Alycat and the Sunday Scaries

Michelle Fern on Pet Life Radio

This week Michelle Fern welcomes Alysson Bourque, the author behind the hugely successful Alycat Series and her 7th book, Alycat and the Sunday Scaries.  The Alycat Series books teach kids about perseverance, friendship, and problem-solving skills through a cat of course… Alycat!  Tune in to hear about this delightful series of books for both children and adults!

Listen to Episode #244 Now:


This week Michelle Fern welcomes Alysson Bourque, the author behind the hugely successful Alycat Series and her 7th book, Alycat and the Sunday Scaries.  The Alycat Series books teach kids about perseverance, friendship, and problem-solving skills through a cat of course… Alycat!  Tune in to hear about this delightful series of books for both children and adults!


00:00:01.860 --> 00:00:03.460
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.860 --> 00:00:05.000
Alysson Bourque: Let's talk pets.

00:00:25.184 --> 00:00:27.584
Michelle Fern: Hello, Cattlovers, welcome to Cattitude.

00:00:27.664 --> 00:00:29.524
Michelle Fern: I'm your show host, Michelle Fern.

00:00:29.844 --> 00:00:32.684
Michelle Fern: And wow, what a show I have for you today.

00:00:33.004 --> 00:00:38.944
Michelle Fern: My guest, she created a franchise for children, but it's more than that.

00:00:39.264 --> 00:00:41.224
Michelle Fern: So stay tuned, we'll be right back.

00:00:44.684 --> 00:00:49.004
Michelle Fern: Hey, Michelle Fern here, and you know, saving cats is near and dear to my heart.

00:00:49.084 --> 00:00:54.724
Michelle Fern: Did you know that there is an estimated 70 to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?

00:00:54.884 --> 00:00:58.164
Michelle Fern: And without spay neuter, that number will keep growing.

00:00:58.344 --> 00:01:04.884
Michelle Fern: Not only does spay neuter mainly reduce the community cat population, but it also keeps cats healthier.

00:01:05.144 --> 00:01:11.324
Michelle Fern: Scooter, the neutered cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be sniffed.

00:01:11.344 --> 00:01:16.344
Michelle Fern: Visit his website, to help pioneer a better world for cats.

00:01:16.524 --> 00:01:20.304
Michelle Fern: That's GiveThemTen, spelled out, T-E-N, dot org.

00:01:22.744 --> 00:01:25.884
Announcer: Let's talk pets on

00:01:36.608 --> 00:01:37.728
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:01:37.788 --> 00:01:40.588
Michelle Fern: I'd like to welcome Alysson Bourque.

00:01:40.728 --> 00:01:45.988
Michelle Fern: She is the creator of the Alycat Series.

00:01:46.208 --> 00:01:47.648
Michelle Fern: You have a whole franchise.

00:01:47.668 --> 00:01:57.048
Michelle Fern: You have the Alycat Series, Sunday through Saturday, of books, you have plush animals, you do events for children.

00:01:57.228 --> 00:01:59.328
Michelle Fern: Welcome, Alysson, welcome to Cattitude.

00:01:59.668 --> 00:02:00.988
Michelle Fern: And how did this start?

00:02:01.008 --> 00:02:01.948
Michelle Fern: What is your background?

00:02:01.968 --> 00:02:02.988
Michelle Fern: Can you share that with us?

00:02:03.208 --> 00:02:05.368
Alysson Bourque: Yes, and thank you so much for having me on.

00:02:05.388 --> 00:02:06.668
Alysson Bourque: I love Pet Life Radio.

00:02:07.008 --> 00:02:09.888
Alysson Bourque: I have a background in elementary education.

00:02:09.908 --> 00:02:11.448
Alysson Bourque: I taught school for a year.

00:02:11.468 --> 00:02:15.448
Alysson Bourque: I decided I wanted to go off to law school because I love to write.

00:02:15.528 --> 00:02:17.928
Alysson Bourque: I love to help people solve problems.

