Wheelie Wonders

Cheryl Kaye on Pet Life Radio

This week I talk to Laura Stapleton & Shayne Pernice from Wheelie Wonders, amazing special needs dogs that walk on wheels!  I happened to meet them at the dog park and wanted to share these pawsome pups with my listeners.  Listen to their amazing stories and you can help them out on their Go Fund Me page as well!

Listen to Episode #73 Now:

Wheelie Wonders on Pet Life Radio


HI! I'm Laura and I want to introduce the MOST AMAZING SPECIAL NEEDS PUPS to you! Introducing...the 6 pack of Wheelies! 8 years ago the first paralyzed pup entered my life. His name was Gunny. He had started his life living on the streets with a homeless veteran and then was rescued by a kind human. Unfortunately, that kind human had a partner that battled alcohol addiction and then one day when she was taking care of Gunny, he went out into the street and got hit by a car. The animal hospital he was taken to recommended euthanasia, but the owner wouldn't give up. After several surgeries Gunny was able to go home- but the owners didn't know how much care went into taking care of a paralyzed special needs pup.

I was tagged on Facebook by a friend and couldn't resist Gunny's sweet smile and loving eyes. I had NO idea what I was going to do with this little guy or where to begin. I just knew I had to take care of him and somehow I would figure it all out. That was a long time ago and NOW I am the proud fur mom to 7 wheelie kids. YES, I said 7 in wheelchairs, and no this doesn't include the other special needs pups I tend to- blind, deaf, and senior.
I am NOT a rescue (although my goal once I can retire from teaching middle school math or winning the lottery) is to create a place where wheelie pups can find support and the resources to get fostered or adopted. Since rescuing Gunny, these dogs and promoting the awareness of wheelie pups have become my plight and passion.

The reason I have set up this GO FUND ME is to help with the daily expenses (food, diapers, pee pads) as well as the ongoing medical expenses the wheelie pups have (therapy, acupuncture, UTI's). I am not a rescue and pay for all their expenses with my own funds. As prices for everything continue to increase, I am also trying to keep up. I also hope that by setting up this fundraising drive that people will become aware that these wheelie pups are special and can live happy, rewarding lives.



00:00:02.180 --> 00:00:03.960
Announcer: This is Pet Life radio.

00:00:03.960 --> 00:00:05.060
Shayne Pernice: Let's talk pets.

00:00:22.563 --> 00:00:29.823
Cheryl Kaye: Hi, everybody, Cheryl from Unleashed, and today I have a very interesting, exciting show.

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Cheryl Kaye: I'm here with Shayne and Laura, and they're gonna tell us about their wheelie pup.

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Cheryl Kaye: These are angels.

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Cheryl Kaye: These are people that take rescue pups that probably nobody else would adopt because they require so much work.

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Cheryl Kaye: Hi, Shayne, hi, Laura, how are you?

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Shayne Pernice: Good afternoon, how are you today?

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Laura Stapleton: Hi, good afternoon.

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Cheryl Kaye: So before we talk about the pups, let's get a little background on yourselves.

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Cheryl Kaye: Age before beauty, who's going first?

00:01:02.603 --> 00:01:03.743
Laura Stapleton: That'd be me.

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Laura Stapleton: I'm the older one.

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Laura Stapleton: I am a middle school math teacher, and I sort of fell into the whole wheelie dog thing by accident.

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Laura Stapleton: I had been an animal lover and had two dogs for about 19 and a half years, and then something magical happened, and that's kind of how we fell into the wheelie dogs.

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Laura Stapleton: But I've been an educator for the last 20 plus years, started teaching up in New England and then moved to Florida and taught elementary school, and then moved into middle school, and that's where I am now, and I love it.

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Laura Stapleton: So that is my full-time job in addition to having the wheelie pups and their fur brothers and sisters.

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Laura Stapleton: So we have a total pack of 16.

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Cheryl Kaye: 16, yes.

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Shayne Pernice: 16 total, yes.

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Cheryl Kaye: 16 candles, yes.

00:01:55.323 --> 00:01:56.643
Shayne Pernice: Exactly.

00:01:56.643 --> 00:02:01.083
Cheryl Kaye: And Shayne, you are the primary caregiver for all 16.

00:02:01.083 --> 00:02:02.123
Shayne Pernice: That's correct.

00:02:02.123 --> 00:02:05.183
Cheryl Kaye: So you wake up at the crock of dawn?

00:02:05.183 --> 00:02:07.703
Shayne Pernice: We wake up before that, way before that.

00:02:07.703 --> 00:02:11.903
Shayne Pernice: Someone's always got an issue somewhere or a little spat when they're wrestling each other.

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Cheryl Kaye: And they're all small, right?

00:02:13.383 --> 00:02:13.723
Laura Stapleton: Yes.

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Shayne Pernice: They're all small.

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Shayne Pernice: The only large dog we had was about 60 pounds.

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Shayne Pernice: He was a Golden Retriever, German Shepherd mix.

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Shayne Pernice: And he passed away of old age just about six to eight months ago.

00:02:24.323 --> 00:02:24.943
Cheryl Kaye: Wow.

00:02:24.943 --> 00:02:28.783
Shayne Pernice: So the rest of them are all 24, I think is our heaviest, 24 pounds.

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Cheryl Kaye: That's not with their wheels.

00:02:30.303 --> 00:02:31.323
Shayne Pernice: No, no, no.

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Shayne Pernice: Wow.

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Shayne Pernice: That's just our chubby little curly poodle mix.

00:02:35.703 --> 00:02:38.643
Cheryl Kaye: Well, I have to say, they are very happy.

00:02:38.643 --> 00:02:42.723
Cheryl Kaye: So they certainly do not know that they have any disabilities.

00:02:42.723 --> 00:02:43.383
Laura Stapleton: They don't.

00:02:43.723 --> 00:02:49.143
Laura Stapleton: And that's like, so I bring them to my classroom sometimes.

00:02:49.143 --> 00:02:50.643
Cheryl Kaye: Oh, that's wonderful.

00:02:50.643 --> 00:02:55.023
Laura Stapleton: I started doing that when I was teaching at a predominantly Haitian school.

00:02:55.023 --> 00:02:58.763
Laura Stapleton: Sometimes children are fearful of dogs.

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Laura Stapleton: And so one thing I started doing was bringing Max, because Max is very gentle and he's very sweet.

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Laura Stapleton: And I just sort of let it roll around.

