, beautiful blonde mane.

00:18:07.220 --> 00:18:11.040
Arden Moore: I mean, you got to take care of him, make sure he's hygienic, right?

00:18:11.040 --> 00:18:13.520
Arden Moore: In this, what are the things you have to do?

00:18:13.760 --> 00:18:18.820
Lynn Scully: Well, one thing I do with him is if you'll notice, I keep him fully clipped year round.

00:18:18.820 --> 00:18:26.160
Lynn Scully: So that means he gets a basically a buzz cut on his whole body and that's to keep him as clean as possible.

00:18:26.300 --> 00:18:31.000
Lynn Scully: He has to be really spotless to go into the hospital, obviously.

00:18:31.000 --> 00:18:32.100
Lynn Scully: So that helps.

00:18:32.100 --> 00:18:43.200
Lynn Scully: Pets should be bathed 24 hours ahead of time, but because we live in basically a mountain community, for much of the year, it's too cold to give him a bath.

00:18:43.720 --> 00:18:44.340
Arden Moore: Oh.

00:18:44.340 --> 00:18:49.400
Lynn Scully: So he'll will do a combination of like a kind of like a sponge bath.

00:18:49.400 --> 00:18:50.500
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:18:50.500 --> 00:18:58.560
Lynn Scully: And then he does have a selection of fleece clothing and pajamas to help keep him warm.

00:18:58.560 --> 00:19:03.400
Lynn Scully: You know, the buzz cut is that he then has no protection from the cold weather.

00:19:03.400 --> 00:19:05.420
Arden Moore: What about his mani-peni?

00:19:05.420 --> 00:19:09.200
Arden Moore: I mean, I can clip my cat and dog's nails, but I've never hoofed it.

00:19:09.200 --> 00:19:10.260
Lynn Scully: Serious mani-peni.

00:19:10.620 --> 00:19:13.880
Lynn Scully: He's not quite flexible enough for me to show you his.

00:19:13.880 --> 00:19:14.940
Arden Moore: That's okay.

00:19:14.940 --> 00:19:16.060
Arden Moore: I don't want to.

00:19:16.060 --> 00:19:18.100
Lynn Scully: But it's pretty easy to keep his feet clean.

00:19:18.100 --> 00:19:19.540
Lynn Scully: You know, it's just like a regular horse.

00:19:19.880 --> 00:19:27.620
Lynn Scully: You pick them, but then right before you go in the hospital, you wipe down those feet so he's not tracking anything down into the hospital.

00:19:27.620 --> 00:19:32.000
Arden Moore: And I'm telling you, he's got some beautiful, big, big eyes.

00:19:32.000 --> 00:19:33.080
Lynn Scully: Yeah, he does.

00:19:33.080 --> 00:19:33.580
Lynn Scully: He does.

00:19:33.980 --> 00:19:42.080
Arden Moore: So when you won, and maybe we should let the cat out of the bag, I was the MC for the event and you still agreed to be on the show.

00:19:42.080 --> 00:19:43.440
Arden Moore: So thank you.

00:19:43.440 --> 00:19:48.400
Arden Moore: But I love Pet Partners and you raised almost $17,000.

00:19:49.440 --> 00:19:54.800
Arden Moore: And it's my understanding that they were celebrating pretty hard in Hawaii, right?

00:19:54.800 --> 00:19:55.200
Lynn Scully: Yes.

00:19:55.200 --> 00:19:58.960
Lynn Scully: He has a lot of big support base and lots of fans.

00:19:58.960 --> 00:20:01.200
Lynn Scully: And people were very excited.

00:20:01.320 --> 00:20:04.960
Lynn Scully: I think because he was the first pet from Hawaii.

00:20:04.960 --> 00:20:06.480
Arden Moore: And the first horse.

00:20:06.480 --> 00:20:07.500
Lynn Scully: And the first horse.

00:20:07.500 --> 00:20:09.500
Lynn Scully: There was a lot of state pride here.

00:20:09.880 --> 00:20:12.500
Lynn Scully: Hawaii does have a lot of state pride.

00:20:12.540 --> 00:20:17.980
Lynn Scully: We're kind of an obscure, in the middle of nowhere, kind of different state than on the mainland.

00:20:17.980 --> 00:20:23.000
Lynn Scully: And so people really got behind the fact that he was representing the state.

00:20:23.000 --> 00:20:26.380
Lynn Scully: So yeah, there was a lot of excitement for him, which is great.

00:20:26.380 --> 00:20:28.120
Arden Moore: So how did you celebrate with him?

00:20:28.120 --> 00:20:30.040
Arden Moore: Did he have some gourmet hay?