00:02:18.568 --> 00:02:28.548
Alysson Bourque: And so I went off to law school, practiced law as assistant attorney general for the state of Louisiana for almost eight years, and had two young kids at the time.

00:02:28.568 --> 00:02:35.468
Alysson Bourque: And I wanted to stay at home, take a temporary retirement and be a part of, you know, their toddler years.

00:02:35.488 --> 00:02:38.868
Alysson Bourque: And while doing that, I started writing them stories.

00:02:39.168 --> 00:02:44.468
Alysson Bourque: And the first book, Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day, was the first story I wrote for them.

00:02:44.488 --> 00:02:54.828
Alysson Bourque: And right before I was gonna go back to practicing law, I got picked up by a publisher after querying over 200 publishers for an entire year.

00:02:55.188 --> 00:03:00.728
Alysson Bourque: And one thing led to another, and I ended up not going back to practicing.

00:03:00.748 --> 00:03:06.448
Alysson Bourque: I still have a law license, but writing books and helping other authors is way more fun.

00:03:06.468 --> 00:03:11.008
Alysson Bourque: And I'm now working on the ninth book of the Alycat Series.

00:03:11.568 --> 00:03:14.688
Michelle Fern: Well, congratulations and what a story.

00:03:15.248 --> 00:03:21.008
Michelle Fern: So the Alycat Series is basically for children for what ages?

00:03:21.468 --> 00:03:22.848
Alysson Bourque: Ages three to eight.

00:03:23.008 --> 00:03:24.108
Michelle Fern: Three to eight, okay.

00:03:24.568 --> 00:03:33.428
Michelle Fern: And the series is, it's interesting because you go by days of the week and you also have an activity book, but seven, eight, a missing one.

00:03:33.848 --> 00:03:37.788
Alysson Bourque: So Alycat and the Copycat will be out in the spring.

00:03:37.808 --> 00:03:42.608
Alysson Bourque: And then I'm going to have Alycat and the Christmas Cookie Swap.

00:03:42.708 --> 00:03:46.528
Alysson Bourque: That'll be out December, for December 2025.

00:03:46.728 --> 00:03:48.208
Michelle Fern: Okay, that sounds great.

00:03:48.568 --> 00:03:51.448
Michelle Fern: So here on Cattitude, we're all about cats.

00:03:52.148 --> 00:04:01.108
Michelle Fern: And I heard you recently, I'm going to ask you why Alycat is a cat because we have to know that of course, but congrats, I heard that you are a new cat mom.

00:04:01.308 --> 00:04:02.068
Alysson Bourque: I am.

00:04:02.148 --> 00:04:06.848
Alysson Bourque: So I do have a rescue, our original rescue cat, Tiger.

00:04:07.268 --> 00:04:16.648
Alysson Bourque: And recently I rescued a pregnant mama cat and she just had two kittens, two boys.

00:04:16.668 --> 00:04:21.968
Alysson Bourque: And so we're fostering them and we already have homes for all three of them.

00:04:23.088 --> 00:04:29.568
Alysson Bourque: And I just love helping out all of the local foundations because they're such a need out there.

00:04:29.828 --> 00:04:30.948
Michelle Fern: There definitely is.

00:04:31.208 --> 00:04:34.428
Michelle Fern: What made you decide to use a cat for your books?

00:04:34.768 --> 00:04:37.708
Alysson Bourque: I love all animals, but cats are so unique.

00:04:37.788 --> 00:04:38.868
Alysson Bourque: They're so fun.

00:04:39.188 --> 00:04:40.468
Alysson Bourque: They're unpredictable.

00:04:40.568 --> 00:04:45.448
Alysson Bourque: And I wanted the characters in my stories to be unpredictable.

00:04:45.488 --> 00:04:55.788
Alysson Bourque: I wanted them to get into some kind of predicament because that's what cats do and be able to solve problems and get through and create a lesson-based series.

00:04:56.048 --> 00:04:56.488
Michelle Fern: Okay.

