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Love That Dog Hollywood Kids & Animals on Pet Life RadioLou Wegner on Pet Life Radio

...............................Lou Wegner

Lou Wegner

    Actor, musician, and animal advocate Lou Wegner appears in Trouble With the Curve starring Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Justin Timberlake and John Goodman, Nickelodeon’s The Thundermans, Doughboy, a patriotic film starring Weekend at Bernie’s Terry Kiser about the high cost of freedom and real heroes, Random Acts of Christmas, Modern Family and other film and television projects.

    He founded Kids Against Animal Cruelty (KAAC) in 2010, a non-profit foundation for animal rights, rescue and adoption.  He started KAAC at age 14 when he learned that city shelter animals are put to sleep if not adopted.  There are chapters in eight states run by teens.  KAAC members are active in animal issues making headlines today including banning puppy mill sales at pet stores, closing down city shelter gas chambers and responsible pet ownership.  He is also lobbying to educate his generation on the importance of pet owner responsibility.

    With more than 50,000 KAAC supporters, members and partner coalitions, and celebrity support including Denise Richards, Joanna Krupa, John Schneider, Malese Jow, Elaine Hendrix, Eric Lange, Tim Moore, Emily Capehart, Addie Daddio, Lulu Cerone, Nicole Cummins, Laci Kay, Stephanie Levy, Kaileigh Brielle, and Wendon Swift, KAAC is among the fastest growing animal rights groups.

    Wegner’s music video/PSA “1Life2Live” was filmed on location at the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter in Los Angeles.  His pop music trio “Blonde” will soon debut its music video/PSA “Midnight Sun” depicting wild Mustangs and native Americans in a safe, sheltered mythical realm.  It is raising awareness for U.S. federal laws to ban the slaughter and transport of horses on American soil for human consumption and to preserve our disappearing western frontier.  Pretty heavy stuff for a kid his age. 

    When not busy acting, Wegner works tirelessly finding homes for shelter animals, going to school, writing music, playing sports, supporting children’s charities, co-hosting a weekly radio show Love That Dog Hollywood! Kids & Animals! and taking care of his seven rescue dogs.  He lives in Burbank, CA, is a 2nd degree Black Belt, martial artist, swordsman, and longboard enthusiast.  As he motivates fellow teens and adults to stand up for change, he is a role model and inspiration
    to those around him. 


Teen Actor Animal Advocate Lou Wegner

Kids Against Animal Cruelty YOU TUBE Channel Here (YouTube PSAs)

Kids Against Animal Cruelty Facebook Page (Facebook Page)

Twitter (@louwegner) Kids Against Animal Cruelty (KAAC website)

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