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Laura Stapleton: And as he was doing that, the kids would come out and they would kind of, you know, they just sort of look at him at first.

00:03:15.423 --> 00:03:19.723
Laura Stapleton: And then they very slowly ask if they could pet him or touch him.

00:03:19.723 --> 00:03:23.983
Laura Stapleton: And I did that through aftercare for about a year.

00:03:23.983 --> 00:03:28.803
Laura Stapleton: And then what started to happen was, they wanted to see them more and more.

00:03:28.803 --> 00:03:31.923
Laura Stapleton: So I started bringing Max to school.

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Laura Stapleton: And through doing that, I broke down some barriers for some children who really were fearful of dogs, because seeing them being disabled, but being normal, whether it's to kids or to people who have normal pets or whatever, with no disabilities, they get to see, as you said, show that they, you can tell that they're very happy.

00:03:51.583 --> 00:03:59.283
Shayne Pernice: You know, we've run into you at the dog park several times and they just zip around, have no idea that there's any different from any other animal.

00:03:59.283 --> 00:04:02.823
Cheryl Kaye: No, because they really keep up with the other dogs, that I could say.

00:04:02.823 --> 00:04:05.603
Shayne Pernice: They jump off curbs, they chase squirrels and lizards.

00:04:06.283 --> 00:04:07.343
Cheryl Kaye: Because they're dogs.

00:04:07.343 --> 00:04:11.023
Shayne Pernice: They're dogs, they're happy little excitable dogs.

00:04:11.023 --> 00:04:11.803
Cheryl Kaye: Yeah.

00:04:11.803 --> 00:04:14.703
Cheryl Kaye: So how did you get into this, Shayne?

00:04:14.703 --> 00:04:22.543
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, you just went along with what Laura said was going to be, because you are the primary caregiver.

00:04:22.543 --> 00:04:26.303
Cheryl Kaye: Why don't you tell me what your day is like?

00:04:26.303 --> 00:04:36.543
Shayne Pernice: I usually get up between 4.30 and 5.30, try to let the ones that don't need the wheelchairs, like try to get them in the backyard and everything, just because it's not daylight yet.

00:04:36.543 --> 00:04:51.483
Shayne Pernice: When Laura gets up to start work, we automatically start the cycle of bathing, which some of the ones in the wheelchairs need to be expressed, which means you have to squeeze their bladder to get the most urine out of them that you can.

00:04:51.483 --> 00:04:55.663
Shayne Pernice: So we start out with a bath, and we have a nice big kitchen sink, and they rotate out.

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Shayne Pernice: It's kind of like a ballet that she and I have going back and forth.

00:04:58.583 --> 00:05:05.663
Shayne Pernice: She tells me when she's ready for the next one, and I carry them over to the sink and start drying off that one, and let's go from there.

00:05:05.663 --> 00:05:06.183
Cheryl Kaye: Wow.

00:05:06.183 --> 00:05:09.003
Cheryl Kaye: And you mentioned to me that you take them to rehab.

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Cheryl Kaye: Every day you go?

00:05:10.243 --> 00:05:11.783
Shayne Pernice: Once a week, we go to rehab.

00:05:11.783 --> 00:05:13.643
Shayne Pernice: We can't afford to go every day.

00:05:13.643 --> 00:05:15.443
Cheryl Kaye: How many do you take to rehab?

00:05:15.443 --> 00:05:15.983
Shayne Pernice: Three.

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Shayne Pernice: We have three currently in rehab right now.

00:05:18.223 --> 00:05:20.063
Shayne Pernice: Physical therapy and rehabilitation.

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Shayne Pernice: And acupuncture.

00:05:22.163 --> 00:05:25.243
Cheryl Kaye: And it obviously helps because they are healthy.

00:05:25.243 --> 00:05:28.463
Cheryl Kaye: And how old are the ones in the Wheelies?

00:05:28.463 --> 00:05:32.503
Shayne Pernice: They range anywhere from about three years to about 10 years.

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Shayne Pernice: The seven wheelchairs.

00:05:35.363 --> 00:05:37.323
Cheryl Kaye: And how did they get that way?

00:05:38.383 --> 00:05:40.763
Shayne Pernice: A couple of them were in car accidents.

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Shayne Pernice: One was at doggy daycare, and they actually dropped him on his head and broke his spine.

00:05:46.083 --> 00:05:47.523
Laura Stapleton: A few were hit by a car.

00:05:47.523 --> 00:05:49.563
Laura Stapleton: So each one has their own unique story.

00:05:49.563 --> 00:05:54.583
Laura Stapleton: The one who's barking right now, Bunny Rabbit, he actually started off in Mexico.

00:05:54.583 --> 00:05:59.503
Laura Stapleton: A woman up in Canada, she rescues out of Mexico and Texas.

00:06:00.263 --> 00:06:07.003
Laura Stapleton: And so Bunny Rabbit had been hit by a car and was sitting in a shelter in Mexico.

00:06:07.003 --> 00:06:12.983
Laura Stapleton: They moved him to Texas into another shelter, and they were going to euthanize him.

00:06:12.983 --> 00:06:16.483
Laura Stapleton: And this woman saw him and just said, I want him.

00:06:16.483 --> 00:06:24.523
Laura Stapleton: So she actually pulled him and he came to us because she saw me on Facebook that I had already had two wheelie pups.

00:06:24.523 --> 00:06:28.083
Laura Stapleton: Kiki, another one of ours, is from New Orleans.

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Laura Stapleton: She had gotten to New Orleans via Texas.

00:06:31.903 --> 00:06:38.423
Laura Stapleton: And again, they think that she had IVDD, and the owners didn't want her, so they let her free.

00:06:38.623 --> 00:06:39.523
Cheryl Kaye: What is that?

00:06:39.523 --> 00:06:40.703
Cheryl Kaye: What is that?

00:06:40.703 --> 00:06:54.723
Laura Stapleton: It's a disc disease that can be onset either by trauma, or in our case, the two dogs that have IVDD, which is Max and Kiki, it happened because they were dropped or they were hit.

00:06:54.723 --> 00:07:02.903
Laura Stapleton: Something where it wasn't like a run over type situation, like some of our other little guys, it's a disc disease that affects their disc.

00:07:02.903 --> 00:07:04.743
Shayne Pernice: Degenerative disc disease.

00:07:05.763 --> 00:07:14.703
Shayne Pernice: Once they have a trauma, and whether there's been surgery or medications, like acupuncture or injections, the discs just keep degenerating.