00:04:56.608 --> 00:05:01.028
Michelle Fern: And how did you decide on days of the week, which I think is very interesting?

00:05:01.268 --> 00:05:02.888
Alysson Bourque: So that was the teacher in me.

00:05:02.928 --> 00:05:10.228
Alysson Bourque: I remember when I was teaching first grade and every day we had a different book to read.

00:05:10.308 --> 00:05:13.708
Alysson Bourque: And while I was reading, we always talked about the calendar.

00:05:13.728 --> 00:05:14.768
Alysson Bourque: We had calendar time.

00:05:14.788 --> 00:05:19.808
Alysson Bourque: And I just thought, there needs to be a series for every single day of the week.

00:05:19.808 --> 00:05:20.988
Alysson Bourque: And I couldn't find one.

00:05:21.188 --> 00:05:27.188
Alysson Bourque: So I incorporated it into Alycat Series and made it kind of a consistent branding.

00:05:27.528 --> 00:05:29.168
Michelle Fern: I think that's fantastic.

00:05:29.228 --> 00:05:30.408
Michelle Fern: I mean, it hits home.

00:05:30.448 --> 00:05:34.288
Michelle Fern: So the sample I have is Alycat and the Sunday Scaries.

00:05:34.528 --> 00:05:38.088
Michelle Fern: And it talks about how people get anxious about Monday.

00:05:38.248 --> 00:05:44.368
Michelle Fern: Well, people in this case, of course, children, but it happens to us grownups too, because Monday, right?

00:05:44.748 --> 00:05:47.428
Michelle Fern: So I know that that was been reading about it.

00:05:47.448 --> 00:05:50.348
Michelle Fern: That was the reason behind the Sunday Scaries.

00:05:50.568 --> 00:05:55.808
Michelle Fern: Your first book, Thursday Dessert Day, how did you figure that one out or decide on that one?

00:05:56.068 --> 00:05:57.448
Alysson Bourque: So that was the original.

00:05:57.468 --> 00:06:01.808
Alysson Bourque: And my children, when they were young, they had a milk protein allergy.

00:06:02.348 --> 00:06:05.748
Alysson Bourque: And so they couldn't have a lot of dairy products.

00:06:05.748 --> 00:06:11.948
Alysson Bourque: And so one day on a Thursday, they had a dessert day at school and they served ice cream.

00:06:12.408 --> 00:06:16.528
Alysson Bourque: And my kids came home and they were a little upset because they couldn't have ice cream.

00:06:16.548 --> 00:06:22.288
Alysson Bourque: And at the time, and this was almost eight years ago, there wasn't a lot of dairy free ice cream out there.

00:06:22.708 --> 00:06:33.768
Alysson Bourque: And so I wrote a story for them to kind of create their own happiness, not to sulk or dwell in what happened, but get up, get moving and create happiness for yourself.

00:06:33.788 --> 00:06:45.448
Alysson Bourque: So in the book, Alycat misses out on dessert day and creates her own dessert that she shares with everyone on the next day at school for show and tell.

00:06:45.748 --> 00:06:54.748
Alysson Bourque: So she gets to be a part of everything with everyone for another dessert, but she realizes how to solve her problems to be included.

00:06:54.988 --> 00:06:55.888
Michelle Fern: Well, thank you.

00:06:56.068 --> 00:07:10.108
Michelle Fern: What are some of the other subjects that you, without going into too much detail and spoiling any stories, but what are some of the other subjects that you go into and what is the meaning behind it?

00:07:10.388 --> 00:07:16.228
Alysson Bourque: So each one is a lesson-based book where there's some sort of predicament.

00:07:16.248 --> 00:07:21.748
Alysson Bourque: And like Alycat and the Friendship Friday, Alycat feels left out, there's a new student in class.

00:07:21.828 --> 00:07:26.008
Alysson Bourque: And so that student becomes a buddy with her best friend.

00:07:26.248 --> 00:07:38.568
Alysson Bourque: And so of course, Alycat realizes that just because there's someone additional, that it doesn't mean like you can't expand your friend group and keep getting more and more people added on.

