The Most Interesting Cat in The World?

Dr. Courtney Campbell on Pet Life Radio

Well, maybe not the most interesting cat in the world, but certainly an interesting episode! We got to spend some time with Teresa Keiger of the Cat Fanciers Association and explore the most popular breeds of cat (and the rarest ones too!) Could your cat be on the list?   Find out about each of the breeds- their appearance, size, temperament, as well as what it takes to keep them groomed and looking sharp. 
I am not going to give them away! You will have to listen, but can you guess which breeds are the most rare? Listen to find out if you have ever met one of these cats!

Listen to Episode #127 Now:


Teresa Keiger judging a Persian and a Ragdoll on Pet Life Radio


CFA Allbreed Judge Teresa Keiger has been exhibiting and breeding cats since 1993. She joined CFA’s judging panel in 2007 and has judged cat shows across the US, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea, Europe, Kuwait, and Russia.  She has judged for other associations in Australia and New Zealand..

She is also a graphic designer for CFA and editor of their bi-monthly online magazine Cat Talk. This publication as well as Keiger herself have won numerous awards and Muse Medallions from The Cat Writers’ Association, including the President’s Award, several design awards, and many articles on feline health and caregiving.

Her original breed is the Russian Blue, which she is still breeding under the cattery name Platina Luna. Her wins with the breed include many Regional Winners, 3 National Winners, and 2 Distinguished Merit cats. The highlight of her breeding career was having Second Best Cat in CFA in 2009, a Russian Blue who had also won the prestigious Madison Square Garden show. During her training in the CFA Judging Program, she exhibited Siamese, Manx, Abysinnians, Javinese, Ocicats, Persians, Exotics, and Maine Coon Cats.


00:00:02.100 --> 00:00:03.480
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.920 --> 00:00:05.040
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets.

00:00:20.935 --> 00:00:22.135
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey there, cat lovers.

00:00:22.335 --> 00:00:24.235
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Welcome to Nine Lives with Dr.

00:00:24.255 --> 00:00:24.595
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat.

00:00:24.895 --> 00:00:26.275
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I'm your host, Dr.

00:00:26.295 --> 00:00:31.655
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kathryn Primm, and I'm a small animal veterinarian and crazy cat lover, as you know.

00:00:32.055 --> 00:00:46.035
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Today, I have a super interesting guest, Teresa Kreiger, and she is with the Cat Fanciers Association, and she is going to talk with us about what breeds of cat are the most popular.

00:00:46.315 --> 00:00:52.455
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So we will be right back to learn all about these cool and interesting cats right after this break.

00:00:55.015 --> 00:00:56.975
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.

00:00:57.555 --> 00:01:01.975
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio podcasts and radio shows.

00:01:02.295 --> 00:01:09.235
Announcer: There is no other pet-related media that is as large and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.

00:01:09.495 --> 00:01:25.695
Announcer: With over seven million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms, and our live radio stream goes out to over 250 million subscribers on iHeartRadio, Audacy, TuneIn, and other streaming apps.

00:01:25.835 --> 00:01:34.915
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit today.

00:01:37.195 --> 00:01:40.315
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on

00:01:53.350 --> 00:01:55.910
Dr. Kathryn Primm: As I mentioned, I have Teresa Kreiger with me.

00:01:55.930 --> 00:01:56.770
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hi Teresa.

00:01:56.890 --> 00:01:57.590
Teresa Keiger Hi Dr.

00:01:57.610 --> 00:01:58.970
Teresa Keiger Kat, how are you?

00:01:59.510 --> 00:02:02.350
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I am excellent, marvelous, if you will.

00:02:03.470 --> 00:02:13.490
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you are with the Cat Fanciers Association, and you are an All Breeds judge, as well as I understand a graphic designer, is that correct?

00:02:13.830 --> 00:02:14.990
Teresa Keiger Yes, I am.

00:02:15.230 --> 00:02:18.350
Teresa Keiger I am contracted with the Cat Fanciers Association.

00:02:18.830 --> 00:02:26.850
Teresa Keiger As their graphic designer, I also judge all 45 of the breeds that see it, they recognize us all over the world.

00:02:27.210 --> 00:02:28.870
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That is really fascinating.

00:02:29.090 --> 00:02:35.030
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you said you were putting together a graphic about the most popular cat breed.

00:02:35.050 --> 00:02:43.150
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I thought we could sort of, I don't know, take advantage of the information and the research that you did on this and talk about these three.

