Taking the Hospital out of Pet Care
..Dr. John Boyd .............................
Quick…What comes to mind when you think of a hospital…a lot of sick people, strange smells, those indecipherable overhead pages…code what, Dr. Who, go where??? and staff that seem to be ignoring you. Think veterinary hospital…now what do you think of?...barking and mewing pets, anxious looking pet owners, a plethora of unpleasant scents and staff who look distracted by myriad details?
There is a new model of pet hospital with an aim of treating the whole pet…mind and body. It strives to have the pet parent feel as relaxed and pampered as their furry charges. Southern California recently had the opportunity to enjoy the opening of a second unique breed of pet care center. My guest is Dr. John Boyd, the CEO/Founder of Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort and Veterinary Centers.
Questions or comments? Email Dr.Cruz at: thepetdoctor@petliferadio.com.
About the Author: Dr. John Boyd, DVM, CEO AND FOUNDER. With his flagship facility in San Diego and a new Irvine location opening soon, Dr. John Boyd is a leader in the emerging field of veterinary hospitality and intends to take his successful model of all-inclusive pet care nationwide. Dr. Boyd attended the University of Southern California as an undergraduate before earning his doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of California-Davis. Prior to creating Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort, Dr. Boyd founded Pacific Petcare Veterinary Hospital of Carmel Valley in 1992 along with the Dr. Boyd’s Foundation for Pets. Dr. Boyd is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, California Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society and is regularly featured on XETV-San Diego 6.
About Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort: Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort & Veterinary Center is a one-of-a-kind, all-inclusive veterinary, grooming, daycare, training and boarding facility with locations in Irvine and San Diego. Enthusiastically referred to as the Mayo Clinic of animal care, the Super Nanny of dog sitters, the Emily Post of animal etiquette, and the Biltmore of pet boarding, Dr. Boyd’s is dramatically shifting the paradigm of traditional stereotypes from bare-bones clinics and fenced kennels to state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor spaces—infused with sounds, scents and scenes of the natural world. Professionally staffed around the clock and open every day of the year, Dr. Boyd’s is the premiere one-stop destination where pets come to heal and stay to play. For more information about Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort, visit www.drboyds.com.Dr. Boyd’s Pet Resort and Veterinary Centers