00:07:39.368 --> 00:07:48.028
Alysson Bourque: So Alycat and the Cattie Wampus Wednesday was written right during the pandemic when everything seemed backwards and upside down.

00:07:48.048 --> 00:07:53.708
Alysson Bourque: And so the whole book, it revolves around Alycat having this backwards mixed up day.

00:07:54.028 --> 00:07:57.768
Alysson Bourque: And there's Alycat and the Monday Blues where she doesn't have a talent for the talent show.

00:07:57.768 --> 00:08:03.688
Alysson Bourque: And she discovers that she has a beautiful singing voice by helping another student with their talent.

00:08:04.028 --> 00:08:08.268
Michelle Fern: So it's lesson based, but there's lessons within the lessons within the lessons.

00:08:08.628 --> 00:08:09.028
Alysson Bourque: Yes.

00:08:09.188 --> 00:08:15.188
Alysson Bourque: I want children to look at these books as resources and tools to help them in their daily lives.

00:08:15.188 --> 00:08:17.188
Alysson Bourque: And it helps us adults too.

00:08:17.208 --> 00:08:30.188
Alysson Bourque: When we read it to our children, we remember those simple lessons that sometimes become a little foggy over time is to do good, have a humble heart, give yourself grace and be brave.

00:08:30.488 --> 00:08:35.228
Michelle Fern: You know, what you're saying reminds me of a book I read a long time ago.

00:08:35.248 --> 00:08:42.168
Michelle Fern: And I can't think of the author, but the title, and it's for adults, everything I know, I learned in kindergarten.

00:08:42.308 --> 00:08:43.368
Alysson Bourque: That's a great book.

00:08:43.388 --> 00:08:44.348
Alysson Bourque: I remember that book.

00:08:44.588 --> 00:08:45.748
Michelle Fern: It is a great book.

00:08:45.888 --> 00:08:47.048
Michelle Fern: And it's true.

00:08:47.088 --> 00:08:50.128
Michelle Fern: These are life lessons, I mean, for all of us.

00:08:50.148 --> 00:08:52.848
Michelle Fern: And it doesn't hurt for adults to get a reminder.

00:08:52.868 --> 00:08:56.288
Michelle Fern: I mean, we could learn from children a lot a lot of the times.

00:08:56.608 --> 00:08:57.388
Alysson Bourque: We sure can.

00:08:57.808 --> 00:09:07.028
Alysson Bourque: When I wrote that first book and read this paper manuscript of, you know, scribbling of Alycat on a Thursday dessert day, I read it to my children.

00:09:07.048 --> 00:09:09.648
Alysson Bourque: And I was, you know, a little intimidated.

00:09:09.668 --> 00:09:11.588
Alysson Bourque: I mean, children are your harshest critics.

00:09:12.008 --> 00:09:16.408
Alysson Bourque: And after I read it, they were so excited and they believed in me.

00:09:16.488 --> 00:09:19.688
Alysson Bourque: And because they believed in me, I believed in myself.

00:09:20.208 --> 00:09:25.208
Alysson Bourque: Even being four and six years old, children still have the power to inspire people.

00:09:25.508 --> 00:09:26.528
Michelle Fern: Yes, they do.

00:09:26.548 --> 00:09:29.108
Michelle Fern: We're going to take a short break and we'll be right back.

00:09:32.868 --> 00:09:34.808
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.

00:09:35.388 --> 00:09:39.828
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio Podcasts and Radio Shows.

00:09:40.148 --> 00:09:47.068
Announcer: There is no other pet-related media that is as large, and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.

00:09:47.348 --> 00:10:03.548
Announcer: With over 7 million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio Podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms, and our live radio stream goes out to over 250 million subscribers on iHeart Radio, Audacy, TuneIn and other streaming apps.

00:10:03.668 --> 00:10:12.768
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit today.