00:02:43.170 --> 00:02:46.430
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you just said there are 45 breeds in total?

00:02:46.670 --> 00:02:47.050
Teresa Keiger Yes.

00:02:47.370 --> 00:02:48.230
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Oh, that's awesome.

00:02:48.230 --> 00:02:52.070
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And they are each kind of their own cat, so to speak, right?

00:02:52.250 --> 00:02:53.270
Teresa Keiger That is correct.

00:02:53.270 --> 00:03:00.050
Teresa Keiger Every breed has something unique besides just collar and coat that sets them apart from every other breed.

00:03:00.310 --> 00:03:11.150
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, we love them all, but I do want to jump right in because I want to talk about these individual breeds a little more specifically and maybe why you think they're so popular.

00:03:11.170 --> 00:03:12.290
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So let's get started.

00:03:12.310 --> 00:03:13.210
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What's number one?

00:03:13.550 --> 00:03:21.890
Teresa Keiger Number one is the Ragdoll, originally recognized for registration by CFA in 1998.

00:03:22.330 --> 00:03:31.770
Teresa Keiger Interestingly enough, not one, not two, but all three of our most registered breeds for 2023 are all long hair cats.

00:03:32.070 --> 00:03:34.690
Teresa Keiger So I think that says a little something right there.

00:03:35.090 --> 00:03:38.790
Teresa Keiger Folks love the soft look of long hair cats.

00:03:39.490 --> 00:03:42.110
Teresa Keiger The Ragdoll is a very unique breed.

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Teresa Keiger It is a large cat.

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Teresa Keiger It is pointed with various types of three different light spotting factor overlays on top of that.

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Teresa Keiger Now with our pointed cats, we always get blue eyes regardless of the breed or lack thereof.

00:03:58.770 --> 00:04:07.830
Teresa Keiger So Ragdolls are known for being large, having a long flowing coat, and these huge oval blue eyes.

00:04:07.850 --> 00:04:11.510
Teresa Keiger They're absolutely mesmerizing and they're soft coat.

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Teresa Keiger Just, you want to run your fingers through it all day long.

00:04:15.770 --> 00:04:16.590
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I agree.

00:04:16.650 --> 00:04:29.070
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So for my listeners that aren't really familiar with the terminology that you're using, when you say the points, you mean that the ears are a different color, like maybe like a Siamese cat, like my listeners might.

00:04:29.110 --> 00:04:31.090
Teresa Keiger Exactly like a Siamese cat.

00:04:31.110 --> 00:04:35.110
Teresa Keiger That's usually the breed that I used to describe, the pointed cat.

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Teresa Keiger So the color comes in on the extremities, the ears, the face, the feet, and the tail.

00:04:42.870 --> 00:04:51.590
Teresa Keiger So with the ragdoll, we have the pointed colors, then the body shades up, but its chest can be in one pattern, it will be white.

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Teresa Keiger The chest and the underbelly and the legs will be white, and it'll have a white triangle coming up through the face and meeting at the top of the head.

00:05:01.870 --> 00:05:12.110
Teresa Keiger And another pattern, the mitten pattern, the chest is white and it has a white chin and then little gloves that's white at the end of the toes of all four feet.

00:05:12.910 --> 00:05:25.330
Teresa Keiger So they do come in a couple of different patterns, but the bicolor, what we call the poignant bicolor, is the most popular and the one that people think of when they think of the ragdoll breed.

00:05:25.750 --> 00:05:35.050
Teresa Keiger They're very friendly, very owner-oriented, and they're known for their docile personality, hence the name ragdoll.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what would you describe their typical energy level being?

00:05:40.930 --> 00:05:42.290
Teresa Keiger Moderate energy.

00:05:42.310 --> 00:05:47.230
Teresa Keiger They are somewhat active, but they're really kind of home bodies.

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Teresa Keiger They get along well with dogs and young children as well.

00:05:50.910 --> 00:05:59.050
Teresa Keiger I actually have some pictures of a ragdoll breeder and her son, he's grown up with ragdolls, and they're absolutely adorable.

00:05:59.850 --> 00:06:05.990
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what about, you said interestingly that the popular breeds this year were all long-coated.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what about grooming for the ragdoll?

00:06:07.990 --> 00:06:09.050
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Is there anything special?

00:06:09.270 --> 00:06:20.150
Teresa Keiger What a pet owner would need to do is just comb through with a comb a couple of times a week to keep the mats away, under the arms and on the belly.

