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Dr. Jim Humphries
President and News Director
Veterinary News Network

Pet Video of the Week
VNN is a news source for radio, television and print media and provides interesting and timely animal health stories to veterinary reporters nationwide.

Prosthetics Help Pets Find Balance
Chances are that you have seen a dog or cat with just three legs. Some pets are born without a complete set of legs and others might lose their legs due to trauma or disease. Thanks to new technologies, veterinarians and pet owners are discovering that prosthetics can help their animal companions lead more normal lives. What’s even more exciting? Research from prosthetics and pets may one day help human amputees. Watch this video to see how prosthetics help support pets.

Pudgy Pets Pose Problems for Vets
According to the CDC, more than 1 in 4 American adults are overweight and obese. And alongside of us are legions of chubby canines and flabby tabbies! A recent study has shown that half of our dogs and cats are overweight - and that is seriously affecting their health. Heart disease, cancer and diabetes are only a few of the medical concerns. What can be done? Watch this video to learn more about our pudgy pets!

Rabies...A Worldwide Threat!
It probably seems inconceivable to most North Americans, but more than 55,000 people across the world die every year from rabies. This dreaded killer disease still ravages large areas of Asia and Africa and children are often the unfortunate victims. Overall, someone in the world dies from rabies every 10 minutes! Fortunately, global awareness is increasing due to World Rabies Day. Watch this video to learn about how you can keep your pets safe and help eradicate terrestrial rabies.

Purebred Rescue...Finding Forever Families!
Many people would like to save a pet by adopting from the local shelter. But some prefer the looks and personalities of a purebred dog. Can you find the specific breed you want and still save a life? The answer is yes and the help comes from Breed Rescue Groups! These organizations are adopting tens of thousands of purebred pets every day. Watch this video to see how these groups match great purebred dogs and cats with their forever homes!

Helping Your Pet Keep His Cool This Summer
Every year, thousands of dogs will end up at the animal emergency hospital due to heat stroke. This rapid and extreme rise of body temperature can happen very quickly on the hot, muggy days of summer and even more quickly if the pet is left in the car for just a few moments. Without the proper treatment, many dogs will die. Learning to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke and a few simply safety tips can help to save your pet’s life.

Battling a Canine Killer...Katy's Story
Half of all dogs will develop some sort of cancer in their lifetime and one in four dogs will die. These are the sad statistics of this dreaded disease that affect people and pets. Canine cancer is so prevalent that it is the leading killer of dogs over the age of two. The Canine Cancer Project is now underway to help fund studies aimed at eliminating canine cancer in the next ten to twenty years. Watch this video to learn how you can help eradicate cancer in your dog’s lifetime!

Cutting Edge Technology Lessens Pain of Surgery!
New drugs and medical equipment are making our pets more comfortable before, during, and after surgeries. The use of laparoscopes in veterinary medicine is just one more example of how advancing technology is helping our pets. Also known as minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopy is reducing the pain of surgery and even helping to save lives! Watch this video to see actual footage of laparoscopic surgery!

Pets Go Green
Rising gas prices and climate changes have many people worried about the future of our planet and pet owners are no exception. Luckily, help appears to be on the way. From organic pet toys to bio-degradable cat litter, many companies are finding new ways to help pets and their owners lessen their carbon footprint. Watch this video to see ways that you can help your pet “go green”!

Going Retro is Not Good for Cats
You might enjoy a night out listening to the latest in “retro” music, but your cats should avoid “going retro” at all costs! Retroviral diseases, such as Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, are more common than most pet owners realize and are truly threats to your cat’s well-being. Fortunately, through testing protocols and lifestyle choices, owners can help keep their feline friends safe from these deadly diseases. Watch this video to learn more!

False Flea Facts Pet Owners Need to Know!
Can fleas survive a typical Midwestern winter? How do you know the flea products your veterinarian sells are better than the ones in the pet store or grocery store? Have “super fleas” emerged that are resistant to these drugs? Conflicting and even confusing information seems to abound when people talk about these nasty parasites. Watch this video to get the straight scoop on flea myths!

Orthotics Give Pets a Step Up to Normal Lives
Just like us, our pets can suffer a number of orthopedic injuries, some of which can be devastating and debilitating. Veterinary orthopedics continues to make great advances, but what happens when surgery is not an option or when the surgery alone can’t give a good quality of life? Luckily, the science of orthotics can provide additional support and just might save the lives of some pets.

Veterinarians at Home Fight the War on Terror!
The safety of our food supply depends on the dedication and skills of veterinarians across the continent. However, concerns about terrorist attacks on this vital, yet vulnerable segment of our economy is prompting a review of security practices and the news appears bleak. Estimates from veterinary schools and veterinary leadership show that 4 out of every 100 jobs in public health or large animal health will go unfilled within the next several years. Watch this video to see how veterinarians continue to keep us safe from Mad Cow, Anthrax, and other deadly diseases.

Feline Heartworms...A Hidden and Deadly Threat!
Dog owners are well aware of the threat of heartworm disease, but many pet owners would be shocked to know that their cats are in danger as well. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes and are capable of infecting cats in addition to dogs. Unfortunately, our cats rarely show physical signs of this infection and are more likely to die due to their body’s reaction to the parasite. The good news is that your veterinarian can help you prevent this deadly feline disease.

