I Could Pee on This

Dr. Courtney Campbell on Pet Life Radio

Today, we have a su-purr fun chat with Francesco Marciuliano, the author of many delightful cat (and the one dog) books! He has cats, loves cats, and sees their unique purr-sonalities as an opportunity to voice their thoughts.  I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats is the fur-st in a line of humorous books that make fabulous gifts for the cat lovers in your life.  We find out what started him on his journey to be a funny voice for cats and about his own cats that have shared his home. Join us for our lighthearted chat and find out more!

Listen to Episode #129 Now:


Francesco Marciuliano is the author of the bestselling I Could Pee on This, I Could Chew on This, I Knead
My Mommy, and You Need More Sleep. He is also the writer of the comic strips "Sally Forth" and "Judge
Parker," was the head writer for the Emmy Award-winning children's show SeeMore's Playhouse, and has
written for the Onion News Network, Smosh, McSweeney's, and more. He lives in New York with his two
cats, Leelo and Kiki.


00:00:02.360 --> 00:00:03.700
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio!

00:00:03.920 --> 00:00:05.060
Announcer: Let's talk pets!

00:00:20.982 --> 00:00:24.862
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey there, cat lovers, welcome to Nine Lives with Dr.

00:00:24.882 --> 00:00:25.242
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat.

00:00:25.622 --> 00:00:26.682
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I'm your host, Dr.

00:00:26.702 --> 00:00:31.542
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kathryn Primm, and I'm a small animal veterinarian and crazy cat lover.

00:00:31.862 --> 00:00:45.542
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Today, I have with me a cool author, Francesco Marciuliano, who writes cat books and loves cats, and we're gonna talk with him about his journey and his love of cats, and we'll be right back.

00:00:48.522 --> 00:00:51.922
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey there, cat lovers, this is Dr.

00:00:51.942 --> 00:00:54.162
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat from Nine Lives with Dr.

00:00:54.182 --> 00:00:54.562
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat.

00:00:54.642 --> 00:01:01.442
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Did you know that there are an estimated 70 to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?

00:01:01.682 --> 00:01:04.982
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And without spaying and neutering, that number's just gonna keep growing.

00:01:05.242 --> 00:01:12.302
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Not only does spaying and neutering humanely reduce the community cat population, but it also keeps cats healthier.

00:01:12.622 --> 00:01:18.982
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Scooter, the neutered cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be sniffed.

00:01:19.162 --> 00:01:25.022
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Visit his website, givethemten.org to help pioneer a better world for cats.

00:01:25.222 --> 00:01:29.382
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That's givethemten.org.

00:01:29.542 --> 00:01:33.342
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, Nine Lives are great, but let's add another one and give them ten.

00:01:38.142 --> 00:01:41.282
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets on petliferadio.com.

00:01:49.852 --> 00:01:51.972
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Welcome back to Nine Lives with Dr.

00:01:51.992 --> 00:01:53.932
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat on Pet Life Radio.

00:01:54.272 --> 00:01:56.772
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I have Francesco with me here today.

00:01:56.852 --> 00:01:58.432
Francesco Marciuliano: Hi, how are you?

00:01:58.612 --> 00:02:01.792
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I am excellent, perfect even.

00:02:02.332 --> 00:02:11.352
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I want you to tell my listeners about you, because I think that they will be perfectly delighted to hear your story.

00:02:11.492 --> 00:02:15.092
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So tell us, how did you get to be a cat lover?

00:02:15.352 --> 00:02:17.552
Francesco Marciuliano: That is from when I was a little kid.

00:02:17.652 --> 00:02:29.252
Francesco Marciuliano: We had a Siamese cat, I think Seal Point, Bettina, and we also would feed all the strays, all the feral cats in the neighborhood.

00:02:29.292 --> 00:02:34.552
Francesco Marciuliano: So I think at one time our house had about 14 feral cats, which I'm sure our neighbors just loved.

00:02:35.072 --> 00:02:39.692
Francesco Marciuliano: And yeah, my dad loved cats, my mom, so it's always, we've had other animals.

00:02:39.712 --> 00:02:42.812
Francesco Marciuliano: We had a dog, we had a canary, we had a turtle, we had animals.

00:02:43.172 --> 00:02:48.632
Francesco Marciuliano: And yeah, it's been since the very beginning, and I've had cats as an adult.

00:02:49.392 --> 00:02:55.292
Francesco Marciuliano: When I wrote my first book, I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats, you see how I segued into that little plug there?

