A Cat for President?! Morris is Running – & Needs a Running Mate!
RIGHT TO PROSPURR: Every pet deserves a good home, good health and good food. "Meow's the time" to find fur-ever families for all shelter pets.
BE PAW-SITIVE: Morris envisions a world where anything is paws-ible – even cats and dogs getting along.
THE RIGHT CATITUDE: Morris believes in fostering a world of purrrr-fect harmony for all pets.
Morris, the legendary 9Lives spokescat, announced he’s once again running for President, and those are just some of his pawlicies! As he spreads his message of paws-itivity,Morris is on the hunt for a running mate. Any cat or dog who shares his belief in The Good Life is invited to apply at www.MorrisforPresident.com. Michelle fern chats with Jen McKnight, senior Director of Marketing at Nine Lives to let you know how you can win a $1,000 cash prize and the chance to choose which animal shelter will receive a $35,000 donation from 9Lives – estimated to provide half a million 9Lives meals. Tune in to cast your vote!!
Listen to Episode #248 Now:

As a bona fide rescue cat success story himself, Morris is an advo-cat for pets in need.
"Since becoming the 9Lives spokescat in 1968, my true purrrrr-pose in life has been to promote cat adoption and make it easier for humans to give cats a comfortable life with plenty of tasty, nutritious food," said Morris the Cat. "I was a shelter cat myself before my rise to stardom. As President, I won't quit until every cat out there is living The Good Life!"
00:00:02.120 --> 00:00:03.920
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.
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Announcer: Let's talk pets.
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Michelle Fern: Hello, feline friends, welcome to Cattitude.
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Michelle Fern: I'm your show host, Michelle Fern.
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Michelle Fern: Wow, 2024, what a year.
00:00:32.943 --> 00:00:37.843
Michelle Fern: And it's an election year, and you're never gonna guess who is running for president.
00:00:37.843 --> 00:00:41.723
Michelle Fern: We have a representative that is gonna tell us all about it.
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Michelle Fern: So stay tuned, we'll be right back.
00:00:46.883 --> 00:00:51.303
Michelle Fern: Hey, Michelle Fern here, and you know, saving cats is near and dear to my heart.
00:00:51.303 --> 00:00:57.083
Michelle Fern: Did you know that there is an estimated 70 to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?
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Michelle Fern: And without spay neuter, that number will keep growing.
00:01:00.523 --> 00:01:07.343
Michelle Fern: Not only does spay neuter mainly reduce the community cat population, but it also keeps cats healthier.
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Michelle Fern: Scooter, the neutered cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be sniffed.
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Michelle Fern: Visit his website, givethemten.org, to help pioneer a better world for cats.
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Michelle Fern: That's GiveThemTen, spelled out, T-E-N, dot org.
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Announcer: Let's talk pets on petliferadio.com.
00:01:38.996 --> 00:01:40.076
Michelle Fern: Welcome back, everyone.
00:01:40.076 --> 00:01:41.836
Michelle Fern: I'd like to welcome Jen McKnight.
00:01:41.836 --> 00:01:45.256
Michelle Fern: She is the Senior Director of Marketing at Nine Lives.
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Michelle Fern: Welcome, Jen.
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Jen McKnight: Oh, thanks for having me.
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Michelle Fern: I'm so glad to have you.
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Michelle Fern: Okay, so we have some suspense.
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Michelle Fern: Who is this?
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Michelle Fern: Who's running?
00:01:53.676 --> 00:01:55.036
Michelle Fern: It's Morris.
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Michelle Fern: Morris the Cat.
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Michelle Fern: Who doesn't know Morris the Cat, right?
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Jen McKnight: He has been our official spokes cat since 1968.
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Michelle Fern: Wow, wow.
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Michelle Fern: So Morris has run for president before.
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Jen McKnight: He has.
00:02:07.376 --> 00:02:07.776
Michelle Fern: Right?
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Michelle Fern: I think four times, right?