00:07:14.703 --> 00:07:22.523
Shayne Pernice: So rehab would be a kind of moot point for them because it's their body getting older, just as we all know.

00:07:22.523 --> 00:07:24.863
Laura Stapleton: Gunny was our first Wheelie pup.

00:07:24.863 --> 00:07:27.263
Laura Stapleton: He was living with a homeless veteran.

00:07:28.083 --> 00:07:31.363
Laura Stapleton: And another person wanted to give Gunny a better home.

00:07:31.743 --> 00:07:34.123
Laura Stapleton: And at that time, he was not paralyzed.

00:07:34.123 --> 00:07:35.883
Laura Stapleton: He had not had any injuries.

00:07:35.883 --> 00:07:41.303
Laura Stapleton: His wife had an alcohol addiction, and she wasn't watching him, and he got run over by a car.

00:07:41.303 --> 00:07:47.983
Laura Stapleton: And Hollywood Animal Hospital wanted to put him down because they really felt there was nothing they could do for him.

00:07:47.983 --> 00:07:50.983
Laura Stapleton: And the owner said, no, that's not okay.

00:07:50.983 --> 00:07:52.443
Laura Stapleton: You're going to do something.

00:07:52.443 --> 00:07:58.243
Laura Stapleton: So they ended up doing surgery, but he never regained his walking, and he stayed paralyzed.

00:07:58.243 --> 00:08:01.743
Laura Stapleton: But the people didn't know how to take care of Gunny.

00:08:01.743 --> 00:08:10.583
Laura Stapleton: And because they didn't know how to take care of him, he just kept getting worse and worse, and his legs were becoming just open wounds because they never had him in a wheelchair.

00:08:10.583 --> 00:08:13.783
Shayne Pernice: He just kind of dragged around on concrete and all that stuff.

00:08:13.783 --> 00:08:21.843
Laura Stapleton: So somebody, one of our friends tagged me on Facebook and said, this dog looks like the type of dog you guys would like, and he's special.

00:08:21.843 --> 00:08:23.143
Laura Stapleton: And I was like, what do you mean?

00:08:23.143 --> 00:08:25.143
Laura Stapleton: And she said, well, he can't walk.

00:08:25.143 --> 00:08:25.783
Laura Stapleton: Well, not yet.

00:08:26.143 --> 00:08:33.543
Laura Stapleton: So I was like, all right, we'll watch him for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, and then we'll make a decision at that time.

00:08:33.543 --> 00:08:37.423
Laura Stapleton: Well, he's still here, eight, nine years later.

00:08:37.423 --> 00:08:38.903
Cheryl Kaye: He's not going anywhere.

00:08:38.903 --> 00:08:40.403
Laura Stapleton: He's not going anywhere.

00:08:40.403 --> 00:08:45.123
Laura Stapleton: But he was the catalyst that started my, I had never known about dogs and wheelchairs.

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Laura Stapleton: I didn't know anything about how to care for them.

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Laura Stapleton: Nothing.

00:08:49.083 --> 00:08:51.543
Shayne Pernice: It was way before all these commercials started.

00:08:52.003 --> 00:08:54.283
Shayne Pernice: With wheelchairs and stuff like that.

00:08:54.283 --> 00:08:55.423
Shayne Pernice: We just had to wing it.

00:08:55.423 --> 00:08:56.063
Laura Stapleton: Right.

00:08:56.063 --> 00:08:58.643
Laura Stapleton: Nobody was there to hold our hand and tell us what to do.

00:08:58.643 --> 00:09:02.543
Laura Stapleton: There were, nobody was really posting anything about wheelie dogs.

00:09:02.543 --> 00:09:07.903
Laura Stapleton: So we would bring them to all these events so that people could see how happy he was.

00:09:07.903 --> 00:09:10.363
Laura Stapleton: Because we got him a wheelchair, we got him all fixed up.

00:09:10.363 --> 00:09:27.863
Laura Stapleton: And it was at that point that we ended up getting our second wheelie dog a year and a half after we got Gunny, because a rescue had had Max in foster care for over a year and a half, and they just couldn't get him adopted and they thought he was sad.

00:09:27.863 --> 00:09:33.763
Laura Stapleton: And that maybe being around another wheelie pup, that he would kind of not be as sad.

00:09:33.763 --> 00:09:42.143
Laura Stapleton: So we offered over the Christmas break several years ago to take him in and to let him hang out, and he's still here.

00:09:43.243 --> 00:09:44.863
Laura Stapleton: And then it just sort of went like that.

00:09:45.443 --> 00:09:49.403
Laura Stapleton: Our two newest rescues were in Owner Surrender.

00:09:49.403 --> 00:09:51.183
Laura Stapleton: The rescue wanted to take them in.

00:09:51.183 --> 00:09:56.983
Laura Stapleton: They were desperate looking for anyone who had paralyzed dog experience.

00:09:56.983 --> 00:10:00.823
Laura Stapleton: And that's pretty much the other reason why these guys are all here with us.

00:10:00.823 --> 00:10:07.003
Laura Stapleton: There aren't people with the knowledge and experience that will take them in.

00:10:07.003 --> 00:10:12.103
Laura Stapleton: So the rescues won't take them unless they know for sure they have somewhere to go.

00:10:12.103 --> 00:10:13.143
Cheryl Kaye: That's how you get them.

00:10:14.583 --> 00:10:16.223
Laura Stapleton: That's how you get to end up here.

00:10:16.223 --> 00:10:24.143
Laura Stapleton: So we now have our latest one is a mother and daughter, two little shih tzus, three and a half and about one and a half years old.

00:10:24.143 --> 00:10:24.963
Shayne Pernice: Wiggles and Wonky.

00:10:24.963 --> 00:10:26.303
Laura Stapleton: Wiggles and Wonky.

00:10:26.303 --> 00:10:35.623
Laura Stapleton: And Wiggles is paralyzed and will never walk, but Wonky goes to therapy and she's making really great progress, but she does not have a normal gait.

00:10:35.623 --> 00:10:39.923
Laura Stapleton: She has a neurological disease that will continue to plague her the rest of her life.

00:10:39.923 --> 00:10:41.423
Laura Stapleton: So she really won't ever be normal.

00:10:41.743 --> 00:10:47.363
Shayne Pernice: Essentially, her legs do like Seabiscuit, a little egg beater motion.

00:10:47.363 --> 00:10:48.143
Cheryl Kaye: Yeah.

00:10:48.143 --> 00:10:51.883
Shayne Pernice: Is how her legs move, hence the name Wonky.

