Plasma Please!

Michelle Fern on Pet Life Radio

Michelle Fern welcomes Tim Mitchum, President and CEO of WINPRO Pet, the only cat supplements powered by plasma.  Few cat owners are aware of the health-boosting powers of plasma, but this miracle ingredient has been used by farmers to improve the vitality and lifespan of work animals for over 40 years. When used regularly, the blood plasma used in WINPRO Pet can exert a profound and lasting effect on your dog’s health and happiness. Find out how plasma might be purrfect for your cat!   

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Listen to Episode #239 Now:


Tim Mitchum is a proven sales professional with over 17 years of experience selling to a range of clients from small business owners to C-suite executives. He excels in helping businesses enter new markets and become thriving business units. Tim is especially accomplished at converting prospects into clients and implementing systems and processes to continually fill the sales funnel, expand market research and scale growth. Tim received his Bachelor of Business Administration from Iowa State University in 1997 and has since received formal training in sales, prospecting and copywriting. Throughout his career in both sales consulting and business development he has helped businesses grow remarkably. Tim shares his life with his wife, Megan, two sons, Hayes and Boone, and considers himself the unofficial President of his neighborhood's nonexistent homeowners association.


00:00:01.860 --> 00:00:03.460
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.860 --> 00:00:04.980
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:00:24.971 --> 00:00:27.411
Michelle Fern: Hello, cat lovers, welcome to Cattitude.

00:00:27.511 --> 00:00:29.491
Michelle Fern: I'm your show host, Michelle Fern.

00:00:29.891 --> 00:00:32.131
Michelle Fern: Today, it's all about plasma.

00:00:32.391 --> 00:00:34.751
Michelle Fern: And now we're not gonna really talk about blood.

00:00:34.771 --> 00:00:43.251
Michelle Fern: We're gonna talk about a supplement that is powered by plasma that is amazingly wonderful for your cats.

00:00:43.271 --> 00:00:45.251
Michelle Fern: So stay tuned, we'll be right back.

00:00:48.271 --> 00:00:52.531
Michelle Fern: Hey, Michelle Fern here, and you know, saving cats is near and dear to my heart.

00:00:52.671 --> 00:00:58.331
Michelle Fern: Did you know that there is an estimated 70 to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?

00:00:58.491 --> 00:01:01.751
Michelle Fern: And without spay neuter, that number will keep growing.

00:01:01.931 --> 00:01:08.471
Michelle Fern: Not only does spay neuter mainly reduce the community cat population, but it also keeps cats healthier.

00:01:08.731 --> 00:01:14.711
Michelle Fern: Scooter, the neutered cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be sniffed.

00:01:14.831 --> 00:01:19.911
Michelle Fern: Visit his website, to help pioneer a better world for cats.

00:01:20.111 --> 00:01:23.851
Michelle Fern: That's givethem10, spelled out, T-E-N dot org.

00:01:26.631 --> 00:01:29.751
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on

00:01:40.547 --> 00:01:41.707
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:01:41.967 --> 00:01:44.107
Michelle Fern: I'd like to welcome Tim Mitchum.

00:01:44.307 --> 00:01:53.367
Michelle Fern: He is an expert on plasma, and he has just worked with WinProPets to develop a wonderful supplement for cats.

00:01:53.787 --> 00:02:00.787
Michelle Fern: And I know what you're thinking, we're not a product show, but this is something so unique and so amazing for your cats, you're gonna wanna listen.

00:02:01.087 --> 00:02:02.607
Michelle Fern: So I'd like to welcome Tim.

00:02:02.767 --> 00:02:04.787
Michelle Fern: Thanks so much for coming on Cattitude.

00:02:04.987 --> 00:02:06.347
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, I'm really happy to be here.

00:02:06.367 --> 00:02:08.727
Tim Mitchum: I appreciate the time and the opportunity, Michelle.

00:02:08.847 --> 00:02:09.547
Tim Mitchum: Thanks for having me.

00:02:09.847 --> 00:02:11.267
Michelle Fern: I'm so excited to have you.

00:02:11.547 --> 00:02:15.007
Michelle Fern: So when I mentioned plasma, people think about blood.

00:02:15.247 --> 00:02:18.467
Michelle Fern: So what is the supplement plasma?

00:02:18.487 --> 00:02:20.807
Michelle Fern: Is it blood that you're doing something with?

00:02:20.807 --> 00:02:22.147
Michelle Fern: It's more than that, right?

00:02:22.147 --> 00:02:23.267
Michelle Fern: Or not quite that.

00:02:23.447 --> 00:02:29.227
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so plasma is what we, in the simplest version, like the good parts of blood.

00:02:29.467 --> 00:02:30.927
Tim Mitchum: It's contained inside of the blood.

00:02:30.927 --> 00:02:44.327
Tim Mitchum: So what we do, or the way plasma is used in pet health today, is that they take it down to the smallest, most biological level that they can, and you come out with a sprayed, dried plasma.

00:02:44.347 --> 00:02:56.927
Tim Mitchum: So there's actually no liquid of any kind associated with it when it gets to the final result of sprayed, dried plasma, which is the type of plasma that is used in pet health products today.