00:10:17.148 --> 00:10:19.028
Michelle Fern: Let's Talk Pest on Pet Life Radio.

00:10:20.388 --> 00:10:21.268
Announcer: Pet Life Radio.

00:10:33.467 --> 00:10:34.707
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.

00:10:34.727 --> 00:10:40.647
Michelle Fern: We're talking to Alysson, who is the creator of Alycat and the Sunday Scaries.

00:10:41.187 --> 00:10:45.927
Michelle Fern: One thing that I think is amazing is that you didn't just write the books.

00:10:46.167 --> 00:10:53.627
Michelle Fern: You have Plushed Cat, you also have, which is a great go-along, then you also have an activity workbook.

00:10:53.687 --> 00:10:56.107
Michelle Fern: You have activities on your website.

00:10:56.547 --> 00:11:00.247
Michelle Fern: You have a, you know what you're asking, why don't you, what am I missing?

00:11:00.407 --> 00:11:09.787
Michelle Fern: But you really encompass that, and I guess that's from your backline as a teacher, which it makes it, you know, more engaging for the parent and the child.

00:11:09.947 --> 00:11:11.407
Michelle Fern: Was that your goal?

00:11:11.507 --> 00:11:12.567
Alysson Bourque: Yes, it was.

00:11:12.587 --> 00:11:13.567
Alysson Bourque: It was definitely the goal.

00:11:13.587 --> 00:11:24.647
Alysson Bourque: So I think the different career paths that I have taken, teacher, attorney, has helped to make this series what it is.

00:11:24.667 --> 00:11:27.907
Alysson Bourque: And the teacher and me wanted to have extension activities.

00:11:28.127 --> 00:11:34.307
Alysson Bourque: I remember reading good books to my students and they didn't want the book to be over.

00:11:34.347 --> 00:11:37.767
Alysson Bourque: They wanted to continue that journey with the character if they connected with them.

00:11:38.047 --> 00:11:43.347
Alysson Bourque: So I wanted to have these added on extensions and activity books and plush toys and keychains.

00:11:43.367 --> 00:11:46.127
Alysson Bourque: And we have YouTube videos, animated videos.

00:11:46.147 --> 00:11:47.767
Alysson Bourque: We have a song on iTunes.

00:11:47.787 --> 00:11:50.187
Alysson Bourque: We've got a lot going on with it.

00:11:50.207 --> 00:11:54.607
Alysson Bourque: And I just wanted to make the children happy if they connected with the character.

00:11:54.607 --> 00:12:02.707
Alysson Bourque: And my background in practicing law helped inspire me to really gear it towards problem-solving skills.

00:12:03.327 --> 00:12:05.927
Michelle Fern: We asked why you choose the cat earlier.

00:12:06.047 --> 00:12:10.187
Michelle Fern: And you mentioned that because cats are unpredictable.

00:12:10.207 --> 00:12:14.167
Michelle Fern: And this being Cattitude, we're all about anything and everything cat.

00:12:14.347 --> 00:12:23.287
Michelle Fern: And my listeners know that TNR, Trap Noodle Release and Doing What We Can to Foster and Save Cats is near and dear to my heart.

00:12:23.527 --> 00:12:29.107
Michelle Fern: Do you think you might have a book related to that at some point?

00:12:29.507 --> 00:12:43.747
Michelle Fern: And do you think by having Alycat and the Focuses cat that it might inspire children to maybe not coerce, I don't wanna say coerce, but maybe work with their parents to adopt a live cat?

00:12:44.007 --> 00:12:45.387
Alysson Bourque: It's super important to me.

00:12:45.407 --> 00:12:57.287
Alysson Bourque: TNR is something that really needs to be out there more in educating people of what the problems might be and what we can do to solve those problems.

00:12:57.607 --> 00:13:06.087
Alysson Bourque: And so although I don't have a specific TNR book, but I would love to write a book about fostering a cat.

00:13:06.107 --> 00:13:07.787
Alysson Bourque: I think that would be really great.