00:20:30.380 --> 00:20:31.620
Arden Moore: I mean, I don't know.

00:20:31.620 --> 00:20:38.320
Lynn Scully: We actually cracked a bottle of Martinelli's sparkling cider.

00:20:38.320 --> 00:20:39.980
Arden Moore: Okay, okay, okay.

00:20:39.980 --> 00:20:42.060
Arden Moore: That's you and your husband, Rick, right?

00:20:42.060 --> 00:20:42.720
Lynn Scully: Right.

00:20:42.720 --> 00:20:47.160
Lynn Scully: And he did get, of course, extra of his favorite treats, which are what?

00:20:47.160 --> 00:20:48.980
Lynn Scully: In spiced Cheerios.

00:20:48.980 --> 00:20:50.920
Arden Moore: Pumpkin spiced Cheerios.

00:20:50.920 --> 00:20:53.180
Arden Moore: Darby, she's got them in her hand.

00:20:53.200 --> 00:20:53.560
Lynn Scully: Yes.

00:20:53.560 --> 00:20:55.160
Arden Moore: Closer to the fingers.

00:20:55.160 --> 00:20:56.800
Arden Moore: There you go, big horse.

00:20:56.800 --> 00:20:57.620
Arden Moore: There you go.

00:20:57.620 --> 00:20:58.180
Arden Moore: Thank you, Lynn.

00:20:58.520 --> 00:21:02.640
Arden Moore: Hey, let's get some overview of this whole event for Pet Partners.

00:21:02.640 --> 00:21:08.940
Arden Moore: It's my understanding they were almost 100 finalists for Pet of the Year for this third time around.

00:21:08.940 --> 00:21:18.420
Arden Moore: We did have on our show Ry Guy who won last year, the dog from Minnesota, but we had two dogs trail behind Darby.

00:21:18.420 --> 00:21:21.500
Arden Moore: The runner up was Tara Waggy Bottom.

00:21:22.220 --> 00:21:23.960
Arden Moore: I cannot make up that name.

00:21:23.960 --> 00:21:25.520
Lynn Scully: Hey, English we're going to skip.

00:21:25.520 --> 00:21:28.920
Arden Moore: Yeah, English Mastiff for Redmond, Washington.

00:21:29.280 --> 00:21:38.900
Arden Moore: Tara and her two-legged companion, Jane, apparently sold a bunch of tickets at an exclusive tea party and an auction.

00:21:38.900 --> 00:21:43.440
Arden Moore: They raised almost $9,000 for the non-profit Pet Partners.

00:21:43.440 --> 00:21:44.900
Arden Moore: That's pretty nice, right?

00:21:44.900 --> 00:21:45.240
Lynn Scully: Right.

00:21:45.340 --> 00:21:47.240
Lynn Scully: We've become friends on Facebook.

00:21:47.520 --> 00:21:53.120
Lynn Scully: In fact, I just sent her a note this morning, inviting her to come see us when she comes to Hawaii.

00:21:53.120 --> 00:21:54.340
Arden Moore: Oh, nice.

00:21:54.340 --> 00:22:04.380
Lynn Scully: Yeah, it's nice that although it's friendly competition, we all have the same thing at heart, which is Pet Partners and Pet Therapy.

00:22:04.380 --> 00:22:11.140
Lynn Scully: Even though we're competitors, everyone bonded together and neck and neck with her for a lot.

00:22:12.160 --> 00:22:14.260
Arden Moore: Yeah, but a horse is going to win neck and neck.

00:22:14.260 --> 00:22:15.720
Lynn Scully: Up into the longest stretch.

00:22:16.200 --> 00:22:17.940
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:22:17.940 --> 00:22:19.480
Arden Moore: See, it's contagious.

00:22:19.480 --> 00:22:20.360
Arden Moore: I told you.

00:22:20.360 --> 00:22:29.780
Arden Moore: Third place, I want to give a shout out to Huey the Hoosier Doodle, Cumberland, Indiana with her two-legged Jennifer.

00:22:31.080 --> 00:22:40.880
Arden Moore: Huey, I guess raised about over $6,000, and this one's going to keep an eye on because Huey, the Hoosier Doodle is still young.

00:22:41.700 --> 00:22:42.940
Lynn Scully: It's a puppy.

00:22:42.940 --> 00:22:49.400
Arden Moore: Tell me some of the unusual animals that could be considered as a pet partner therapy pet.

00:22:49.400 --> 00:22:56.160
Lynn Scully: Well, Pet Partners registers nine different species, which is wonderful, and we're considering that.

