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Dr. Jeff Werber
Dr. Jeff Werber

Like most little kids, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a veterinarian. According to my folks, that's all I ever talked about. Growing up in a household with dogs, this wasn't such an unusual dream. The unusual part about it was that I followed this dream into adulthood. With me, I think becoming a veterinarian was more of a calling than a mere childhood dream.
My first experience with veterinary medicine was when I volunteered at a local animal hospital in high school. I loved it as much as I thought I would! I actually chose my college based on my plans for veterinary school. I knew that as a California resident, the only veterinary school I could go to was U.C. Davis (that's how it was 25 years ago), so not wanting to go to the same school for 8 years, but wanting to stay in the U.C. system, I went to Berkeley for my undergraduate degree. Now I knew getting into veterinary school was nearly impossible (even tougher than medical school), but I didn't think it would take me four years (back then, the average U.C. Davis applicant applied 3 1/2 times and was 25 years of age at admission)!!
Meanwhile, I enrolled in a Master's program at California State University at Northridge, and worked at a small animal hospital and with an equine surgeon until I was finally accepted for the class beginning in September 1980. Boy, that was one happy day in the Werber household, and I was in heaven!!! Veterinary School for me was a blast and the four years flew by (I actually surprised myself by finishing 8th in my class of 128 students).
Now, over 20 years out of school and practicing, I'm still in heaven! As many of you know, over the years my career has branched out into many different directions--all revolving around veterinary medicine and my love of our animal friends. As you explore my web site, feel free to take a peek at my many different projects, or to send me an E-mail. Ask me anything and I'll do my best to get an answer for you.