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Michelle Fern: There are three times?
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Jen McKnight: This will be his fourth time running.
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Michelle Fern: Okay.
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Michelle Fern: Now he hasn't run since 2012.
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Michelle Fern: Why is Morris running now, even though he has not run for president since 2012?
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Jen McKnight: Well, Morris believes that meow is the time to bring his presidential vote back into the spotlight.
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Jen McKnight: And he's hoping to put a renewed focus on the importance of pet adoption.
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Michelle Fern: Perfect answer.
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Michelle Fern: Had to get that pun in.
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Michelle Fern: So initially, when Morris first ran for president, why did he do that?
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Jen McKnight: Yeah, so the first time that he threw his hat in the ring was 1988.
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Jen McKnight: And at the time, he really emphasized his platform of nine lives in every bowl and a satisfied cat in every kitchen.
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Jen McKnight: He actually declared his candidacy for president at a press conference in the Washington National Press Club.
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Jen McKnight: And today, it's really just a continuation of that.
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Jen McKnight: He wants to make sure that all cats are able to live the good life.
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Michelle Fern: That's wonderful.
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Michelle Fern: I mean, Morris has been, as you mentioned, a spokesperson since 1968.
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Michelle Fern: But I did some research and I didn't realize Morris was a rescue cat, which I love.
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Michelle Fern: Can you tell us some of the story of Morris?
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Jen McKnight: Yeah, actually, one day in 1968, an animal talent scout named Bob Markwick discovered Morris at the Humane Society in Pinsdale, Illinois.
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Jen McKnight: He had been looking for a cat to really audition to be the Nine Lives spokes cat.
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Jen McKnight: And of course, Morris just nailed it.
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Jen McKnight: So he went from shelter cat to having a loving home and a lifetime supply of delicious, nutritious Nine Lives cat food.
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Jen McKnight: He's been living the celeb cat life ever since.
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Jen McKnight: And despite his many accomplishments, the most important role for him is really making sure that he's an advocate for animals in need.
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Jen McKnight: So with the help of the Nine Lives team, he promotes cat adoption and makes it easy for we humans to give our cats the good life with plenty of tasty and delicious food.
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Jen McKnight: And he won't quit until every cat out there is living the good life.
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Michelle Fern: Thank you.
00:04:28.496 --> 00:04:34.876
Michelle Fern: You might have hit on some of these, but can we talk about Morris' policies?
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Jen McKnight: Oh, of course.
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Jen McKnight: So no candidate can run without having articulated policies.
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Jen McKnight: So Morris, through his candidacy, has declared five policies.
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Jen McKnight: The first being the right to prosper.
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Jen McKnight: Every pet deserves a good home, good health and good food.
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Jen McKnight: And he believes that meows the time to find forever families for shelter pets.
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Jen McKnight: His second policy is to be positive.
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Jen McKnight: Morris envisions a world where anything is possible, even cats and dogs getting along.
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Jen McKnight: His third policy is his domestic policy.
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Jen McKnight: And Morris promises to keep the cat in domestic cat or domesticated.
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Jen McKnight: How will he do it?
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Jen McKnight: By, of course, taking cat naps 24-7.
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Jen McKnight: His fourth policy is he fundamentally believes that we should declaw the ridiculous cat laws out there.
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Jen McKnight: Believe it or not, there's some pretty funny laws on the books.
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Jen McKnight: And Morris declares that he will declaw every law that stops cats from living their best nine lives.
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Jen McKnight: No yowling after 9 p.m.
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Jen McKnight: You've got to be kidding me.
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Jen McKnight: And finally, his fifth policy is believing that we have the right cattitude.
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Jen McKnight: He wants to foster a world of perfect harmony for all cats.
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Michelle Fern: I love all of them, especially that last one, the right cattitude.
00:06:03.536 --> 00:06:07.376
Michelle Fern: Sounds good for me, but great policies.