00:10:51.883 --> 00:10:54.883
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, you got to come up with names for them, all right?

00:10:54.883 --> 00:10:55.663
Shayne Pernice: I have to.

00:10:55.663 --> 00:10:57.943
Laura Stapleton: Yes, that's why our shirts have all their names.

00:10:57.943 --> 00:11:00.143
Laura Stapleton: We have quite an interesting group.

00:11:00.143 --> 00:11:03.003
Laura Stapleton: All 16 have very unique names.

00:11:03.003 --> 00:11:04.163
Cheryl Kaye: Well, they have to.

00:11:04.163 --> 00:11:08.003
Cheryl Kaye: Now, Shayne, you told me you have 11 different vets.

00:11:08.003 --> 00:11:09.143
Shayne Pernice: Somewhere in there.

00:11:09.143 --> 00:11:11.303
Shayne Pernice: Over the years, we've probably been to more than that total.

00:11:11.623 --> 00:11:16.883
Shayne Pernice: But at the moment, two or three go to this one place with the rehab, two go somewhere else.

00:11:16.883 --> 00:11:31.163
Shayne Pernice: And that was generally set up by the rescues that we got them from because those particular vets would have an idea and a background on each of the dogs when we initially got them and they had their initial intake and all that.

00:11:31.163 --> 00:11:33.723
Shayne Pernice: But yeah, we've got quite a few different veterinarians.

00:11:33.723 --> 00:11:35.103
Cheryl Kaye: And they all get along?

00:11:35.103 --> 00:11:35.243
Cheryl Kaye: Yes.

00:11:35.723 --> 00:11:37.263
Shayne Pernice: The dogs are the veterinarians.

00:11:38.943 --> 00:11:40.783
Cheryl Kaye: The dogs.

00:11:40.783 --> 00:11:41.783
Shayne Pernice: Famously.

00:11:41.783 --> 00:11:43.203
Laura Stapleton: They have their moments.

00:11:43.203 --> 00:11:44.783
Laura Stapleton: And he sees a lot of that.

00:11:44.783 --> 00:11:49.023
Laura Stapleton: He sends me stories and takes pictures of crazy stuff that he sees.

00:11:49.023 --> 00:11:52.343
Laura Stapleton: I'm sure he can tell you about radar and.

00:11:52.343 --> 00:11:56.343
Cheryl Kaye: Well, he told me that things happen at night once the wheels come off.

00:11:56.343 --> 00:11:57.063
Shayne Pernice: Oh yeah.

00:11:57.063 --> 00:11:59.463
Shayne Pernice: Well, it's a full out wrestling match sometimes.

00:11:59.463 --> 00:12:00.423
Cheryl Kaye: It's amazing.

00:12:00.423 --> 00:12:01.703
Shayne Pernice: They have a great old time at it too.

00:12:02.323 --> 00:12:05.703
Cheryl Kaye: So with this show, we're hoping that we could get you some help.

00:12:05.703 --> 00:12:16.563
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, even if somebody out there that lives kind of near us in South Florida, even wants to give you a break because really Shayne, you're with them all day long.

00:12:16.563 --> 00:12:17.923
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, you're home with them.

00:12:17.923 --> 00:12:18.403
Shayne Pernice: That's true.

00:12:18.403 --> 00:12:21.643
Shayne Pernice: There's days that I don't even leave our four walls.

00:12:21.643 --> 00:12:27.843
Cheryl Kaye: Are you ever able to leave the house, both of you together and leave them all in the house alone?

00:12:28.523 --> 00:12:30.583
Shayne Pernice: Just for short times.

00:12:31.103 --> 00:12:35.463
Shayne Pernice: We can go out to dinner or something like that, just for a couple of hours maybe.

00:12:35.463 --> 00:12:36.743
Cheryl Kaye: Okay.

00:12:36.743 --> 00:12:44.303
Shayne Pernice: But by that time, pretty much, we have them all settled and a couple of them take different medications for anxiety and what have you.

00:12:44.303 --> 00:12:48.983
Shayne Pernice: So we kind of make sure that they're balanced out before we would even attempt to leave together.

00:12:48.983 --> 00:12:53.723
Shayne Pernice: But I haven't been to a movie theater or a vacation or anything like that in years.

00:12:53.723 --> 00:12:54.963
Cheryl Kaye: That's not going to happen.

00:12:54.963 --> 00:12:55.723
Shayne Pernice: Right, exactly.

00:12:55.963 --> 00:12:58.883
Cheryl Kaye: Because you wouldn't enjoy yourself because you'd be worrying.

00:12:58.883 --> 00:13:04.683
Shayne Pernice: I would be completely obsessed and over whoever was supposed to be taking care of them was doing it right.

00:13:04.683 --> 00:13:20.443
Laura Stapleton: And we've had people try to take on the challenge and it just ends up being they feel so bad because they cannot keep up with the same routine that we have, especially regarding the expressing.

00:13:20.443 --> 00:13:29.523
Laura Stapleton: When you ask someone who doesn't have a paralyzed dog to express a paralyzed dog, it's very simple, but they really are not comfortable.

00:13:29.523 --> 00:13:39.103
Laura Stapleton: And I think that's one of the issues is we've never been able to really find a caregiver that is comfortable with wheelchair dogs.

00:13:39.103 --> 00:13:40.663
Cheryl Kaye: It would have to be a groomer.

00:13:40.663 --> 00:13:44.203
Laura Stapleton: Actually, my two people who have tried have been groomers.

00:13:44.203 --> 00:13:51.543
Laura Stapleton: You would be amazed at the challenge regarding finding a groomer, finding a vet, finding doggy daycare.

00:13:52.203 --> 00:14:02.103
Laura Stapleton: If we did want to go away maybe for a long weekend, it has been quite eye-opening that wheelchair dogs are actually very much...

00:14:02.103 --> 00:14:03.523
Cheryl Kaye: They're like toddlers.

00:14:03.523 --> 00:14:04.103
Cheryl Kaye: They're toddlers.

00:14:05.023 --> 00:14:08.383
Laura Stapleton: And they're alienated by those who don't understand.

00:14:08.383 --> 00:14:19.083
Laura Stapleton: And that is something that I was shocked to find out that they aren't treated necessarily the same by everyone in the community when we were looking for doggy daycare.

00:14:19.563 --> 00:14:25.963
Shayne Pernice: We went to six different doggy daycares for Gunny, and we ended up with one that seemed okay, but they were just loud.