Just What IS That Doggie in the Window?
Science is allowing us to take a new and exciting look at our family pets. The Wisdom Panel® DNA test for dogs is enabling many owners of mixed breed dogs to discover more about their mutts. Studies show the test to have an 84% accuracy rate in determining your dogs “roots”. Using technology that may be familiar to CSI viewers, a small amount of blood is taken from your pet and compared to a DNA database to reveal your pet’s ancestors.

Pet Smiles Go High Tech!
We all know that our pets need good dental care. But did you know that even if your dog's mouth looks perfectly normal, there is a 28% chance that he has some dental issues? Crooked teeth and broken teeth are extremely common, not to mention painful and can make chewing difficult to impossible. Luckily, the Veterinary Dentist has an arsenal of tools to help fix your pet

Deadly Diseases Might Come From Our Pets!
Recent reports of pets spreading resistant staph infections to their owners have made headline news across the world. But, just how serious is this concern? Zoonotic diseases are illness that can be spread from animals to people and some of these can be fatal. What other deadly diseases could we potentially catch from our pets? Watch this video to learn more.

Winter Dangers for Pets
We all enjoy the festive nature of the holidays. But, did you know that the delicious food we love and the sparkling decorations could be a danger to our pets? Many holiday traditions, such as tinsel on the tree or mistletoe, have led to pets needing emergency medical treatment. Some foods can cause illnesses in our dogs and cats as well. Wintertime can indeed be hazardous to our pets! Watch this video to learn more.

Animal ER - Ready When You Need Them!
Cold weather, holiday food, toxins and injuries can cause our pets serious problems this time of year. Thankfully, animal emergency rooms are now common. Staffed by highly trained team members and loaded with high-tech equipment, it might be difficult to distinguish the animal ER from your local human hospital. Watch this video to learn more.

Options for Grieving Pet Owners... The end of our pets' lives can be a traumatic event for many people. The bond that we share with our pets means we aren't just losing an animal; we are losing a family member. Pet burials, memorials services and even complete funerals are becoming commonplace across the nation. There are even many pet loss support lines. Many pet owners are now finding that these "after-life" options help them to gain closure. Watch this video to learn more.

Vaccine for Serious Canine Cancer Nears Reality Cancer is a scary word for anyone, even when it involves our pets. Recent research at a large veterinary hospital and a human cancer center may pave the way for a new type of vaccine to help stop a common cancer of humans and dogs. A leading veterinary pharmaceutical company has recently released a conditionally licensed vaccine to help treat dogs with melanoma. Watch this video to learn more.

Special Pets Might Need Special Veterinarians Seeing your pet sick is hard enough, but what happens if your veterinarian seems to be stumped as well? Increasingly, veterinarians and pet owners are turning to the skills and special talents of the veterinary specialist. More than 25 different specialties are available, helping pets with everything from cancer to broken legs. In fact, there are more than 8,000 veterinary specialists across the US providing rare treatment and diagnostic abilities. Watch this video to learn more.

Unexpected Pet Bills Lead to New Ways to Pay Serious illnesses and traumatic injuries can take their toll on your pet's health as well as your pocketbook. Unexpected healthcare costs can also lead to heart-wrenching decisions. For more than two decades, pet insurance has been an option for some pet owners, but pet savings plans and even credit for pets are now more common. Which idea will work best for you? Watch this video to learn more.

Allergic Pets and People The constant chewing and licking is enough to drive someone crazy! From spring until fall, pets, just like their owners, can suffer from the ravages of allergies. But, pet allergies are not limited to just this time of year. Food allergies can happen at any time and even those pesky parasites, fleas, can show up year round. Allergies can be frustrating for owners and are a chief cause of veterinary visits across the nation. Watch this video to learn more.

High Tech Lost and Found For more than 15 years, pet owners have heard about the security and peace of mind that microchip identification can bring. But with new and confusing additions to the market, plus several competing database sites, just how safe is your pet? Is it possible that your microchipped pet might not make it home? This high tech identification for pets is a great idea, but may not be ready for prime time. Watch this video to learn more.

Traveling with Pets Doesn't Have to Drive You Crazy By plane or car, more pet owners than ever are taking their dogs and cats on vacation with them. A few minutes of preparation and homework can help you to avoid common pitfalls and even serious accidents and injury to your pet. Whether it's picking up vaccine records from your family veterinarian or calling ahead to find pet friendly hotels, your "vacation homework" could just be a lifesaver. Watch this video to learn more.

The Cutting Edge... Laser Surgery for Pets! Whether it's used for correcting vision or removing unwanted tattoos, people are very familiar with the use of lasers in human medicine. Few people, however, may know that lasers also have a place in helping keep our pets comfortable and safe during surgical procedures. Veterinarians across the country are finding out the benefits of providing this innovative service and pet owners are learning how much faster their pet recovers. Watch this video to learn more.

How Pet Food Is Made Recent events have many people questioning what goes into their pets' diets and what kind of safeguards the pet food manufacturers have in place. With more than 15,000 brands of pet foods available, owners are often confused about which diet might be best for their dog or cat. With the help of your veterinarian, choosing the ideal food doesn't have to be so complex. Because of these massive recalls, the pet food industry will be forever changed. Much more scrutiny and care will be given to supply chains, testing and quality control - even in an industry that for the most part has done an amazing job at all this for decades. For now, be vigilant now and watch the news. We predict pet foods will improve even further and the companies that make them will work hard to re-gain your trust and re-build their image. Watch this video to learn more.