00:06:07.376 --> 00:06:13.296
Michelle Fern: Now Morris is running, but we're gonna get more on the second half of the show about his VP.
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Michelle Fern: But has he ever had a VP before?
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Jen McKnight: No, actually Morris in his previous runs did not declare a VP.
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Jen McKnight: So we're actually really excited for this go-around.
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Jen McKnight: Not only is he looking for a VP candidate, but we're actually crowdsourcing his running mate for the first time ever.
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Jen McKnight: And we're opening that up to not just cats, but even dogs to enter, because Morris wants to be inclusive of all.
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Jen McKnight: And the best part is that the winner will pick the animal shelter at the end of this campaign, who will be receiving a $35,000 donation that's estimated to be worth half a million nine lives.
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Michelle Fern: I was actually going to ask you because it says pets.
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Michelle Fern: So it's pretty much cats or dogs for VP that Morris is looking for.
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Jen McKnight: Correct.
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Jen McKnight: He's opened it up to dogs this year because he wants to be inclusive.
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Michelle Fern: But that's the pawmatic.
00:07:07.576 --> 00:07:10.876
Michelle Fern: I don't know if I could get to that part.
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Michelle Fern: That's good.
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Michelle Fern: And hey, most of us have cats and dogs together and they all get along fine.
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Michelle Fern: So that's great.
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Michelle Fern: And what will be important in selecting the VP?
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Jen McKnight: So in terms of the nomination, he is searching for a running mate, cat or dog, who shares his belief in the good life for all pets.
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Jen McKnight: So a VP will help spread Morris' message and support shelter pets.
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Jen McKnight: In fact, the running mate's pet, Carrot, will get to select the animal shelter to receive that special $35,000 donation from 9Lives in November.
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Jen McKnight: That's worth a half a million Nine Lives meals.
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Jen McKnight: The contest began on August 14th with the launch of Morris for president of his official campaign.
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Jen McKnight: And it will conclude on October 8th of 2024.
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Jen McKnight: So contestants are invited to submit their entries.
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Jen McKnight: Any time from now through September 10th of 2024.
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Jen McKnight: And on the 12th, there will be a random drawing of a hundred submissions.
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Jen McKnight: And the five finalists will be picked by 9Lives using the contest scoring criteria and what our criteria is based on originality.
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Jen McKnight: So that's about a quarter of the points.
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Jen McKnight: Alignment with Morris's five policies, that's about a quarter of the points.
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Jen McKnight: Is it an inspiration or an inspiring story?
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Jen McKnight: That's about a quarter of the points.
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Jen McKnight: And then finally, vice presidential prowess is the final quarter percent of points that will be used to determine the five leading candidates.
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Jen McKnight: And then from September 26th through October 8th of 2024, consumers, so we're actually putting it in the hands of pet parents out there, will vote for their favorite submission of those five finalists and the winner will be selected from that crowdsourcing and they will ultimately get to choose which shelter will benefit from that donation.
00:09:17.976 --> 00:09:24.716
Michelle Fern: That is going to be some job to select the VBASE on all of that criteria.
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Michelle Fern: All right, we're gonna take a short break.
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Michelle Fern: We'll be right back and we'll talk more about the contest and more about Morris and some of his favorite Nine Lives flavors.
00:09:36.076 --> 00:09:37.636
Michelle Fern: We'll be right back.
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Announcer: Pet Greens is proud to support Cattitude on Pet Life Radio.
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Announcer: Our small family farm produces live organic cat grass, catnip and soft chew treats packed with green nutrition to help your pets truly thrive inside.
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Announcer: We're partnering with pioneer cat behavior expert and best-selling author, Pam Johnson-Bennett, to help indoor cats live their best lives with indoor enrichment tips for their parents.
00:10:06.136 --> 00:10:11.676
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Anyone who knows me knows I am a very strong proponent for cats being indoors.
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Pam Johnson-Bennett: But when we bring cats indoors where I feel it's safest, we have an obligation to make sure they have a fulfilling life, that they get enrichment.