00:13:08.027 --> 00:13:18.527
Alysson Bourque: And so because I don't have that yet, I do donate a portion of my proceeds to foundations like Wildcat Foundation and Spay Nation to help in those TNR efforts.

00:13:18.887 --> 00:13:29.787
Alysson Bourque: I had no idea how big the problem was of so many cats and kittens not having a home and that if I have my statistics right, a female cat can reproduce.

00:13:30.147 --> 00:13:31.827
Alysson Bourque: Is it up to four times a year?

00:13:31.847 --> 00:13:33.527
Michelle Fern: It's crazy how fast.

00:13:33.667 --> 00:13:35.787
Michelle Fern: I think there was something I read.

00:13:36.107 --> 00:13:40.927
Michelle Fern: One cat can, you know, because the cat produces, then whatever survives produces.

00:13:40.947 --> 00:13:43.387
Michelle Fern: And I don't know the exact number, but it's astonishing.

00:13:43.587 --> 00:13:45.707
Michelle Fern: It's like over a thousand cats.

00:13:45.827 --> 00:13:46.487
Michelle Fern: I mean, it's crazy.

00:13:47.247 --> 00:14:03.567
Alysson Bourque: Yeah, yeah, and so just helping be a part of a movement of awareness and putting in the time that I have to be a foster mom and donating proceeds to foundations like Wildcat Foundation, you know, every little bit helps.

00:14:04.087 --> 00:14:16.167
Alysson Bourque: And hopefully I can share that with others where they can be aware and be educated on what some of the issues are and how these foundations need our help.

00:14:16.447 --> 00:14:18.367
Michelle Fern: Well, I'm so glad that you do that.

00:14:18.447 --> 00:14:19.887
Michelle Fern: Awareness is everything.

00:14:20.307 --> 00:14:26.427
Michelle Fern: And the more aware people are, the more that they're educated, the more they could do their part.

00:14:26.467 --> 00:14:29.207
Michelle Fern: And I've done quite a few Cattitude shows.

00:14:29.667 --> 00:14:31.607
Michelle Fern: Everybody has a part in this.

00:14:31.627 --> 00:14:42.047
Michelle Fern: It's, you know, some people feed community cats, some people, you know, work to make sure that they are spayed and neutered, you know, and caught, which is a challenge.

00:14:42.587 --> 00:14:46.907
Michelle Fern: Some people do it, you do it, which is donating and fostering, which is amazing.

00:14:47.187 --> 00:14:48.927
Michelle Fern: And it all plays a part.

00:14:49.147 --> 00:14:54.547
Michelle Fern: I know that the numbers, I don't know the stats, but I know the numbers have dropped, but it's still a big issue.

00:14:54.567 --> 00:14:59.207
Michelle Fern: And the most we could do, or one of the best things we could do is create awareness.

00:14:59.527 --> 00:15:03.747
Michelle Fern: So people know that it's not the best thing to just feed a stray cat.

00:15:03.767 --> 00:15:05.367
Michelle Fern: You have to make sure the cat's fixed.

00:15:05.807 --> 00:15:08.347
Michelle Fern: Some people can foster, some people can't.

00:15:10.127 --> 00:15:16.007
Michelle Fern: Right, on just maybe their home situation, finances, medical with allergies, who knows?

00:15:16.247 --> 00:15:22.187
Michelle Fern: But everybody can play a part, no matter whether it might be a small part, it might be a large part, but everybody could play a part.

00:15:22.507 --> 00:15:25.707
Michelle Fern: And I have three rescues.

00:15:26.147 --> 00:15:31.407
Michelle Fern: Two of the rescues are from their sisters from different litters and different misters.

00:15:31.827 --> 00:15:37.527
Michelle Fern: And the mom, she had three litters before I could get her fixed.

00:15:37.807 --> 00:15:39.767
Michelle Fern: And I had to hire a cat trapper.

00:15:39.787 --> 00:15:47.347
Michelle Fern: And people that are long time listeners of Cattitude know that there's literally cat trappers because sometimes just the...

