Why You Should Change the Way You Treat Your Cat

Dr. Courtney Campbell on Pet Life Radio

Today, we get to learn from Mikkel Becker, Fear Free's lead Animal trainer about all the ways we can make our cats environment better in so many ways!  How can you use  your cat's own desire to hide to make a fun game?  What if your cat does not like  catnip?  Mikkel tells us creative ways to make life as fun as possible for you and your cat!

Listen to Episode #134 Now:



Mikkel Becker is the lead trainer for Fear Free Pets. She is a certified behavior consultant and certified trainer who specializes in work with dogs and cats. Mikkel is the co-author of six books, including the recent, From Fearful to Fear Free, and was the featured trainer on Vetstreet.com. In her professional work, Becker uses positive reinforcement and non-force based training strategies that are rooted in scientific learning theory. Mikkel is committed to helping pets and their people live better lives together through motivational, reward based training that’s closely partnered with the pet’s veterinary team. 


00:00:02.180 --> 00:00:03.960
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.960 --> 00:00:05.060
Announcer: Let's talk pets.

00:00:21.044 --> 00:00:24.564
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey there, cat lovers, welcome to Nine lives with Dr.

00:00:24.564 --> 00:00:25.224
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat.

00:00:25.224 --> 00:00:26.524
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I'm your host, Dr.

00:00:26.524 --> 00:00:31.144
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kathryn Primm, and I'm a small animal veterinarian and crazy cat lover.

00:00:31.144 --> 00:00:33.344
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Today, I have Mikkel Becker.

00:00:33.344 --> 00:00:44.364
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Mikkel is Fear Free's lead animal trainer, and she and I are gonna talk about what you should change about the way you treat your cat.

00:00:44.364 --> 00:00:49.644
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So, it's gonna be kind of exciting, and you're gonna learn a lot, so we'll be right back with Mikkel.

00:00:52.624 --> 00:00:55.584
Announcer: Pet Greens is proud to support Nine lives with Dr.

00:00:55.584 --> 00:00:57.584
Announcer: Kat on Pet Life Radio.

00:00:57.584 --> 00:01:06.864
Announcer: Our small family farm produces live organic cat grass, catnip, and soft chew treats packed with green nutrition to help your pets truly thrive inside.

00:01:06.864 --> 00:01:18.004
Announcer: We're partnering with pioneer cat behavior expert and best-selling author Pam Johnson-Bennett to help indoor cats live their best lives with indoor enrichment tips for their parents.

00:01:18.564 --> 00:01:24.024
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Anyone who knows me knows I am a very strong proponent for cats being indoors.

00:01:24.024 --> 00:01:32.904
Pam Johnson-Bennett: But when we bring cats indoors, where I feel it's safest, we have an obligation to make sure they have a fulfilling life, that they get enrichment.

00:01:32.904 --> 00:01:36.484
Pam Johnson-Bennett: And part of that enrichment is encouraging health.

00:01:36.484 --> 00:01:39.184
Pam Johnson-Bennett: And a big part of that health is cat grass.

00:01:39.184 --> 00:01:42.204
Pam Johnson-Bennett: Cat grass helps with the prevention of hair balls.

00:01:42.204 --> 00:01:45.204
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It can help keep your cat away from house plants.

00:01:45.204 --> 00:01:47.384
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's also fun for your cat.

00:01:47.544 --> 00:01:53.804
Pam Johnson-Bennett: It's a natural behavior that your cat wants to chew, and you know that you're providing it in a safe way.

00:01:53.804 --> 00:02:00.224
Announcer: For more information on the benefits of cat grass and catnip for your cat's indoor enrichment, visit petgreens.com.

00:02:03.384 --> 00:02:06.524
Announcer: Let's talk pets on petliferadio.com.

00:02:14.866 --> 00:02:17.106
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Welcome back to Nine lives with Dr.

00:02:17.106 --> 00:02:19.586
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat on Pet Life Radio.

00:02:19.586 --> 00:02:20.986
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I have Mikkel Becker.

00:02:20.986 --> 00:02:21.946
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hi, Mikkel.

00:02:21.946 --> 00:02:22.726
Mikkel Becker: Hi, Kathryn.

00:02:22.726 --> 00:02:24.366
Mikkel Becker: So good to be with you.

00:02:24.366 --> 00:02:26.446
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It is very, very good to have you.

00:02:26.446 --> 00:02:34.226
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I love just taking the opportunity to educate all of my listeners about the best way to treat their cat.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: But today, I wanted to talk about what you should change about the way you treat your cat.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I wanna go through every aspect of cat life and how we, as cat lovers, can make it a little bit better, are you, Game?

00:02:47.986 --> 00:02:49.966
Mikkel Becker: Oh, I am so ready.

00:02:49.966 --> 00:02:57.766
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I thought maybe we could start about talking about our homes, how we can make our cat's life better at home.

