Arden Moore
America's Pet Edu-Tainer
Pet expert and best-selling author
Celebrate Valentine’s Day – and Every Day with this Remarkable Tale of Love!
Cathy Conheim...................................
Tune in to this very special episode of the Oh Behave Show as guest Cathy Conheim shares the tale of a remarkable friendship between a three-legged cat named Henry and a two-legged dog named Tink. Henry and Tink display resiliency, can-do attitudes and pure love. Their tale is guaranteed to inspire you and fill you with love and hope. And, five lucky listeners who email show host Arden Moore (Arden@fourleggedlife.com) with the keywords, Henry and Tink, will win autographed copies of the new book, Henry and Tink: A Remarkable Romance. Don’t delay – tune in now! !
Questions or Comments? Send them to: arden@petliferadio.com.
Transcript will be available shortly.