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Teresa Keiger And you can always shampoo and blow dry if you want to.

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Teresa Keiger There is an art to doing that, but cats can indeed be bathed.

00:06:29.430 --> 00:06:37.270
Teresa Keiger But for your average home pet owner, just a simple groom through should be enough unless something happens.

00:06:37.770 --> 00:06:41.650
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So do they have any specific health issues as a breed?

00:06:42.090 --> 00:06:43.790
Teresa Keiger Not that I am aware of.

00:06:44.130 --> 00:06:46.250
Teresa Keiger They're genuinely hardy cat.

00:06:46.730 --> 00:06:48.430
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What about their lifespan?

00:06:48.450 --> 00:06:52.050
Dr. Kathryn Primm: How long would a typical ragdoll be expected to live?

00:06:52.450 --> 00:06:54.310
Teresa Keiger Probably about 15 years.

00:06:54.330 --> 00:07:01.050
Teresa Keiger That is a little beyond my expertise, but from what I have seen, that's probably about average.

00:07:02.190 --> 00:07:06.970
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you said that they get along well with children and other animals.

00:07:07.650 --> 00:07:09.330
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What about other cats?

00:07:09.350 --> 00:07:13.090
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Like do all the cats in a home need to be ragdolls for them to get along?

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: Or is it-

00:07:13.330 --> 00:07:14.930
Teresa Keiger I don't think so, no.

00:07:15.370 --> 00:07:17.690
Teresa Keiger As I said, they're a very laid back cat.

00:07:17.790 --> 00:07:33.450
Teresa Keiger And when we talk about bringing any breed or breedless cat, a lot of it also has to do with the individual cat's temper and that pedigreed cats do have distinct personality traits that they are known for.

00:07:33.710 --> 00:07:48.330
Teresa Keiger But otherwise, I always say a proper introduction goes a long way to introducing a new cat into your household and integrating it to a successful relationship with your resident cat.

00:07:48.570 --> 00:07:54.330
Teresa Keiger But by and large, they would be a breed that would get along well with other cats.

00:07:54.950 --> 00:08:06.030
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So if someone listening is interested in getting a ragdoll cat, how would they go about finding a reputable breeder or finding out more information about a ragdoll cat?

00:08:07.070 --> 00:08:12.450
Teresa Keiger I always suggest, and this will go for all of the breeds that we talk about today.

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Teresa Keiger One, go to a cat show, go to a CFA cat show.

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Teresa Keiger There you will have a chance to see these breeds up close in the fur, as I like to say, and actually meet the breeders.

00:08:24.270 --> 00:08:32.690
Teresa Keiger They may not have a pet available at the show, but that's a good way to introduce yourself and get connected with the breeder.

00:08:33.110 --> 00:08:39.030
Teresa Keiger CFA also has a find a breeder section on their own website.

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Teresa Keiger Thirdly, if you're, I would contact the breed council secretary.

00:08:45.210 --> 00:08:53.970
Teresa Keiger They know who is working, actively working with the breed, who is a reputable breeder, and they can often put you in touch with a breeder.

00:08:54.530 --> 00:08:55.450
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, that's great.

00:08:55.470 --> 00:08:57.590
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what is the web address for CFA?

00:08:58.210 --> 00:08:59.450
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Is it

00:08:59.590 --> 00:09:01.270
Teresa Keiger It's

00:09:01.550 --> 00:09:03.290
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Excellent, that was a good guess.

00:09:04.170 --> 00:09:08.730
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, so, all right, so you said there were top two, top three.

00:09:08.810 --> 00:09:09.610
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What's number two?

00:09:09.890 --> 00:09:16.810
Teresa Keiger Number two, another long hair and our largest breed ever, the Maine Coon Cat.

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Teresa Keiger It's really very, very popular with everyone.

00:09:22.530 --> 00:09:32.370
Teresa Keiger Actually, I just lost my Maine Coon at 15 years and through the judging program, I had to show a lot of cats to become familiar with them.

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Teresa Keiger My husband said, you know, he's the favorite breed that you had in that of all of them.

00:09:38.630 --> 00:09:41.130
Teresa Keiger And men really kind of like Maine Coon Cats.

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Teresa Keiger They're big, they're fun, they're loving.

00:09:44.750 --> 00:09:50.390
Teresa Keiger They have these little, little, tiny voices that you wouldn't expect from a 20 pound cat.