00:02:57.766 --> 00:02:59.026
Mikkel Becker: Oh, that's perfect.

00:02:59.026 --> 00:03:00.006
Mikkel Becker: I love that.

00:03:00.006 --> 00:03:01.746
Mikkel Becker: So I completely agree.

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Mikkel Becker: So a lot of cats, it's a pretty mundane existence.

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Mikkel Becker: And to us, if we may offer our cats things that are personalized, like a really cute collar, or a decorative food bowl that has their name.

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Mikkel Becker: But what cats really want is that extra space to climb and to explore, and also safe areas to den down and hide.

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Mikkel Becker: And sometimes those things are lacking.

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Mikkel Becker: But what we can do is really add to their environment, and it doesn't have to be expensive at all.

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Mikkel Becker: Like all of us have had those experiences where we get that really nice cat toy, and what the cat ultimately really wants is the box that the toy came in.

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Mikkel Becker: So offering our cats different areas that they can den down and hide and explore, like those boxes, that can be really helpful.

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Mikkel Becker: Or we can get them covered bed areas.

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Mikkel Becker: We can make them look really cute, but it can be as DIY and inexpensive as you'd like.

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Mikkel Becker: So it doesn't have to be an expensive thing.

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Mikkel Becker: The cat doesn't care as much as they care about that ability to really have places that they can call their own.

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Mikkel Becker: And having increased real estate.

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Mikkel Becker: So adding to the vertical spaces in your home can be so useful.

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Mikkel Becker: And just doing that alone can actually help to improve any tension that you may have between cats that are living in the same house.

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Mikkel Becker: Adding in some of that extra real estate by adding in more vertical space can be extremely beneficial.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I think in today's world, we all have boxes coming in with different stuff that we order.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So are you suggesting that maybe we give our cats an opportunity to see if they like the boxes maybe before we throw them away?

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Mikkel Becker: Absolutely.

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Mikkel Becker: I think that that's a great way that we can help to enrich our cat's lives.

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Mikkel Becker: And we can do that by even just having the box just left open so the cat can jump inside.

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Mikkel Becker: Or we can even do things like cutting a couple of holes in the box, so maybe an entrance area and an area where they can go out.

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Mikkel Becker: And then inside of there, we can leave some of their nice bedding for them to relax on.

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Mikkel Becker: We can leave some treats, some catnip, and we can even connect, interconnect different boxes so we can make it really elaborate, which is super fun.

00:05:07.786 --> 00:05:09.246
Mikkel Becker: A great project to do with your kids.

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Mikkel Becker: So just removing any of the potentially dangerous plastics.

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Mikkel Becker: But you can leave some of the wrapping paper even in there.

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Mikkel Becker: So sometimes there's that paper wrapping that may come such as in an Amazon box.

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Mikkel Becker: That can be great too for enrichment.

00:05:22.346 --> 00:05:27.586
Mikkel Becker: So we can even crumple up some pieces that can become like a ball of sorts.

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Mikkel Becker: We can put some treats or catnip inside.

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Mikkel Becker: It can be extremely enriching for them.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: And super fun.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: And then, you know, I guess you could just go ahead and recycle it.

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Mikkel Becker: yes.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: When I keep it.

00:05:38.246 --> 00:05:39.826
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, that's great.

00:05:39.826 --> 00:05:40.086
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay.

00:05:40.086 --> 00:05:43.746
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So you mentioned putting treats and you mentioned putting catnip.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: Can we take a quick divergence and talk about catnip because some cats do not like catnip and there are other options for those cats, right?

00:05:51.446 --> 00:05:52.266
Mikkel Becker: Oh my gosh.

00:05:52.266 --> 00:05:52.666
Mikkel Becker: yes.

00:05:52.666 --> 00:05:53.806
Mikkel Becker: I'm so glad that you brought that up.

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Mikkel Becker: There are a lot of different options.

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Mikkel Becker: So silver vine is another really great option.

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Mikkel Becker: So some cats that maybe don't respond to catnip, they may respond really well to silver vine.

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Mikkel Becker: And silver vine in some cases really has been shown to be even more widespread in terms of cats enjoying it.

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Mikkel Becker: So that's a great option.

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Mikkel Becker: Other options are things like honeysuckle wood or even kiwi vine.

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Mikkel Becker: So we don't have to be so limited.

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Mikkel Becker: There are lots of different options and even things like allowing them to have cat grass.

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Mikkel Becker: So they really like to nibble on some of those fresh cat safe grasses.

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Mikkel Becker: So something like that is really easy to grow.

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Mikkel Becker: And even if you don't have a green thumb, it really can be an easy thing to take care of.

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Mikkel Becker: So you can easily maintain it or you can just buy it at the grocery store.

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Mikkel Becker: Letting your cat have access to some of that fresh type of cat safe grass and catnip can be really helpful for them.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love that.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: It just feels like, right, like finding herbs and doing natural things and fun activities.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: One time I was invited to the local nursery to talk about cat-friendly planting, and that was super fun.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I'm glad that you mentioned that.