00:14:25.963 --> 00:14:29.043
Shayne Pernice: He would launch himself out of his wheelchair and into a pool.

00:14:29.043 --> 00:14:31.103
Shayne Pernice: He was just a little wild man.

00:14:31.103 --> 00:14:31.963
Cheryl Kaye: Yeah.

00:14:31.963 --> 00:14:37.583
Cheryl Kaye: Well, at our dog park where we all go, they are certainly loved there.

00:14:37.683 --> 00:14:38.483
Cheryl Kaye: Oh, yeah.

00:14:38.483 --> 00:14:40.383
Cheryl Kaye: Everybody gets a kick out of them.

00:14:40.383 --> 00:14:44.403
Laura Stapleton: And that's kind of why we do take them out.

00:14:44.403 --> 00:14:49.763
Laura Stapleton: When, Shayne can tell you, like when we're walking on the street, what happens?

00:14:49.763 --> 00:14:50.663
Laura Stapleton: What do cars do?

00:14:50.663 --> 00:14:59.423
Shayne Pernice: People pull right over onto the side of the road in the median and want to take pictures with them and just think it's just amazing that they can move and get around.

00:14:59.423 --> 00:15:01.623
Shayne Pernice: And, you know, they go to the bathroom on their own.

00:15:01.623 --> 00:15:07.103
Shayne Pernice: That's a lot of people's biggest question is, are they able to go to the bathroom in their little cars, their little chairs?

00:15:07.103 --> 00:15:10.763
Shayne Pernice: And the design, yeah, they pee and poop, right?

00:15:10.763 --> 00:15:12.083
Shayne Pernice: Just like a regular dog.

00:15:12.083 --> 00:15:16.683
Shayne Pernice: They know when they want to go to the bathroom, they'll sniff a spot and they want to pee on something.

00:15:16.683 --> 00:15:19.363
Shayne Pernice: But when they get to the house, they don't necessarily know that they have to.

00:15:19.363 --> 00:15:24.083
Shayne Pernice: So we go through cases and cases of diapers and stuff like that.

00:15:24.083 --> 00:15:25.323
Cheryl Kaye: I'm sure.

00:15:25.323 --> 00:15:28.223
Cheryl Kaye: Now, obviously, they take medication.

00:15:28.223 --> 00:15:29.163
Laura Stapleton: Yes.

00:15:29.163 --> 00:15:30.103
Shayne Pernice: Yes, they do.

00:15:30.103 --> 00:15:32.743
Cheryl Kaye: That's on an ongoing daily basis.

00:15:32.743 --> 00:15:33.223
Shayne Pernice: Sure.

00:15:33.223 --> 00:15:36.523
Shayne Pernice: A couple of the blind ones get three different kinds of eye drops every day.

00:15:36.523 --> 00:15:36.723
Cheryl Kaye: Right.

00:15:36.723 --> 00:15:42.323
Laura Stapleton: Because in addition to the ones in wheelchairs, we've also taken on blind dogs and deaf dogs.

00:15:42.323 --> 00:15:43.223
Shayne Pernice: The amputees.

00:15:44.043 --> 00:15:50.543
Laura Stapleton: That are at their kind of senior years, and people don't really want to take care of them anymore.

00:15:50.543 --> 00:15:54.343
Laura Stapleton: So we do have quite a few of those that have medical expenses.

00:15:54.343 --> 00:16:01.323
Laura Stapleton: And then the wheelie dogs, it is an ongoing medical expense, especially because they're extremely prone to UTIs.

00:16:02.543 --> 00:16:05.283
Shayne Pernice: And it's all the expression of the bladder and all that stuff.

00:16:05.283 --> 00:16:06.063
Shayne Pernice: Right.

00:16:06.063 --> 00:16:07.223
Cheryl Kaye: Just like people.

00:16:07.223 --> 00:16:07.463
Laura Stapleton: Yes.

00:16:07.583 --> 00:16:08.043
Shayne Pernice: Oh, yeah.

00:16:08.043 --> 00:16:12.623
Shayne Pernice: We've had Max had kidney stones, and that was a couple thousand dollar operation.

00:16:12.623 --> 00:16:14.263
Laura Stapleton: And we've had Gunny has had an operation.

00:16:14.263 --> 00:16:15.643
Shayne Pernice: Gunny has had an operation.

00:16:15.643 --> 00:16:19.643
Laura Stapleton: We had our dog who had cancer, and all those expenses, we pay for.

00:16:19.643 --> 00:16:21.503
Cheryl Kaye: Now, also.

00:16:21.503 --> 00:16:22.643
Laura Stapleton: I'm not a rescue.

00:16:22.643 --> 00:16:23.483
Laura Stapleton: I am not a vet.

00:16:23.483 --> 00:16:24.323
Laura Stapleton: We do.

00:16:24.323 --> 00:16:25.343
Laura Stapleton: We pay for.

00:16:25.343 --> 00:16:26.143
Laura Stapleton: Right.

00:16:26.143 --> 00:16:30.683
Cheryl Kaye: Hopefully, the vets are kind to you, and you know.

00:16:30.683 --> 00:16:32.623
Laura Stapleton: Yeah, that 10% really.

00:16:32.623 --> 00:16:33.563
Cheryl Kaye: That goes nowhere.

00:16:33.843 --> 00:16:34.543
Laura Stapleton: I mean, look.

00:16:34.803 --> 00:16:35.963
Shayne Pernice: Every little bit of.

00:16:36.223 --> 00:16:49.523
Laura Stapleton: If anybody, and I always say, if anybody has anything extra that they don't want, like if I'm at the dog park, and somebody is speaking to me, and they're talking and asking, oh, you know, is there anything we can do?

00:16:49.523 --> 00:16:53.163
Laura Stapleton: If people have extra dog food that they're not using, their dog doesn't like it.

00:16:53.163 --> 00:16:54.303
Laura Stapleton: Hey, we'll take it.

00:16:54.303 --> 00:16:58.723
Laura Stapleton: Diapers, pittle pads, like anything helps.

00:16:58.763 --> 00:17:00.443
Laura Stapleton: Use things help.

00:17:00.443 --> 00:17:14.303
Laura Stapleton: That is where we are, because we give everything that we have to our dogs, and we don't ask for anything from the public, because we know that when we bring them out, that's promoting awareness, but certainly every little bit help.

00:17:14.303 --> 00:17:16.083
Cheryl Kaye: Do they eat special food?

