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The Pet Doctor, Your Pet Health Matters on PetLifeRadio.comBernadine D. Cruz, DVM, host of The Pet Doctor

Bernadine D. Cruz, DVM
Veterinary Media Consultant

Birds of Prey…Protecting, Healing
and Insuring Their Future

Dr. Diane Levitan ......... Dr. William Ferrier

...Dr. Diane Levitan .........................Dr. William Ferrier


‘Birds of prey’ is a term that conjures up the African desert and a flock of vultures circling some unfortunate lost, very thirsty wanderer. Closer to home are hawks soaring above our fields, country sides and cities. They are graceful, strong and are at the top of their food chain.  They are also frequent victims of the close interface of wildlife and man.  Altercations with cars, high voltage lines and toxins have all taken their toll of these magnificent birds.  Why are they important to our ecosystem? What can we do to protect their lives and their habitats?  My guest today is Dr. William Ferrier.  He is the Senior Clinical Veterinarian of Campus Veterinary Services at the University of California.

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