00:02:57.072 --> 00:02:58.412
Francesco Marciuliano: Yeah, no, that was smooth.

00:02:59.692 --> 00:03:03.212
Francesco Marciuliano: I dedicated at the time to my two cats, Boris and Natasha.

00:03:03.372 --> 00:03:06.952
Francesco Marciuliano: The recent book, here's another segue, Clumsy but Just as Well.

00:03:07.312 --> 00:03:13.052
Francesco Marciuliano: Oh, It's You, Love Poems by Cats is dedicated to my cats now, Peaky and Lilo.

00:03:13.852 --> 00:03:17.192
Francesco Marciuliano: And they expect full credit whenever I mention any of these books.

00:03:17.432 --> 00:03:18.772
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Understand, yes.

00:03:19.192 --> 00:03:24.292
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But you are not just a cat lover and you are not just a book writer.

00:03:24.632 --> 00:03:29.352
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What other things, I know, but can you tell my listeners what other things that you do?

00:03:29.752 --> 00:03:31.872
Francesco Marciuliano: I know you want to buy The Feds, Francesco.

00:03:31.892 --> 00:03:33.752
Francesco Marciuliano: I just want to figure out at this point.

00:03:34.232 --> 00:03:39.992
Francesco Marciuliano: I write two daily newspaper comic strips, Sally Forth and Judge Parker.

00:03:40.012 --> 00:03:42.052
Francesco Marciuliano: It's one of these soap opera strips that's been around for a while.

00:03:42.592 --> 00:03:46.732
Francesco Marciuliano: I've written for The Onion, I've written for Smosh, I've written for McSweeney's.

00:03:47.212 --> 00:03:52.172
Francesco Marciuliano: I won two daytime Emmys for a children's program, writing for a PBS program.

00:03:52.552 --> 00:03:56.972
Francesco Marciuliano: And yeah, it's basically, I just keep writing off the streets out of trouble.

00:03:57.672 --> 00:03:58.772
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Understood, understood.

00:03:58.792 --> 00:04:00.212
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I try to stay out of trouble too.

00:04:00.532 --> 00:04:08.312
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So can you tell us what about Cats kind of inspires you to write about them or for them?

00:04:08.612 --> 00:04:15.052
Francesco Marciuliano: Well, initially, the first book, which is I Could Pee on This, came about because I had the two cats, Boris and Natasha.

00:04:15.252 --> 00:04:19.792
Francesco Marciuliano: And after the second cat, Natasha, passed away, I was admittedly sad.

00:04:20.192 --> 00:04:27.472
Francesco Marciuliano: And the way I could handle anything is by writing, but I didn't want to write anything sad because my time with them was very, was enjoyable.

00:04:27.512 --> 00:04:28.532
Francesco Marciuliano: It was just pure love.

00:04:28.972 --> 00:04:34.772
Francesco Marciuliano: So I started writing as sort of a process for myself, poems supposedly written by them.

00:04:35.192 --> 00:04:39.752
Francesco Marciuliano: And I posted it and my agent looked at it and we pitched, and that's how the book came about.

00:04:40.132 --> 00:04:46.232
Francesco Marciuliano: But why I like cats is because when you first meet them, they can be a little inscrutable and you don't know what's going on.

00:04:46.252 --> 00:04:54.072
Francesco Marciuliano: That's why a lot of people who don't like cats always go, I don't know what they're thinking, as if it's the animal's purpose to tell you exactly what's going on in their mind at all times.

00:04:54.992 --> 00:04:58.452
Francesco Marciuliano: And it's fascinating because cats are constantly thinking.

00:04:58.612 --> 00:05:05.712
Francesco Marciuliano: And it's fun to imagine what they're thinking based on the expressions they give you because say unlike dogs, cats don't have the eyebrows.

00:05:05.732 --> 00:05:08.012
Francesco Marciuliano: So they go, well, the dog looks surprised.

00:05:08.192 --> 00:05:09.152
Francesco Marciuliano: The dog looks startled.

00:05:09.352 --> 00:05:10.892
Francesco Marciuliano: I'm just saying dogs always look startled.

00:05:11.032 --> 00:05:14.652
Francesco Marciuliano: But with cats, it's interesting to judge because you know they're thinking at all times.

00:05:14.992 --> 00:05:16.472
Francesco Marciuliano: You know they're always observing.

00:05:16.692 --> 00:05:19.352
Francesco Marciuliano: And it seemed like a natural way to write in their voice.

00:05:19.412 --> 00:05:20.532
Francesco Marciuliano: It was also a lot of fun.