00:07:01.166 --> 00:07:01.846
Mikkel Becker: Oh, my goodness.

00:07:01.846 --> 00:07:02.346
Mikkel Becker: I love that.

00:07:02.346 --> 00:07:05.846
Mikkel Becker: Do you mind giving me a rundown of some of the things that you taught?

00:07:05.846 --> 00:07:06.286
Dr. Kathryn Primm: You know what?

00:07:06.286 --> 00:07:06.786
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It was fun.

00:07:06.786 --> 00:07:08.246
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I got to do a demonstration.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: They gave me this cute little pot kind of thing.

00:07:11.366 --> 00:07:14.566
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And we talked about cat grass and catnip.

00:07:14.566 --> 00:07:20.926
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And then all of the participants in the thing that day got to do their own and the nursery supplied them with all of the things.

00:07:20.926 --> 00:07:21.746
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It was fun.

00:07:21.746 --> 00:07:23.166
Mikkel Becker: Oh, I love that.

00:07:23.166 --> 00:07:23.606
Mikkel Becker: And it is.

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Mikkel Becker: It's really so easy.

00:07:24.726 --> 00:07:26.586
Mikkel Becker: And I definitely don't have a green thumb myself.

00:07:26.586 --> 00:07:27.266
Mikkel Becker: I'm learning.

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Mikkel Becker: But that's one of those.

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Mikkel Becker: It's really hard to mess up.

00:07:30.206 --> 00:07:33.546
Mikkel Becker: And I know my guinea pigs absolutely love the cat grass, too.

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Mikkel Becker: So it was great for them.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, I see a really fun shopping trip for my listeners to write down the things you said and go and get them.

00:07:42.206 --> 00:07:44.306
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It's fun and it's not expensive.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: So, OK, all right.

00:07:45.806 --> 00:07:52.446
Dr. Kathryn Primm: We've talked a little bit about enriching them that way and giving them hiding places and then adding fun herbs and things.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: But what can we do to improve maybe the places where they eat?

00:07:58.506 --> 00:08:00.786
Mikkel Becker: yes, that's a really, really great thing.

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Mikkel Becker: So to think about.

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Mikkel Becker: So a lot of times we are just feeding our cats out of a typical bowl.

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Mikkel Becker: And what we can do is really help to improve that that type of experience.

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Mikkel Becker: So turn it more into a fun adventure, encourage them to work a little bit more for their food, which is a lot of times a lot more natural for them.

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Mikkel Becker: And it's a lot more mentally fulfilling too.

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Mikkel Becker: So we can do things like, there are different food puzzles we can feed our cats out of.

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Mikkel Becker: And there are other things like even timed feeders can be very helpful, especially if you have those cats that are waking you up super early in the morning.

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Mikkel Becker: That can be a great option, or having some of those food puzzles already preloaded and set out, that can be great.

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Mikkel Becker: And for those cats that maybe have never had a food puzzle, we can start off really easy.

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Mikkel Becker: So something as easy as starting to feed our cat out of not just one bowl, but maybe we have a few different bowls that we can space out in different areas and place some little treats up on some of their vertical spaces.

00:08:55.006 --> 00:08:59.486
Mikkel Becker: So that way, it's more like they're going out on an actual hunt for their meal.

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Mikkel Becker: And as they get really good, we can definitely advance what we're asking them to do.

00:09:04.606 --> 00:09:06.766
Mikkel Becker: And it really does become that fun adventure.

00:09:06.766 --> 00:09:11.586
Mikkel Becker: And it's more like play for them and gets their body moving, their mind moving.

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Mikkel Becker: And that way, it's not just a mindless eating process.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love it.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love to raid my recycle bin and try to think of ways that I can use bottles and little things to keep their minds busy.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love that.

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: And it just makes it feel like I'm giving those items another life kind of.

00:09:28.966 --> 00:09:29.506
Mikkel Becker: yes.

00:09:29.506 --> 00:09:30.866
Mikkel Becker: Oh, I completely agree.

00:09:30.866 --> 00:09:32.246
Mikkel Becker: I'm glad that you brought that up.

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Mikkel Becker: Like something as easy as when you have eggs, use them at the leftover container.

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Mikkel Becker: And we can just place some of their food in the bottom of that.

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Mikkel Becker: So that way they can scoop it out with their paws.

00:09:42.926 --> 00:09:44.106
Mikkel Becker: They can dig around.

00:09:44.106 --> 00:09:46.486
Mikkel Becker: It just makes it a lot more fulfilling for them.

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Mikkel Becker: And like you said, we can recycle and then have something new that we can use the next time.

00:09:52.086 --> 00:09:52.666
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Okay.

00:09:52.666 --> 00:09:57.626
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So what about things that they can see?

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Dr. Kathryn Primm: Like, I don't know, maybe a window or something like that.