00:02:56.947 --> 00:03:03.507
Tim Mitchum: And in fact, it's been used for the last 40 years across all different kinds of species.

00:03:03.967 --> 00:03:05.367
Tim Mitchum: So it's not really new.

00:03:05.467 --> 00:03:07.487
Tim Mitchum: It's very old science.

00:03:07.607 --> 00:03:15.647
Tim Mitchum: It's just kind of now making its way into the canine world and now really the cat world for the first time.

00:03:15.887 --> 00:03:21.607
Michelle Fern: Can you explain in more detail what exactly it is because it's part of the blood, right?

00:03:21.987 --> 00:03:22.367
Tim Mitchum: Yes.

00:03:22.827 --> 00:03:25.187
Tim Mitchum: Plasma is made up of, let's say, plasma.

00:03:25.207 --> 00:03:28.247
Tim Mitchum: There's albumin, IgG, IgA, serum.

00:03:28.467 --> 00:03:32.527
Tim Mitchum: These are all really crucial components inside of blood.

00:03:32.547 --> 00:03:39.507
Tim Mitchum: If you want to think of it like, you know, one ingredient may be a superhero in some form.

00:03:39.847 --> 00:03:49.827
Tim Mitchum: Well, plasma is basically like having a team of superheroes, all with different functions that they can operate inside the system that just create massive benefit.

00:03:50.147 --> 00:03:59.667
Tim Mitchum: The main thing that plasma does and has been proven to do is it's really nature's, it's the natural enemy of inflammation.

00:04:00.087 --> 00:04:15.587
Tim Mitchum: And so the way plasma works at the high level is that it reduces excessive inflammation so that the dog can return to the dog or the cat or whatever the pet is, can return to normal and heal itself.

00:04:15.967 --> 00:04:21.787
Tim Mitchum: So that's plasma's really big promise, is that it takes away the roadblocks, i.e.

00:04:21.787 --> 00:04:34.467
Tim Mitchum: inflammation, that allows your cat to return to normal, which then if they're normal, their system can pretty much handle anything that comes their way naturally, because normal is perfect, right?

00:04:34.487 --> 00:04:42.347
Tim Mitchum: I mean, normal is absolutely perfect in the design of anatomy, whether it's human or cat or any other type of animal.

00:04:42.927 --> 00:04:46.447
Michelle Fern: I know you're not a veterinarian, but you know about plasma.

00:04:46.467 --> 00:04:50.467
Michelle Fern: So why is it so important to control inflammation?

00:04:50.727 --> 00:04:54.307
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so to me, this is what's so amazing about pet health.

00:04:54.627 --> 00:04:56.427
Tim Mitchum: So let's just take cats, for example.

00:04:56.767 --> 00:04:59.507
Tim Mitchum: They are, especially in today's day and age.

00:04:59.527 --> 00:05:11.527
Tim Mitchum: You know, back in the beginning, there was way less stressors and toxins and chemicals, and they were outside, you know, let's say hunting, you know, the animals, like it was just this natural environment.

00:05:11.547 --> 00:05:18.187
Tim Mitchum: Well, we've boxed everybody inside and into these worlds that have a lot of stress on them.

00:05:18.627 --> 00:05:23.967
Tim Mitchum: And stress, whether that's in the form of chemicals, toxins, that creates inflammation.

00:05:24.267 --> 00:05:27.027
Tim Mitchum: Now, inflammation isn't necessarily a bad thing, right?

00:05:27.047 --> 00:05:30.007
Tim Mitchum: It's a signal to the body to go and solve problems.

00:05:30.547 --> 00:05:39.667
Tim Mitchum: But the challenge that we have in today's day and age is that the body has so much stress on it through chemicals and toxins that it can't keep up.

00:05:39.747 --> 00:05:48.287
Tim Mitchum: When it can't keep up with the inflammation and healing itself, then it allows chronic type of problems to enter in.

00:05:48.527 --> 00:05:57.587
Tim Mitchum: So what plasma does is it keeps that inflammation reduced to a level that the body and system can heal itself.

00:05:57.687 --> 00:06:02.567
Tim Mitchum: It's really a super simple process that has really amazing results.

00:06:02.587 --> 00:06:07.027
Tim Mitchum: And usually the most profound things come from simple solutions, if you think about it.

00:06:07.047 --> 00:06:08.427
Tim Mitchum: And plasma is one of those things.

00:06:08.727 --> 00:06:10.567
Michelle Fern: It sounds like a miracle drug.

00:06:10.847 --> 00:06:13.747
Tim Mitchum: But it's not, it works just as nature intended, right?

00:06:13.807 --> 00:06:14.787
Tim Mitchum: That's even better.

00:06:14.967 --> 00:06:15.667
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, right.

00:06:15.687 --> 00:06:18.187
Tim Mitchum: So we kind of like to call it nature's answer.

00:06:18.547 --> 00:06:21.787
Tim Mitchum: And it really is, it's a gift from nature to us.

00:06:22.247 --> 00:06:29.327
Tim Mitchum: And it's just taken, you know, it's taken a really long time to get to the kind of the companion animal world, whether that's with dogs or cats.

00:06:29.607 --> 00:06:42.127
Tim Mitchum: And we're really excited to have plasma available in products for cats, because cats, especially like with dental, bacteria, inflammation in the mouth, overall health, you know, cause that attacks us to the gut.

