Dr. Jeannie Thomason
Jeannie Thomason is a veterinary naturopath, natural pet care educator, nutrition consultant, free lance writer, and a natural rearing breeder of champion Boston Terriers.
Dr. Jeannie’s life has always revolved around animals. “Pets/animals have always been my passion! I have shared my life and my home with animals since childhood, and I just can not imagine ever having it any other way. Pets give us so much unconditional love, companionship, undying loyalty, and a reason to live each day to the best of our abilities”.
With her background in animal science, Dr. Jeannie has spent the last 30 years doing research, studying animal nutrition and natural health. She has worked with veterinarians in different capacities, including being a licensed veterinarian technician and has continued to study and research natural animal health.
Founder of The Whole Dog.Org and The Natural Rearing Breeders Association, Dr. Jeannie believes that the health and overall potential of dogs, like humans and other living organisms, rests on the cornerstones of nutrition, emotional well-being, a clean, toxin free living environment and responsible veterinary care. She teaches that once these four are aligned we have not only a vibrant, fully realized animal, but a beginning - a framework for developing more of their abilities while at the same time we give back to them in terms of length and quality of life.
Dr. Jeannie believes that breeding dogs is not a right, but a privilege. As such there are responsibilities incumbent upon anyone who undertakes to do so. These responsibilities include the stewardship of the breed. What benefits the dogs must take precedence over what benefits the people. For Jeannie, natural rearing is a commitment to a way of life, there is no in-between. For her, there is no turning back, no regrets with this path; only the rewards of healthier longer lived dogs.
As an veterinary naturopathy, educator and natural pet health care consultant, Dr. Jeannie devotes much of her efforts to assisting pet owners with their nutritional questions and feeding programs. Dr. Jeannie has been involved in nutritional self-studies, feed trials and continues to study, and write articles on pet health including she co-wrote with Dr. Kim for Animal Wellness Magazine’s Special Pet Food Report in September of 2007.