00:10:01.146 --> 00:10:05.566
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Is there a way to make life a little bit more exciting with what they see?

00:10:05.566 --> 00:10:07.366
Mikkel Becker: Oh gosh, yes, absolutely.

00:10:07.366 --> 00:10:17.606
Mikkel Becker: So when we talk about those vertical spaces, one really great way that we can add to their vertical space is even giving them something like a little window perch or having some of those cat trees set by the window.

00:10:17.606 --> 00:10:29.706
Mikkel Becker: So that way they can look out and perhaps you have an area where birds like to come in, maybe have a bird feeder, hummingbird feeder, that can be great enrichment for our cats, giving them something to do and to look at outside.

00:10:29.706 --> 00:10:31.786
Mikkel Becker: So that's an excellent way.

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Mikkel Becker: We can also do things like having, I have some goldfish, so having some fish in our home that they can watch.

00:10:38.546 --> 00:10:44.006
Mikkel Becker: Even at the vet, one thing that we do sometimes is even having crickets that they can watch.

00:10:44.006 --> 00:10:47.586
Mikkel Becker: It's a really nice, happy distraction during some of the predatory care.

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Mikkel Becker: So giving them something visual that they can look at, they can see, and helping to also reduce some of those stressors.

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Mikkel Becker: So one stressor for cats can be perhaps any neighborhood kitties that are free roaming, that may become over, that can be stressful for cats.

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Mikkel Becker: So that's where we may help to minimize some of those visuals.

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Mikkel Becker: So we may need to use a little bit of something like the window covering, clothes blinds, things like that.

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Mikkel Becker: And also one really great aspect too, or another great thing to consider is offering a cat access to a catio space.

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Mikkel Becker: So a protected outside area that they can go to, and that can help to reduce some of that frustration, and also allows them a way that they can be out there in that environment that's really safe for them, and allows them to have that closer connection outdoors.

00:11:33.886 --> 00:11:40.626
Mikkel Becker: And a lot of times it can also help with some of that frustration they may feel with some of those neighborhood kitties that may become too close.

00:11:40.626 --> 00:11:41.406
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That's perfect.

00:11:41.406 --> 00:11:43.326
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That is exactly the question that I had.

00:11:43.326 --> 00:12:01.946
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So as I worked, and you know that I work as a Fear Free certified professional, but as I worked on the module that I did for Fear Free, part of the strategy that I used or the organization was to think about the senses of our patients when they come into our animal hospital, what they see and what they smell and what they hear.

00:12:01.946 --> 00:12:10.746
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I think that we can sort of think of our homes in that way, which is why I asked you what about what they see and what they hear.

00:12:10.746 --> 00:12:16.866
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What do you think about maybe like an iPad with a little entertainment thing?

00:12:16.866 --> 00:12:21.946
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I know I have a client that brings her iPad with her cat to see me at the vet because the cat will play.

00:12:21.946 --> 00:12:23.286
Dr. Kathryn Primm: What do you think about that?

00:12:23.286 --> 00:12:24.086
Mikkel Becker: Oh, I love that.

00:12:24.086 --> 00:12:25.506
Mikkel Becker: I think I think it's fabulous.

00:12:25.506 --> 00:12:28.206
Mikkel Becker: So there are some really fun games for your cat on there.

00:12:28.206 --> 00:12:29.706
Mikkel Becker: So it offers them something.

00:12:29.706 --> 00:12:35.686
Mikkel Becker: And it's also they get the ability to have in some of those games where it may respond to their paw touch.

00:12:35.686 --> 00:12:38.266
Mikkel Becker: So that can be fulfilling for the cat too.

00:12:38.266 --> 00:12:46.346
Mikkel Becker: And definitely, the more play that we can do with our cat, so that's a form of play, maybe on the iPad, also offering them other types of interactive play.

00:12:46.346 --> 00:12:50.606
Mikkel Becker: So one type of play, giving them independent toys that they can play with.

00:12:50.606 --> 00:12:52.966
Mikkel Becker: And as we mentioned earlier, it doesn't have to be expensive.

00:12:52.966 --> 00:12:58.046
Mikkel Becker: A lot of the cat's favorite toys may just cost a few dollars or we can make their own.

00:12:58.046 --> 00:13:02.186
Mikkel Becker: So it's something that we can also help to rotate those toys.

00:13:02.306 --> 00:13:07.526
Mikkel Becker: So help keep them fresh and it's not the same old, same old all of the time.

00:13:07.526 --> 00:13:12.606
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I love that you pointed out that it doesn't have to be expensive because cats are so good at that.

00:13:12.606 --> 00:13:17.146
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I mean, you know, we talk about, we buy them the expensive toy, like you said, and they like the box.

00:13:17.146 --> 00:13:19.186
Dr. Kathryn Primm: They really don't care what it costs.

00:13:19.186 --> 00:13:20.686
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I love that.

00:13:20.686 --> 00:13:21.286
Mikkel Becker: yes.