00:17:16.083 --> 00:17:21.683
Laura Stapleton: Two of them are on the science diet urinary formula, which is a special formula.

00:17:21.683 --> 00:17:22.183
Laura Stapleton: And then Ms.

00:17:22.183 --> 00:17:30.223
Laura Stapleton: Pickles, who's our little rolly polly wheelie, she's very chubby, so she's on a weight loss food, which is also a science diet.

00:17:30.383 --> 00:17:36.283
Laura Stapleton: And then everybody else, we do try to do chicken and rice, because that's the best for them.

00:17:36.283 --> 00:17:42.523
Laura Stapleton: When you have a wheelchair dog, you don't want them to have tummy issues, and Max has pancreatitis.

00:17:42.523 --> 00:17:48.203
Laura Stapleton: And if that blows up, as does his bowel movements, then we have a mess on our hands.

00:17:48.223 --> 00:17:54.123
Laura Stapleton: So we do try to keep everybody with very pure food, but they do eat.

00:17:54.123 --> 00:18:00.723
Shayne Pernice: And just like any time you get more than one dog together, they're gonna sneak bites of each other's food and all that sort of thing.

00:18:00.723 --> 00:18:03.503
Shayne Pernice: So occasionally we end up a little bit of a mess.

00:18:03.503 --> 00:18:05.343
Cheryl Kaye: So they all eat at the same time?

00:18:05.343 --> 00:18:07.523
Shayne Pernice: Well, relatively.

00:18:07.523 --> 00:18:09.483
Shayne Pernice: We try to feed them with that morning bath.

00:18:09.483 --> 00:18:18.303
Shayne Pernice: So whether up on the counter or getting dried off and getting ready for the diaper change or whatever for the day, we try to feed them at that point so they can eat individually and what have you.

00:18:18.303 --> 00:18:21.463
Shayne Pernice: But we do leave a bowl of dry food constantly full.

00:18:21.463 --> 00:18:26.303
Shayne Pernice: So if anybody wants to have a little bite or something, there's always something there for them.

00:18:26.303 --> 00:18:26.643
Cheryl Kaye: Right.

00:18:26.643 --> 00:18:28.103
Cheryl Kaye: So you take them out.

00:18:28.483 --> 00:18:32.243
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, the other dogs, they could go outside like you walk them like.

00:18:32.243 --> 00:18:35.763
Shayne Pernice: I know, several times a day, we walk.

00:18:37.283 --> 00:18:39.183
Shayne Pernice: As we go in, we only take 40 times.

00:18:39.183 --> 00:18:49.603
Shayne Pernice: Lori actually broke her shoulder just under a year ago because she decided five dogs was a good idea in the rain and got all tangled up and ended up breaking her shoulder on the sidewalk.

00:18:49.603 --> 00:18:51.423
Cheryl Kaye: And what's the oldest dog you have?

00:18:51.683 --> 00:18:55.043
Laura Stapleton: Probably a peanut or a poppy.

00:18:55.043 --> 00:18:56.643
Shayne Pernice: Peanut is one of our blind ones.

00:18:56.643 --> 00:18:57.143
Laura Stapleton: Yeah.

00:18:57.143 --> 00:18:59.303
Shayne Pernice: She's probably about 13 or 14.

00:18:59.303 --> 00:19:01.663
Shayne Pernice: We've had her for nine years or 10 years.

00:19:01.663 --> 00:19:04.103
Laura Stapleton: And then there's Popeye with the one eye.

00:19:04.103 --> 00:19:06.523
Laura Stapleton: We're not really sure how old he is.

00:19:06.523 --> 00:19:13.023
Laura Stapleton: Out of the Wheelie dogs, Gunny or Max is probably the oldest.

00:19:13.023 --> 00:19:13.363
Laura Stapleton: Wow.

00:19:14.323 --> 00:19:15.203
Shayne Pernice: 10 or 11 years.

00:19:15.203 --> 00:19:15.943
Laura Stapleton: Yeah.

00:19:15.943 --> 00:19:21.643
Cheryl Kaye: You really have dogs that go to live, because other than that, they would be put down.

00:19:21.643 --> 00:19:22.283
Shayne Pernice: Oh, absolutely.

00:19:22.283 --> 00:19:23.223
Laura Stapleton: Absolutely.

00:19:23.223 --> 00:19:24.603
Laura Stapleton: And we have been told that.

00:19:24.603 --> 00:19:30.243
Laura Stapleton: Several of ours have been on the chopping blocks, and we said, look, we'll take on.

00:19:30.243 --> 00:19:47.423
Laura Stapleton: And when people call, when the rescues call crying, saying they don't know who to call, and they're calling each other and each one is telling them, call us, and they call and they're like, we don't know what to do, and they're crying, and we say, hey, we're at max capacity.

00:19:47.423 --> 00:19:50.323
Laura Stapleton: And then I look at Shayne, and then I show him a picture.

00:19:50.323 --> 00:19:51.003
Cheryl Kaye: And you take it.

00:19:51.003 --> 00:19:52.143
Laura Stapleton: And then that's it.

00:19:52.143 --> 00:19:53.703
Shayne Pernice: And then they get to meet you at the dog park.

00:19:56.543 --> 00:19:58.403
Cheryl Kaye: Shayne, what is your background?

00:19:58.403 --> 00:20:02.803
Shayne Pernice: I had a dog or two when I was a child, but I left, I was in the Marine Corps for six years.

00:20:02.803 --> 00:20:14.123
Shayne Pernice: And when I came back, Laurie and I had Tiki and Star, which were the two little shih tzus before any of this, but I got injured at the tri-rail station and broke my leg out of pieces.

00:20:14.123 --> 00:20:15.923
Shayne Pernice: And I was in a wheelchair for a week.

00:20:15.923 --> 00:20:18.003
Cheryl Kaye: A wheelchair just like the dogs.

00:20:18.003 --> 00:20:19.543
Cheryl Kaye: So you have empathy.

00:20:19.543 --> 00:20:23.183
Shayne Pernice: And it was just about this time of rolls together, that we even walks, we go on rolls together.

00:20:23.183 --> 00:20:24.443
Shayne Pernice: And we just kind of bonded from there.

00:20:24.443 --> 00:20:27.483
Shayne Pernice: And like Laurie said, it just kind of became organic for us.

00:20:27.483 --> 00:20:31.883
Shayne Pernice: We just kind of get used to not sleep in all the time and stuff like that.

00:20:31.883 --> 00:20:32.983
Shayne Pernice: It all works out.