00:09:50.850 --> 00:09:54.970
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What kind of temperament overall would you expect from a Maine Coon?

00:09:55.270 --> 00:10:04.030
Teresa Keiger You know, they are one of the very few breeds that in their breed standard, it says must be amenable to being handled.

00:10:04.450 --> 00:10:06.430
Teresa Keiger And they are very laid back.

00:10:06.450 --> 00:10:09.250
Teresa Keiger Their nickname is the Gentle Giant.

00:10:10.010 --> 00:10:16.090
Teresa Keiger And a lot of this is because you don't want a cat that's that large to have personality issues.

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Teresa Keiger And by and large, they follow you around.

00:10:19.570 --> 00:10:21.310
Teresa Keiger They want to be with you.

00:10:21.330 --> 00:10:24.930
Teresa Keiger My guy was on the sofa beside me every night.

00:10:25.370 --> 00:10:27.710
Teresa Keiger And he would say, put your arm on my back.

00:10:27.730 --> 00:10:31.930
Teresa Keiger And then he'd throw his head back and give me the big, I love you looks.

00:10:32.450 --> 00:10:35.010
Teresa Keiger Just, they're just a great, great breed.

00:10:35.310 --> 00:10:36.390
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yes, I like them too.

00:10:36.410 --> 00:10:37.870
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I have a lot as patients.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: What about grooming specifically for the Maine Coon, different from the ragdoll?

00:10:44.170 --> 00:10:48.770
Teresa Keiger Not that much different from your average, for your average pet owner.

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Teresa Keiger Again, a good combing with steel comb, a couple of times a week will go a long way as to getting out the dead hair and getting out the mats.

00:11:01.490 --> 00:11:15.670
Teresa Keiger Because of their size, really for both of these, but for especially the Maine Coons, that type of grooming is very important in as far as keeping the cat fur at bay as it were, and for helping them to look their best.

00:11:16.050 --> 00:11:19.270
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, so you said that Maine Coons can be large.

00:11:19.510 --> 00:11:21.010
Dr. Kathryn Primm: You said maybe 20 pounds or whatever.

00:11:21.030 --> 00:11:24.330
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Do they require more space because of their size?

00:11:25.010 --> 00:11:27.410
Teresa Keiger Well, that's kind of interesting.

00:11:27.650 --> 00:11:34.090
Teresa Keiger It's nice, but like a lot of cats, they also like small spaces.

00:11:34.850 --> 00:11:39.470
Teresa Keiger And it's a kind of a dichotomy because they really don't know how large they are.

00:11:40.150 --> 00:11:48.990
Teresa Keiger My guy, I would have a cat carrier, just a small cat carrier, maybe 18 inches long, et cetera, in the hall.

00:11:49.650 --> 00:11:58.310
Teresa Keiger And I kept it out there because he would like to take his 22 pound self, put himself in the carrier, curl up in there and close the door.

00:11:58.730 --> 00:12:01.930
Teresa Keiger Honestly had no idea how large he was.

00:12:02.550 --> 00:12:14.490
Teresa Keiger But in regards to if they get to get you gummies and want to run for a little bit, it's good for them to have a bit of space, but it's not like you have to have a three story house for them.

00:12:14.830 --> 00:12:18.170
Teresa Keiger They pretty much make themselves at home wherever they want to be.

00:12:18.610 --> 00:12:30.710
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you did not mention specifically for them about compatibility with other pets and children, but it sounds like you're implying that they are very amenable to that.

00:12:30.730 --> 00:12:33.630
Teresa Keiger Absolutely, they absolutely are.

00:12:33.750 --> 00:12:42.330
Teresa Keiger Again, I have seen children grow up in the cat fancy with Maine Coons, and they know that these are little people.

00:12:42.810 --> 00:12:51.490
Teresa Keiger And as long as they're, as with all cats, the children treat them with respect and kindness, then there's generally no problem.

00:12:52.150 --> 00:12:56.270
Teresa Keiger I have always fascinated them with just how large they are.

00:12:56.290 --> 00:13:00.530
Teresa Keiger I mean, their bones are very, very large, almost as big as my arms.

00:13:01.390 --> 00:13:10.890
Teresa Keiger And that can, if you're lifting them or carrying them around, when they get to be a little older, that can be a challenge for some people.

00:13:11.330 --> 00:13:16.170
Teresa Keiger But by and large, they're pretty good about plopping themselves right upon the sofa with you.