00:06:42.287 --> 00:06:46.267
Tim Mitchum: Plasma can do some amazing things to really help in those areas.

00:06:46.547 --> 00:06:50.967
Michelle Fern: Okay, we're gonna talk more about that a little bit later, but I have another question for you.

00:06:51.547 --> 00:06:56.187
Michelle Fern: What are some of the symptoms besides inflammation that plasma can treat?

00:06:56.487 --> 00:07:06.807
Michelle Fern: Because I know that when we talked last on my other show, you know, it was for allergy, joint health, if there's a lot of different types of symptoms besides just inflammation.

00:07:07.267 --> 00:07:15.127
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so it's really kind of a, you know, miracle ingredient in the fact that it goes where it's needed, right?

00:07:15.147 --> 00:07:27.287
Tim Mitchum: It's because, so take all of those issues, whether it's allergies, gut health, you know, joints, skin issues, those are all to some extent an inflammation issue.

00:07:27.727 --> 00:07:33.487
Tim Mitchum: So the beauty of plasma is that it is pretty problem agnostic.

00:07:33.807 --> 00:07:39.127
Tim Mitchum: Its goal is to get out of the way of that inflammation so the body can heal itself.

00:07:39.147 --> 00:07:53.487
Tim Mitchum: And that really, we see it mostly in challenges around those high level issues, whether that's allergy or hip and joint, or dental health, calming type of products, skin issues.

00:07:54.027 --> 00:08:07.707
Tim Mitchum: But in reality, reducing the inflammation, keeping the body and the system normal will solve a variety of challenges that maybe you didn't even know were on the way or possibly happening.

00:08:07.727 --> 00:08:18.807
Tim Mitchum: Like we just are really used to treating the ones that are very visual and kind of acute, but plasma keeping the system normal really solves a lot of issues.

00:08:19.187 --> 00:08:24.567
Michelle Fern: Let's talk about one of the issues that I over the years doing this show have heard about.

00:08:24.587 --> 00:08:29.367
Michelle Fern: And it's not, cats are stoic creatures, so it's hard to tell when there's a problem.

00:08:30.087 --> 00:08:34.267
Michelle Fern: Because they are always jumping around, have joint issues.

00:08:34.587 --> 00:08:38.127
Michelle Fern: And you're not likely to know about it.

00:08:38.367 --> 00:08:42.107
Michelle Fern: Let me give you an example from the human standpoint, okay?

00:08:42.327 --> 00:08:44.587
Michelle Fern: In my younger days, no knee issues.

00:08:44.827 --> 00:08:51.687
Michelle Fern: As you get older, and I work out six days a week, so you have knee issues, that's inflammation.

00:08:52.167 --> 00:08:56.387
Michelle Fern: As cats, they don't really have knees, but the same kind of joint issues, right?

00:08:56.407 --> 00:08:57.707
Michelle Fern: When you're overworking it.

00:08:58.027 --> 00:09:05.427
Michelle Fern: So I use something external that helps with inflammation, and it's gone.

00:09:05.527 --> 00:09:11.887
Michelle Fern: It's amazing how it works, as long as I don't overdo it, or then I have to use this, what I use for inflammation.

00:09:12.527 --> 00:09:14.827
Michelle Fern: So is Plasma similar to that?

00:09:14.847 --> 00:09:23.187
Michelle Fern: If your cat has joint issues, you could just give them Plasma for joints, or is it added to other ingredients specifically for joints?

00:09:23.527 --> 00:09:51.527
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so you can go about it a couple of different ways, but what most people do is take Plasma as the core ingredient, because the goal of, if you're using Plasma at any level of dosing, like that matters, like there are some Plasma-based products and stuff out there, but the inclusion level is so low, it's almost like a marketing stunt to say, yeah, we use Plasma, but it's so low, it really doesn't have that high of an impact.

00:09:51.807 --> 00:10:01.967
Tim Mitchum: But if you use Plasma as the core ingredient, then you have to do very little around that with maybe ingredients that address those same issues that would be typical to the market.

00:10:01.987 --> 00:10:14.667
Tim Mitchum: So if you take like hip and joint product, maybe you add some balanced collagen or possibly a glucosamine wrapped around that Plasma core, and that can carry across any type of product.

00:10:14.807 --> 00:10:24.127
Tim Mitchum: Plasma is the core, maybe wrap a couple of ingredients around that to kind of like boost that impact that you're looking for.

00:10:24.487 --> 00:10:26.927
Tim Mitchum: But Plasma is really, really the core.

00:10:26.947 --> 00:10:35.367
Tim Mitchum: And those other ingredients are really, if Plasma is the core, are really kind of really second place ingredients that are hoping to boost it.

00:10:35.427 --> 00:10:40.947
Tim Mitchum: But not necessarily need it for the full impact because Plasma is really the key.

00:10:41.167 --> 00:10:51.967
Michelle Fern: Okay, we're going to take a quick break a little early because I want to focus on how you change your product for cats and just a little bit more about supplements with cats and so forth.

00:10:51.987 --> 00:10:54.287
Michelle Fern: So we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back.

00:10:57.847 --> 00:10:59.787
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.