00:05:20.732 --> 00:05:27.392
Francesco Marciuliano: And it was also a lot of fun to write in a voice that an animal that occasionally very adorably can be destructive in your home.

00:05:27.732 --> 00:05:28.492
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That is true.

00:05:28.692 --> 00:05:30.272
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And so it's the mystery of cats.

00:05:30.292 --> 00:05:31.072
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I agree.

00:05:31.092 --> 00:05:34.952
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I think cats are intriguing because it's not written on their face.

00:05:35.312 --> 00:05:37.712
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I love that that was your inspiration.

00:05:37.732 --> 00:05:38.692
Francesco Marciuliano: Oh, thank you.

00:05:38.712 --> 00:05:39.472
Francesco Marciuliano: No, it was.

00:05:40.372 --> 00:05:46.492
Francesco Marciuliano: And I think because of that, I've gotten closer with my pets and I don't observe them simply because like, give me another book, you know.

00:05:46.992 --> 00:05:48.832
Francesco Marciuliano: But you do pay attention to cats.

00:05:48.852 --> 00:05:54.892
Francesco Marciuliano: Because again, I think people who don't like cats think there's a distancing because they keep saying, I don't know what they're thinking.

00:05:54.912 --> 00:05:56.892
Francesco Marciuliano: And so they're like, you can tell.

00:05:57.092 --> 00:06:00.272
Francesco Marciuliano: You can tell with any animal what's going on, how they approach you.

00:06:00.652 --> 00:06:05.052
Francesco Marciuliano: I think a lot of people mistake cats for being cold or distant, which is remarkably untrue.

00:06:05.072 --> 00:06:07.872
Francesco Marciuliano: Whenever I sit down, my two cats actually battle for my lap.

00:06:07.892 --> 00:06:13.912
Francesco Marciuliano: And unfortunately, I've got large cats, not fat cats, but they look like baby pumas, essentially.

00:06:14.432 --> 00:06:15.412
Francesco Marciuliano: Just in a black and white.

00:06:15.432 --> 00:06:16.352
Francesco Marciuliano: They're large cats.

00:06:16.932 --> 00:06:18.512
Francesco Marciuliano: And they are very affectionate.

00:06:18.592 --> 00:06:28.112
Francesco Marciuliano: And I think it's important just to let people know how much goes on in their mouth and just how much they are in simply a matter of just napping and how much they are in simply a matter of distance.

00:06:28.132 --> 00:06:30.512
Francesco Marciuliano: I think cats are very loving animals.

00:06:31.432 --> 00:06:35.832
Francesco Marciuliano: I think the reason people have, and I love dogs, so this is not a cat versus dog thing.

00:06:35.852 --> 00:06:37.032
Francesco Marciuliano: I absolutely adore dogs.

00:06:37.152 --> 00:06:41.372
Francesco Marciuliano: But by the way, you can tell that New York accent, dogs, you catch that?

00:06:42.352 --> 00:06:43.992
Francesco Marciuliano: It's just cats.

00:06:44.492 --> 00:06:45.392
Francesco Marciuliano: I think people reason it.

00:06:45.412 --> 00:06:48.632
Francesco Marciuliano: They just think, well, cat dogs are just outwardly affectionate.

00:06:48.652 --> 00:06:49.212
Francesco Marciuliano: Yes, they are.

00:06:49.572 --> 00:06:50.732
Francesco Marciuliano: Cats are affectionate too.

00:06:50.792 --> 00:06:52.092
Francesco Marciuliano: It's in their own manner.

00:06:52.632 --> 00:06:53.672
Francesco Marciuliano: With a dog, you can tell.

00:06:54.112 --> 00:06:56.192
Francesco Marciuliano: The dog, the tail's wagging.

00:06:56.212 --> 00:06:57.112
Francesco Marciuliano: They're having a great time.

00:06:57.212 --> 00:06:58.572
Francesco Marciuliano: With a cat, the tail's wagging.

00:06:58.792 --> 00:07:00.512
Francesco Marciuliano: That can mean about seven different things.

00:07:01.032 --> 00:07:07.432
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, I always joke and say that if you can get a cat to like you, it makes you feel good, like you've done something.

00:07:08.492 --> 00:07:08.892
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love it.

00:07:09.032 --> 00:07:17.952
Francesco Marciuliano: I had a friend who really didn't like cats, not simply, not because a cat mugged them at one point, they didn't have any bad interaction, they just didn't grow up with a cat.

00:07:18.652 --> 00:07:24.852
Francesco Marciuliano: And my cat, Boris, which was the previous cat, was a remarkably affectionate cat to a select group of people.

