Deborah Wolfe
Animal Expert and Trainer
Bestselling Author, Columnist
Award Winning Radio and T.V. Host
..Pets on Pot
Dr. Carol Osborne ..................... ...
Dr. Carol Osborne talks about pot and pets; Marijuana for pets with arthritis, and other painful conditions. Deborah points out that President Obama and PM Harper are making huge recent changes to legislation for humans using legal or decriminalized marijuana and the two men and two countries are going in different directions with Canada taking a surprising turn recently. Dr. Carol tells why you may not want to spay or neuter your pet, plus gives you an easy formula for making your own cat or dog food, treats and chew toys out of leftovers.
Cheap, simple, healthy, and they will love it. Got a crock pot? then it's minutes of work and low cost. If you have some extra yogurt feed it to fido or kitty says Dr. Carol. Seriously simple recipes and cooking tips. Deborah throws in some pet news items including the pet monkey rescued from an Ikea parking lot and Dr. Carol tells why wild animal babies make bad pets. Plus holiday safety tips and choices from Dr. Carol and Deb Wolfe to keep your family and pets safe. Happy Holidays.
Questions or Comments? Send them to: deborah@petliferadio.com
Transcript will be available shortly.