00:11:00.367 --> 00:11:04.767
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio podcasts and radio shows.

00:11:05.107 --> 00:11:12.047
Announcer: There is no other pet-related media that is as large and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.

00:11:12.307 --> 00:11:28.507
Announcer: With over 7 million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms and our live radio stream goes out to over 250 million subscribers on iHeart Radio, Audacy, TuneIn and other streaming apps.

00:11:28.647 --> 00:11:37.787
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit today.

00:11:42.167 --> 00:11:42.967
Announcer: Let's talk pests.

00:11:43.027 --> 00:11:45.007
Announcer: On Pet Life Radio.

00:11:45.027 --> 00:11:46.247
Announcer: Pet Life Radio.

00:11:57.811 --> 00:11:59.031
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:11:59.271 --> 00:12:02.611
Michelle Fern: We're talking to Tim Mitchum about Plasma.

00:12:03.271 --> 00:12:10.491
Michelle Fern: So, as I said before, your product first came out for dogs, and then you decided to make it for cats.

00:12:11.051 --> 00:12:25.451
Michelle Fern: And I just thought it was the most amazing thing, and I said, make it for cats, let me know, because we have to tell people, even though I know we're not a product show, but this is a new type of supplement on the market, and you need to know about it for your cats.

00:12:28.031 --> 00:12:44.451
Michelle Fern: So before we get into how you made changes so that it would be for cats, what makes Plasma unique with regards to the supplements that exist out there in the market for cats currently, of which there are a lot, but there are a lot more for dogs?

00:12:44.771 --> 00:12:51.891
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so I think the main difference, and it kind of throws everybody else into the same category.

00:12:51.911 --> 00:13:00.431
Tim Mitchum: So the main difference is, Plasma is what you would be considered a biological, in the real science world, we call it a dosage form health product.

00:13:00.451 --> 00:13:02.931
Tim Mitchum: It's not a nutritional supplement.

00:13:03.231 --> 00:13:06.431
Tim Mitchum: There is no nutritional aspect to our product.

00:13:06.451 --> 00:13:08.011
Tim Mitchum: It works at the biological level.

00:13:08.571 --> 00:13:14.911
Tim Mitchum: Most, if not all traditional supplements are focused on filling nutritional gaps.

00:13:15.411 --> 00:13:20.731
Tim Mitchum: We don't do anything about filling nutritional gaps, or Plasma is not a nutritional gap filler.

00:13:22.131 --> 00:13:30.771
Tim Mitchum: It goes after inflammation, where it's at, and then the inflammation reduction is what allows the cat system and body to heal itself.

00:13:31.071 --> 00:13:41.791
Tim Mitchum: So the two categories, if you think of it, is Plasma and then everything else is kind of in its same category, maybe with a different packaging of ingredients.

00:13:42.311 --> 00:13:57.171
Tim Mitchum: But you can tell me, Michelle, most of, let's say, a hip and joint or a mobility product for a cat, will have, if you took 10 of them off the shelf, they will all have the same three ingredients in some form or another in them.

00:13:57.331 --> 00:14:00.131
Tim Mitchum: That is just the way that kind of market works.

00:14:00.531 --> 00:14:03.471
Tim Mitchum: And we are just completely different than that.

00:14:03.491 --> 00:14:04.871
Tim Mitchum: And there's nothing wrong with that market.

00:14:04.891 --> 00:14:07.991
Tim Mitchum: We just don't promise anything around nutrition.

00:14:08.071 --> 00:14:10.011
Tim Mitchum: That's really the big major difference.

00:14:10.191 --> 00:14:11.591
Tim Mitchum: I hope that answered the question.

00:14:11.751 --> 00:14:13.151
Michelle Fern: No, it absolutely does.

00:14:13.611 --> 00:14:21.371
Michelle Fern: So how did you go about changing the product or recreating the product for cats?

00:14:21.391 --> 00:14:29.911
Michelle Fern: Because you had the products, you have a lot of great products out there for dogs, and that was working great.

00:14:29.911 --> 00:14:32.131
Michelle Fern: And then you decided, let's do cats.

00:14:32.491 --> 00:14:36.071
Michelle Fern: First of all, why did you decide to make a product for cats?

00:14:36.751 --> 00:14:42.691
Michelle Fern: And what were the changes that you needed to make so that it would be feline friendly?

00:14:43.211 --> 00:14:44.391
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, that's a great question.

00:14:44.411 --> 00:14:50.691
Tim Mitchum: And so really what drove our decision to make a product for cats came from our customers.

00:14:51.251 --> 00:14:52.611
Tim Mitchum: I had no idea.

00:14:52.631 --> 00:14:57.311
Tim Mitchum: I've had cats in the past when I was young, but I've always grown up with dogs.

00:14:57.711 --> 00:15:01.411
Tim Mitchum: And I did not know that dogs and cats could live in the same house.

00:15:01.731 --> 00:15:04.231
Tim Mitchum: I just never thought of that before.

00:15:05.151 --> 00:15:08.531
Tim Mitchum: But apparently they do very well together most of the time.

00:15:08.551 --> 00:15:14.651
Tim Mitchum: And so we had so many of our customers asking, do you make a product for cats?