00:07:25.272 --> 00:07:30.932
Francesco Marciuliano: And my cat, Kiki, is a remarkably affectionate cat to anyone within the 20-mile radius.

00:07:31.332 --> 00:07:39.812
Francesco Marciuliano: And these are cats that when you meet them, they can turn people around, just as I'm sure you've had pets and such who just, they do prove that there isn't one type.

00:07:40.072 --> 00:07:43.912
Francesco Marciuliano: Are there cats that are basically go leave me alone, I'm gonna be under the bed for six years?

00:07:44.072 --> 00:07:44.372
Francesco Marciuliano: Yeah.

00:07:44.652 --> 00:07:46.192
Francesco Marciuliano: I think they're equally as fascinating.

00:07:46.472 --> 00:07:51.772
Francesco Marciuliano: But yeah, I think it's a matter of just knowing like anything else, there's a wide spectrum of behavior with cats.

00:07:52.112 --> 00:07:55.592
Dr. Kathryn Primm: We talk about cats and quirky behaviors a lot on this show.

00:07:55.612 --> 00:08:02.392
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I have animal behaviorists come on and things, and one of them was like cats are not quirky, cats are just cats.

00:08:03.852 --> 00:08:11.172
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But I think that that quirkiness, if you will, provides a really good platform for maybe some humorous moments.

00:08:11.192 --> 00:08:13.052
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I think that you're maximizing that.

00:08:13.072 --> 00:08:23.472
Dr. Kathryn Primm: How do you cross that line or go right up to that line between making people laugh and making people maybe offended in defense of their cat?

00:08:24.692 --> 00:08:27.152
Francesco Marciuliano: Well, I hope I haven't gone into the offensive part.

00:08:27.172 --> 00:08:30.632
Francesco Marciuliano: That would be, I don't know, what kind of books you think I'm writing here?

00:08:31.012 --> 00:08:32.172
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That's a different talk show.

00:08:32.192 --> 00:08:36.772
Francesco Marciuliano: I was going to say, after dark, we'll be back with Dr.

00:08:36.792 --> 00:08:37.132
Francesco Marciuliano: Ketan.

00:08:37.292 --> 00:08:41.292
Francesco Marciuliano: Part of it is simply, it is fun to think in their mind.

00:08:41.312 --> 00:08:53.352
Francesco Marciuliano: I mean, with anything else, I'm clearly anthropomorphizing the animal, but it is fun to imagine what is their thought when they're looking at a mirror or when they are basically just unrolling toilet paper right in front of you.

00:08:54.012 --> 00:09:01.372
Francesco Marciuliano: Or as Lilo does, whenever I sit down to eat, Lilo sits next to me and just keeps patting my shoulder or my head.

00:09:01.372 --> 00:09:04.312
Francesco Marciuliano: She'll pat my head, never scratch it, just constantly pat, pat.

00:09:04.492 --> 00:09:09.332
Francesco Marciuliano: I'll look at her, she'll nuzzle my head, I'll turn back to eat, and then the process begins.

00:09:09.572 --> 00:09:10.532
Francesco Marciuliano: It is unending.

00:09:10.612 --> 00:09:12.332
Francesco Marciuliano: And then I'll pull back and say, do you want to sit?

00:09:12.512 --> 00:09:14.092
Francesco Marciuliano: She'll sit halfway through and go, nah.

00:09:14.272 --> 00:09:18.932
Francesco Marciuliano: She'll go back up and the patting is, I am pet throughout my entire meal on my head.

00:09:19.592 --> 00:09:21.692
Francesco Marciuliano: And it's just what she does.

00:09:21.812 --> 00:09:22.992
Francesco Marciuliano: It's how she wants to go.

00:09:23.072 --> 00:09:29.772
Francesco Marciuliano: With Kiki in the middle of the night, I'll hear at 2 in the morning, and at first I didn't know what it was.

00:09:29.912 --> 00:09:43.092
Francesco Marciuliano: I would get up and on several occasions, what I have found is that Kiki has a favorite toy, that's a little Chewbacca, and she'll put it into a different part of the room, she'll sit down to it and she'll talk with it.

00:09:43.492 --> 00:09:45.852
Francesco Marciuliano: On various occasions, I'll just go there and she is just talking.

00:09:45.872 --> 00:09:48.112
Francesco Marciuliano: It looks like a very late night talk show.

00:09:48.492 --> 00:09:52.892
Francesco Marciuliano: And she's like, I guess she hasn't figured out, it hasn't talked back yet.

