Pet Assure and Solvit Products ..Pet Assure.............................,......Solvit HomeAway™ Travel Kit Michelle Fern welcomes Charles Nebenzahl from Pet Assure. Pet Assure is a low-cost pet insurance alternative that covers every medical service - even pre-existing conditions! Learn why more than 100,000 pet households have chosen Pet Assure. Pet Assure is a complete pet care savings program that saves you on out-of-pocket vet expenses. Whether you have no insurance or have a claim that is not covered by insurance, Pet Assure saves you on every medical procedure and office visit, without any limitations and without expensive premiums. In the second half Michelle talks to Patrick Kaufman from Solvit Products about their new HomeAway™ Travel Organizer Kit. The HomeAway Travel Kit organizes all your pet's essentials in one efficient and attractive package. Whether your pet is traveling with you, or they're staying with a sitter while you're out of town, the HomeAway holds everything they need for an extended stay away from home. Questions or Comments? Send them to:
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