00:15:15.251 --> 00:15:23.771
Tim Mitchum: Because they saw the results in their dog and they wanted to have the ability to have those same type of results for their cat.

00:15:23.791 --> 00:15:25.151
Tim Mitchum: So that was number one.

00:15:25.171 --> 00:15:34.011
Tim Mitchum: And then number two, the founder of our company has at this, it varies, he has either four to six dogs and three to four cats at home, like at all times.

00:15:35.151 --> 00:15:44.011
Tim Mitchum: And so there was just like our same customer, a percentage of them has cats and we want to be able to serve them.

00:15:44.431 --> 00:15:58.871
Tim Mitchum: Number two, plasma, actually cats are more really inclined to be drawn to plasma, probably more so, like our belief in general is that more so than dogs, to some extent.

00:15:58.991 --> 00:16:11.651
Tim Mitchum: Cats are a little bit more, and forgive me if I'm speaking like out of term as like some biologist, like cats are more of a carnivore in general than we would consider dogs.

00:16:11.671 --> 00:16:18.951
Tim Mitchum: And so they've kind of, they really lend to that product being even more accepted than dogs.

00:16:18.971 --> 00:16:22.751
Tim Mitchum: So it was a natural transition.

00:16:22.771 --> 00:16:29.871
Michelle Fern: Right, dogs can live, can, it's not necessarily the best thing, but they can be vegan, they could survive.

00:16:29.891 --> 00:16:33.791
Michelle Fern: Cats cannot, they are carnivores, they must be carnivores.

00:16:33.811 --> 00:16:35.451
Michelle Fern: So yeah, I get what you're saying.

00:16:35.471 --> 00:16:36.931
Tim Mitchum: That's interesting the way to say that.

00:16:36.951 --> 00:16:39.831
Tim Mitchum: I've never heard that before, but that's what I'm trying to say.

00:16:39.851 --> 00:16:41.531
Tim Mitchum: You just said it like in four words.

00:16:41.971 --> 00:16:43.711
Michelle Fern: I've done my shows, I've done shows.

00:16:43.951 --> 00:16:52.431
Michelle Fern: We've had shows in the past because people, you know, the whole vegan trend that's come about now, and people had written me saying, you know, what about my cat?

00:16:52.451 --> 00:16:53.071
Michelle Fern: Can I do that?

00:16:53.091 --> 00:16:56.671
Michelle Fern: And there's, it's actually fatal to cats for them to be vegan.

00:16:56.691 --> 00:16:59.071
Michelle Fern: They are carnivores, do not mess with that.

00:16:59.291 --> 00:17:01.211
Michelle Fern: Cats need meat, and that's it.

00:17:01.531 --> 00:17:03.831
Michelle Fern: So there's plenty of skin that have cats.

00:17:04.011 --> 00:17:05.371
Michelle Fern: So that makes perfect sense.

00:17:05.471 --> 00:17:07.831
Michelle Fern: But yeah, vegan diet for cats is fatal.

00:17:08.151 --> 00:17:09.151
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, that's interesting.

00:17:09.171 --> 00:17:15.451
Tim Mitchum: I didn't know that, but that makes, that's the sentiment about why it was really an easy transition.

00:17:15.471 --> 00:17:23.671
Tim Mitchum: The biggest challenge to go back to kind of wrap that question up for you is the things that we change is really around palatability, right?

00:17:23.691 --> 00:17:27.151
Tim Mitchum: So we think that they're more carnivorous in general.

00:17:27.171 --> 00:17:34.911
Tim Mitchum: And so the blood proteins, the plasma, they will love that regardless, but they are more finicky and pickier.

00:17:34.971 --> 00:17:45.911
Tim Mitchum: So we just did a bunch of work around really palatability, making sure that it's going to be a product that the majority of cats would love to eat.

00:17:46.111 --> 00:17:56.871
Tim Mitchum: So, and that went through just a lot of testing of different combinations of flavor, and to come out with something that we think that can really meet that goal.

00:17:57.411 --> 00:17:58.591
Tim Mitchum: Oh, and size too.

00:17:58.691 --> 00:18:06.251
Tim Mitchum: Like little things like the size of the functional dental bites are really, really small.

00:18:06.711 --> 00:18:14.971
Tim Mitchum: So just around really everything to do with the mouse, whether it's taste or size, that's what it really kind of came down to.

00:18:15.111 --> 00:18:20.291
Tim Mitchum: Plasma has been used across all the species for lots of years.

00:18:20.731 --> 00:18:25.251
Tim Mitchum: So that was no issue translating it, species specific based on plasma.

00:18:25.271 --> 00:18:29.731
Tim Mitchum: It's more around the consumption, making sure that it's consumed.

00:18:30.031 --> 00:18:31.551
Michelle Fern: Right, and then dosage.

00:18:31.911 --> 00:18:33.431
Tim Mitchum: Yes, and dosage, sorry.

00:18:33.591 --> 00:18:34.811
Michelle Fern: Yeah, they're a lot smaller.

00:18:35.211 --> 00:18:39.031
Michelle Fern: My cats, they enjoyed the samples, they still are, they loved it.

00:18:39.031 --> 00:18:40.991
Michelle Fern: I had no problem with them eating it.