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Pam Johnson-Bennett: And part of that enrichment is encouraging health and a big part of that health is cat grass.
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Pam Johnson-Bennett: Cat grass helps with the prevention of hairballs.
00:10:29.836 --> 00:10:32.856
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It can help keep your cat away from houseplants.
00:10:32.856 --> 00:10:35.096
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's also fun for your cat.
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Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's a natural behavior that your cat wants to chew and you know that you're providing it in a safe way.
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Announcer: For more information on the benefits of cat grass and catnip for your cat's indoor enrichment, visit petgreens.com.
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Announcer: Let's talk pets.
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Announcer: On Pet Life Radio, Pet Life Radio, Pet Life radio.com.
00:11:06.867 --> 00:11:09.587
Michelle Fern: Welcome back everyone, we're talking to Jen McKnight.
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Michelle Fern: She is the Senior Director of Marketing at Nine Lives.
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Michelle Fern: And hey, Morris is running for president, he is looking for a VP.
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Michelle Fern: So Jen, we talked about the contest in the first half.
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Michelle Fern: How many candidates are you expecting to get?
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Michelle Fern: And how are you gonna actually drill it down to the top five for everybody to vote on?
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Jen McKnight: So we actually don't have a target in terms of how many submissions.
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Jen McKnight: We certainly are hoping that we get lots and lots of great submissions.
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Jen McKnight: In fact, actually, we've been partnering with Doug the Pug, internet sensation, Doug the Pug, to even get the word out with all of his followers in the dog community, because we wanna have lots and lots of candidates for Morris to select from.
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Jen McKnight: But ultimately, as we narrow down with that ran of drawing from the 100 top candidates, we'll spend some time really using the criteria I talked about earlier to identify the top five candidates.
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Jen McKnight: And from there, it's in the hands of pet parents who are gonna go online and vote for which of those top five candidates would be the ideal running mate for Morris.
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Michelle Fern: And the shelter that is chosen, is there any specifications on the shelter or is it just gonna be whichever the pet parent, the lucky VEEP, is gonna just select any shelter?
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Jen McKnight: Yeah, it's really up to that winning dog or cat parent to select the shelter for whom they have a relationship or are close to it.
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Jen McKnight: Cuz we wanna make sure that we're offering a little bit of extra incentive for votes to nominate their pet.
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Jen McKnight: Cuz we know people are very passionate about helping the shelters that are in their community and near and dear to their own hearts.
00:12:58.847 --> 00:13:02.287
Michelle Fern: Can people nominate more than one pet?
00:13:02.287 --> 00:13:06.907
Michelle Fern: Because some of us have 2, 3, 4, 10, 12 cats.
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Jen McKnight: That's a great question.
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Jen McKnight: So we're actually looking for one pet per person or household.
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Jen McKnight: So ultimately, it's up to the pet parent, which pet they feel would be the strongest candidate to run with Morris.
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Michelle Fern: So they have to look at the policies and collect the best one out of their crew, as I call my crew, my cat crew.
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Michelle Fern: That could be hard because, I mean, at one time I had 7, so I don't even, that would be hard.
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Michelle Fern: But sometimes you got to pick the best one.
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Michelle Fern: All right.
00:13:40.087 --> 00:13:42.467
Michelle Fern: Let's get to know Morris a little better.
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Michelle Fern: Can you tell us Morris' favorite Nine Lives flavors?
00:13:46.887 --> 00:13:47.747
Jen McKnight: Yeah.
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Jen McKnight: So Morris is a pretty cool cat, I have to say.
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Jen McKnight: And while he loves all the Nine Lives, both wet and dry products, I will say his favorite is Nine Lives Daily Essentials Dry Cat Food, because it includes the flavors of chicken feet and salmon.
00:14:04.627 --> 00:14:10.347
Jen McKnight: The great taste that he wants with the balanced nutrition, so cats get what they need.