00:15:47.607 --> 00:15:49.207
Michelle Fern: And they're humane traps, of course.

00:15:49.647 --> 00:15:52.887
Michelle Fern: Sometimes just a person doesn't have the skill.

00:15:52.907 --> 00:15:53.967
Michelle Fern: You need a specialist.

00:15:54.167 --> 00:15:54.967
Alysson Bourque: Right, right.

00:15:54.987 --> 00:15:58.447
Alysson Bourque: And we can all play a part in helping our communities.

00:15:58.667 --> 00:16:06.607
Alysson Bourque: I know that we have a really great cat veterinarian here at the cat clinic and she even helps the foundation.

00:16:07.167 --> 00:16:13.287
Alysson Bourque: So anything that we can do, even at big or small, will help in this TNR issue.

00:16:13.667 --> 00:16:14.407
Michelle Fern: Absolutely.

00:16:14.587 --> 00:16:18.407
Michelle Fern: Now you talked about a few new books that are coming out.

00:16:18.867 --> 00:16:25.987
Michelle Fern: I remembered, and maybe I have cookies on the brain, but I remembered the December Christmas cookies and then there's one coming out soon.

00:16:26.127 --> 00:16:26.927
Michelle Fern: Which one is that?

00:16:28.047 --> 00:16:32.287
Alysson Bourque: So in the spring, I'll have Alycat and the Copycat coming out.

00:16:32.367 --> 00:16:34.967
Alysson Bourque: And this one is, it's a STEM book.

00:16:35.007 --> 00:16:36.327
Alysson Bourque: It's about a science fair.

00:16:36.427 --> 00:16:42.507
Alysson Bourque: And there's this one copycat in the class who keeps copying Alycat.

00:16:43.287 --> 00:16:55.427
Alysson Bourque: And it just shows readers how to handle situations like that, that you should be kind and graceful versus taking offense to it.

00:16:55.447 --> 00:16:59.407
Alysson Bourque: But at the same time, being original is your own superpower.

00:16:59.787 --> 00:17:00.547
Michelle Fern: Exactly.

00:17:00.567 --> 00:17:11.467
Michelle Fern: And how would you encourage, because we have a lot of, many more parents listening than little children, but we have some small children that love listen as well.

00:17:11.787 --> 00:17:21.727
Michelle Fern: What would you say to them, parents, to encourage their children to read more, to get the Alycat books, encourage reading, because it does so much.

00:17:22.367 --> 00:17:27.307
Michelle Fern: It's not just your reading, you learn about things, your brain's working, your vocabulary increases.

00:17:27.667 --> 00:17:31.707
Michelle Fern: I'm talking to the, what is that, preaching of the choir, which is you, or the opposite?

00:17:31.707 --> 00:17:40.207
Michelle Fern: Am I, anyway, you know about that, but what would you say to the parents that say, well, you know, we don't really read much?

00:17:40.467 --> 00:17:44.407
Alysson Bourque: I would advise them to let the kids read what they want to read.

00:17:44.427 --> 00:17:48.327
Alysson Bourque: And so my son, when he was little, he didn't want to read.

00:17:48.547 --> 00:18:02.747
Alysson Bourque: When I got him magazines, like sports magazines, where it's all about basketball or things that he's interested in, like baseball or golf, and find their interest, then find the book.

00:18:03.067 --> 00:18:10.587
Alysson Bourque: And if they don't want to read a novel and they're still stuck on picture books, let them read picture books.

00:18:10.907 --> 00:18:20.007
Alysson Bourque: Know that the schools will say differently because they have different requirements, but at home, it should be a safe space of what they can read as long as it's appropriate.

00:18:20.207 --> 00:18:20.907
Michelle Fern: I love that.

00:18:21.047 --> 00:18:24.127
Michelle Fern: Where do you see the Alycat Series in five years?

00:18:25.087 --> 00:18:29.207
Alysson Bourque: I see it being probably 14 to 15 books in.