00:13:21.286 --> 00:13:22.746
Mikkel Becker: Oh, they are so good about that.

00:13:22.746 --> 00:13:27.286
Mikkel Becker: And they're very good about giving feedback too on what they like, what they don't like.

00:13:27.766 --> 00:13:32.946
Mikkel Becker: And if you find your cat has a certain type of toy or texture that they really like, you can go with that.

00:13:32.946 --> 00:13:40.846
Mikkel Becker: So there may be some cats that really like a specific type of feather or maybe the crinkly sounds or something that rolls.

00:13:40.846 --> 00:13:42.266
Mikkel Becker: So offering them a variety.

00:13:42.266 --> 00:13:48.966
Mikkel Becker: But if your cat is really keen on a certain type of toy, we can offer them more variety within that specific type of toy as well.

00:13:48.966 --> 00:13:54.226
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So textures, when you mentioned textures, it made me think about scratching posts.

00:13:54.226 --> 00:13:56.906
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Can you give us some advice about those?

00:13:56.906 --> 00:13:57.406
Mikkel Becker: yes.

00:13:57.406 --> 00:14:10.126
Mikkel Becker: So one of the things that I see a lot is that a lot of cats scratching posts are somewhat problematic in the way that they aren't as fulfilling or encouraging for the cat to use as they could or should be.

00:14:10.126 --> 00:14:15.846
Mikkel Becker: So a lot of times they maybe are even hooked on the back of a door or unstable.

00:14:15.846 --> 00:14:21.046
Mikkel Becker: So what we really want in a cat scratching post is we want it to give the cat a full stretch.

00:14:21.046 --> 00:14:26.386
Mikkel Becker: A lot of times cats do like to do the vertical scratching, but they may prefer horizontal scratching or some of both.

00:14:26.386 --> 00:14:29.346
Mikkel Becker: So offering a variety of scratching post areas.

00:14:29.846 --> 00:14:35.886
Mikkel Becker: And then ideally we want to even look at having them be about three feet high if possible.

00:14:35.886 --> 00:14:41.826
Mikkel Becker: And sometimes a lot of those cat climbing trees can also have a scratching post alongside it or incorporated within it, which is great.

00:14:41.826 --> 00:14:45.926
Mikkel Becker: So we want something that's really sturdy, stable and tall.

00:14:45.926 --> 00:14:55.686
Mikkel Becker: So something long that gives them that full stretch, because a lot of times cats may use something like the back of a couch or side of a couch because it's taller and it's more sturdy than their scratching posts.

00:14:55.686 --> 00:15:03.166
Mikkel Becker: So we want to make sure that the scratching post that we offer really counters anything else that they maybe are going for instead.

00:15:03.166 --> 00:15:05.866
Mikkel Becker: And then also maybe we use something like sizel.

00:15:05.866 --> 00:15:10.026
Mikkel Becker: Some cats prefer like the rope or the carpet type of texture.

00:15:10.026 --> 00:15:12.246
Mikkel Becker: We can use what our cat really likes.

00:15:12.246 --> 00:15:17.666
Mikkel Becker: And in some cases we may even go for a specific type of substrate that that cat enjoys.

00:15:17.666 --> 00:15:23.406
Mikkel Becker: Some cats like leather, for instance, and maybe we, rather than doing that towards the couch, we really redirect them towards that post.

00:15:23.406 --> 00:15:28.626
Mikkel Becker: So, and we try and put that post in a prime spot where they already are wanting to scratch.

00:15:28.626 --> 00:15:33.046
Mikkel Becker: So maybe right after they wake up from a nap, maybe they want to go out and scratch.

00:15:33.046 --> 00:15:40.286
Mikkel Becker: So having it right there near those areas where they nap or having it right near the couch area, maybe where they already are wanting to scratch.

00:15:40.286 --> 00:15:47.626
Mikkel Becker: So those prime real estate areas where they can communicate both through scent and through the visual markings with their claw marks.

00:15:47.626 --> 00:15:51.426
Mikkel Becker: That's a great way to offer them that alternative and to really reinforce it too.

00:15:51.426 --> 00:15:58.446
Mikkel Becker: So when we see our cat using it, that's when we can really reinforce them with treats, with toys, with play, with praise.

00:15:58.446 --> 00:16:02.386
Mikkel Becker: So making sure that when they scratch in the right area, it really does pay off.

00:16:02.386 --> 00:16:03.526
Dr. Kathryn Primm: yes, I love that.

00:16:03.526 --> 00:16:13.606
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So think about the things that we as people like to do and make sure that we're meeting the needs of our cats because scratching is normal for cats.

00:16:13.606 --> 00:16:28.306
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, I want to take a really quick break and come back and talk with you a little bit more about some of the other things that are in our cats lives that may provide a little bit of stress or that maybe we as the cat owner could influence for the better.

00:16:28.306 --> 00:16:30.986
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So we'll be right back after a quick break.

