Bob Tarte
Exotic Pet Expert & Author
The Biggest Week in American Podcasting, Part 2 .....
,,Linda Tarte .................................Bill Holm ..........
............................................................Bob Tarte and Book Character Bill Holm experience what one birder terms the worst spring migration day in 13 years at Magee Marsh in northern Ohio, and the paucity of birds is mind boggling. Nevertheless, they manage to see a few noteworthy species – like a White-eyed Vireo and a pair of nesting Prothonotary Warblers – and to their surprise they realize that they had a great time after all. Even more astoundingly, Bill admits to having enjoyed his interactions with birders, who were so desperate for something to look at this year that they flocked around turtles and frogs.
Questions or Comments? Email Bob at: bob@petliferadio.com
Bill Holm and Marcia Davis are writers living in Holland, Michigan. In addition, Bill is a character who is unflatterinly portrayed in Bob Tarte's books Enslaved by Ducks and Fowl Weather. He is a lifelong resident of west Michigan. Marcia was born in New York, raised in New Jersey, and writes poetry. She also writes for Herman Miller, Inc., an office furniture company.