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Jennifer Shryock
Jennifer Shryock

Jennifer Shryock is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant who specializes in safety between children and dogs. Jennifer has over 15 years of hands on experience working with dogs and families in a wide variety of environments. She is no stranger to the competitive show ring but now prefers to focus on behavior within the family dynamic. She is a graduate from Kutztown, University with a B.A. in Special Education with an emphasis on behavior. Jennifer combines her love of working with dogs and children into one career that is dedicated to safety and fun!
Jennifer is the U.S. Coordinator of as well as an active educational program developer for Doggone Safe. Jennifer is the creator of the highly endorsed Dogs & Storks™ programs for New & expecting families. These programs provide families with support before, during and after a baby arrives. Jennifer also is the creator of Safety Paws™ for Nannies and in home child care providers. Jennifer is the Pet behavior expert at and has been featured in publications such as Dog Fancy Magazine on child/dog related topics.
Staying up to date in the fields of dog and cat behavior is a priority and Jennifer maintains active memberships with several professional organizations. She is a founding and certified member of She also is a member of the educational committee of IAABC and a professional member of Jennifer is a Stay at home Mother of three children ages 9, 8 and 4. She is very active in dog and cat rescue and always seems to have a foster feline and pooch around. Always a learning opportunity to be found! Personal family companions are Moose (German Shepherd), Carin, (shep/husky), and 4 feline family members. Oh and did I mention my wonderful and supportive husband Joe.