00:22:56.160 --> 00:23:05.940
Lynn Scully: One of our challenges this year is to try, since he's not a traditional pet therapy animal, he's not a dog, I think 92% of the registered teams are dogs.

00:23:05.940 --> 00:23:11.600
Lynn Scully: We're going to, this next year, really try and encourage more non-traditional teams to register.

00:23:11.600 --> 00:23:17.940
Lynn Scully: So those can include, besides horses, cats, which people often don't think about.

00:23:17.940 --> 00:23:33.200
Arden Moore: I gotta tell you, Casey comes into the Memory Care Center wearing a cowboy hat in a stroller, and he walks on a harness and leash, and I swear his meow, because I'm in Dallas, sounds like, meowing, howling, meowing.

00:23:33.200 --> 00:23:37.740
Lynn Scully: Yeah, so cats, we would love to see, you know, we would love to see a cat as a therapy animal.

00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:40.520
Lynn Scully: Guinea pigs, domestic rat.

00:23:40.520 --> 00:23:42.180
Arden Moore: And rats are pretty smart.

00:23:42.180 --> 00:23:42.680
Lynn Scully: Yes, they are.

00:23:42.680 --> 00:23:43.600
Arden Moore: Trainable, right?

00:23:43.600 --> 00:23:44.800
Lynn Scully: I had one as a kid.

00:23:44.800 --> 00:23:46.040
Lynn Scully: Alpacas.

00:23:46.060 --> 00:23:46.840
Lynn Scully: Oh, really?

00:23:46.840 --> 00:23:49.260
Lynn Scully: Birds, small pigs.

00:23:49.260 --> 00:23:50.140
Arden Moore: Rabbits?

00:23:50.140 --> 00:23:51.340
Lynn Scully: And rabbits, yes.

00:23:51.340 --> 00:23:57.920
Lynn Scully: In fact, I just sent a note to somebody who lives not too far away, who just got a new rabbit, and I said, you want to think about pet therapy.

00:23:57.920 --> 00:23:59.200
Lynn Scully: Would that be so great?

00:23:59.200 --> 00:24:04.940
Arden Moore: So think about it, standing back, you know the benefits of having a therapy pet.

00:24:04.940 --> 00:24:05.960
Arden Moore: I know the benefits.

00:24:06.300 --> 00:24:08.040
Arden Moore: We live in a crazy time.

00:24:08.040 --> 00:24:14.520
Arden Moore: Tell others the importance and maybe some surprising ways and what pets do to our mental health.

00:24:14.520 --> 00:24:30.860
Lynn Scully: Well, I think people are fairly familiar with the science behind it, but if they aren't, there really is a lot of science that goes back decades about the serotonin levels, about the physiological reaction to someone even just petting an animal, right?

00:24:30.860 --> 00:24:34.060
Lynn Scully: That's why they say people with pets live longer, lower blood pressure, all that.

00:24:34.100 --> 00:24:38.820
Arden Moore: It's like the release of oxytocin, which is the cuddle hormone, I think.

00:24:38.820 --> 00:24:39.180
Lynn Scully: Right.

00:24:40.020 --> 00:24:46.460
Lynn Scully: I think that people may understand the physical benefits, but the mental benefits as well.

00:24:46.460 --> 00:24:49.120
Lynn Scully: I'll talk about staff members first.

00:24:49.120 --> 00:24:56.480
Arden Moore: That's very important because they've been through a lot in the COVID, post-COVID, there's always some new virus going around.

00:24:56.480 --> 00:25:07.720
Lynn Scully: I think that's the most evident, is you take an animal down the hallway, half of the people probably that you're going to make contact with are staff members.

00:25:07.720 --> 00:25:12.500
Lynn Scully: There's an immediate, I'll just say glee, it's gleeful.

00:25:12.500 --> 00:25:18.360
Lynn Scully: Sometimes they'll even come out of their offices almost like squealing, they're so excited.

00:25:18.360 --> 00:25:19.320
Arden Moore: Nice.

00:25:19.320 --> 00:25:27.600
Lynn Scully: Because it's a break from their regular routine, it's a break from the challenges working in healthcare.

00:25:27.600 --> 00:25:31.080
Lynn Scully: We also want to remember it's not just hospitals these pets are visiting.

00:25:31.160 --> 00:25:33.420
Lynn Scully: They're visiting all kinds of places.

00:25:33.420 --> 00:25:38.980
Lynn Scully: So everyone needs a break, whatever their job is, we all can use that break.

00:25:38.980 --> 00:25:55.580
Lynn Scully: Certainly, if you're a patient, whether anyone understands what it's like to be a patient or can just anticipate how horrible it is to be a patient, something that will brighten up your day for even just that five minutes, and hopefully it will last the rest of that day, just makes all the difference in the world.

