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Wynn With Dogs!Raquel Wynn, host of Wynn With Dogs

Raquel Wynn
Certified Personal Trainer
Animal Massage Therapist

Senior Spot Revival

Enhance life for your elderly canine!  Did you know that geriatric onset occurs in pups as young as 5 years old?  This is too young!  Often, arthritis and orthopedic issues hit our senior pups hard.  In addition, physiological symptoms and body breakdown can manifest and create havoc for our furry, older friends.  While we can’t stop the process of aging, we can diminish pain and provide comfort for our aging dogs.  Create a favorable environment for that senior Spot in your life, and aging won’t be a no win situation.  Listen in as Raquel talks about geriatric dog issues and what we can do about them.  Life is a marathon, not a sprint…consistency, balance, and a gentle approach will help you win with your elderly dogs!!

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