00:09:53.192 --> 00:09:59.012
Francesco Marciuliano: And then she'll go to the bedroom with me, and then she'll sleep right in my shoulder every night, the same way.

00:09:59.032 --> 00:10:00.092
Francesco Marciuliano: In fact, that's her in the background.

00:10:00.412 --> 00:10:06.532
Francesco Marciuliano: And yeah, so this is the behavior that they do because, yeah, we can say it's quirky, but I think they're right.

00:10:06.572 --> 00:10:07.432
Francesco Marciuliano: It's behavior.

00:10:07.532 --> 00:10:09.432
Francesco Marciuliano: Everyone has quirks and it's who they are.

00:10:10.132 --> 00:10:12.712
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And it's very, very interesting, I think.

00:10:14.152 --> 00:10:15.352
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And it's a lot of fun.

00:10:15.412 --> 00:10:20.672
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I want to take a quick break and come back and chat with you a little bit more about your journey.

00:10:20.732 --> 00:10:21.592
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So we'll be right back.

00:10:25.032 --> 00:10:26.972
Announcer: Take a bite out of your competition.

00:10:27.552 --> 00:10:31.972
Announcer: Advertise your business with an ad in Pet Life Radio Podcasts and radio shows.

00:10:32.292 --> 00:10:39.232
Announcer: There is no other pet-related media that is as large and reaches more pet parents and pet lovers than Pet Life Radio.

00:10:39.492 --> 00:10:46.212
Announcer: With over 7 million monthly listeners, Pet Life Radio Podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms.

00:10:46.552 --> 00:10:51.572
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00:10:51.732 --> 00:10:55.692
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00:10:55.832 --> 00:11:04.952
Announcer: For more information on how you can advertise on the number one pet podcast and radio network, visit petliferadio.com/advertise today.

00:11:23.268 --> 00:11:25.508
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Welcome back to Nine Lives with Dr.

00:11:25.528 --> 00:11:27.288
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat on Pet Life Radio.

00:11:27.548 --> 00:11:35.128
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So we're having tons of fun talking about cats and quirkiness and how they lend themselves to humorous writing.

00:11:35.148 --> 00:11:39.388
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So, okay, so I have another kind of thing I want to ask you about.

00:11:39.408 --> 00:11:51.728
Dr. Kathryn Primm: For any of our listeners that might be aspiring to become writers, especially in the realm of humor, do you have any advice to give them about things that you learned along your journey?

00:11:52.388 --> 00:11:59.968
Francesco Marciuliano: Well, I mean, essentially, mine was, I just kept writing and posting it online initially.

00:12:00.368 --> 00:12:03.948
Francesco Marciuliano: And when these books came out, the first one came out, that was more of the blogging era.

00:12:03.968 --> 00:12:05.928
Francesco Marciuliano: So it'd be 2001, which is not the case here.

00:12:06.288 --> 00:12:09.488
Francesco Marciuliano: And clearly, this is more of a video driven era right now.

00:12:09.788 --> 00:12:13.048
Francesco Marciuliano: But what I found was I just kept sharing what I wrote.

00:12:13.388 --> 00:12:19.908
Francesco Marciuliano: And I would just write any day, sometimes, especially if it's humor, you would try to write what's happening now.

00:12:20.688 --> 00:12:23.208
Francesco Marciuliano: There is, I'll give you an example and I'll make it brief.

00:12:23.368 --> 00:12:29.208
Francesco Marciuliano: So the first book, before that first book came out, so this is around 2011, 2010.

00:12:29.228 --> 00:12:32.008
Francesco Marciuliano: By the way, the cats are chasing each other, knocking everything back in the background.

00:12:32.028 --> 00:12:39.248
Francesco Marciuliano: So if you hear like structural damage to my cats, all I need is them to hit the low bearing wall and then we're all doomed in this apartment complex.

00:12:39.908 --> 00:12:43.688
Francesco Marciuliano: But back then, this may go far back that it's actually hard to remember.

00:12:45.608 --> 00:12:50.668
Francesco Marciuliano: So there was like say 2010, there was a weird Charlie Sheen interview.

00:12:51.008 --> 00:12:58.508
Francesco Marciuliano: He had a weird radio interview that got a lot of press and he just said kind of in just very curious things, same thing.

00:12:58.528 --> 00:13:04.828
Francesco Marciuliano: So what I did is I just did pull quotes that night and I put them in the photos of cats, pretending the cat said them.

