America's most prominent TV show celebrating the wonderfulness of dogs is the National Dog Show Presented by Purina on NBC Thanksgiving Day. The two-hour, family entertainment  special attracts a total audience of well over 20 million each year.  Why?  Because it celebrates all of the dogs in our lives as everyone roots for their favorite breeds (mixed or otherwise) throughout the show.

In conjunction with this annual celebration of dogdom, Pet Life Radio and The National Dog Show are conducting a meme contest based on the theme of "Dogs until 2." The National Dog Show airs from noon-2 p.m. in all time zones following the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. So, “On Thanksgiving Day, It’s Dogs Until 2.”

The "Dogs Until 2" message has resonated especially with children and pet lovers because it gives them a reason to maintain control of the television remote at least through the early afternoon, knowing that football is known to be a usual TV attraction on Thanksgiving Day. Football games begin early, but those first couple of hours (pregame and first half) are easily sacrificed by football fans if there is an entertaining alternative like the dog show. Everyone can spend a couple of hours from noon until 2 p.m. to enjoy watching the dogs, especially on the most family-centric day of the year.

So, we are going to have some fun creating memes that show: Our dogs watching the dog show; Or playing football; Or just doing the crazy things that they do to our endless delight day after day after day. Go to our Facebook page to see last year's winner and scroll down to our community section of our Facebook page to see memes from this year's contestants!”


Find the awesomest :) picture of your dog(s) and use that photo to make a meme, using the words to make us laugh and illustrate how special your dog is! The goal is to create a photo/caption combination showcasing your adorable canine(s) while reminding people that Thanksgiving Day is special because the dog show is on from noon until 2 p.m. across the country. “On Thanksgiving Day, It’s Dogs Until 2.”

Memes will be judged based on humor, creativity and cuteness. David Frei and John O'Hurley, hosts of the National Dog Show, will choose the top 10 finalists. Then, the overall winner will be chosen by Pet Life Radio. The creator of the winning meme will receive a $500 cash prize or a trip to the 2019 National Dog Show in Philadelphia (air fare and hotel).

Go to

1. Click “Make a meme” in the top right corner (under the log in button)

2. Click “Upload your own image”

3. Select your photo and “choose”

4. Once your file is selected, click “Upload”

5. Now add text by typing into the “TOP TEXT” and “BOTTOM TEXT” boxes. **Remember that the judging criteria is a combination of cuteness, creativity and humor

6. Position the text boxes however you choose

7. Once satisfied with your meme, for Mac users, click on the private selection under more options then click "Generate Meme", and "Download Image"

8. For PC users, click "Generate Meme", and then Right-click on the image and save it onto your computer as a .jpg image.

Go to our Facebook Page:
Dogs Until 2p.m. Meme Contest

1. Click on the home page of the Dogs Until 2 Meme Contest Facebook page, and click on the "write a post” to post to our page.

2. In the box, click the "Photo/Video" Icon and upload your meme to the post. Add any text, if you would like, and then click post to submit the meme to our page

3. When posting on Facebook, make sure to include the hashtag: #dogsuntil2

4. You can also email your meme directly to,, by copying and pasting the “image link” into the email

Entries must be posted/sent by Nov. 21, 2018


Please view the rules and regulations below


WIN a trip to the 2019 National Dog Show in Philadelphia!

OR a $500 cash prize!

Go to Contest Facebook Page

Meme Contest Rules and Regulations:

No Offensive Memes

No meme should contain any graphic image or caption that can be deemed inappropriate, offensive, or negative. Such memes will be immediately disqualified.

Only Positive

Entries must portray dogs, other animals, people and pet parenting in a positive light.


No off-color language of any kind is acceptable and those entries will be refused.

Final Decisions

All decisions made by contest officials are final.

Contest Submissions

Contest submissions are the responsibility of the sender; Pet Life Radio takes no responsibility for entries not received.


By entering the contest, you release Facebook of any liability in connection with the contest.This contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by Facebook in any way.