00:13:16.450 --> 00:13:17.610
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yes, I love them.

00:13:17.750 --> 00:13:21.290
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, so let's take a real quick break and come back.

00:13:21.630 --> 00:13:23.770
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I want to talk about the number three.

00:13:23.990 --> 00:13:30.330
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And then you mentioned that you had some information to share about some rare cat breeds as well.

00:13:30.350 --> 00:13:31.410
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So we'll be right back.

00:13:34.010 --> 00:13:35.710
Announcer: Molly, here's your dinner.

00:13:35.790 --> 00:13:39.130
Announcer: Zeus, that's not your food.

00:13:40.250 --> 00:13:42.330
Announcer: Don't let that happen to your precious cat.

00:13:42.530 --> 00:13:45.770
Announcer: Elevate your cat's eating experience with the Cat Tree Tray.

00:13:46.030 --> 00:13:51.410
Announcer: The Cat Tree Tray keeps your cat's food off the floor and conveniently located on the cat tree.

00:13:51.830 --> 00:13:53.830
Announcer: It's the perfect way to eat.

00:13:54.350 --> 00:14:01.790
Announcer: It's a beautiful wrought iron tray that easily attaches to your cat tree and keeps dogs and other critters out of your cat's dish.

00:14:02.130 --> 00:14:04.010
Announcer: A must for multi-pet households.

00:14:04.270 --> 00:14:08.270
Announcer: There's a six inch tray for large bowls and a four inch tray for smaller bowls.

00:14:08.690 --> 00:14:11.390
Announcer: Purchase your Cat Tree Tray today.

00:14:11.710 --> 00:14:14.150
Announcer: Go right now to

00:14:14.450 --> 00:14:16.270
Announcer: That's

00:14:43.544 --> 00:14:54.524
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Today, Teresa Kreiger and I from Cat Fanciers Association are talking about popular breeds and all the characteristics and interesting things about them individually.

00:14:54.524 --> 00:14:55.864
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I want to jump right in.

00:14:56.084 --> 00:14:59.784
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, Teresa, what was the third most popular breed?

00:15:00.044 --> 00:15:08.464
Teresa Keiger The third most popular breed is a breed that most people are familiar with, or think they're familiar with, the Persian.

00:15:09.144 --> 00:15:17.044
Teresa Keiger With its round, round head and short body and flat face, the Persian is easily one of our most recognizable breeds.

00:15:17.304 --> 00:15:27.844
Teresa Keiger It's also one of the original breeds recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association and has been recognized since its inception in 1906.

00:15:28.344 --> 00:15:35.144
Teresa Keiger As I said, they have these round head, large round eyes and sweet, open expression.

00:15:36.104 --> 00:15:39.404
Teresa Keiger Not every long hair cat is a Persian.

00:15:39.544 --> 00:15:44.744
Teresa Keiger A Persian has that distinctly short body and completely flat face.

00:15:45.344 --> 00:15:48.124
Teresa Keiger I always think that they look like little pansies.

00:15:48.944 --> 00:15:50.964
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And they are not as big as the mancoon.

00:15:50.984 --> 00:15:53.544
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What is their average weight range?

00:15:53.784 --> 00:16:03.704
Teresa Keiger They should be a large cat, but they will probably at their, for most pet cats, their largest would be the males at 15 pounds, the females somewhat smaller.

00:16:04.264 --> 00:16:14.844
Teresa Keiger I also had a female, black female Persian coming through the judging program, and she was just an absolute joy.

00:16:15.484 --> 00:16:18.204
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So is there anything about their temperament?

00:16:18.224 --> 00:16:19.824
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I mean, they're not called ragdolls, right?

00:16:19.844 --> 00:16:22.864
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Is there anything about that makes them different, their temperament?

00:16:23.164 --> 00:16:24.864
Teresa Keiger They are very loving.

00:16:24.884 --> 00:16:33.984
Teresa Keiger What's kind of interesting is that this breed gets a lot of handling because of its long hair and that flat profile.

00:16:34.004 --> 00:16:47.424
Teresa Keiger The breeders are always wiping eyes and bathing them, because you know, little kitties, when they're potty training, their rear ends can become a little less than fresh and they have to be bathed.

00:16:47.664 --> 00:16:51.004
Teresa Keiger So they're used to being handled and handled a lot.

00:16:51.464 --> 00:16:55.624
Teresa Keiger And I think that makes them very, very amenable to being handled.