00:18:41.011 --> 00:18:41.491
Tim Mitchum: That's great.

00:18:41.931 --> 00:18:45.871
Michelle Fern: They're usually pretty good eaters, but not all the time, you know?

00:18:46.611 --> 00:18:47.311
Michelle Fern: That's how cats are.

00:18:47.531 --> 00:18:52.391
Michelle Fern: You have a spectrum, just like with dogs, but more so, I think, with cats.

00:18:52.651 --> 00:18:54.891
Michelle Fern: You have super picky and then picky.

00:18:55.071 --> 00:18:56.731
Michelle Fern: So it goes on that spectrum.

00:18:58.251 --> 00:19:00.931
Michelle Fern: It's not all, you know, picky and good eater.

00:19:01.191 --> 00:19:03.091
Michelle Fern: They're always a little picky with things.

00:19:03.291 --> 00:19:05.771
Michelle Fern: And the things that you didn't think they would like, they like.

00:19:05.991 --> 00:19:08.631
Michelle Fern: At least one of mine does, Dennis.

00:19:08.651 --> 00:19:10.211
Michelle Fern: He eats a lot of strange things.

00:19:10.231 --> 00:19:16.611
Tim Mitchum: I always wonder if the pickiness level goes from how much they're fed from the table or not.

00:19:16.751 --> 00:19:19.591
Michelle Fern: Well, you know, he comes up and taps you.

00:19:19.611 --> 00:19:20.951
Michelle Fern: I could be eating cucumbers.

00:19:20.971 --> 00:19:21.751
Michelle Fern: He'll come tap.

00:19:21.771 --> 00:19:23.871
Michelle Fern: I say, this is cucumber.

00:19:23.871 --> 00:19:25.391
Michelle Fern: What do you want with a cucumber?

00:19:25.651 --> 00:19:27.491
Michelle Fern: And he waits till you give it to him.

00:19:27.671 --> 00:19:28.411
Michelle Fern: And he'll lick it.

00:19:28.431 --> 00:19:31.251
Michelle Fern: And you know, they have great sense of smell, better than dogs.

00:19:31.271 --> 00:19:32.931
Michelle Fern: So how does he not know?

00:19:33.031 --> 00:19:34.751
Michelle Fern: I'm just smelling it if he likes it.

00:19:34.891 --> 00:19:36.391
Michelle Fern: But he's very polite.

00:19:36.411 --> 00:19:37.191
Michelle Fern: He taps you.

00:19:38.271 --> 00:19:38.951
Tim Mitchum: That's funny.

00:19:39.851 --> 00:19:42.711
Michelle Fern: I have to get a video of him doing it one of these days.

00:19:42.731 --> 00:19:43.671
Michelle Fern: So, okay.

00:19:43.691 --> 00:19:43.911
Michelle Fern: So.

00:19:43.971 --> 00:19:44.691
Tim Mitchum: That'd be awesome.

00:19:44.711 --> 00:19:45.471
Michelle Fern: Back to the show.

00:19:45.731 --> 00:19:50.951
Michelle Fern: So let's talk about how can it improve our cat's lives long-term?

00:19:51.691 --> 00:20:02.231
Tim Mitchum: So the two use cases for plasma so far that were the biggest focus are around dental care and gut health.

00:20:02.571 --> 00:20:04.911
Tim Mitchum: Those are such massive things.

00:20:04.931 --> 00:20:19.791
Tim Mitchum: If you would choose really to shore up to areas of health for cats or any animal or a human really, for that matter, gut health and oral care would be, I think, to be the top two.

00:20:20.011 --> 00:20:23.391
Tim Mitchum: And so that's the focus of the plasma right now.

00:20:23.751 --> 00:20:34.391
Tim Mitchum: And the thing about cats that I really, before we started introducing plasma for cats, is that how challenging the dental side of their life is.

00:20:35.031 --> 00:20:37.531
Tim Mitchum: You can't brush their teeth hardly, right?

00:20:37.551 --> 00:20:38.371
Tim Mitchum: I mean, like it's just...

00:20:38.751 --> 00:20:40.431
Michelle Fern: Not if you want to keep hands, no.

00:20:40.651 --> 00:20:42.611
Tim Mitchum: Right, and it's such a small space.

00:20:42.891 --> 00:20:47.231
Tim Mitchum: It's not like a dog that can be kind of dopey sometimes and just whatever.

00:20:47.251 --> 00:20:49.011
Michelle Fern: One more little comment there.

00:20:49.251 --> 00:20:54.911
Michelle Fern: It's not only that it's a small space, but if you start when they're kittens, it's fine.

00:20:54.971 --> 00:21:06.771
Michelle Fern: But the other thing is, it's dangerous because cats have so much bacteria in their teeth, in their mouth, that just a little bite, like a deep enough bite, can cause you to lose your hand.

00:21:07.111 --> 00:21:10.231
Tim Mitchum: Then you have a friend that had a real, almost lost their hand.

00:21:10.451 --> 00:21:12.351
Michelle Fern: Somebody on the show, Anita Kelsey.

00:21:12.551 --> 00:21:15.051
Michelle Fern: She was a holistic groomer in the UK.

00:21:15.071 --> 00:21:18.851
Michelle Fern: She, in one of her books, she was on the show.