00:14:10.347 --> 00:14:12.687
Michelle Fern: So he prefers dry over wet.
00:14:12.687 --> 00:14:15.847
Jen McKnight: Well, you forced me into narrowing down to one.
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Jen McKnight: I don't know if I can speak on his behalf, but he truly prefers dry to wet.
00:14:20.967 --> 00:14:23.767
Michelle Fern: That's interesting, and he likes a mix.
00:14:23.767 --> 00:14:24.487
Michelle Fern: Okay.
00:14:24.487 --> 00:14:26.547
Jen McKnight: Does like little variety in life.
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Michelle Fern: Variety is the way to go, you know?
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Michelle Fern: You know, we're not really, we're focused on Morris for president and looking at his VEEP, and we're not really talking about too much about products here, but can you give us a little bit of insight on what other items Morris might taste in the Nine Lives food collection?
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Jen McKnight: Yeah, so I really can't share any new product news yet, but keep on the lookout next spring, there might be some fun new products coming.
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Jen McKnight: But until then, I would encourage everyone to continue to follow Morris's presidential journey on social media, and please check us out at morrisforpresident.com as he spreads positivity, and there's fun videos on there just to add a little smile to your day.
00:15:18.147 --> 00:15:21.667
Jen McKnight: And who knows what Morris is up to next?
00:15:21.667 --> 00:15:26.527
Jen McKnight: Maybe he's plotting his next big adventure, or perhaps just taking a little cat nap.
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Jen McKnight: Either way, we would encourage everyone to please stay tuned to see what kind of antics good old Morris is getting up to.
00:15:34.307 --> 00:15:35.307
Michelle Fern: Okay, great.
00:15:35.307 --> 00:15:42.327
Michelle Fern: So Jen, tell us about what products Nine Lives has, because not everybody's aware and we're curious.
00:15:42.327 --> 00:15:45.547
Michelle Fern: We want to know what Morris eats even though we know his favorite.
00:15:46.167 --> 00:15:47.367
Jen McKnight: Yeah, absolutely.
00:15:47.367 --> 00:15:51.407
Jen McKnight: So Nine Lives actually offers a whole range of products.
00:15:51.407 --> 00:16:02.647
Jen McKnight: We have a lineup of dry food for just about any kind of specific need that you would need, all the way down to daily essentials, which is just a great everyday kitty food.
00:16:02.647 --> 00:16:06.947
Jen McKnight: We also offer a line of wet food and different textures.
00:16:06.947 --> 00:16:10.967
Jen McKnight: It's so important to ensure that our kitties out there stay hydrated.
00:16:11.347 --> 00:16:22.507
Jen McKnight: And then we also have a line of Nine Lives treats, generally carried through the dollar store channels, but would encourage your listeners to take a look for any of them.
00:16:22.507 --> 00:16:27.907
Michelle Fern: Okay, and I know you mentioned it before, but it's definitely worth mentioning again.
00:16:27.907 --> 00:16:31.327
Michelle Fern: Where can pet parents go to nominate their pet?
00:16:31.327 --> 00:16:37.307
Michelle Fern: And will they be uploading a picture, a little paragraph?
00:16:37.307 --> 00:16:38.787
Jen McKnight: Yeah, I know, that's a great question.
00:16:39.067 --> 00:16:51.867
Jen McKnight: So we would encourage all pet parents out there to visit morrisforpresident.com anytime between now and September 10th to complete the online registration form.
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Jen McKnight: And we try to keep this as super simple and straightforward as possible.
00:16:56.187 --> 00:17:10.447
Jen McKnight: So really it's just the registration form asked for your name, email address, a photo of your adorable pet, and just a brief description on why you believe that your cat or dog should be Morris' vice president.
00:17:10.447 --> 00:17:13.467
Michelle Fern: And when will the candidate be drawn?
00:17:13.467 --> 00:17:20.847
Jen McKnight: Yeah, so we will on September 12th start to narrow down to the top 100.