00:16:56.484 --> 00:17:01.084
Teresa Keiger I used to say with my girl, I like to bathe her and blow dry her, block her little face.

00:17:01.104 --> 00:17:03.564
Teresa Keiger And it was like playing with Barbie dolls, that bird.

00:17:03.944 --> 00:17:07.364
Dr. Kathryn Primm: They are very pretty and I don't know, almost feminine.

00:17:07.624 --> 00:17:16.984
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what would you, I know you said it's not really your area of expertise, but how long could an average pet owner expect a Persian to live?

00:17:17.004 --> 00:17:18.484
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What would be the average lifespan?

00:17:18.504 --> 00:17:20.324
Teresa Keiger I would say about 15 years.

00:17:21.324 --> 00:17:23.144
Teresa Keiger Yeah, 12 to 15 years, yeah.

00:17:23.384 --> 00:17:28.004
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And you kind of briefly touched on grooming about wiping their face and that kind of thing.

00:17:28.024 --> 00:17:32.964
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But as far as the coat care, sort of the same as the other large breed cats.

00:17:33.684 --> 00:17:34.104
Teresa Keiger Right.

00:17:34.144 --> 00:17:40.984
Teresa Keiger And you know, the other thing is to any of these long hair breeds can have different textures of coat.

00:17:41.604 --> 00:17:49.884
Teresa Keiger I'm looking at the picture that I used for the Persian, and it has a very fun coat that's like cotton, so it can knot up early.

00:17:50.224 --> 00:17:56.864
Teresa Keiger Some other Persians in other colors can have a silkier coat that doesn't tangle up so much.

00:17:57.184 --> 00:18:06.264
Teresa Keiger But again, a good combing, a couple of times a week with the comb will go a long way to keeping the bats at bay.

00:18:06.484 --> 00:18:08.564
Teresa Keiger And Persians like being groomed.

00:18:08.584 --> 00:18:11.064
Teresa Keiger They like getting all that dead hair out.

00:18:11.924 --> 00:18:21.164
Teresa Keiger Also take a cotton pad, cosmetic pad, and a little eye wash solution on the pad and wipe their eyes off frequently.

00:18:21.504 --> 00:18:27.144
Teresa Keiger Because they're a Gracia phallic, that flat face, they can be prone to tearing.

00:18:27.164 --> 00:18:33.544
Teresa Keiger So it's good to keep all the nose and the eye ducts free of any kind of debris.

00:18:33.964 --> 00:18:40.084
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So do you think that they would be considered compatible with other pets and children fairly friendly?

00:18:40.104 --> 00:18:41.544
Teresa Keiger I think so.

00:18:41.564 --> 00:18:43.764
Teresa Keiger I absolutely think so.

00:18:44.344 --> 00:18:54.064
Teresa Keiger And again, depending on how everyone's integrated, I know that I had my Persian with the crew of Russian blues and she fit right in.

00:18:54.604 --> 00:18:56.464
Teresa Keiger Hey, you want to guess what number four is?

00:18:57.004 --> 00:18:59.444
Teresa Keiger And this segues into number three.

00:18:59.464 --> 00:19:00.144
Teresa Keiger There's a link.

00:19:00.544 --> 00:19:01.984
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Oh gosh, I don't know.

00:19:02.004 --> 00:19:05.204
Teresa Keiger The exotic, it's the short hair Persian.

00:19:05.224 --> 00:19:06.224
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Oh yeah, yeah.

00:19:07.124 --> 00:19:26.004
Teresa Keiger Exactly the same body, but if someone is intimidated by all that long hair, we have the exotic, which has a dense, dense plush coat, very thick, but it's short, exactly the same sweet face, the same compact body, just in short hair.

00:19:26.464 --> 00:19:27.164
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love it.

00:19:27.164 --> 00:19:27.684
Teresa Keiger I love it.

00:19:27.704 --> 00:19:43.744
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So would you say that if one of my listeners out there is like, oh, I would love to have a cat like that, would you not agree that creating a relationship with a breeder where you could find out the specific temperament and health of their cats?

00:19:43.764 --> 00:19:46.904
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Don't you think a breeder would be able to answer questions about that?

00:19:47.144 --> 00:19:48.064
Teresa Keiger Absolutely.

00:19:48.084 --> 00:19:49.844
Teresa Keiger In fact, they would love to.

