alchemypet's Transformative Journey

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

In this episode, Isabel had the pleasure of speaking with Colin Topham, the founder of alchemypet, a brand known for its innovative line of supplements designed to enhance various aspects of a dog's well-being. Their discussion starts with a round of Never Have I Ever - Dog Parent Edition then delves into the motivations and principles driving the creation of alchemypet's products.

Colin discussed the inspiration behind his line of supplements, emphasizing the importance of both Eastern and Western medicine in their development. One of the highlights was the discussion of the different supplement categories they offer. These include eye health, mobility support, immune system enhancement, and calming solutions. Colin stressed the significance of using technology that was developed by "Swiss geek scientists" to ensure that the supplements are easily absorbed by a dog's body.

Isabel provides an impromptu product review. She's a fan of the line because she used it with her old hound dog, Titan, before he went to the Rainbow Bridge. Don't worry, there are no tears to shed in this fun and relatable episode. Enjoy!

Listen to Episode #90 Now:


I was fortunate to have flown over to Switzerland right before the pandemic hit with Marley, my now 14-year-old Shih Tzu. While the world shut down, Marley and I adventured together. Hiking and cycling with him awakened me to a fuller, simpler lifestyle and perspective, especially in terms of my relationship with my aging dog. Having attended high school in Asia, I was exposed to the merits of plants over pills from a young age, and with this in mind, began to question how I could be proactive about Marley’s wellness future. How could I provide industry-leading solutions to joint, eye, gut, and other immunity challenges that are now prevalent as dogs age? It was a fortunate coincidence that I found myself in Switzerland, which happens to be the biotech hub of the world. I met a team of self-proclaimed Swiss geek scientists. We collaborated to develop groundbreaking all-natural pet wellness formulations that make traditional botanical medicines both more effective and efficient. As time went on, our team expanded to include production guru Crystal Webber, and operations expert Michelle Aguilar. Together, we have become more than just a local company; we are a global team united by our shared dedication to improving the lives of dogs. Through our cutting-edge formulations, which blend the best of Eastern and Western botanical medicines with our extended-release technology, we provide all-natural, premium wellness solutions. Fully natural, free from added sugar, harmful chemicals, GMOs, the 9 major allergens, and zero artificial preservatives, colors, or fillers, alchemypet is bringing clean multi-ingredient premium wellness that delivers groundbreaking well-being. Our driving question is simple: "Did we do everything we could to improve the wellness of the global dog community?" With this vision in mind, we strive to become leaders in the natural pet wellness space worldwide.