00:21:18.991 --> 00:21:28.911
Michelle Fern: And actually, I have another book that I'm reading that's another show, another vet whose hand got chomped and she needed IVs for like two weeks.

00:21:29.291 --> 00:21:31.011
Michelle Fern: Anita, her arm blew up.

00:21:31.031 --> 00:21:37.211
Michelle Fern: She said if she had waited much longer, she would have lost her part of her arm because there's a lot of bacteria.

00:21:37.231 --> 00:21:40.951
Michelle Fern: So not only is it just, see with dogs, it's challenging, right?

00:21:41.031 --> 00:21:43.451
Michelle Fern: And they have a lot of bacteria too, but not like cats.

00:21:43.791 --> 00:21:46.771
Michelle Fern: But cats, it could be dangerous to your body.

00:21:46.811 --> 00:21:48.951
Michelle Fern: So unless you get them started young.

00:21:49.251 --> 00:21:53.451
Michelle Fern: So you can brush your cat's teeth, but it's really challenging.

00:21:53.691 --> 00:21:55.051
Michelle Fern: I have never tried it.

00:21:55.411 --> 00:21:57.311
Michelle Fern: I don't think I ever want to.

00:21:57.491 --> 00:22:03.371
Michelle Fern: Maybe if I had a kitten starting from kittenhood, I got them used to the dental brush, but yeah, it's hard.

00:22:03.931 --> 00:22:11.251
Tim Mitchum: Well, and the other thing is by age three, they say that 85% of cats will show some signs of dental issues.

00:22:11.271 --> 00:22:20.751
Tim Mitchum: So that poor oral hygiene can cause the gum inflammation, tooth loss, pain, and really allow some of that harmful bacteria to spread through the body.

00:22:20.771 --> 00:22:35.391
Tim Mitchum: So that's why we wanna get the Plasma in there to work at the gum line to combat that inflammation and that bacteria-induced inflammation, reduce the buildup, and essentially promote healthier gut at the same time.

00:22:35.391 --> 00:22:44.191
Tim Mitchum: So it's really a pretty powerful product that has a lot of benefits to it, just based on the fact that Plasma is so good at what it does.

00:22:44.691 --> 00:22:46.031
Michelle Fern: Thanks for explaining that.

00:22:46.451 --> 00:22:55.011
Michelle Fern: How would a pet parent or cat pet parents transition to adding Plasma to their cat's diet?

00:22:55.111 --> 00:23:01.471
Michelle Fern: And is it something that you would give your cat all the time or only certain times?

00:23:01.491 --> 00:23:04.651
Michelle Fern: I mean, with dental, you'd probably want it all the time, right?

00:23:04.911 --> 00:23:06.831
Tim Mitchum: Yep, yep, for sure.

00:23:06.851 --> 00:23:09.671
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, I would, the transition is really, really easy.

00:23:09.691 --> 00:23:18.731
Tim Mitchum: Any of the, Plasma is a product that can be used in conjunction with any other type of supplement or medication, there is no issues with that.

00:23:19.091 --> 00:23:22.471
Tim Mitchum: So you can transition very, very easily.

00:23:22.491 --> 00:23:28.791
Tim Mitchum: I would, with especially products around gut health and dental, I would definitely just do daily.

00:23:28.811 --> 00:23:38.931
Tim Mitchum: I mean, they would think it's a treat to an extent, because those are preventative types of areas that keep a lot of problems away.

00:23:38.951 --> 00:23:43.711
Tim Mitchum: So I would keep the mouth and the gut shored up daily, for sure.

00:23:44.091 --> 00:23:46.851
Michelle Fern: Okay, and I don't know of another company that does this.

00:23:47.071 --> 00:23:51.031
Michelle Fern: So Plasma is not found in all other products.

00:23:51.051 --> 00:23:54.191
Michelle Fern: This WinPro has, as far as I know, it's specialized.

00:23:54.411 --> 00:23:55.111
Michelle Fern: Is that correct?

00:23:55.531 --> 00:24:06.491
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, we're the only ones that use Plasma as the core of our products, and we're the only ones that have done that since, I mean, we've really been around since 2016, 17.

00:24:06.731 --> 00:24:18.851
Michelle Fern: That's why you're on Cattitude, even though, like I said, before you send hate mail for everybody listening, we're not a product show, but how do you find out about really cool, innovative new things if I don't share these things every so often?

00:24:18.931 --> 00:24:21.151
Michelle Fern: So that's why you're here, Tim.

00:24:21.571 --> 00:24:23.451
Michelle Fern: So even though we're not a product show.

00:24:23.831 --> 00:24:28.191
Michelle Fern: So what types of products does WinPro have for cats?

00:24:28.271 --> 00:24:33.671
Michelle Fern: We know it's dental and gut health, there's anything else, and then where can people find it?

00:24:33.971 --> 00:24:40.291
Tim Mitchum: What I want to just reiterate what you just said there, Michelle, just really cool is Plasma is the secret, right?

00:24:40.311 --> 00:24:42.431
Tim Mitchum: That's the exciting, unique, innovative part.

00:24:42.611 --> 00:24:47.531
Tim Mitchum: So it's fun to really talk about that because it is about that, right?