00:19:50.424 --> 00:19:56.784
Teresa Keiger The more questions you can ask a breeder about the cat, the more informed you become.

00:19:56.824 --> 00:20:01.284
Teresa Keiger And that gets your relationship with that breeder off on the right start.

00:20:01.304 --> 00:20:06.264
Teresa Keiger We love it when potential buyers ask us lots of questions.

00:20:06.284 --> 00:20:16.764
Teresa Keiger It shows that you're interested in the cat, you've done your research, and you're serious about finding the right breed and the right cat for you and your household.

00:20:17.184 --> 00:20:21.644
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love communicating with the breeder, also making sure you have a veterinarian.

00:20:21.644 --> 00:20:24.924
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I know that you, as a responsible cat owner, would agree.

00:20:25.004 --> 00:20:31.724
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, so you kind of mentioned and sort of dangled the carrot for me about some rare breeds.

00:20:31.744 --> 00:20:32.804
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Can you talk about those?

00:20:33.384 --> 00:20:40.244
Teresa Keiger Yes, and unfortunately, there are a couple of breeds that we simply don't see enough of anymore.

00:20:40.684 --> 00:20:47.584
Teresa Keiger Probably the rarest, in this case, the least number registered is the Turkish Van.

00:20:47.984 --> 00:20:50.644
Teresa Keiger Yes, it is originally from Turkey.

00:20:51.064 --> 00:20:57.724
Teresa Keiger It is a large, long-haired cat, and it did originate in the Lake Van region of Turkey.

00:20:58.524 --> 00:21:00.444
Teresa Keiger They're right in the Middle East.

00:21:00.464 --> 00:21:08.344
Teresa Keiger We have records of these cats going back a number of years, and they're considered a national treasure in Turkey.

00:21:08.704 --> 00:21:17.064
Teresa Keiger They're unique in that they're white cats, and the color is only on the head, the tail, and maybe one spot on the body.

00:21:17.084 --> 00:21:24.564
Teresa Keiger And there just simply are not that many breeders of this wonderful breed around anymore.

00:21:25.164 --> 00:21:30.904
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So this is a white, long-haired cat that has spots in specific parts of their body.

00:21:30.924 --> 00:21:31.624
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Is that what I'm understanding?

00:21:31.984 --> 00:21:34.784
Teresa Keiger In fact, they gave their name to the pattern.

00:21:34.804 --> 00:21:36.744
Teresa Keiger We call it the van pattern.

00:21:37.464 --> 00:21:43.424
Teresa Keiger So yes, they can have color only on the head, the tails, and one body spot.

00:21:43.764 --> 00:21:47.024
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I've never seen a Turkish fan, actually, in my practice.

00:21:47.044 --> 00:21:48.424
Teresa Keiger You probably haven't.

00:21:48.804 --> 00:21:50.044
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, so I never have.

00:21:50.064 --> 00:21:53.124
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what type of, are they friendly?

00:21:53.184 --> 00:21:54.404
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Are they outgoing?

00:21:54.424 --> 00:21:55.924
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What would you characterize in them?

00:21:56.004 --> 00:21:58.744
Teresa Keiger I would say they're friendly to their owners.

00:21:58.764 --> 00:22:00.424
Teresa Keiger They're a bit reserved.

00:22:00.764 --> 00:22:04.724
Teresa Keiger They're a large cat, again, with the long hair.

00:22:05.044 --> 00:22:09.324
Teresa Keiger I happen to like them an awful lot, and used to see a lot of them.

00:22:09.344 --> 00:22:11.904
Teresa Keiger So I was familiar with handling them.

00:22:12.424 --> 00:22:17.624
Teresa Keiger They're a little more sensitive to their surroundings than some of our other breeds.

00:22:18.244 --> 00:22:24.244
Teresa Keiger But if you ever have the chance to see one, and I hope you do, I think you'll be fascinated by them.

00:22:24.664 --> 00:22:26.184
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, I'm already fascinated.

00:22:26.204 --> 00:22:28.264
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I want to see one.

00:22:28.464 --> 00:22:32.904
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Do they seem to get along well with pets and people in a home?

00:22:33.564 --> 00:22:35.464
Teresa Keiger People in the home, yes.

00:22:35.584 --> 00:22:39.964
Teresa Keiger I don't have any experience with them with other cats.

00:22:40.804 --> 00:22:44.824
Teresa Keiger And again, I would think they're a bit more reserved.