00:20:33.863 --> 00:20:35.423
Shayne Pernice: They certainly end up with a better life.

00:20:35.423 --> 00:20:40.283
Shayne Pernice: And again, we get them out there so people can see that these kind of dogs need help too.

00:20:40.283 --> 00:20:43.503
Shayne Pernice: And they're not anything to fear or anything like that.

00:20:43.503 --> 00:20:47.343
Shayne Pernice: It takes a little extra help, but it's a little practice and everything else.

00:20:47.343 --> 00:20:49.443
Shayne Pernice: They can all have a perfectly normal life.

00:20:49.443 --> 00:20:54.383
Cheryl Kaye: I wanted to ask, do you make the wheelies or does somebody make them for you?

00:20:54.383 --> 00:20:58.063
Shayne Pernice: There's a company, we've dealt with a couple of different companies that make them.

00:20:58.063 --> 00:21:01.443
Shayne Pernice: We've been pretty happy with the ones that we have recently.

00:21:01.443 --> 00:21:03.743
Shayne Pernice: They're a little sturdier, but still lightweight.

00:21:03.743 --> 00:21:08.743
Shayne Pernice: And there's an integral system that builds into their harnesses that locks them in place.

00:21:08.743 --> 00:21:15.143
Shayne Pernice: So you're not wrestling with trying to tie different knots around them and to hold the wheelchair on and all this kind of stuff.

00:21:15.143 --> 00:21:18.223
Shayne Pernice: So we have a company we've been working with.

00:21:18.943 --> 00:21:23.983
Shayne Pernice: They usually run at this size, they run from about $350 to about $500.

00:21:23.983 --> 00:21:35.703
Shayne Pernice: But likewise, over the time, when we found different models that work better for us, we've actually donated some of their older chairs that work better for different kinds of dogs, say a little shorter or thinner or what have you.

00:21:36.383 --> 00:21:42.463
Shayne Pernice: So we always try to pay it forward again to other people who are willing to take on the challenge, you know?

00:21:42.463 --> 00:21:45.443
Cheryl Kaye: It is a challenge and you both are angels.

00:21:46.463 --> 00:21:48.723
Cheryl Kaye: There's a gold ladder for you somewhere.

00:21:48.723 --> 00:21:51.423
Shayne Pernice: My mom might disagree with you on that one.

00:21:51.423 --> 00:22:02.703
Cheryl Kaye: Let's tell our listeners if they have anything extra, because every little bit helps, that you have a GoFundMe, what is it called, so they could give money.

00:22:03.523 --> 00:22:07.563
Laura Stapleton: It's called Rolling with the Wheelies, Wheelie Pups, that is.

00:22:07.583 --> 00:22:13.703
Laura Stapleton: And they also have an Instagram, that you can follow and watch their shamanians at the dog park.

00:22:13.703 --> 00:22:20.463
Laura Stapleton: They're called the Six Pack of Wheelies, like the number six pack of wheelies altogether.

00:22:20.463 --> 00:22:24.283
Laura Stapleton: But now we have seven wheelies, but we're going to keep that six pack of wheelies for now.

00:22:24.743 --> 00:22:25.003
Cheryl Kaye: Okay.

00:22:25.003 --> 00:22:28.023
Cheryl Kaye: And spell the GoFundMe.

00:22:28.023 --> 00:22:29.263
Cheryl Kaye: Spell his.

00:22:29.263 --> 00:22:39.423
Laura Stapleton: So it's Rolling R-O-L-L-I-N-G with W-I-T-H, the T-H-E wheelies, W-H-E-E-L-I-E-S.

00:22:41.783 --> 00:22:43.143
Shayne Pernice: Dot, dot, dot.

00:22:43.143 --> 00:22:45.963
Shayne Pernice: Wheelie, W-H-E-E-L-I-E again.

00:22:45.963 --> 00:22:48.903
Shayne Pernice: Pups, P-U-P-S, that is.

00:22:48.903 --> 00:22:50.043
Shayne Pernice: exclamation point.

00:22:50.063 --> 00:22:52.803
Shayne Pernice: So Rolling with the Wheelies, Wheelie Pups, that is.

00:22:53.543 --> 00:22:56.063
Cheryl Kaye: And we'll post this with the show.

00:22:56.083 --> 00:23:03.243
Cheryl Kaye: And hopefully we can help you out because I don't even want to venture what it must run you.

00:23:03.243 --> 00:23:06.983
Laura Stapleton: I mean, they eat better than we do.

00:23:07.383 --> 00:23:08.723
Shayne Pernice: Into the ground, you could venture.

00:23:08.723 --> 00:23:11.023
Shayne Pernice: Into the ground is where it runs us.

00:23:11.023 --> 00:23:12.803
Cheryl Kaye: I know, but you love doing it.

00:23:12.803 --> 00:23:14.403
Cheryl Kaye: Oh yeah, absolutely.

00:23:14.403 --> 00:23:18.503
Cheryl Kaye: Because this you can't do unless you love what you do.

00:23:18.503 --> 00:23:19.803
Cheryl Kaye: Plus the dogs are great.

00:23:21.683 --> 00:23:28.083
Cheryl Kaye: The ones that you've brought out, you could tell they're happy and have personalities.

00:23:28.083 --> 00:23:35.103
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, the other day, the one that twisted over, Laura, you just pick that dog right up.

00:23:35.103 --> 00:23:35.923
Shayne Pernice: Snatching right up.

00:23:36.423 --> 00:23:36.983
Laura Stapleton: Man down.

00:23:36.983 --> 00:23:40.503
Laura Stapleton: Man down and we just pick him up and he goes right back on his way.

00:23:40.503 --> 00:23:42.783
Laura Stapleton: And that's what it's all about.

00:23:42.783 --> 00:23:45.303
Laura Stapleton: We are now passionate about this.

00:23:45.303 --> 00:23:50.583
Laura Stapleton: This is something that could change people's lives, that can change people's views on anything.

00:23:50.583 --> 00:23:58.943
Laura Stapleton: And I think this sort of fell into our lap to bring awareness and to change the world's opinion on wheelchair dogs.

00:23:58.943 --> 00:24:06.583
Laura Stapleton: And they have challenges just like we do, but they persevere and they survive and they're happy.

00:24:06.583 --> 00:24:12.203
Laura Stapleton: And that's the most important thing when I hear people who are like, oh my God, but they're so happy.

00:24:12.443 --> 00:24:13.523
Shayne Pernice: The smiles on our faces.