00:13:05.168 --> 00:13:13.428
Francesco Marciuliano: That's how I actually started getting attention, as weird as it is, because I posted on my blog and at one point I got about 800,000 hits.

00:13:13.548 --> 00:13:15.668
Francesco Marciuliano: My blog has never saw that again, by the way.

00:13:16.108 --> 00:13:21.748
Francesco Marciuliano: And that's how I started the ideas like, oh, people like cats, I started writing cats.

00:13:21.768 --> 00:13:24.928
Francesco Marciuliano: So you find an audience, especially one that you like writing about.

00:13:25.028 --> 00:13:31.828
Francesco Marciuliano: But before that, I just wrote whatever I found funny and I'm specifying for humor writing.

00:13:32.748 --> 00:13:38.548
Francesco Marciuliano: But yeah, it is a matter of just write, just write anything and share it.

00:13:38.768 --> 00:13:43.108
Francesco Marciuliano: Build the audience, build it online, because it's the only way to do it right now, and share it.

00:13:43.448 --> 00:13:46.728
Francesco Marciuliano: I will also say when you share and when you build, it depends.

00:13:47.868 --> 00:13:49.008
Francesco Marciuliano: People handle it a different way.

00:13:49.068 --> 00:13:50.388
Francesco Marciuliano: I do like having an agent.

00:13:50.728 --> 00:13:54.308
Francesco Marciuliano: So I mean, some people go, you don't need an agent, and I'm not going to argue that point either.

00:13:54.488 --> 00:13:57.668
Francesco Marciuliano: I like having an agent because someone knows the legal lease a lot more than I do.

00:13:57.968 --> 00:14:05.768
Francesco Marciuliano: But it is a matter of building a portfolio and finding, all this seems to be saying about finding an audience, but the truth is, it's about finding your voice.

00:14:06.508 --> 00:14:16.168
Francesco Marciuliano: I've been doing this for a while, and I'm comfortable in my voice with this particular New York accent, but I'm saying my writing voice, that I kind of know how to approach things with the cats.

00:14:16.968 --> 00:14:21.628
Francesco Marciuliano: I do it from the cat's perspective, but I'm also doing it about things people can relate to.

00:14:21.648 --> 00:14:24.628
Francesco Marciuliano: So even if you don't have a cat, you can relate to it.

00:14:24.888 --> 00:14:26.288
Francesco Marciuliano: Again, this is the plug segue.

00:14:26.308 --> 00:14:29.868
Francesco Marciuliano: So Oh, It's You, Love Poems by Cats is put in four sections.

00:14:30.068 --> 00:14:38.208
Francesco Marciuliano: And those sections are essentially meeting first, falling in love with your pet, having a long relationship with your pet, and then near the end of the relationship.

00:14:38.428 --> 00:14:43.428
Francesco Marciuliano: And even if you don't have a cat, these are things everyone experiences who has a relationship.

00:14:43.588 --> 00:14:47.568
Francesco Marciuliano: It's just in this case, it's through the relationship of a person and their cat.

00:14:47.668 --> 00:14:51.608
Francesco Marciuliano: But it is something that other people who don't have the pet can also recognize.

00:14:51.628 --> 00:14:52.788
Francesco Marciuliano: I think that's an important thing.

00:14:53.108 --> 00:15:01.968
Francesco Marciuliano: If you can find a way that makes it particular but universal, and my experience has always been the very particular is the most universal.

00:15:02.408 --> 00:15:08.448
Francesco Marciuliano: If you can go into a very particular, very detailed, very kind of specific voice, you can write for everybody.

00:15:08.608 --> 00:15:15.168
Francesco Marciuliano: If you try to write for everybody, there's a good chance you're going to say nothing that will stick.

00:15:15.468 --> 00:15:22.108
Francesco Marciuliano: So my biggest point is be particular, but know that you're writing for the one thing, but try to write for the all as well.

00:15:22.128 --> 00:15:23.448
Francesco Marciuliano: And it's not as hard as that.

00:15:23.468 --> 00:15:24.468
Francesco Marciuliano: I just made it sound.

00:15:24.508 --> 00:15:25.208
Francesco Marciuliano: It really isn't.

00:15:25.968 --> 00:15:27.328
Francesco Marciuliano: And that's how I approach my writing.

00:15:29.528 --> 00:15:33.468
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I hope you made like memes with Charlie Sheen and and cats.

00:15:33.988 --> 00:15:36.788
Francesco Marciuliano: I like how we all that's like Charlie Sheen.

00:15:36.808 --> 00:15:37.128
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hold on.