00:17:20.847 --> 00:17:33.507
Jen McKnight: And then if you visit morrisforpresident.com starting September 26th, we will have the top five, VP candidates.
00:17:33.507 --> 00:17:35.847
Jen McKnight: And we're actually gonna be crowdsourcing this.
00:17:35.847 --> 00:17:53.607
Jen McKnight: So from September 26th through October 8th, we would encourage all your listeners to check out morrisforpresident.com and select which of the top five winning candidates should ultimately go on to be Morris' VP.
00:17:53.607 --> 00:17:59.407
Michelle Fern: Jen, thank you so much for coming on cattitude and telling us all about Morris for president.
00:17:59.407 --> 00:18:00.347
Michelle Fern: I'm excited.
00:18:00.587 --> 00:18:02.887
Michelle Fern: I am ready to cast my vote.
00:18:02.887 --> 00:18:04.007
Michelle Fern: Thanks so much.
00:18:04.007 --> 00:18:05.747
Jen McKnight: Thanks for having me, Michelle.
00:18:05.747 --> 00:18:11.807
Jen McKnight: We at 9Lives love radio and media that's focused on Kitty Kat.
00:18:11.807 --> 00:18:13.667
Michelle Fern: I hope you all enjoyed this show.
00:18:13.667 --> 00:18:14.847
Michelle Fern: How exciting.
00:18:14.847 --> 00:18:17.507
Michelle Fern: Morris for president looking for his VP.
00:18:17.507 --> 00:18:20.727
Michelle Fern: So who in my Pat Crew should I nominate?
00:18:20.727 --> 00:18:22.647
Michelle Fern: Probably not Charlotte.
00:18:22.647 --> 00:18:23.627
Michelle Fern: Maybe Dennis.
00:18:23.627 --> 00:18:28.287
Michelle Fern: He has such a good all around fun personality.
00:18:28.287 --> 00:18:29.527
Michelle Fern: Or maybe Molly.
00:18:30.147 --> 00:18:34.147
Michelle Fern: She's kind of strong-willed and Viva, but I think she could get the job done.
00:18:34.607 --> 00:18:37.927
Michelle Fern: I'm going to think about it, but make sure you cast your vote.
00:18:37.927 --> 00:18:42.187
Michelle Fern: Remember it's one pet per household.
00:18:42.187 --> 00:18:46.627
Michelle Fern: And make sure you go to morrisforpresident.com and vote.
00:18:46.627 --> 00:18:47.827
Michelle Fern: Please hurry.
00:18:47.827 --> 00:18:51.107
Michelle Fern: The deadline is September 10th.
00:18:51.107 --> 00:18:53.727
Michelle Fern: I want to thank my guests for coming on cattitude.
00:18:53.727 --> 00:18:54.987
Michelle Fern: Thanks so much.
00:18:54.987 --> 00:19:03.287
Michelle Fern: And it was so nice to learn more about Morris and so exciting, especially this year, because we're election focused.
00:19:03.287 --> 00:19:06.447
Michelle Fern: I want to thank everyone listening to cattitude.
00:19:06.447 --> 00:19:09.307
Michelle Fern: I appreciate your listenership very much.
00:19:09.307 --> 00:19:10.647
Michelle Fern: Thank you, thank you.
00:19:10.647 --> 00:19:13.747
Michelle Fern: And of course, thank you to my cat crew.
00:19:13.747 --> 00:19:15.707
Michelle Fern: One of you all will be nominated.
00:19:15.727 --> 00:19:21.247
Michelle Fern: And lastly, without the magic of my producer, Mark Winter, this show would not be the same.
00:19:21.247 --> 00:19:22.927
Michelle Fern: So thank you so much, Mark.
00:19:22.927 --> 00:19:26.487
Michelle Fern: And hey, remember, lose the attitude, have cattitude.
00:19:27.567 --> 00:19:33.527
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week, on demand, only on petliferadio.com.