00:24:13.523 --> 00:24:15.443
Laura Stapleton: I'm like, what would you think?

00:24:17.343 --> 00:24:22.003
Shayne Pernice: I make a lot of jokes and stuff like that about it, but what we gave back from them.

00:24:22.003 --> 00:24:25.623
Cheryl Kaye: Love, devotion, and they're crazy for you, you know.

00:24:25.623 --> 00:24:27.923
Shayne Pernice: You can tell that they're so grateful.

00:24:27.923 --> 00:24:31.183
Shayne Pernice: So yeah, just so gracious and happy to see you.

00:24:31.183 --> 00:24:35.063
Shayne Pernice: And they know that they would have a little more difficult time in life if it wasn't for us.

00:24:35.063 --> 00:24:38.003
Shayne Pernice: So they just they try to give us that love right back.

00:24:38.003 --> 00:24:40.423
Cheryl Kaye: Well, I hope that we could do something for you.

00:24:40.623 --> 00:24:51.483
Cheryl Kaye: And I hope that a lot of people who are listening could feel differently about animals, whether they are deaf or blind, because, you know, they're also overlooked a lot in the shelters.

00:24:51.483 --> 00:24:52.063
Shayne Pernice: Absolutely.

00:24:52.063 --> 00:24:52.883
Laura Stapleton: Absolutely.

00:24:52.883 --> 00:24:58.123
Laura Stapleton: We have three that are blind, that were sheltered, unwanted in the back room.

00:24:58.123 --> 00:25:04.723
Laura Stapleton: And the only way we knew about them is somebody from a rescue had said, would you guys take in a senior pup that's blind?

00:25:04.723 --> 00:25:06.423
Laura Stapleton: We're like, absolutely.

00:25:06.423 --> 00:25:10.423
Laura Stapleton: Like he's a little teeny tiny chihuahua, and he's blind as a bat.

00:25:10.423 --> 00:25:13.063
Laura Stapleton: But then we also have Peanut, who's blind as a bat.

00:25:13.063 --> 00:25:16.163
Laura Stapleton: And they're best buddies, and they're their little senior citizens.

00:25:16.163 --> 00:25:19.043
Laura Stapleton: They do their own thing, but they are overlooked.

00:25:19.043 --> 00:25:22.383
Laura Stapleton: Many dogs at the shelter are overlooked because they are disabled.

00:25:22.383 --> 00:25:24.203
Laura Stapleton: And people are scared.

00:25:24.203 --> 00:25:27.523
Laura Stapleton: If you don't know, then you fear what you don't know.

00:25:27.523 --> 00:25:27.963
Cheryl Kaye: Right.

00:25:27.963 --> 00:25:31.103
Laura Stapleton: And I think it's changing now with commercials.

00:25:31.103 --> 00:25:37.563
Laura Stapleton: I've been seeing a lot of specially abled, I like to call them that now, specially abled dogs, and that is bringing awareness.

00:25:38.143 --> 00:25:42.923
Laura Stapleton: And y'all see some stuff out there about dogs in wheelchairs and all the other great things.

00:25:42.923 --> 00:25:52.183
Cheryl Kaye: But I appreciate you opening up your menagerie of the steam candles with us, because it really is.

00:25:52.183 --> 00:25:57.403
Cheryl Kaye: And the fact that both of you could laugh and get up every day, and you have a job.

00:25:57.403 --> 00:25:59.423
Cheryl Kaye: No, it's a lot.

00:25:59.423 --> 00:26:03.903
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, taking care of one person who's disabled is a lot.

00:26:03.903 --> 00:26:05.423
Cheryl Kaye: I mean, that's why they have eight.

00:26:06.043 --> 00:26:13.383
Cheryl Kaye: And you are with 16 dogs, just walking, even 16 healthy dogs.

00:26:13.383 --> 00:26:18.123
Shayne Pernice: And I mean, We run a rotation, a regular rotation.

00:26:18.123 --> 00:26:22.503
Laura Stapleton: Yeah, I have to say, I can't believe how well-behaved they're being right now.

00:26:22.503 --> 00:26:23.823
Laura Stapleton: This is incredible.

00:26:23.823 --> 00:26:27.563
Laura Stapleton: They are like completely just chill.

00:26:27.583 --> 00:26:36.423
Shayne Pernice: Usually when they hear a computer voice or something, whether it's a movie trailer or whatever, they hear the echo from a computer, and they usually have something to say about it.

00:26:36.423 --> 00:26:38.583
Shayne Pernice: But they're all being pretty good right now.

00:26:38.583 --> 00:26:41.523
Cheryl Kaye: Well, I really appreciate you coming on.

00:26:41.803 --> 00:26:46.263
Cheryl Kaye: I'm glad that you did reach out because I really want to do this show.

00:26:46.263 --> 00:26:52.543
Cheryl Kaye: And hopefully, something will come of it because you really are very special people.

00:26:52.543 --> 00:26:57.323
Cheryl Kaye: And I'm really glad to know you because we need people like you.

00:26:57.323 --> 00:26:58.063
Shayne Pernice: Appreciate that.

00:26:58.063 --> 00:26:58.703
Shayne Pernice: Thank you.

00:26:58.703 --> 00:27:04.143
Cheryl Kaye: So I just want to tell all my listeners, hopefully, that you could help us out here.

00:27:04.143 --> 00:27:09.303
Cheryl Kaye: If you want to help out, the name of the GoFundMe is the Wheelie Pups.

00:27:09.303 --> 00:27:17.963
Cheryl Kaye: And anything that you could give or help out with or spread the word would really help because these are angels in our midst.

00:27:17.963 --> 00:27:24.103
Cheryl Kaye: These are animals that really need extra special care and not everybody is equipped for it.

00:27:24.103 --> 00:27:32.303
Cheryl Kaye: So once again, it's Wheelie Pups, W-H-E-E-L-I-E, Pups, P-U-P-S.

00:27:32.303 --> 00:27:34.003
Cheryl Kaye: And it's their GoFundMe.

00:27:34.003 --> 00:27:41.683
Cheryl Kaye: And I want to thank Shayne and Laura, and you know, and the fact that you're an educator is a beautiful thing also.

00:27:41.683 --> 00:27:47.983
Cheryl Kaye: And I want to tell all my listeners to live life unleashed, and I'll see you next time.

00:27:48.483 --> 00:27:49.923
Cheryl Kaye: Bye bye, everybody.

00:27:50.983 --> 00:27:57.003
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week, on demand, only on petliferadio.com.