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Dr. Stephen Jaffe
Director Field Veterinary Services
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Dr. Stephen Jaffe
A frequent speaker, Dr. Stephen Jaffe has delivered scientific presentations at numerous national veterinary conferences including the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum, American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting, North American Veterinary Conference, and Western Veterinary Conference. Other speaking engagements include multiple appearances at state meetings as well as over 600 scientific presentations made to local veterinary associations in 40 states throughout the US and 7 provinces throughout Canada.
His visibility has not been limited to public speaking but also includes work in both radio and television. He is credited with guest appearances on radio talk shows as well as network, cable, and public television programs. He has received national acclaim through appearances on Fox News Channel ‘Pet News’, America’s Health Network ‘Ask the Veterinarian’, and Animal Planet ‘Petsburgh USA’.
Dr. Jaffe is an accomplished writer as well as an articulate and dynamic spokesperson. Both the consumer and trade media have extensively utilized his expertise. He is credited with numerous print interviews that have appeared in various local, state, and national publications.
Dr. Jaffe joined Fort Dodge Animal Health's research and development group in March of 1989 as biological staff veterinarian. Among other duties, Dr. Jaffe supervised a multi-species facility comprised of over 45,000 animals. Primarily responsible for biological products research and development, specific accomplishments included participation in the development of LymeVaxâ (the first bacterin available for the prevention of Lyme Disease in the dog), Fel-O-Vax Lv-Kâ (number one selling Feline Leukemia vaccine in the US), Fel-O-Vaxâ MC-K (vaccine for treatment and prevention of clinical signs of feline dermatophytosis), Fluvacâ EHV 4/1 (complete equine respiratory disease protection), as well as many other products.
In July of 1991 Dr. Jaffe became Manager, Professional Services. In this capacity, he was primarily responsible for technical support of Fort Dodge Animal Health's companion animal biologics and anesthetic agents.
In February of 1995 Dr. Jaffe was designated Fort Dodge Animal Health's Field Veterinary Consultant for the southeastern US. Regular interaction with veterinarians in various segments of animal health necessitated his relocation to Atlanta, Georgia where he currently resides.
At present, Dr. Jaffe is the Director of Field Veterinary Services. In this role, he oversees the field based Companion Animal veterinary staff. In addition to coordinating the activities of the group at large, he continues to interact with veterinary professionals throughout the country.
Dr. Jaffe was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan and was raised in Canton, Ohio. He received both his BS in Microbiology and DVM from The Ohio State University. Following graduation he practiced in Centerville, Ohio, a Dayton suburb.
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