00:22:45.784 --> 00:22:52.764
Teresa Keiger And again, careful, careful introductions of the right cat with the right Turkish fan.

00:22:53.324 --> 00:22:54.624
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Very, very helpful.

00:22:55.484 --> 00:23:00.144
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, so you have one other breed that I actually have never heard of.

00:23:00.484 --> 00:23:03.884
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I'm very excited for you to tell your other rare breed.

00:23:04.544 --> 00:23:18.844
Teresa Keiger Imagine a short haired cat that was large and robust with a rounded head and round eyes, and its coat felt like, and looked like a soft Brillo pad.

00:23:19.284 --> 00:23:21.864
Teresa Keiger You would have the American wire hair.

00:23:22.424 --> 00:23:29.524
Teresa Keiger It's a spontaneous mutation, mother nature, in one letter said, oh, let's try something different with this one.

00:23:30.024 --> 00:23:35.804
Teresa Keiger And from that particular cat, we got the wire hair breed.

00:23:35.824 --> 00:23:49.604
Teresa Keiger They were out-crossed with the American short hair and look very similar, which is why I said the robust head, rounded head, rounded ears, and the large eyes, big, big robust body.

00:23:50.644 --> 00:23:57.024
Teresa Keiger The American wire hair also has higher cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes.

00:23:57.484 --> 00:24:05.404
Teresa Keiger But beyond that, they look very similar, and their temperaments are similar to the laid-back temperament of the American short hair.

00:24:05.984 --> 00:24:20.984
Teresa Keiger Their coat, though, is a fragile coat in that it breaks somewhat easily, but you really, when I feel a good wire hair, it's all I can do to keep from running my fingers through it again and again and again.

00:24:21.004 --> 00:24:22.864
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Oh, it sounds beautiful.

00:24:22.864 --> 00:24:25.684
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So how many of them, they're rare.

00:24:25.704 --> 00:24:27.324
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So how many of them are out there, do you think?

00:24:27.664 --> 00:24:28.624
Teresa Keiger Not that many.

00:24:28.644 --> 00:24:31.224
Teresa Keiger As I said, it's our second least registered breed.

00:24:31.484 --> 00:24:38.004
Teresa Keiger Think when we looked to do a feature, there's only three or four breeders in the US right now.

00:24:38.024 --> 00:24:40.184
Teresa Keiger And it's unfortunate.

00:24:40.184 --> 00:24:42.784
Teresa Keiger It's been, they're a neat, neat breed.

00:24:43.644 --> 00:24:46.564
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, that is unfortunate, because now I really want to go pet one.

00:24:48.044 --> 00:24:49.264
Dr. Kathryn Primm: They sound great.

00:24:49.804 --> 00:24:57.664
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay, well, thank you so much for introducing us to popular and common breeds and the ones that are not so common.

00:24:58.004 --> 00:25:00.244
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I'm just very fascinated by that.

00:25:00.684 --> 00:25:02.024
Teresa Keiger My pleasure, Dr.

00:25:02.044 --> 00:25:02.544
Teresa Keiger Kat.

00:25:02.544 --> 00:25:12.064
Teresa Keiger I hope that your listeners enjoy this and maybe go out to their local cat show and see a couple of these up close and in the fur.

00:25:12.484 --> 00:25:13.884
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I really want them to.

00:25:14.024 --> 00:25:15.544
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I kind of really want to.

00:25:15.564 --> 00:25:22.564
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So yeah, all of my listeners go out to some cat shows and meet these interesting, interesting cats.

00:25:22.584 --> 00:25:31.464
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And then tell me, tell me what you saw because I haven't seen an American wire hair or a Turkish van and I take care of a lot of cats.

00:25:31.804 --> 00:25:33.224
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So thanks for your time.

00:25:33.424 --> 00:25:34.124
Teresa Keiger You're welcome.

00:25:34.144 --> 00:25:39.964
Teresa Keiger Your listeners can find the CFA show schedule again at

00:25:40.504 --> 00:25:41.084
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Perfect.

00:25:41.244 --> 00:25:44.864
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I've gotten so used to saying perfect.

00:25:44.864 --> 00:25:46.264
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I say it all the time.

00:25:46.344 --> 00:25:50.964
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, thanks to our amazing producer, Mark Winter.

00:25:50.984 --> 00:25:56.224
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And here we go again, listeners, go out and have a purrfect day.

00:25:57.004 --> 00:26:02.964
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week on demand, only on