00:16:33.986 --> 00:16:35.426
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Hey there, cat lovers.

00:16:35.426 --> 00:16:36.346
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It's Dr.

00:16:36.346 --> 00:16:38.846
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat from Nine lives with Dr.

00:16:38.846 --> 00:16:39.426
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat.

00:16:39.426 --> 00:16:42.646
Dr. Kathryn Primm: You know the expression, cats have nine lives.

00:16:42.646 --> 00:16:45.266
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Well, what if you can give them one more?

00:16:45.266 --> 00:16:50.586
Dr. Kathryn Primm: The Give Them Ten movement is on a mission to help give cats an extra life.

00:16:50.586 --> 00:16:51.266
Dr. Kathryn Primm: How?

00:16:51.266 --> 00:16:52.286
Dr. Kathryn Primm: With spay and neuter.

00:16:52.746 --> 00:17:00.506
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Spaying or neutering your cat helps them live a longer, healthier life, and it helps control free-roaming cat populations too.

00:17:00.506 --> 00:17:07.926
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Learn more about the benefits of spay and neuter, and meet Scooter, the neutered cat, at givethemten.org.

00:17:08.966 --> 00:17:10.566
Dr. Kathryn Primm: That's givethemten.org.

00:17:14.066 --> 00:17:17.066
Announcer: Ready for the biggest cat celebration in the world?

00:17:17.066 --> 00:17:23.806
Announcer: Come to the CFA International Cat Show and Expo in Cleveland, Ohio on October 12th and 13th.

00:17:23.806 --> 00:17:32.386
Announcer: The Expo is the world's grandest cat celebration, seamlessly blending pedigree cat exhibitions with feline welfare and rescue initiatives.

00:17:32.386 --> 00:17:43.006
Announcer: It captivates over 10,000 feline enthusiasts each year, celebrating all cats, whether rescue or pedigree, in a shared spirit of love and unity.

00:17:43.006 --> 00:17:47.566
Announcer: Dive into cat-themed activations and enlightening educational sessions.

00:17:47.806 --> 00:17:56.326
Announcer: Marvel at 1,000 non-pedigree and pedigree cats, adoptable felines, and explore over 100 cat-themed vendors.

00:17:56.326 --> 00:18:01.286
Announcer: It's an event dedicated to honoring our beloved felines and their admirers.

00:18:01.286 --> 00:18:04.606
Announcer: And guess what feline influencers are coming to meet and greet?

00:18:04.606 --> 00:18:13.666
Announcer: YouTube cat video sensation Aaron's Animals, as well as Nathan the Cat Lady, Lambo, leesha, Chupy, and many, many more.

00:18:13.666 --> 00:18:18.446
Announcer: Gather your cat crew and do whatever it takes to head to the CFA Cat Expo.

00:18:18.446 --> 00:18:23.126
Announcer: It's a whisker-wiggling, tail-twirling extravaganza you won't want to miss.

00:18:23.126 --> 00:18:25.326
Announcer: Get your tickets at cfacatexpo.com.

00:18:26.606 --> 00:18:27.886
Announcer: That's cfacatexpo.com.

00:18:31.406 --> 00:18:35.766
Announcer: Let's Talk pest on Pet Life Radio.

00:18:35.766 --> 00:18:37.986
Announcer: petliferadio.com.

00:18:46.235 --> 00:18:48.415
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Welcome back to Nine lives with Dr.

00:18:48.415 --> 00:18:50.595
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat on Pet Life Radio.

00:18:50.595 --> 00:19:01.355
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So Mikkel Becker and I are talking about ways that we can make our cat's lives just a little better, or why you should change the way you treat your cat.

00:19:01.355 --> 00:19:17.655
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And we were talking about scratching posts and scratching post options, but I want to, before we break for the day, I want to talk about the subject that is the closest to my heart, going to the veterinarian and making that as good as we can.

00:19:18.055 --> 00:19:20.415
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And you are a perfect guest to talk about that.

00:19:20.415 --> 00:19:21.795
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So let's do that.

00:19:21.795 --> 00:19:24.335
Mikkel Becker: Oh my gosh, this is such an important topic.

00:19:24.335 --> 00:19:29.715
Mikkel Becker: And I know that you were the first Fear Free Certified Veterinarian, which is so exciting, Dr.

00:19:29.715 --> 00:19:30.155
Mikkel Becker: Kat.

00:19:30.475 --> 00:19:40.255
Mikkel Becker: And that's so important because we really want to partner with veterinarians, veterinary professionals who really are invested in the emotional well-being of our cat during their physical care.

00:19:40.255 --> 00:19:51.975
Mikkel Becker: So I would highly encourage looking for a Fear Free Certified Practice, a Fear Free Certified professional, because that shows that they really are dedicated and really committed to your cat's emotional well-being.

00:19:51.975 --> 00:19:54.755
Mikkel Becker: Also, there are feline-friendly practices.