00:25:55.580 --> 00:25:57.260
Lynn Scully: So yeah, it's wonderful.

00:25:57.280 --> 00:26:02.920
Lynn Scully: That's what we really want people to think about when they're thinking about, gosh, would I do pet therapy with my animal?

00:26:02.920 --> 00:26:13.640
Lynn Scully: If they just think about that little bit of a difference it make to that person, to just see, people don't always pet, they may not have the mobility to pet the animal.

00:26:13.640 --> 00:26:17.660
Lynn Scully: Even just seeing the animal can just brighten up their day.

00:26:17.660 --> 00:26:20.720
Arden Moore: Do you feel like you two finish each other's sentences?

00:26:20.720 --> 00:26:24.100
Arden Moore: How intuitive are the two of you together, Darby and you?

00:26:24.100 --> 00:26:26.340
Arden Moore: I mean, Darby is paying attention to you right now.

00:26:26.540 --> 00:26:33.180
Arden Moore: So tell me, that's also I think with my dog, Kona, I swear we have this connection, we got this vibe going.

00:26:33.180 --> 00:26:35.500
Arden Moore: I'm sensing you have that with Darby.

00:26:35.500 --> 00:26:39.180
Lynn Scully: I do, but I will say it is a little different than with a dog.

00:26:39.180 --> 00:26:39.600
Arden Moore: Okay.

00:26:39.600 --> 00:26:41.040
Lynn Scully: It's just a little different, right?

00:26:41.040 --> 00:26:42.760
Lynn Scully: It's just, it's a little different.

00:26:42.760 --> 00:26:52.280
Lynn Scully: I used to be a dog handler, so I was very, very in tune with a dog and exactly what you're, not so much finishing each other's sentences, but thoughts.

00:26:52.740 --> 00:26:52.960
Arden Moore: Yes.

00:26:52.960 --> 00:26:55.220
Lynn Scully: I mean, it's a little bit different with a dog.

00:26:55.220 --> 00:27:01.460
Lynn Scully: Now, I don't know if it's because with a miniature horse, you're not living with 24 hours a day.

00:27:01.460 --> 00:27:02.240
Lynn Scully: That could be it.

00:27:02.240 --> 00:27:04.280
Lynn Scully: I mean, he doesn't live inside.

00:27:04.280 --> 00:27:05.760
Lynn Scully: He doesn't sleep on our bed.

00:27:06.460 --> 00:27:08.040
Lynn Scully: So it is a little bit different.

00:27:08.040 --> 00:27:12.400
Lynn Scully: It's not quite the same as a dog, but that doesn't mean that we're not connected.

00:27:12.400 --> 00:27:16.920
Arden Moore: What's one trick or something he does that you just, gosh, like a proud momma?

00:27:16.920 --> 00:27:21.060
Lynn Scully: Oh, well, that has to be when he learned how to Irish dance this year.

00:27:21.060 --> 00:27:21.660
Lynn Scully: Oh, yes.

00:27:21.660 --> 00:27:23.200
Lynn Scully: I think I sent you a picture of it.

00:27:23.200 --> 00:27:26.940
Lynn Scully: It was maybe his most popular post on social media.

00:27:26.940 --> 00:27:29.260
Lynn Scully: I also do Irish dance.

00:27:29.260 --> 00:27:32.480
Lynn Scully: This campaign coincided with the St.

00:27:32.480 --> 00:27:33.580
Lynn Scully: Patrick's Day season.

00:27:33.580 --> 00:27:35.200
Arden Moore: Perfect.

00:27:35.200 --> 00:27:35.480
Arden Moore: All right.

00:27:35.480 --> 00:27:36.860
Arden Moore: So we got a couple of minutes left.

00:27:36.860 --> 00:27:37.520
Arden Moore: Wrap this up.

00:27:37.520 --> 00:27:40.300
Arden Moore: I need to know how Darby does Irish dancing.

00:27:40.980 --> 00:27:41.260
Lynn Scully: Okay.

00:27:41.340 --> 00:27:47.360
Lynn Scully: He was actually pretty simple to teach to do a beginner step.

00:27:47.360 --> 00:27:48.900
Lynn Scully: You take a look at that picture.

00:27:49.240 --> 00:27:52.140
Lynn Scully: We put ghillies on him, which is an Irish dance shoe.

00:27:52.140 --> 00:27:57.600
Lynn Scully: He joined all the other ladies in the dance group and did a little step with us.

00:27:57.600 --> 00:27:58.680
Arden Moore: I bet he enjoyed it.