00:15:37.788 --> 00:15:43.088
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Can we go back to that because truly after that, I tuned out.

00:15:43.108 --> 00:15:44.108
Francesco Marciuliano: I don't know what you said.

00:15:44.128 --> 00:15:45.028
Francesco Marciuliano: Blah, blah, blah.

00:15:45.048 --> 00:15:45.608
Francesco Marciuliano: Kat, right?

00:15:45.628 --> 00:15:45.888
Francesco Marciuliano: Yes.

00:15:45.908 --> 00:15:48.448
Francesco Marciuliano: But anyway, no, go ahead.

00:15:48.468 --> 00:15:52.648
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But I mean, but that's really cool because you just sort of you were just sort of having fun with that.

00:15:52.668 --> 00:15:56.288
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And you realize that other people love cats and you love cats.

00:15:56.288 --> 00:15:58.848
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And so that was that's a really cool story.

00:15:58.868 --> 00:15:59.988
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Thank you for sharing that.

00:16:00.028 --> 00:16:06.188
Francesco Marciuliano: Oh, no, it's that is essentially how my cat book writing, cat writing book, cat book.

00:16:06.508 --> 00:16:08.188
Francesco Marciuliano: Choose those three words, mix them as you will.

00:16:08.648 --> 00:16:10.068
Francesco Marciuliano: Career got started.

00:16:10.408 --> 00:16:13.108
Francesco Marciuliano: And right now I believe I have seven books.

00:16:13.408 --> 00:16:27.788
Dr. Kathryn Primm: OK, well, so that's a great segue because you can tell us the names of the books in case my listeners are now very, very intrigued about how to engineer their formulation of taking those words and making useful things.

00:16:28.828 --> 00:16:30.748
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Books about cats, cat books.

00:16:32.048 --> 00:16:36.808
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, and I think that they're super fun as a cat lover and they make great gifts.

00:16:36.968 --> 00:16:41.928
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And so I need a list of them all, and I need you to tell my listeners where they can find them.

00:16:41.948 --> 00:16:44.448
Francesco Marciuliano: All right, so this is going to be up top my head.

00:16:44.468 --> 00:16:49.608
Francesco Marciuliano: So excuse me when I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats, that's the first book and that's sort of the big book.

00:16:49.628 --> 00:16:52.848
Francesco Marciuliano: That was followed by I Could Chew on This and Other Poems by Dogs.

00:16:52.968 --> 00:16:53.948
Francesco Marciuliano: It's the one dog book.

00:16:54.048 --> 00:16:55.928
Francesco Marciuliano: Again, I do love dogs.

00:16:56.328 --> 00:17:00.348
Francesco Marciuliano: I actually love, as I said from childhood, I just love animals.

00:17:00.368 --> 00:17:04.928
Francesco Marciuliano: If I could have a pygmy go to his apartment, that would be fantastic.

00:17:05.688 --> 00:17:06.188
Francesco Marciuliano: Me too.

00:17:07.288 --> 00:17:10.768
Francesco Marciuliano: Let's see, I Need My Mommy, which is a book by kittens.

00:17:11.028 --> 00:17:13.408
Francesco Marciuliano: You Need More Sleep, Advice by Cats.

00:17:13.748 --> 00:17:19.268
Francesco Marciuliano: And then there's Claw of the System, Poems by Cats, essentially kind of a revolutionary cat book kind of thing.

00:17:19.628 --> 00:17:26.848
Francesco Marciuliano: All cats are introverts, and that book was specifically treating the aspect of the cats as introverts, which as we know, introvert is not the same thing as shyness.

00:17:27.148 --> 00:17:30.228
Francesco Marciuliano: So at no point was the book about cats being removed.

00:17:30.528 --> 00:17:33.688
Francesco Marciuliano: It's more about cats finding the comfort they do.

00:17:33.688 --> 00:17:38.768
Francesco Marciuliano: Because, you know, the joke has always been cats are introverts, dogs are extroverts, neither is a bad thing.

00:17:38.768 --> 00:17:44.408
Francesco Marciuliano: And quite honestly, everyone's a little bit of both, and the cats are a little bit as well, depending on their comfort level.

00:17:45.148 --> 00:17:51.788
Francesco Marciuliano: And I Could Pee on This too, and More Poems by Cats, and the current one, Oh, It's You Love Poems by Cats.

00:17:52.408 --> 00:17:53.188
Francesco Marciuliano: Which felt awesome.

00:17:53.208 --> 00:17:54.568
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey, that was really good.

00:17:54.588 --> 00:17:56.168
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That was really good.