00:19:54.755 --> 00:19:59.515
Mikkel Becker: It's another great thing to look at, low stress handling that's incorporated in.

00:19:59.515 --> 00:20:05.095
Mikkel Becker: And we as a pet guardian can really do so much when it comes to preparing our cat for the visit.

00:20:05.095 --> 00:20:09.515
Mikkel Becker: And one of the main things is helping to prepare our cat for travel.

00:20:10.375 --> 00:20:12.575
Mikkel Becker: So, getting them used to the carrier.

00:20:12.575 --> 00:20:18.615
Mikkel Becker: And one thing that we can do is leave out that carrier as a piece of fun, frequently used feline furniture.

00:20:18.615 --> 00:20:26.415
Mikkel Becker: So, that might be the area where we feed our cats inside of, or even just beginning with, just nearby or right next to.

00:20:26.415 --> 00:20:31.915
Mikkel Becker: And so, we can also scatter some treats in there, some toys, some really comfortable bedding.

00:20:31.915 --> 00:20:34.915
Mikkel Becker: So, you make it feel a lot more like home for them.

00:20:34.915 --> 00:20:37.495
Mikkel Becker: You can even place it up on a vertical space.

00:20:37.595 --> 00:20:39.655
Mikkel Becker: So, have it on a non-slip area.

00:20:39.655 --> 00:20:44.355
Mikkel Becker: So, that way your cat can be up high and still den down and hide if they'd like.

00:20:44.355 --> 00:20:50.455
Mikkel Becker: And so, for some cats, it may be beneficial to even, in some of those carriers, you can remove the door.

00:20:50.455 --> 00:20:55.035
Mikkel Becker: That can be helpful initially, especially if the cat's a little bit afraid of being trapped inside.

00:20:55.035 --> 00:20:56.735
Mikkel Becker: So, keeping that door open.

00:20:56.735 --> 00:21:02.995
Mikkel Becker: And for some cats, even taking off the top half of their carrier to begin with, getting them comfortable in that bottom half to start.

00:21:02.995 --> 00:21:06.035
Mikkel Becker: And then we can add in the top and also add in that door.

00:21:06.715 --> 00:21:11.575
Mikkel Becker: And then, when it comes time to actually go to the vet, it's the area that they're already comfortable with going in.

00:21:11.575 --> 00:21:18.915
Mikkel Becker: And there was a study that looked at cats that had just that little bit of carrier training and that preparation to go in the car.

00:21:18.915 --> 00:21:27.595
Mikkel Becker: And it significantly reduced the stress that they experienced at the vet and really helped to make their exam so much easier, to make that handling a lot less stressful.

00:21:27.595 --> 00:21:33.195
Mikkel Becker: And ultimately, that results in us being less stressed as the pet guardian bringing our pet in.

00:21:33.695 --> 00:21:36.235
Mikkel Becker: And also it results in better veterinary care.

00:21:36.235 --> 00:21:46.155
Mikkel Becker: We have more accurate readings and the veterinarian is better able to assess how your cat is actually feeling versus the cat being so stressed out and so anxious and upset.

00:21:46.155 --> 00:21:53.435
Mikkel Becker: It's really perhaps hard and some of those symptoms such as the cat feeling in pain or feeling ill may be masked just by that stress.

00:21:53.435 --> 00:22:01.155
Mikkel Becker: So really important to keep our cats relaxed and the veterinarian can be of place where they can feel relaxed and comfortable and happy.

00:22:01.155 --> 00:22:02.615
Mikkel Becker: And there are lots of options to help.

00:22:02.735 --> 00:22:10.135
Mikkel Becker: So if your cat isn't happy or doesn't have a positive experience in the past of going to the vet, we can help to turn that around.

00:22:10.135 --> 00:22:26.315
Mikkel Becker: So there are some nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals that can really help to just feed those chill pills of sorts that just help your cat to just take that edge off and help them to enjoy more of those positives of that experience rather than being continually on edge throughout the entire visit.

00:22:26.315 --> 00:22:36.015
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So I love that because it sort of reinforces some of the advice that a lot of my different guests give about scheduling play with your cat.

00:22:36.015 --> 00:22:48.775
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So maybe part of that play we talked about earlier in this episode could be getting the carrier out and maybe taking the feather toy in the carrier or putting treats or silver vine in the carrier.

00:22:48.775 --> 00:22:51.215
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I think that is a really good idea.

00:22:51.215 --> 00:22:52.475
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Don't you agree?

00:22:52.475 --> 00:22:53.135
Mikkel Becker: Oh my gosh.

00:22:53.135 --> 00:22:54.935
Mikkel Becker: yes, absolutely.

00:22:54.935 --> 00:23:07.315
Mikkel Becker: yes, the more that we can make it that fun place, that place where they get to play, they're encouraged to go inside, making it less of a force process and more of a mutually enjoyable process where they get to participate and they're encouraged to go in.