00:18:29.687 --> 00:18:32.747
Alysson Bourque: Not sure yet if I'm gonna go towards other holidays.

00:18:32.747 --> 00:18:35.707
Alysson Bourque: I love Christmas, so I had to do a Christmas book.

00:18:35.867 --> 00:18:36.747
Alysson Bourque: There's no telling.

00:18:36.767 --> 00:18:40.107
Alysson Bourque: I just, I hope one day that it expands even more.

00:18:40.127 --> 00:18:46.827
Alysson Bourque: I have a YouTube channel with little animated videos, but I would love to see it more.

00:18:46.847 --> 00:18:51.727
Alysson Bourque: I would love to see the stories play out where kids can watch it as well.

00:18:52.007 --> 00:18:55.647
Alysson Bourque: As long as kids are reading the books, I'm going to keep writing them.

00:18:55.867 --> 00:18:59.647
Michelle Fern: So Alysson, where can people find out more about Alycat Books?

00:19:00.027 --> 00:19:07.967
Alysson Bourque: They can head over to my website,, and from there they can find worksheets, summer activities.

00:19:08.087 --> 00:19:10.307
Alysson Bourque: The YouTube channel is connected to it.

00:19:10.327 --> 00:19:13.427
Alysson Bourque: You can see all the books and animated videos there as well.

00:19:13.647 --> 00:19:16.587
Michelle Fern: Well, I want to thank you so much for coming on Cattitude.

00:19:16.807 --> 00:19:18.087
Alysson Bourque: Thank you so much for having me.

00:19:18.107 --> 00:19:19.087
Alysson Bourque: This was so much fun.

00:19:19.447 --> 00:19:21.307
Michelle Fern: I hope all of you enjoyed the show.

00:19:21.827 --> 00:19:24.147
Michelle Fern: Please be sure to check out Alycat.

00:19:24.387 --> 00:19:28.167
Michelle Fern: The website is

00:19:28.607 --> 00:19:31.307
Michelle Fern: It is a great book and a great series.

00:19:31.307 --> 00:19:36.287
Michelle Fern: And what fun for your kids or grandkids or nieces or nephews.

00:19:36.667 --> 00:19:39.767
Michelle Fern: And there's plush toys and all kinds of fun activities.

00:19:40.047 --> 00:19:42.627
Michelle Fern: So

00:19:42.927 --> 00:19:46.167
Michelle Fern: I want to thank my guest, Alyson, for coming on Cattitude.

00:19:46.467 --> 00:19:48.827
Michelle Fern: Thanks to everyone that listens to Cattitude.

00:19:48.907 --> 00:19:50.127
Michelle Fern: I so appreciate it.

00:19:50.447 --> 00:19:52.707
Michelle Fern: Thanks to my cat crew that listened to me.

00:19:52.727 --> 00:19:58.567
Michelle Fern: Well, I read them, Alycat, because the kiddos are a couple states away.

00:19:58.607 --> 00:20:01.087
Michelle Fern: So when I get over there, I'll read it to them.

00:20:01.467 --> 00:20:04.447
Michelle Fern: But the fur babes listened and they liked it.

00:20:04.467 --> 00:20:05.847
Michelle Fern: So, you know, hey.

00:20:06.567 --> 00:20:08.507
Michelle Fern: So thank you, Dennis, Charlotte and Molly.

00:20:08.727 --> 00:20:14.467
Michelle Fern: And of course the show would not be the same without the magic of my producer, Mark Winter.

00:20:14.487 --> 00:20:18.607
Michelle Fern: So thank you, Mark, for working your magic and making me and my guests sound amazing.

00:20:19.087 --> 00:20:21.947
Michelle Fern: And hey, remember, lose the attitude.

00:20:21.967 --> 00:20:22.987
Michelle Fern: Have cattitude.

00:20:23.767 --> 00:20:26.787
Announcer: Let's talk pets every week on demand.

00:20:27.227 --> 00:20:29.767
Announcer: Only on