00:17:56.188 --> 00:18:00.588
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I know that there are lots of places to find these.

00:18:01.148 --> 00:18:04.508
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Do you have a website with all of your stuff in one place?

00:18:05.128 --> 00:18:05.908
Francesco Marciuliano: I do.

00:18:05.928 --> 00:18:08.488
Francesco Marciuliano: And because this is a, it was more of a blog thing.

00:18:08.508 --> 00:18:12.888
Francesco Marciuliano: So because this was started before The Cats, the title is not in reference to cats.

00:18:12.968 --> 00:18:20.788
Francesco Marciuliano: It's mediumlarge.com, which was a webcomic I did for a very long time while doing Sally Forth and Judge Parker.

00:18:21.588 --> 00:18:24.428
Francesco Marciuliano: And that they have all the books there.

00:18:24.648 --> 00:18:28.508
Francesco Marciuliano: I also have, the problem is when I say my name, it is so long.

00:18:28.728 --> 00:18:31.768
Francesco Marciuliano: So I apologize to anyone typing this out when trying to find it.

00:18:31.928 --> 00:18:36.948
Francesco Marciuliano: Facebook is Francesco Marciuliano, author, because I want to make sure it's got all the letters there.

00:18:37.448 --> 00:18:38.328
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I went with Dr.

00:18:38.348 --> 00:18:39.348
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat, so...

00:18:39.608 --> 00:18:42.608
Francesco Marciuliano: No, no, no, you're much smarter than I am.

00:18:42.948 --> 00:18:48.428
Francesco Marciuliano: Instagram is F Marciuliano, same with Twitter, and same with TikTok.

00:18:48.688 --> 00:18:49.288
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Excellent.

00:18:49.308 --> 00:18:50.088
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, I went with Dr.

00:18:50.108 --> 00:18:52.008
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat on most of that stuff, too.

00:18:52.028 --> 00:18:52.368
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But yeah.

00:18:53.308 --> 00:18:54.128
Francesco Marciuliano: Easy to brand.

00:18:54.148 --> 00:18:55.088
Francesco Marciuliano: Well done on your part.

00:18:55.788 --> 00:18:57.108
Francesco Marciuliano: I decide, here you go.

00:18:57.128 --> 00:18:59.028
Francesco Marciuliano: Here's the most Italian thing you can ever handle.

00:18:59.048 --> 00:18:59.448
Francesco Marciuliano: Enjoy.

00:19:00.068 --> 00:19:00.428
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yes.

00:19:00.448 --> 00:19:03.368
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, so I have had so much fun talking to you.

00:19:04.068 --> 00:19:04.988
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love your work.

00:19:05.008 --> 00:19:06.228
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love your sense of humor.

00:19:06.268 --> 00:19:11.088
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I just really thank you for sharing yourself with us today.

00:19:12.268 --> 00:19:13.168
Francesco Marciuliano: Thank you so much.

00:19:13.188 --> 00:19:14.128
Francesco Marciuliano: This has been a blast.

00:19:14.148 --> 00:19:19.428
Francesco Marciuliano: And I am sorry that you only heard the cats in the distance, because sometimes I walk around in front of the keyboard, and then you would have heard them typing.

00:19:19.448 --> 00:19:20.908
Francesco Marciuliano: And it would have been great.

00:19:22.148 --> 00:19:23.588
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I would love to meet them.

00:19:23.608 --> 00:19:24.428
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So, yes.

00:19:24.728 --> 00:19:26.388
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, it was really super.

00:19:26.428 --> 00:19:30.688
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And gosh, reach out to me anytime you publish a book, and you can come back.

00:19:30.908 --> 00:19:31.888
Francesco Marciuliano: Thank you so much.

00:19:32.028 --> 00:19:32.708
Francesco Marciuliano: This is great.

00:19:32.728 --> 00:19:33.468
Francesco Marciuliano: I really do appreciate it.

00:19:33.848 --> 00:19:34.388
Dr. Kathryn Primm: All right.

00:19:34.408 --> 00:19:35.468
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, okay.

00:19:35.468 --> 00:19:42.448
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I want to thank my amazing producer, Mark Winter, because without him, we would not have all of this fun.

00:19:43.028 --> 00:19:48.168
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I want all of my listeners to go out and have a perfect day.

00:19:48.688 --> 00:19:49.828
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets.

00:19:50.128 --> 00:19:51.508
Announcer: Every week on demand.

00:19:52.128 --> 00:19:54.648
Announcer: Only on petliferadio.com.