00:24:47.751 --> 00:24:50.911
Tim Mitchum: And we've just harnessed that power and put it into some products.

00:24:50.931 --> 00:25:05.751
Tim Mitchum: And the products that we have for cats coming out, actually tomorrow, available on our site at, W-I-N-P-R-O,, are functional dental bites and a meal topper.

00:25:06.091 --> 00:25:14.551
Tim Mitchum: So showing up the gut and the mouth, and those are the two products that we have used Plasma to kind of get us into the cat space.

00:25:14.911 --> 00:25:23.931
Tim Mitchum: And then if those go really well, which we think they will, then we'll consider adding some others that make the most sense to whatever the cat, you know, parents' needs are.

00:25:24.331 --> 00:25:25.271
Michelle Fern: Okay, thank you.

00:25:25.291 --> 00:25:28.551
Michelle Fern: And then what about, do you need to check with your vet prior?

00:25:28.571 --> 00:25:32.571
Michelle Fern: I mean, it's always a good idea, but I didn't do that, but you probably should.

00:25:32.951 --> 00:25:39.191
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, I think it's, there's two reasons why we like that is one, I think it's just good standards, right?

00:25:39.211 --> 00:25:43.811
Tim Mitchum: Like check with your vet, make sure that there's not anything that they see as an issue.

00:25:44.271 --> 00:26:02.011
Tim Mitchum: But two, we love it because when the vet hears that there's orally fed plasma, they really get excited because they understand plasma and the science behind plasma to a whole nother level, but they've never really been introduced to it as an orally fed solution.

00:26:02.431 --> 00:26:04.031
Tim Mitchum: And so they get really excited about it.

00:26:04.051 --> 00:26:15.711
Tim Mitchum: So we love it because it makes the cat parent feel a lot better, but then it also starts spreading the word about how plasma can be orally fed, which we want the vets to be excited about it.

00:26:15.911 --> 00:26:16.991
Michelle Fern: Okay, absolutely.

00:26:17.051 --> 00:26:20.271
Michelle Fern: So Tim, you have a great offer for our Cattitude listeners.

00:26:20.671 --> 00:26:35.471
Tim Mitchum: Yeah, so we have a 20% off coupon code that I will send to you for your Cattitude listeners to try the products, and they can do that on a first time purchase or subscription order, whatever makes the most sense for them.

00:26:35.651 --> 00:26:36.451
Michelle Fern: Okay, great.

00:26:36.451 --> 00:26:38.931
Michelle Fern: Well, thank you so much for coming on Cattitude.

00:26:39.111 --> 00:26:40.131
Tim Mitchum: I appreciate it so much.

00:26:40.151 --> 00:26:43.771
Tim Mitchum: It was a lot of fun talking about plasma and how it can benefit cats.

00:26:44.251 --> 00:26:48.331
Michelle Fern: And that's what we're here for, to benefit cats on Cattitude.

00:26:48.851 --> 00:26:50.271
Michelle Fern: I hope you all enjoyed the show.

00:26:50.291 --> 00:26:52.971
Michelle Fern: I found it fascinating to learn about plasma.

00:26:52.991 --> 00:26:56.211
Michelle Fern: I had no idea how well it works for inflammation.

00:26:56.651 --> 00:26:59.591
Michelle Fern: My cat crew did try everything and loved it.

00:26:59.611 --> 00:27:02.031
Michelle Fern: I'm noticing some improvements in Dennis.

00:27:02.051 --> 00:27:03.691
Michelle Fern: He's the old man of the bunch.

00:27:04.091 --> 00:27:11.531
Michelle Fern: So I want to thank Dennis, Molly and Charlotte, my cat crew, for trying WinPro's plasma products.

00:27:11.771 --> 00:27:13.791
Michelle Fern: They had the Dental Chews and the Telfer.

00:27:14.131 --> 00:27:16.471
Michelle Fern: I want to thank everyone listening to Cattitude.

00:27:16.491 --> 00:27:20.231
Michelle Fern: Thank you so much for making this show so popular.

00:27:20.751 --> 00:27:23.571
Michelle Fern: And it's so much appreciated.

00:27:23.591 --> 00:27:30.431
Michelle Fern: I get emails every day about, you know, listen to an episode and what it did for them and how it helped their cats.

00:27:30.431 --> 00:27:31.851
Michelle Fern: And that's what I'm here for.

00:27:32.191 --> 00:27:37.351
Michelle Fern: So thank you so much for listening to Cattitude and for sharing it with your other cat friends.

00:27:37.731 --> 00:27:41.171
Michelle Fern: Thanks again to my guest, Tim Mitchum, for coming on Cattitude.

00:27:41.571 --> 00:27:49.111
Michelle Fern: And of course, thank you so much to my producer, Mark Winter, for working his magic and making me and my guests sound amazing.

00:27:49.131 --> 00:27:52.971
Michelle Fern: And hey, remember, lose the attitude, have Cattitude.

00:27:53.351 --> 00:27:59.331
Announcer: Let's talk pets every week on demand, only on

00:27:59.351 --> 00:27:59.751


"Cattitude" Theme Song Written & Produced by Mark Winter
© Copyright Such Fun Music (ASCAP)