00:27:58.680 --> 00:27:59.800
Lynn Scully: Oh, yeah, he does.

00:27:59.800 --> 00:28:03.260
Lynn Scully: He still offers that step to get a treat.

00:28:04.060 --> 00:28:09.220
Arden Moore: How do people follow you to and how do people find out more about Pet Partners?

00:28:09.220 --> 00:28:14.880
Lynn Scully: is the one-stop shop for everything related to Pet Partners.

00:28:14.880 --> 00:28:21.380
Lynn Scully: Pet Partners is really the world leader in pet therapy, so that is the group to go to.

00:28:21.380 --> 00:28:32.300
Lynn Scully: When we implemented the program at our hospital, we're part of a system, the Queen's Health System, and because Pet Partners is like the gold standard, the whole system implemented Pet Partners.

00:28:32.800 --> 00:28:35.440
Lynn Scully: So I'm very proud of that, that they go with the best, right?

00:28:35.440 --> 00:28:36.960
Lynn Scully: If you're going to do it, let's go with the best.

00:28:36.960 --> 00:28:37.740
Arden Moore: Exactly.

00:28:37.740 --> 00:28:40.580
Lynn Scully: And Darby will have his own Facebook page, too.

00:28:40.580 --> 00:28:43.680
Lynn Scully: Right now, he's just been on my page.

00:28:43.680 --> 00:28:46.300
Arden Moore: He's got to do it while he can make the hay, making hay.

00:28:48.480 --> 00:28:54.700
Arden Moore: Hey, we are very honored and we all congratulate Darby, the miniature horse, Lynn Scully.

00:28:54.700 --> 00:28:57.720
Arden Moore: They are the Pet of the Year for Pet Partners 2024.

00:28:57.720 --> 00:28:59.900
Arden Moore: First time a horse, of course, made it.

00:29:00.460 --> 00:29:04.220
Arden Moore: And I really appreciate you being guest on our show.

00:29:04.220 --> 00:29:07.640
Arden Moore: I hope Darby, it was good for you.

00:29:07.640 --> 00:29:08.900
<v SPEAKER_4>It was okay, Ard.

00:29:08.900 --> 00:29:11.400
Arden Moore: I don't know about that cat showing up, but it was okay.

00:29:11.400 --> 00:29:12.080
<v SPEAKER_4>I like the cat.

00:29:12.080 --> 00:29:13.680
Arden Moore: The cat had good vibes.

00:29:13.680 --> 00:29:14.100
Arden Moore: All right.

00:29:14.100 --> 00:29:18.060
Arden Moore: At this time, I also want to thank my producer, Mark Winter.

00:29:18.060 --> 00:29:24.860
Arden Moore: He is the executive producer of Pet Life Radio, the longest, largest pet radio network on the planet.

00:29:24.860 --> 00:29:32.940
Arden Moore: And we've been on this show right here, has been on the air since 07 when no one had a clue what a podcast was.

00:29:32.940 --> 00:29:39.840
Arden Moore: And we are very honored by FeedSpot to have been named 2023 Pet Podcast of the Year.

00:29:39.840 --> 00:29:42.380
Arden Moore: So follow me on my sites.

00:29:42.380 --> 00:29:50.740
Arden Moore: Please go to, check my YouTube channel, Arden Moore, and I can now say I've had a horse on a show.

00:29:50.740 --> 00:29:51.740
Arden Moore: This was great.

00:29:51.740 --> 00:29:53.580
Arden Moore: And what a horse, of course.

00:29:53.580 --> 00:29:55.920
Arden Moore: The horse, the famous horse named Darby.

00:29:56.300 --> 00:29:57.660
Arden Moore: All right, everybody.

00:29:57.660 --> 00:30:03.080
Arden Moore: So I only have two words for all you two, three, and four leggers out there.

00:30:03.080 --> 00:30:04.380
Arden Moore: Oh behave!

00:30:04.380 --> 00:30:08.720
Announcer: Coast to coast and around the world, it's All Behave with Arden Moore.

00:30:08.720 --> 00:30:16.440
Announcer: Find out why cats and dogs do the things they do and get the latest buzz from wagging tongues and tails in Rin Tin Tinsel Town.

00:30:16.440 --> 00:30:24.320
Announcer: From famous pet experts and bestselling authors to television and movie stars, you'll get great tail wagging pet tips and have a fur flying fun time.

00:30:24.360 --> 00:30:31.820
Announcer: It's Oh Behave with America's pet edutainer, Arden Moore, every week on demand, only on



"Oh Behave " Theme Song Written & Produced by Mark Winter
© Copyright Such Fun Music (ASCAP)