00:23:07.315 --> 00:23:08.195
Mikkel Becker: So yes, absolutely.

00:23:08.195 --> 00:23:14.895
Mikkel Becker: Using that toy as a lure, using it as a reward for them being in there, that's a really, really great piece of advice.

00:23:14.895 --> 00:23:26.155
Dr. Kathryn Primm: You know, I don't want to over emphasize this, but being a Fear Free certified practice and being Fear Free certified professionals, everyone in my hospital being, it really has changed our lives.

00:23:26.155 --> 00:23:32.955
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So if anybody out there has a cat that hates going to the vet, I'm here to tell you, we can make it better.

00:23:32.955 --> 00:23:35.435
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And Mikkel is here to say, we can make it better.

00:23:35.815 --> 00:23:38.075
Dr. Kathryn Primm: We have ways and it's worth it.

00:23:38.075 --> 00:23:39.335
Mikkel Becker: yes, absolutely.

00:23:39.335 --> 00:23:45.275
Mikkel Becker: And it makes such a difference when at that point, it's not only your cat looking forward to the visit, but you can look forward to the visit as well.

00:23:45.275 --> 00:23:51.015
Mikkel Becker: And it just becomes so much less stressful and it just becomes better physical care as a result.

00:23:51.015 --> 00:23:54.115
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, I have a patient that I used to speak about.

00:23:54.195 --> 00:24:02.195
Dr. Kathryn Primm: You probably heard me speak about this cat who was so terrified that he would resort to physical violence to protect himself.

00:24:02.195 --> 00:24:04.655
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And he's actually still a patient now.

00:24:04.655 --> 00:24:09.255
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And he literally comes into my practice once a month for his arthritis injection.

00:24:09.255 --> 00:24:14.155
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And my technicians are able to give him the injection by themselves.

00:24:14.155 --> 00:24:16.355
Dr. Kathryn Primm: It just really made such a huge impact.

00:24:16.355 --> 00:24:18.095
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I talk about him a lot because I love him.

00:24:18.095 --> 00:24:22.955
Dr. Kathryn Primm: But he went from someone we hated to see on the schedule to someone we're happy to see every month.

00:24:23.035 --> 00:24:24.815
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So it does make a difference.

00:24:24.855 --> 00:24:26.315
Mikkel Becker: Huge difference.

00:24:26.315 --> 00:24:28.795
Mikkel Becker: It's safer for them and safer for us too.

00:24:28.795 --> 00:24:29.795
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Absolutely.

00:24:29.795 --> 00:24:30.735
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Absolutely.

00:24:30.755 --> 00:24:33.855
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I am so happy that you came on to talk with us.

00:24:33.855 --> 00:24:43.715
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I hope that my listeners were able to come up with some creative ideas and inexpensive and affordable ways to make their cat's lives a little bit better.

00:24:43.715 --> 00:24:54.595
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And I do want to encourage everyone to think about the way your cat sees life and how it differs from maybe the way you do or the way another species would.

00:24:54.595 --> 00:24:56.555
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Cats are not small dogs, right, Mikkel?

00:24:56.555 --> 00:24:57.775
Mikkel Becker: yes, absolutely.

00:24:57.775 --> 00:25:00.295
Mikkel Becker: Definitely their own unique species.

00:25:00.295 --> 00:25:12.075
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Also, I hope that everyone learned and wants to go start a cat garden or look up some silver vine and other things, because I think that that sounds really fun, making enrichment toys out of boxes.

00:25:12.075 --> 00:25:13.815
Dr. Kathryn Primm: I want everybody to go out and do that.

00:25:13.815 --> 00:25:16.575
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Thank you for taking the time out to talk with us today.

00:25:16.575 --> 00:25:17.675
Mikkel Becker: Thank you so much, Dr.

00:25:17.675 --> 00:25:18.495
Mikkel Becker: Kat, for having me on.

00:25:18.495 --> 00:25:19.935
Mikkel Becker: And so good to talk to you again.

00:25:20.315 --> 00:25:23.655
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Yeah, I'm happy to get to communicate with you today.

00:25:23.655 --> 00:25:29.835
Dr. Kathryn Primm: So thank you to the Purrington Post for declaring that Nine lives with Dr.

00:25:29.835 --> 00:25:33.395
Dr. Kathryn Primm: Kat is the number one best podcast for Kat lovers.

00:25:33.475 --> 00:25:35.895
Dr. Kathryn Primm: We are very flattered and thrilled to have that.

00:25:35.895 --> 00:25:41.515
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And of course, thanks to my amazing producer, Mark Winter, who makes the show happen.

00:25:41.515 --> 00:25:47.375
Dr. Kathryn Primm: And all of my terrific listeners go out and have a perfect day.

00:25:48.375 --> 00:25:51.655
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week, on demand.

00:25:51.655 --> 00:25:54.315
Announcer: Only on petliferadio.com.